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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='Rainbass' timestamp='1330848696' post='1563623'] - GK MB112 is light enough to carry all the way from the Show to the Mulit-Story Car Park out back (had to get up early today to smuggle it into the house :-) [/quote]I ended up brazening mine out having had a two pronged sales attack on the Overwater stand (not an expensive one I hasten to add and tonights eBay & the last couple of nights gigs cover it - just) Chatted to a few BC'ers, missed a few more one the way (Seashell I think I may have been sat next to you at Neil Murray;'s masterclass but am a shy retiring flower) and kept almost getting a word with Dood but not quite, then Doug Wimbish rean over and it was too late. Ah well, there's always next year
  2. ACS plugs out and ready. Just deciding on whether to go for the Sh1teShirt I ironed them both this afternoon so it would be a shame to waste that hard work....just don't inspect my handiwork to well if I do, 'cos I'd have probably been better jut taking it out of the ironing basket tomorrow frankly Anyhoo, got to be up at 7 for the train so enouugh of this nonsense. Might see some tomorrow (make that later today)
  3. [quote name='Lenny B' timestamp='1330798397' post='1563219'] Well they nicked it from Floyd - that's what they did on the recording [/quote][quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1330802968' post='1563284'] Yup Saw Waters doing it in Hyde park a coupla years back on his solo tour. Gooood gig, got some REALLY dodgy video of me and me mates singing along to Wisha somewhere [/quote]Well there you go. Never too young to learn. Much discussion about CD's & MiniDisc players to cover it, then I came upon the [i]correct[/i] answer by chance
  4. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1330781891' post='1562918'] Intro to Time on a bass? This I need to see. Videos please! [/quote]We'll see how they come out Friday.........oh wait do you mean the clocks all going BONG!? No, I'm just doing the tick tock that follows. Nicked the idea off the BP in a Floyd trib band I saw a couple of weeks back
  5. Right. I think I may have to iron a Sh1teShirt for identification purposes Todays task before the gig. Pick up the booked train ticket and get a parking ticket for the station car park
  6. Was working through Time for the gig next week last Sat morning ([url="https://www.facebook.com/events/209959032374317/"]Epsilon @ Holbrook Club Horsham[/url] if you're interested BTW) and when we finished the drummer said something along the lines of "that Nick Mason's a lazy ****er. Only plays kick & snare in places" which the keys followed with "Rick Wright's not doing a great deal" to which I added "...and most of the time the bass is playing one note/bar" (at least on the songs we are covering) [u][b]HOWEVER[/b][/u] I should add that all agreed that be that the sum of the parts was still huge. Got to enjoy a bit of Pink Floyd....and I do both listening & playing. Most taxing bit for me on Time is the intro where I'm being the clock on the bass and playing the bass on the bass pedals
  7. Do you think I may have tooooo much free time? Made a BC laminate but rather doubt I shall have the gall to actually wear it particularly after I sold the MB for a GB recently
  8. Well I think I've "followed" a couple of people on Twitter (@AlanWebb) but whether I shall manage to work out how the hell to use if or get it to work in the Blackberry on Sunday is QUITE another matter!!
  9. [quote name='jamesbass116' timestamp='1330604548' post='1560114'] I'll be a wanderer on saturday. I'm not actually a muppet unlike my avatar suggests so it might be a bit harder to spot me! [/quote]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WWWTW1P8rQ
  10. .....and so in a potentially happy tun of events we have an update from tonights r/h ent along and to the Orange Crush25 (plus the main rig but left that in the car). Took it in and said "here's the new rig then" Surprisingly for quietish r/h's it will actually suffice. ANYWAY. Working through a load of new songs, including a Foo's cover that is fairly dense on the guitar front. Played through it a couple of times, listened to live and studio versions and worked on it a bit more, then the vocalist says it was missing someting and the discussion was over which of the three guitar parts our two guitarists should be following. One was obvious as the riff, but the other that was what was really needed, was for held chords. That led me to finally pluck up the courage to say something about tone settings. Stupid really that I mither about these things, but I am a great one for avoiding confrontation despite having know an played with these guys nearly half my life (more in the case of the drummer). So there was some harrumphing from the drummer about levels at gigs at times but I am pleased to say that the other guitarist backed me in the discussions re sonic space and the fact that a fair bit of the loud bass blame being hurled my was quite possibly not all me. So we went round it looking at ways of re EQing the guitar referred to in the OP and the intention is to set up a full gear r/h and work through settings. The two guitarists already spend plenty of time making sure they are playing complimentary lines and not just chugging the same thing together, so hopefully if we can get he full r/h sorted we can find a way through. Felt a bit awkward at times with 'tother guitarist backing my corner as it was a little like ganging up, but the comments were taken on board so we shall see. Onwards & upwards
  11. Must remember to get my plugs out of the gig bag Saturday night after the gig.......and not fall asleep for my change @ Clapham Junction Sunday morning!
