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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. I swap my basses around as required into the MONO twin case and that is really good so I suspect that the single would be the same
  2. I use a [url="http://www.roland.co.uk/products/productdetails.aspx?p=1094#.T7fvPsWi18E"]Roland A300[/url] & a [url="http://www.davesmithinstruments.com/products/mopho/"]DSI Mopho[/url] Looking at the DSI site they doe a [url="http://www.davesmithinstruments.com/products/mophokey/"]keyboard version[/url] but I got the A300 to use as a controller on the PC at home
  3. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1337375010' post='1659150'] Meaning I wouldn't do any additional routing only to devalue a priced instrument, and I always think of resale price of instruments which once they have been butchered they loose their originality and that fancy bridge might not be everyone's cup of tea hence halving my chances of reselling the instrument. [/quote]I still have cold sweats at the thought that when these came out in the 90's I at one point considered butchering my Wal to add one . THANKFULLY lack of funds put a stop to that
  4. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1337337882' post='1658335'] Ordered the Mono, having berated myself for being a stingy old bugger. I'll post a review when it arrives. It does look a superb product. Went for the M80 in Black. [/quote]I have a twin Mono bag - thoat sounds stupid but you know what I mean. Got it a while back to make transporting the L2500's easier (than the two hard cases). Got to say I'm really pleased with it, and I now tend to mix & match which two basses I want at the gig.
  5. Plus the one. Even if they haven't got it their turnaround for a special order is really good - had an adjusted bag for my bass pedals withing a week after a swift exchange of emails.
  6. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1337202078' post='1657185'] Really? My set looked like crap a few weeks in, beardy and scabby, and I don't use the heaviest of picks - .88 Dunlops. Blimey. [/quote]They beard. It's not a problem as I don't care what they look like as long as they sound good, which they do, and it's barely noticeable - and I use 3mm Dunlop Stubbies
  7. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1337194360' post='1657041'] Elixirs aren't much use if you play with a pick, tho - well, not unless you like your strings to have a 'beard' pretty quickly [/quote]I do. Not a problem IME
  8. You might try saving for something like Elixirs. They are more expensive, but last a looooooooooooooooooooong time so probably end up working out mush the same as a cheap set you have to change constantly.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1337160217' post='1656285'] There's a big civil liberties issue here - a black box in every car (ostensibly for pay-by-mile monitoring) would provide an excellent opportunity for the government to keep tabs on the whereabouts and activities of every car user in the country, thus further eroding any existing shred of personal privacy we still have left. And before anyone says 'if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear,' don't bother - that's lazy thinking. [/quote]All our company cars have a black box in, but all they record is mileage covered so that those who think "it's a company car I don't need to worry about servicing" get a reminder when mileage is close to recommended. As I understand how it works the system briefly switches on & off to record current mileage every so often but no positioning is stored unless we pay for it to be switched on as a tracker if the car has been stolen - which we have had to do a few times sadly. So AFAIK it is possible to just store mileage & nowt else. Mind you that's what they tell us, wht do I know. The boxes do have [i]issues[/i] with some, particularly German, hi powered vehicles computers.
  10. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1336983202' post='1653384'] I've been in touch with Hamster and he's looking to find a date at the school where we hold the SE Bash... Ideally, it will be on Saturday 29 or Sunday 30 September, but if it moves forwards or backwards a week or two, it wouldn't be a problem. [/quote]Phew, that works for my holiday dates....assuming we ever decide where to go!!
  11. Not bad really. Did it with the long term dep with the normal similar longterm dep drummer so wasn't having to cue as best I could his stand in as last week. Quite a few bits of other bands in and we had a couple of guests come up for the odd number. Response was really good all in all once the miserable scrote who was stood right in front of the PA as we set up and had some initial feed back issues had fecked off. He really helped at one point by turning one of the speakers close by my mic round so that it was pointing directly at the mic Almost killed one of the guitarists amps when my drinks, bought in the break and put on a slightly more convenient shelf at the back of the "stage" area ecided to jump into the amp ... oops!! Thankfully one channel still worked and we finished the night. Basses were sounding good to me. Used the ClassicJ as well as both L2500's (well it would have been rude not to). Some changes to my usual settings on the L2500's so that they fitted with the ClassicJ settings without needing too much fiddling on changes & got some compliments on the sound at the end....which was nice
  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1336739997' post='1650251'] Perhaps I should mention that the quit room is where we lock up people who start slapping. They have to stay in there until they quit. Or something. [/quote]Missed that one as well Stop frame movie!!? Perhaps not; Time lapse!! DOH!
