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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Can take it or leave it, but don´t actively search either out
  2. Where are you. Might need to try a compact at the SE Bash and have a think, though probably not as I am pretty happy with the S12T & mine has a grill not cloth
  3. BUMP from halfway round the world, cos I´m bored with the "entertainment"
  4. "It's Wednesday, so if you're interested you'll have to wait a couple of weeks now" type bump
  5. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1347365281' post='1799784'] It's just a piece of acrylic? How much would that cost to knock up in the shed? [/quote]There are a few YouTube videos from people who have built their own. Studiospares seemed to have replacement hinges. The main requirement of a DIY version seems to be rounding all the edges so you do not slice your hand off moving them.
  6. Moon Safari Lover`s End Pt. III (Skelleftea Serenade) [url="http://www.progstreaming.com/_wb/pages/play-album.php?activeAlbum=00173+-+Moon+Safari+-+Lover%60s+End+Pt.+III+%28Skelleftea+Serenade%29"]HERE[/url] Yet another really good current Swedish prog band - IMO of course.
  7. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1346575042' post='1790608'] I had the RV4. It looked like a rickenbacker with music man pickups. It was an excellent bass. I used it in a Jam tribute band while I was depping for them. Sold it recently. Very hard to sell as that annoying bloke ( I won't bother to name check him, he doesn't deserve it) from rickenbacker kept getting my ad pulled from ebay. But the new ones do look interesting. Familiar but different [/quote]Sorry to harp back on this, but on what grounds was he getting it pulled? Based on the note in the For Sale forum the registered marks are the headstock design, name and nameplate design, NOT the body shape apparently. Funnily enough having already seen these here when the previous batch went up for sale, the drummer in my proggy lot sent me an email re these after we have been talking about "The Bass We Dare Not Name"
  8. Apologies if someone has this on watch, but this looks interesting and rather nice [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Steve-Smith-lined-fretless-headless-6-string-Heart-Heartwood-Goodfellow-/280959868104?_trksid=p4340.m1986&_trkparms=aid%3D555001%26algo%3DPW.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D29%26meid%3D1960185178530633263%26pid%3D100013%26prg%3D1013%26rk%3D3%26"]Fretless & headless 6 string[/url]
  9. I've use [url="http://www.wey-group.co.uk/about_us.htm"]Wey Group[/url] to send but they're probably no good to you in Sheffield. More recently [url="https://www.deltec-courier.com/"]Deltec[/url] delivered the Squier P I bought on here overnight Cardiff -> Guildford for £13 & with no problems
  10. Still got my ancient (mid sixties the repairer reckoned, though the repair probably makes it a "Trigger's Broom") Superbass 100. Haven't gigged it in years, but it does have a thunderous roar to it. #2 son has it stacked up in his room and runs it up as a [size=1][i][sub]guitar[/sub][/i][/size] amp on occasion I'd love to use it, but it weighs a ton!!
  11. New song added to the set called "Big Wheel". Always thought that this was a good catchy song. Not a lot done to this one. Added a slight auto panner to a section of the guitar and some extra horns using IK Sampletank I'd be interested in comments generally & on the mixes. Depending where I listen to this I sometimes think the bass is too much, then again sometimes it disappears, for example on the system in my Audi it's verging on too much, but in the BMW X1 I had as a courtesy car. it just disappeared. And that's not to suggest that that car audio systems are the best place to review a mix, just one of many I bounce them around to. There are certainly bits of basslines that I want to re record all these years down the line, but that's another matter. There's a couple that always get me where the first part of a libe I dont play stacatto, but then I switch to a more clipped style that works better. Remembering back all the parts were tracked over a long weekend at a local 8 track studio, and we did around ten songs that w/e. All shortish 3 or 4 minute affairs, but still it was a lot to get through & self produced so noone to say "don't you think it'd be better to make that bass part more consistent?" Sort of have in mind to try to get them onto somewhere like eMusic and see if I can get a couple of pence towards what it has cost me so far just in digitising the tapes. I know I'll be lucky to get anything much, but some of the mixes I hear on my monthly trawl for new music to download for my sub there (eMusic) makes me think these are a great deal better than some of the desperately dodgy that can be found...or perhaps I'll just be adding more dodgy stuff to the pile.
