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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Aaaah those were the days. Gigging with a pair of Marathons in a band that all used Shergolds
  2. Have you looked at his other items for sale
  3. [quote name='Jamesemt' timestamp='1331247679' post='1570427'] With a bad shoulder and a wide strap I can only manage about 8lbs. [/quote]Try a strap that goes over both shoulders and spreads the weight. I used a Slider Strap until I had my shoulder replaced a few years back. Also saw a new double strap on he Bass Gear stand at LBGS last week. It wasn't cheap and I can't see it on the site yet, but it was very new & either still in, or only just out of prototype. Seemed to hold the bass in a more normal position than the old Slider Strap I used to use
  4. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1331557428' post='1574668'] It's a basschat rule that within six months of joining you must own three basses, have already sold at least two more on to other members and be seriously looking to replace your rig. You'd better get a move on! [/quote]True My name is Alan & until I joined BC I had used one bass for nigh on 20 years, changing amps every 4 or 5 years. Then I joined BC. OOPS!
  5. Try stuff definitely. Depending on your budget I would also suggest you try G&L, US if you have a reasonable wedge, Tribute for less money and many will tell you there is very little difference in terms of results. If you can get past the Fender connection (L is Leo Fender but you probably knew that anyway) something like an [url="http://www.glguitars.com/reviews/L2000.asp"]L2000[/url] will give you plenty of switching options including Passive/Active. I got into G&L a few years back when I picked up my first fretted L2500, followed a year back by the fretless and love them to bits. IMHO they work beautifully in the classic rock / blues area, but go further than just that. They are an undiscovered gem, well I think so. Picked up both of mine, which are US models, for extremely good prices when you consider the current list - which gave me a nasty shock from an insurance value point of view when I found out what it was at the LBGS'11. Your biggest problem may be finding one to try.
  6. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1331492792' post='1573734'] Saw it on youtube [/quote]BU993R! I must remember to stop posting those!!
  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1331486259' post='1573549'] There's confidence and CONFIDENCE. I have seen some dreadful bassists with CONFIDENCE. [/quote]I've not seen you at one of our gigs N I know some said that his session last week was a bit out there - turn off your phone etc - but the the basic premise was spot on I thought (which is taking it OT slightly perhaps). The gist was[list] [*]"Turn off your phone" you cant learn if you're fiddling with a phone or on the 'puter [*]"Practice" and practice and practice [*]"Listen" you can always learn stuff [*]"Be confident in what you do" If you show up unsure it'll show. You need the building blocks, but then go for it. [/list] Illustrated (sort of) by getting one of the youngsters up from the audience to play his bass, bassically (d'you see what I did there) hitting the low E and getting a rather reserved bunch (rest of the audience) to stand up and shuffle rather uncomfortably as we Brits are inclined to do to the beat. I [i][u]know[/u][/i] I am not as good as I wish I was, but deep down I also [u][i]know[/i][/u] that I am a lot better than I think I am. I just wish I could have the courage of my convictions to brazen it out a bit more, and to have done so when it really mattered years ago.