  12. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1330441667' post='1557517'] If you get the foundation right then it becomes easier to lay the textures on top. Guitar can lose a lot of low end assumingthe rest of the band are supllying it (ie bass, keys) and in the context of the mix not sound remotely weak. [/quote] I seem to recall #2 son saying that when he was doing a sound production course the tutors had suggested a High Pass on guitars set at up to 1k would not leave them weedy, but give the space for everything to fit in, and IIRC when I tried that with some multitrack it did seem to be the case [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1330442348' post='1557531'] Thing is you cant cut through a hole that isnt there. If there is no hole you wont cut through it, you will compete in that area and thats when things become messy, which defeats the object.... [/quote]...which was really where my "Cutting through the mix" rant started, and as above what I really meant by that is what Beedster is referring to as "sitting in the mix". I just want my bit of the sonic spectrum to use and not have to EQ with effectively a sad face to stop mix mush
  13. Just back from the lunchtime wander and had to chuckle when I picked up Bass Player mag and was flicking through while waiting for a till to be free, to seethe final article in the mag was The Grooveyard reprinting an article from 1993 called .........."[b]Defend Your Sonic Space[/b]" That was actually more bemoaning live sound engineers for goiung for a monster kick sound at the expense of bass.
  14. [quote name='Dave Tipping' timestamp='1330385682' post='1556783'] My definition of cutting through would be.. being heard in the mix. i.e. not muddy and lost. It does ultimately boil down to the sound you are trying to create or replicate though. [/quote]This, or at least it was what I was getting at
  15. Chris "Cutting through" in the context of what I was really getting at is actually a misnomer. I don't do solo's What I really meant/want is MY fundamental bit of the frequency range not cluttered with loads of guitar bottom end that ultimately means I feel the bass often gets completely lost in the mix whereas if a certain person cut his full on bass boost and pushed his mids a bit more I think we would all end up with our defined bands and a better overall mix. (I'm starting to sound like a harping old moaning Minnie aren't I ) For the sort of classic rock we do in the band in question I tend to feel that the rythmn section needs to drive things along and the guitars can flash along over the top of that all they like, but if the bass is getting swamped out by guitar mush and lost in the mix the energy of the song gets lost
  16. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1330380165' post='1556648'] are those shirts decent quality? that is a serious q by the way [/quote]Yup they seem to be pretty well put together from fairly decent shirts in the first place all the stitching & seams are good on mine - only had them a month or so and subjected them to aq couple of gigs so far, but I luv'em. They are speading like wildffire down here, in fact I suspect we may have a Sh1teoff at our next gig to celebrate a Sh1te band
  17. Used to be black shirt & jeans, but I have recently become a convert to the [url="http://sh*teshirts.com/pictures"]sh*teShirt[/url] so now its one of those, jeans & my trusty Converse
  18. ....and now A.C.T - Today's Report SE from which [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNTPHRpcYaE[/media] to be followed shortly by [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAKeRKGmRCA[/media] Another really good Swedish prog band that's gone missing presumed split since posting a couple of YT vids of the "Making of album #5" that never saw the light of day sadly. Saw them at Mr Kyps in Poole on a cold Sunday night a few years back with no more than 50 punters in, which was a great shame.
  19. The Flower Kings - Alive on Planet Earth. Just had to replay "In The Eyes Of The World" as it has a couple of "shivers" moments. A bit long, but I would reeeeeeally like my prog lot to cover it
  20. [quote name='gicut58' timestamp='1330359124' post='1556177'] I'll be there on sunday. Am gigging sat night so if you see someone wandering aimlessly around who looks more than half asleep then that'll be me [/quote]It could just as easily be me...for exactly the same reason Mind as that is my normal look, if you knew me you would never know
  21. [quote name='david_l_perry' timestamp='1330349411' post='1555963'] Hope you guys and gals don't forget to come and say Hi to us on the stands.... Myself (EAD) Alan (ACG) and John East (East electronics) are all on the same stand..... Come for a chat ! [/quote]Ah ha! Will be interested to see your 1x12
  22. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1330335532' post='1555698']The other thing is i tried out my Gramma board for first time and whow - what a difference. No boom and drummer loved it. Maybe that's the reason my bottom end dropped a bit. I wasn't hearing the original bottom end boom which i was mistaking for low bass. Sad to admit that i never raelised it but cest la vie. I'm enjoying this thread - for someone with many yrs experience its still a learning curve and any advice is always welcome from fellow bassists who have also experienced similar issues. Dave [/quote]Yup first time I used the Gramma pad I actually ended up taking the rig off it in the break as the bass appeared to have disappeared - that was on a high boxy booming stage mind. I am now used to it and it certainly helps. Life is one big learning curve isn't it!! Must try some of Simon's suggestions - if I can get it through!!
  23. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1330340690' post='1555804'] I'm going both days [/quote]Good LORD!! There's enthusiasm for you!! Might bump into you then though I shall probably not be the one in the hat
  24. White Punks @ The Fountain last night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlJeQ4pAL8g Not a well known song to many (unless they know The Tubes or have seen us in recent years) Didn't notice that I had set the video so that it missed me - though probably just as well. Funniest, and best part for so many reasons was that the bloke who had been dancing to a set of mixed fairly well known stuff interspersed with less known covers had said to the vocalist just before we got to this one "Can you play something we [i](for which of course read I)[/i] know". Steve introduced it with something like "Sorry but this isn't really going to help as you're a bit young" and then the crowd really went for it shouting out "White Punks" and going ape at the end.....which was particularly pleasing in the circs
  25. [quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1330258916' post='1554669'] Anyone else played on a postage stamp? [/quote]Nearly always The honourable exception being General Henry's in Littlehampton (a bit far for you probably ) that is turning into a nice gig with a decent stage (including drum riser) with house PA & lights. Edit: Oh yes and a dressing room (of sorts) - well its a room you can change in that isn't the toilets or pub kitchen, and from which you can walk straight onstage
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