  12. [quote name='hen barn' timestamp='1347309902' post='1799257'] Ok just got the pass for the day! So I will be coming and will bring my status kingbass !! But no slapping it!!!! Lol [/quote]I'll say hi again then
  13. I often feel that I would like to be running the amp that bit harder. Perhaps that's a problem with a too efficient cab?
  14. Ped, will you be making the SE Bash? I'll have a lanyard there if you are
  15. Good stuff! Now get yourself out and give them some low end hell
  16. ...and Skank just beat me it finding this [url="http://www.graceacoustics.co.uk/products/Amplifier-Screen.html"]Grace Acoustic Amplifier Screen[/url] The question then becomes; how much of a screen to have, just 3 sides, plus a top? Has anyone used one of these in anger for gigs?
  17. Ah yes. Thanks for reminding me. I meant to start a similar search this w/e
  18. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1347272906' post='1798577'] Bought one of those for my band and ended up having to buy normal par cans to supplement it in the end as its not really powerful enough on its own good piece of kit in terms of the space it takes up however if you buy it i'd suggest buying two as one really isn't powerful enough to light a band [/quote]You're not wrong there. I was trying to get away from a couple of cr@ppy boxes with DIY store floodlights & gels in. More money than sense me & I was sick of waiting foranyone else in the main band to get enthused about trying to add a bit of moving light for a bit more of a show The floods the OP was talking about look interesting
  19. That would explain my problem trying to use my Kindle to browse yesterday then. Thought it might be easier than the minute Blackberry screen that is always a bit of a trial to login with anyway.
  20. I got a set of [url="http://www.kam.co.uk/index.php?action=product&product_id=385"]THESE[/url] which are fine, & set up quickly & easily out of the way behind the PA but I could really do with another set
  21. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1347258157' post='1798466'] I wanted to buy a bass from Thomann, they wanted bank transfer. Our bank this end wanted £24 for £509 changed to however many Euros. They said the bank at the other end would charge but they couldn't tell me how much . I didn't buy the bass. I have just, last night, had exactly the same with Bach (Czech) and I'm not going to buy from them either. People who only sell bass gear in Euros need to think of the extra charge that is putting on the British members of the EU. Or lose business. I am sure I am not the only one who will think sod that for a carry on! [/quote]If it's something you're going to do regularly, and frankly even if it's not, why not get a currency card like [url="http://www.caxtonfx.com/currency-cards/"]CaxtonFX[/url] You load the Euros on from your bank at a good rate and buy in Euros. Pretty good rate & it costs nothing to have and can (or could) save on card charges by people like RyanAir. Downsides are €150 minimum load and it costs to get money back if you load too much but otherwise greatr IMO. Just about to load mine for this weeks hols.
  22. The passive fretless is a bit like my Pro1 fretted, but has a W not PB in the serial. It has the same PB teardrop control with the coil tap between vol & tone that mine used to have, but the pup on mine was more central. IIRC there was a Pro1 fretless @ Bass Direct a few months back asking £1,800.
  23. "It's here 'til Wednesday, then I won't be for a bit" type bump.
  24. Back to pur favourite gig in Chichester last night. First set a bit thin on the ground, but the second they went ape. It's quite a small & odd shaped gig with a small stage that I am off. Second set the crowd were mad & bouncing into everything, but it was a nice way to finish before my hols. We've started doing Highway Star, but with two guitars & no keys so one guitarist emuates the keys solo & the other Mr B with both harmonising at the end of it. Felt hellish fast last night (though that was probably adrenaline) but it is really shaping up quite nicely. A few fluffs but all pretty minor. Didn't have any decent gaffa tape for my pick hand fingers, so the first knuckle on the third finger (next to lil pinkie) is totally shredded to **** today. Still it was worth it. Eventually stopped @ 12:15 having aimed @ midnight. Home by two. While we were packing up one of the barmaids said to the WAG's waiting for us "So girls tea or coffee?" and while we packed up they had a little tea party in the corner. Very refined
  25. Looks like it's widespread. I had emails from Stringbusters & Strings Direct re the same
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