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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='mr.noisy' timestamp='1339692302' post='1692884'] and my holiday off from work starts 10th of september [/quote]Me too Do we have to bring a Warwick? That would require a further GAS attack
  2. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1339681813' post='1692606'] Ladies & gentlemen I'm pleased to announce that, thanks to the excellent efforts of our very own Hamster, the [b]SE Bass Bash 2012[/b] is now confirmed for [b]Saturday 29 September[/b] To be held at the usual location ! (When I get a minute over the weekend, I'll start a new thread..In the meantime, please book it in your diaries) [/quote]Phew! I'll be back from hols
  3. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1339440495' post='1688562'] i very much doubt that the person who gave them the new gigs on the back of their street party gig insisted that they keep the exact same line up sounds to an old cynic like me that they are not happy with you playing in more than one band - i'd let them know politely but firmly exactly what i thought of their passive-aggressive schtick [/quote]would the punter even recognise it was a different bass player - unless the dep was behaving like the "drummer at the wrong gig"!?
  4. Sold Carl my Tech21 MIDI Mouse recently. Nice easy deal. Quick friendly to & fro of PM's while I found it, checked it still worked & then we agreed a price and exchange details. Swift payment & a pleasure to do business with. Al
  5. Having a Tubes day today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIDRMT-HEK4
  6. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1339518598' post='1689792'] well where are you buddy not to be rude but to try any barefaced cab would be a plus? andy [/quote]Sorry, between Portsmouth & Brighton, and if you were coming this far you might as well go to see the range with Alex
  7. Can't really help with a tryout of my S12T, but I suspect that it would be rather brighter than you are after. Still a great cab though
  8. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1339511529' post='1689579'] don't remember seeing you there! Truly awesome gig. [/quote]Ah shame. MrsW & I were about 4 back in the middle. Yes indeedy. Top night, and looking at the above tales of woe just goes to confirm that I'll take a small sweaty club over a p155 filled field or enormodrome any day Roll on The Tubes in July The only outdoor gig I have ever been to was in Milton Keynes years back for Bon Jovi, Billy Idol, Little Angels & Manic Street Preachers (IIRC) and that only because I got the offer of a cheap ticket on the day when a mate dropped out sick.
  9. My download experience....I went and saw the Little Angels Download Warmup gig @ The Wedgewood rooms. Top night & I was back to the car and on the road in 5 mins
  10. Let's see:[list] [*]the vintage Superbass 100 (that I still have though is probably a Trigger's Broom nowadays) that blew a fuse at a gigperhaps 25 years ago, and was fixed IIRC with a fure out of a mates Moggie Minor [*]the Trace Elliot combo that would cut out intermittently and took three returns before the fault was tracked to a hairling crack on the input board, and led to my having an XLR permanently ready to plug into the Wal's DI out; [*]and then the usual, thankfully infrequent user failure when going back for an encore, the song starting and there being no bass for ages while I check the battery in the radio, radio's on, all leads plugged in, tuner not on for silent tuning, round & round in increasingly paniced circles...until I finally realise the standby is still on on the amp [/list]
  11. On a fairly regular basis with FF I get the site timeout message that always clears with a click on Try Again
  12. I was going to say You might want to give these chaps a call - [url="http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/acatalog/Electric_Bass_Guitar.html"]Bognor Guitar & Amp[/url] - and then realised when I looked at their home page that they are MB Music!! Just down the road from me and they do a lot of business on 'tinternet - shop is always full of boxes waiting to go. Can't really comment otherwise as I have only used them for smaller items like strings and just call in, but they always have a range of basses on the wall & do stock Lakland, but a nice guy who has been there for a few years so if they have it and you can get a good deal I would not say no
  13. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1338207114' post='1670754'] Paul Rodgers with the Deborah Bonham Band at The Venue, Chichester this Thursday (31/5); followed by [/quote] Pretty good night with PR on last doing a load of Free & BadCo, but no Queen funnily enough Managed to keep my arms locked at my side for the charity auction before he did his set - eg the Jimmy Page Danelectro "Who'll start me at £2k? Thank you. 3. 4. Well I know someone in the states who'll have it for £6k. Any more? Sold" [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1338207114' post='1670754'] Little Angels for their Download warm up @ The Wedgewood Rooms Southsea the following Tuesday (5/6) [/quote]Now this was a damn fine night! Not quite so much hair nowadays (except for Mr Jepson). Rock the way it should be. Three rows back in a small sweaty club, not through binoculars at some enormodrome, or soggy field. The support (The Temperance Movement) were pretty good too in a Black Crowesy / full beard de rigeur fashion.
