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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. A/Bing amps would be an idea & if I can remember and bring the recorder & camcorder perhaps some clips. I know Clarky can't make it but there was a thread his problems with getting the sound he wanted from a GB Shuttle that might have been possible from the Streamliner, so if we had a selection it would be interesting
  2. How about some [url="http://www.scratchpadusa.com/index.html"]Scratchpads[/url] logo'd up for BC? If nothing else it'd help me as I can't seem to track down replacements for mine
  3. First set was probably OK but with PA set up problems (he forgot a power supply & there was much panicked bodging so no sound check) it was all a bit meh IMO Second set went better crowd wise Tonights a long one. Must make sure I have enough water handy
  4. I just find that having played with a pick for years, and having right hand fingers that are slightly twisted with arthritis, I find pretty much anything fingerstyle a trial. Probably because I have used a pick for so many years I just have ways around that I know work. At r/h on Weds we were doing Burlesque and I thought I would give it a go with fingers, but it all felt so much more fluid using the pick. String skips & all. Same with Highway Star. That said I do recall that a few years back when we were doing a more bluesy set I did switch over more to fingers instead of pick, and with perseverance managed to get much better in time. Trouble is now that the fingers have twisted slightly so that they fall over each other & I just don't have the patience to work at something other than a pick.
  5. What a burk I am. Turned the plate over & realised it had a WD sticker on the back. DOH!!
  6. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1347002947' post='1795768'] Looking forward to seeing the finished article Al ! LC [/quote]So am I Gary. Funny thing is that having got the plate off for a template it looks like it was a replacement itsself as a number of the holes don't quite line up - that's not a complaint by the way just noticed it last night & made me think I might need to refill & drill. Gave it a blast @ r/h on Wednesday & was sounding good.
  7. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1346976076' post='1795695'] Well I guess respect is due, but it does seem like a lot of effort just to stick a mic stand up your arse . [/quote] DOH! I hadn't noticed that. New from Walls - Bassplayer on a stick
  8. Black Squier P has arrived and I am busily taking the black scratchplate off to send as a template for the mirror & what does MrsW say (apart from "How many basses have you got!?" and "What do you need all them for?") after the answer to "What are you doing?" is "Taking this off to send as a template for a mirror plate" - and of course following "How much is that goig to cost?" She says "Why?" and "It looks nice like that that'll ruin it" For crying out loud!! It's for this It has to be done! Shame the numpty behind my one'll be such a fat, bald old ####
  9. 10 month bump to clear the decks
  10. Slightly naughty, premature 3 day but I'm off on hols very soon type bump. Am I asking too much for this? It's six months old, virtually pristine and lists new for £399? Now I have the box that LemonCellos P came in I'll post for the asking price (£290), though obviously collection, or a halfway meet would be possible.
  11. Just taken delivery of Gary's Squier P. Very easy transaction with the one causing all the problems being me making up my mind, then sorting collection. Very easy bloke to deal with & good comms so we both knew where we were. Cheers Al
  12. ...and it's here. Now I just have to wish I wasn't tied up doing other things for the next two nights & unable to give it a proper blast. Need to pull it apart for the tarty mirror plate to be made now. Just call me Phil
  13. "This really needs to go before I go on holiday" type bump
  14. The two I have seen from yesterday so far I am the one at the back on bass who appears to have eaten all the pies and is nodding along to the tracks out of time - though I have kidded myself into thinking that is the difference beween the speed of light & sound to the camera (yeah right!) Currently falling out of love with everything I'm involved in
  15. Horsham Festival of Sound, Carfax Stage. 15 minute changeovers & 45 minute sets, but amazinly they all seemed to work & run to time. Took my rig, but if we get to do it again may not bother as the Behringer rig was actually sounding pretty good Being prog we managed to clear the place - well not quite - but it seemed to go pretty well, if in a blur. Everything seemed reeeeealyy fast, but actually looking back at bits of video about so far it was about right. Set timed to perfection Chatted to one BC'er. Finished off the night watching Mainly Madness who had the crowd bopping.
  16. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1346548228' post='1790525'] Which gig was that? Not what used to be the John Peel (can't remember it's new name). Used to be a great gig in the 70's & 80's. We went back there last year & a complete waste of time for all concerned. [/quote]Carisbrook is what I was thinking but I se it was the White Horse. Used to be some good gigs down that way, but people just don't seem to go out anymore. Smoking ban probably hasn't helped, though it helped meas I gave up 26 years ago and really hated coming home smelling like an ashtray after gigs
  17. Used the Boss CE20 (currently for sale in my sig below) that allows you to store 4 patches and have a 5 manual optio. That is good, though a double pedal so a bit larger than normal. Currently using an EBS Unichorus that I really like. A smidge on the doubling setting sounds good with the fretless
  18. Dan, Has Saurus bitten the dust or is this as well? I've now added PK5 & DSI Mopho to my arsenal of gear, but you know what Ican/can't do from before. Good luck
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1346359477' post='1788415'] The pub will be fairly flexible on the gig dates I'm sure and a couple of gigs there will be handy to get us started anyway. [/quote]So that's your NYE gigs sorted then
  20. Which gig was that? Not what used to be the John Peel (can't remember it's new name). Used to be a great gig in the 70's & 80's. We went back there last year & a complete waste of time for all concerned.
  21. Anyone else playing this? [url="http://www.festivalofsoundhorsham.co.uk/"]Festival of Sound[/url] - [url="http://www.festivalofsoundhorsham.co.uk/epsilon/"]Epsilon[/url] I am due to play the Carfax Bandstand @ 19:00 with my proggy lot, but hope to get up for the day & a wander to see what else is on
  22. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1346480202' post='1789665'] Awesome, so simple and so effective, does it have a low action? [/quote]Yup that's pretty low. I like my basses set that way, despite the way I play it's very easy to play. Was starting to waver on letting this go last night, but I have to be sensible. 1 in / 1 out & I REALLY cannot justify 5 basses for the amount of gigging I am doing at the mo! So go it must
  23. Sorry to hear that chap. Not had it yet - though am expecting something similar with one (could be wrong) - but I did spend a few days chuckling at the dirty washing that got aired on FB when the funky band my drummer is with ditched their female vocalist.. Top tip. - Don't take it out on FB, it does noone any good, even if it makes you feel better at the time. Tell anyone who asks you what went on if you like, just dont make a huge fuss on social network sites - IMO obviously
  24. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1346437033' post='1789303'] I listened to your sounds and I love the sound of this, can I ask what effects gave you that please? I'm considering your bass... [/quote]Tom It was recorded into Mackie Tracktion on my Mac throught an EBS Microbass II (but using that purely as a DI switched to pre EQ) to a Novation nio 2|4 into Mackie Tracktion. All that has been added is a smidge of plate reverb with IKMultimedia CSR Plate reverb on the Vintage Plate default patch on a low level send on the fingerstyle versions. So bar the reverb it was recorded completely flat, volume & tone controls full up on the bass & then three versions sweeping from the J pup on its on, to both on the centre detent on the pup pan pot, to the P on its own A
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