  8. You needed to be at TM Stevens masterclass @ LBGS last Sunday. Preaching a great deal of the "believe in yourself" mantra. that I know I should pay attention to and not constantly do myself down
  9. Got my black Classic J last week. Noticed that the volume pot is wobbling, but I suspect that is because it had two days of abuse at LBGS'12. Anyone know how the knob comes off to tighten it? Is it just a pull as I cannot see a retaining screw hole? Plays nicely and looks good too. Had apparently been set up for the show by Chris May, unfortunately with a lighter set than I use normally (38-98 as opposed to 45-105) but I shall live with those for a while before getting a heavier set on. Thought that the J pup was quieter than the P initially, but actually I think not after yesterdays noodle, it is just that it is thinner (probably not the right word) being back at the bridge. We also have to bear in ming I have been using active basses since the Wal was converted by Pete in '96 All in all I am currently pleased with the deal I got railroaded (mind it didn't take that much for the plastic to be flashed ) into late in the show last Sunday
  10. Picked up a Classic J at the LBGS last week. Not used it in anger at a gig yet but spent a pleasant afternoon noodling on it whilst watching the rugby yesterday afternoon. Plays very nicely and I shall be taking it along to r/h and probably Friday's gig this week as it is just down the road
  11. Friday was the prog band. Went pretty well though as ever for us we don't get together often enough really, so there were some rough edges. Had to drop a load of numbers in the end, and run two sets into one abridged version. Took far too much gear. Had three of four basses out, but in the end only used the Wal & bass pedals from the bass "pit" below. Week before did two nights with the band I do reglar stand in's for. Was pre warned of one new one, but that was a piece of p155 learnt in the length of the song tso no problem. Saturday night at a British Legion, which was a bit wierd for a rock covers band but there you go. Had a couple of people along from another club videoing the gig with a view to more work. Don't think the drummer (who is also a long term dep really) realised as he and I were sat chatting with them in the break and they were enthusing about how tight the band was, knew the stuff, no panicky looks in the middle of songs, etc., and he pipes up with the fact that neither he nor I were regular members & I hadn't played with them since New Years Eve....OOPS!
  12. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1331420280' post='1572764'] The first time I heard 'Love Like Blood' was during a souncheck in a venue in Germany when the engineer ran it through a huge new PA rig full tilt to give it a workout. The lighting guy was working on the power so the room was in complete darkness. Scared the cr*p out of me! Great band. [/quote]Love that song. I sort of do the bass line under the guitar parts when my lot do "Ready & Willing" Completely different song / band type, but it works and always gives me a little internal smile
  13. Yup still get butterflies and tend to retreat into my shell a tad, so having MrsW chattering inanities ALL the way to the gig last night didn't help in my normal, driving on my own, bit of radio or a cd, chill. Stpid really after all these years but there's always a bit of something there in the pit of my stomach. Last night I thought I was heading for a heart attack the way my chest was thumping!
  14. [quote name='bencooper' timestamp='1331220566' post='1569706'] Hello all, Firstly I'm glad that most of you had a good time at the show. Regarding the noise issues, I sympathise entirely. I would say the show this year was definitely quieter than last year's. However, this feedback has also come from exhibitors on the day too, so you're not alone. In light of this we're currently investigating ways around it for next year. There are some options, such as soundproof booths that can be used on a time slot basis (ie 15 minute sessions max before others get to use the booth), sound marshalls with dB meters who will strictly enforce the quiet times (to the point of possibly turning off the power to stands, liken the do at Frankfurt Musikmesse), ensuring all stands are equipped with headphones like the chaps from Strings and Things (Ernie Ball), Bass Gear and other exhibitors and so on. Obviously we've got a lot of time between now and the 2013 show to explore the options that best satisfy all parties, and if any possible visitors are concerned before booking a ticket next year I'd urge them to contact us either via the website or phone nearer the time and we can confirm what we'll be doing to keep the noise levels acceptable. I do think it's important for people to be a little pragmatic - after all if an amp manufacturer is demoing their high powered heads and cabinet stacks, well they'll want them to be loud at times to show off what they can do. Some noise is obviously part and parcel with a show like this, but all points are noted and we're striving to improve things for 2013. cheers Ben [/quote]I wasn't too desperately bothered by the noise MOST of the time, but then I had my ACS moulded plugs in, and I spent a lot of time in the theatre or masterclass rooms. So far as high powered amp manufacturers demoing gear is concerned perhapos they should follow Marshall's lead at the music show every year I have been to that and hire in a sound proofed cube. Still enjoyed myself again though, even if what I was hoping to pick up (another MONO strap) wasn't available, and the lovely people on the Overwater stand got me into all sorts of trouble at home with their pincer movement sale at the end of the afternoon ... well I am expecting trouble at some point. It seems to have been stored to be held against me for future use at the mo
  15. Studiospares were advertising their own brand for around £29 recently IIRC
  16. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1331208723' post='1569366'] I think I've seen a couple of second hand instruments (advertised as such) for sale at a stand this year. Can't remember which stand though. [/quote] [quote name='ped' timestamp='1331208995' post='1569375'] Yeah I think I did too, come to think of it. [/quote]Wasn't that Bass Gear?