  14. Downloaded this from eMusic at the wwwkwnd. Not had a chance tp properly listen to it yet
  15. [quote name='MickyMan' timestamp='1338807317' post='1679412'] Oh come on! How bad an @rsekicking can you get for buying another bass? Lol. [/quote]You've not met the missus then I shall keep my powder dry ([i]briefly?[/i]) as I currently have much love for passive rather than active - despite 3/4 of my collection being active! Still it does look real purdy
  16. Oh good lord...get thee behind me satan!! Was looking to build something like this, but a fifth bass in the house will get me a MAJOR @rsekicking from MrsW
  17. WalMan

    Chord pedals

    or even http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfGz1KcoLcw
  18. I have a jubilee rehearsal tonight...does that count. Just had the text to confirm it is still on, as the 8u99ers left me of the email cancellation for the last one that rather ticked me off Time to load up & go I think
  19. Drummer in my main lot uses a metronome to set speeds, though feel tends to take over so we probably move around it a bit. For me, particularly towards the end of the night when I would prefer the set to flow a bit more I find it bit of an annoyance at times to get to the end of a song only to have to wait while the new tempo is dialled in before we start the next one. Probably doesn't take that long, but to me it sometimes feels interminable, particularly if the crowd has been up enjoying itself and starts to drift off looking confused in the gap
  20. Yup. Drummer & guitarist from my proggy lot were there.
  21. Paul Rodgers with the Deborah Bonham Band at The Venue, Chichester this Thursday (31/5); followed by Little Angels for their Download warm up @ The Wedgewood Rooms Southsea the following Tuesday (5/6)
  22. [quote name='merlin' timestamp='1338124750' post='1669828'] Its not the only song they do thats a little odd..and I thought it was only me?? [/quote]It's more the shifts and different open strings being available, "shapes" required ... so mainly down to my inability after all these years to learn modes properly I 'spose But I know what you mean. There are a few where I have played them a particular way that I was sure was correct, then happened to hear the track again & realise the bassline is very different, but that's a whole different thread.
  23. [quote name='BRANCINI' timestamp='1338147792' post='1670139'] Not sure if you can do this with a part time occupation. I'm sure sombody on here will know more. If your wifes not working, she can do all your books polish your Basses, and answer the phone etc. And you can claim for her wages. long as you dont pay her enough to have to but a stamp theres little or no paperwork, and no checks to make sure you actually give her the cash.. [/quote]Well as ever, yes and no. If all it is doing is creating a bigger loss then you can but you will not be able to set it off against other income (there was a tax tribunal case that said as much recently) Also what you pay needs to be commensurate with the work done, and ideally there should be a trail to show payment actually made - difficult if you have a joint account but for preference that should be by a transfer so that you can prove the payment has been made.... and don't forget minimum wage legislation and a redundancy payment when you give up. But what price can you say is reasonable for the odd phone call, two lines on a spreadsheet and polishing two basses after a gig? Use of home. Unless perhaps you teach from a room at home or have a r/h rookm the band uses then you will probably only be looking at the HMRC suggested rate of £3/week
  24. Playing Lizzy' "Boys Are Back In Town" Main band plays in A, dep band plays in G. After a couple of gigs with the dep band my muscle memory is all to cock and I was all over the place back in A
  25. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1337992585' post='1668542'] It's quite... Taxing? [/quote]Ain't [u][i][b]that[/b][/i][/u] the truth. That Moira Stewart does talk a load of tosh!!
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