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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Mine arrived today. I'll tell you later.........p'raps
  2. I have a Genz Benz Streamliner 6 and the Barefaced S12T and it's lovely & warm. A/B'd the Shuttle & the Streamliner before purchase - though I had gone to buy the Streamliner but thought I would check as bother were there. The Shuttle in the S12T was just too "clinical" and needed the tweeter rolled almost off, while the Shuttle was warmer and had tweeter rolled back in. If you're at the SE Bash perhaps we should set up the two side by side to see? EDIT - Just realised you're at the footie so a No this year.
  3. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1345468317' post='1777771'] Im in one of them holes also, which book was it Walman? [/quote][url="http://www.basslinepublishing.com/the-bass-player-s-guide-to-scales-and-modes.html"]Stuart Claytons Scales & Modes[/url] from Bassline Pub, Should have got it a few months back when he had a deal on, but..... I should know this stuff, but having made it up as I went along for the last [i]cough[/i] [size=1]thirty [/size][i]cough [/i]years I decided it was about time. Hopefully not tooooo many bad habits to erase
  4. [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]1. Hamster - Fender Hotrod P/J, Bareface Compact, Auralex Gramma Pad, SFX Thumpinator; either Markbass 800 Tube or Ampeg PF500 Portaflex[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]2. BigBeatNut - Rob Allen Deep 5, Status Electro, Lakland 55-02 Fretless, Markbass CMD121P, a selection of SFX micro pedals[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]3. Stingray5 - Musicman StingRay5 and Stingray fretless, Tune TWB-6, Trace Elliot BLX-80 combo, Boss GT-6B fx, Gramma Pad, (+ raffle bits & freebies).[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]4 OBBM - undecided on basses but Schroeder cab(s) and mini-rack Mk2 (+raffle bits)[/font][/color] [i]5. Charic (tentative) - ACG Finn 4 (Drop C tuning), Yamaha RBX6JM, Modded Fender MIM, TC RH450, 2 x TC RS210, Line6 DL4 (delay pedal), Behringer Chorus Pedal[/i] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]6. Happy Jack - Ampeg Baby Bass and (just for OBBM) at last I'll bring along a Hofner Verithin. If there's enough (any) interest, I could also bring along a Fishman Fusion pedal plus a rig to play through.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]7. Macdaddy - custom shuker or custom Iceni Zoot or Hamer Blitz + raffle bits [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]8. Billyapple - Gibson Thunderbird, Un-Finished Wishbass Lobe, Matamp GT200 Head, Matamp 212 Cab, DHA VT1 Eq[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]9. Walman - ([i]assuming it'll all fit in the smaller car I got last year as I was cutting down on gear [/i][/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica,arial,sans-serif]) Wal Pro1/Custom hybrid, 2 x G&L L2500 US, Tanglewater ClassicJ, Roland PK5 bass pedals w DSI MoPho synth, GenzBenz Streamliner 6, BF Super12T - alternatively a poll on which to bring may be required[/font][/color]
  5. Glad you're enthused. Stick at it. I sadly am at the other end of the scale and in a black "what's the point" space. Hopefully the technique book I ordered last week will get me to snap out of it!!