  17. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1331037964' post='1566610'] Was that the Enfield basses on the Sims stand? [url="http://www.enfieldguitars.com/"]http://www.enfieldguitars.com/[/url] [/quote]That's the ones
  18. I forgot to go back to the stand in the far corner with the basses with enormous PUPs and loads of switches (for quick changers in sound P->Rick if I overheard sort of correctly). Anyone got anymore dets on that at all?
  19. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1331037213' post='1566597'] we didn't have laptops back in those days I'm afraid circa late 80's / early 90's. You youngsters are lucky to have this modern technology Dave [/quote][u][i][b][size=5]Youngsters!?[/size][/b][/i][/u] In heart possibly but sadly not in body, being a few months older than you
  20. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1331023271' post='1566288'] Aw, you should have said something. Was that you sitting to my left (actually come to think of it it must have been, because there was a woman sitting to my right! ). Also got into random conversations with a couple of people who admired my bag (it's got 'E-A-D-G, Right?' on it). [/quote]Ah yes, twas you . Hey ho. Next year perhaps
  21. Just been noodling along to a bit of Rufus & Chaka Khan, which was fun and different for me
  22. [quote name='jamesbass116' timestamp='1330811489' post='1563428'] I bought a clever little string mute by gruvgear. [/quote]Looked at one of those & passed in the end. Be interesting to hear how they are Picked up a copy of Stuart Clayton's Solo Bass book, which I fear will keep me going forever [quote name='jamesbass116' timestamp='1330811489' post='1563428'] Really wanted to get an Overwater bass though... Shame I was about £1000 too short haha [/quote]eeeeeeeeeeer nearly All I can say is they ganged up on me at the end of the show. Yes the bloke in the Sh1teShirt having a pincer movement operated on him at around 17:00 was me Strings are a bit light for my liking - 38:98 I think they said when I tend to run with 45:105 but to change them too soon would be to waste a set up by Chris May, so I'll probably live with that til they need changing. And as I must keep reiterating whenever they are posted somewhere MrsW can see it (and I know it has been stored for a row in the future) "IT WAS A BARGAIN SWEETIE.....HONEST!!"
  23. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1330966268' post='1565496'] Yep agree - TIME is a fantastic track to cover. Did it in a 3 piece band yrs ago. Simmons drums and guitar synth. The bass pedal intro was the hardest part to copy although our drummer also had a sampler system that allowed him to copy the clocks and the chimes along with the bass pedal part. All very technical for a mere bassist like me who just played bass - I absolutely loved playing this song although i preferred playing the bass part from delicate sound of thunder version. Dave [/quote]copying the chimes as samples and triggering them from the pedals had been one of my options, but that would have meant even more gear in my "corner" with a laptop to run it from as well as the synth unit. At which point I would run screaming from the room. Not incredibly difficult, as mentioned in the OP, but the sum of the parts does make it epic
  24. Yes it was noisy - I really couldn't hear what the P on the JHS/Vantage sounded like - and it is possibly a bit light on stands, but that said I left home at 07:45 to get there for around 10:00 and stayed 'til the bitter end avoiding the noise with my plugs, but more so by going to the various clinics. As before I enjoyed the day, though my gear lapse at the end of the day whilst it got through the door at home with only a minor comment, I KNOW has been stored to be hurled ina row in the future
  25. LOUD. Rather more expensive than intended, but fun. Went to the TM Stevens & Neil Murray Masterclasses. Interesting to hear the points of view & good to see Funkle T talking in such a positive light to the youngsters. Yolande Charles (meant to get a CD but got tied up in other stuff and missed out) and Doug Wimbish put on good shows in the main hall. Met a few BC faces of old, added a few more and had a good chat with a few more, and missed even more. ...and finally following a sustained two pronged attack on the Overwater stand late in the day came away with a pretty good deal on an Overwater by Tanglewood Classic Jazz. Hadn't intended to do more than look today, but my will was finally broken and another bass entered the stable. After working in ways to smuggle it in on the train on the way home, none of which would have held any water, I just brazened it out
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