  13. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1336649107' post='1648839'] I think you might find the occasional slap might just occur..... [/quote]But only if someone starts to This is the stop frame I took at the mini bash in LA (that's Lil'Ampton mate). Gives no idea of the sound, but a feel of the day - loads of gear to ogle & try, plenty of chat & general good company. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn9Bo0UbQQM[/media] The SE bash, as mentioned has for the last couple of years been a quit/talks room, a loud room, & a jam room ......... and then there's the raffle You had to be there really EDIT - not stop frame, that would be madness ..... time lapse!!
  14. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1336691487' post='1649742'] My Bongo 5HHp has had them since the beginning of March and they are still fine. They give a mid range bump - they don't sound zingy when you first use them and they wear in nicely - sounds like a no brainer to me, and my Classic Ray 2 band is next in line for them. There was an earlier post saying people had said they last less than 2 gigs - this is nonsense I'm afraid, unless you're looking for ultra zing, in which case you should be buying something else anyway, because these don't give that (unless you overboost the treble on the amp/bass)! [/quote]Where did you find them and what sort of price? I might have to give a set a go on the L2500
  15. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1336687455' post='1649678'] Well [i]we[/i] lived in a septic tank in't middle of lake, etc. Nowhere to [i]put[/i] a sofa. [/quote]LUXURY!! etc., etc..
  16. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1336666234' post='1649211'] Nice playing and tone. What's your opinion of them? The P clip seems to have a nice top end to it. [/quote]Ta. I actually quite like them. Used in anger at a gig last Friday doing classic rocky stuff, and Sunday at a r/h with the Country/Americana band mainly using the P pup in the Tanglewater and the basic rig with no effects (ie bass, lead, GB STM 6.0 & Barefaced Super12T) and the whole thing was sounding pretty damn good and got a load of compliments at the gig, including "it's better than the red one, solid & well defined" (the red one being the US G&L L2500 with an older set of Elixirs on). It'll be interesting to see what the longevity is like, but if it is as good as the Elixirs, and the price was right (ie around £30 for a 4 string set not the near £50 quoted in some places) I could be tempted to try them on the L2500's as well. Difficult to compare the two as they are such different basses with the Tanglewater being passive and going into the STM with the gain switch in and the L2500 with the gain switch out, but I did fell the need to change the STM mid band to 220 for the former and 600 for the latter. Still, all in all in the rock gig context I liked them. They were solid and well defined, but had a nice bit of top to them and sat well in the mix.
  17. How are you intending to get your mix and what are you expecting to have in it? I have been through a load of different versions ending up with one of the soundguys Aviom rack mixers in my IEM rack - when I actually bother with them at all nowadays! That gives me the luxury of having a feed to the Aviom from the stagebox and the ability to set my own mix, which is generally bass, my b vox, a smidge of the lead vox for pitching, similarly small amounts of the guitars but rather more kick, snare & hihat. Before he got the Aviom kit I was relying on the line out from the Bass POD xT Pro I was using at the time, with the model out going to FOH, and then a foldback mix for everything else I wanted back from the desk, but it always seemed to change at each gig so was a bit of a trial & eror each time, which was a PITA. I have now gone the other way and had a set of ACS Pro17's moulded and use those rather than the IEM most of the time. I would suggest hiring a system in to see how you get on before shelling out wads on kit that might not achieve what you want. EDIT: Sorry hadn't noticed this was a resurrected thread so most of the above is probably no use / far too late in the day
  18. The Wal & Tanglewater ClassicJ are both blends. For the former I normally have the blend towards the bass side. For the ClassicJ, which is the new toy & the first fully passive bass I have had since Pete converted the Wal in '96, I have been tending towards the bass / P style pup, though I was experimenting with rolling that back a bit last night, however that was for the Country/Americana stuff where the P was working nicely. The L2500's are all switches and tend to be forward (or sometimes middle) on the pup selector, Series, and Active or active + top boost for a bit of extra clank.
  19. Blimey....in a MAHOOOOOSIVE thread resurrection !
  20. C0CK! as James May might have said. Already gone in a stampede
  21. [quote name='amnesia' timestamp='1336292204' post='1643496'] Dunlop 1.6mm picks. Strings will stay on my basses for a couple of months in rehearsal, because I don't generally care too much about the tone. In the studio or live is different though, and 1.5 / 2 hours playing is enough to take the shne out of them. [/quote]Blimey you must hit them hard. I use the big Dunlop 3mm Stubbies and Elixirs and dig in pretty hard, but they still seem to last a good 6 months. Just put a set of EB Hybrid Cobalts on the ClassicJ to see what the snakeoil's all about. Its early days - only a couple of gigs / rehearsals and a little bit of gentle recording - I am however liking what I hear at the mo. It remains to be seen (i) how long they last; and (ii) whether I can still get them at a reasonable price when it comes time for a change
  22. This'll be an "I'm getting back into passive but DAMMIT I have no ready funds at the mo" bump
  23. BAROCK PROJECT - Coffee in Neukölln http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRCgdsEdM6o Part of this months download batch from eMusic and it's pretty good IMO
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