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1345187988' post='1774625'] Tequila is wicked stuff, right? [/quote]Sorry, where am I, who are you and what the hell am I talking about? I was just sat minding my own business and then suddenly it's tomorrow & I'm here
  7. I shall be preparing to fly so sadly not In the process of getting some of the big fecker gulls off the roof and must the the nurse for an ear descale then Carry On Waywrad Son. Have to be the SE bash for me the following w/e
  8. Good luck with the search. It does happen. One of my guitarists lost his silverburst V years back. Distinctive. Yes, but more so bebause the back of the neck had an impression of his hand from the night he was stood too close to a flashpot. That turned up a few years back and was recognised because of that blemish
  9. Well I try, and I know what I want to be singing, it just takes a few run throughs to get comfortable with what the bass. I doubt any of us are that different really, but in early days & while getting confidence, it's probably best to get the day job sorted (bass) then add the part time job (BV's) The more you do it, the quicker the two come together, but if BV's are causing you to struggle with the bassline, then get happy with that first
  10. We play detuned to Eb, which helps, and then adjust tunings to fit after that. That does then mean that some songs are not feasible at the end of the day. You could always get one of these http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgciodHZmbk
  11. It's a matter of practice. I find when we start a new cover I know the BV line I want, but until I have the bass line sorted I get trown & screw up. Once you're happy with the bassline go for the BV's
  12. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1344900867' post='1770976'] Uploading to YouTube just means other people can see them, wider spectrum of advice from others as well as it saves up a few Mb on the laptop/computer. [/quote]Trouble is the YT comments so often seem to be either incredibly good, or viciously bad with very little helpful stuff in the middle. Also I often wonder quite why some people would want others to see them when many are positively dreadful, unless they have some hopelessly over inflated view of their abilities. They often either get unhelpful "[i]wow that's really good maaaaan[/i]", or vitriolic put down that just leads to a flame war
  13. Interesting to see, but I don't go out of my way to search them out, unless just possibly I'm trying to work something out & another persons view/way of doing something might give a pointer to a bit I can't get (though more often than not I am unconvinced by the example and let it pass me by) Personally I tend to avoid the headless "here's my version of [i]insert song title[/i]" 'cos I recognise that there are othes far better qualified than me. I put full band covers up to the bands YT channel
  14. Get yourself along to the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179031-south-east-bass-bash-no6-surrey-saturday-29th-september-2012/"]SE Bass Bash[/url] &/or a Skype sesh with [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/179031-south-east-bass-bash-no6-surrey-saturday-29th-september-2012/page__view__findpost__p__1694208"]McGraham[/url] - something I ought to progress, but whilst I can bellow at gigs I fear to inflict a Skype lesson on my family As elsewhere I backed into taking a lead vocal on Saturday night .... and promptly forgot the words Still ought to persevere, though must remember not to record the results!!
  15. So far this afternoon Spocks Beard - Spocks Beard followed by SB - V The Great Nothing .... what an uplifting epic (IMO obviously) and now starting SB - X I bloody love the band, the tone Dave Meros gets and the variety of his basslines.
  16. [quote][size=4][font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Never been too cunning, I'm no linguist[/font][/size][/quote] - The Tubes - Tip Of My Tongue
  17. Came upon me unexpectedly. Was singing along to the vocalist/guitarist (who often looks for a rest for his throat) and he looked round & nodded "off you go then" at me. And what happened? The words to All Right Now instantly escaped me How does that happen!? It's not as if I was even playing the bass at the time DOH!!! Still that's the first time out of the way. Onwards & upwards!
  18. Add your name to the list - there will be one at some point I suspect Rock up on the day with whatever gear you want to bring with you Pay on the door
  19. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1344531497' post='1766120'] Maybe lol. I'm pretty sure it's not for me though. Shame really, as it would have been nice to have the deal but Im not one for using gear that isn't suited to me. [/quote]The Streamliners are VERY different to the Shuttles so I wouldn't dismiss it without trying
  20. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1344519503' post='1765849'] The only difference between astrology and astronomy is that astrology makes testable predictions [/quote] oh wait....you're winking.
  21. Elixirs here, though I am quite liking the Ernie Ball Cobalts on the Tanglewater and may go for a set on one ot the L2500's to see
  22. Truedat .... oooo look at me down wiv da yoot And worth every penny. A great day out with like minded lowenders and we have mad a few quid for charidee every year with the balance
  23. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1344156054' post='1760388'] i had no idea Nick was still producing albums. He was one of the better acts from the 80's and hugely under-rated outside of the pop scene. Let me know what the album is like Dave [/quote]Will keep you posted. He tends to pop an album out every few years. The last three (15 Minutes, To Be Frank & You've Got To Laugh) are all really good - IMO obviously - but yes very underrated.
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