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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1330261614' post='1554737'] holy crap its next week! where does the time go..... also does anyone know when it finishes? time wise [/quote]The site says 18:00 Booked my show ticket last week and just sorted the train ticket this morning. Who's going on Sunday?
  2. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1330258236' post='1554646'] IME, that will be because the bass was rolled off. Iv said it before in this thread, the bass end of things should belong to the BASS PLAYER, not the guitarist, tell them to roll the bass right off and you roll yours back on. The overall sound will be full, weighty, punchy and everyone should be closer to where they should be. [/quote]You're not wrong, and preaching to the converted there. I don't really have a "home" setting. For noodling/practising at home I either use the baby Orange practie combo, or headphones. It seems pointless to mess with setting at home in isolation. Friday nights settings in the twin lead moments were (again IMO) exactly where they all needed to be mix, level & sound wise. The guitars were solid and the bass had a good full girth sound. It was in the other times when the bass from everything just became a swampy mess. Perhaps if I could get him to EQ the Clean channel for chords with the bass rolled right back on that at least (and to actually use that channel particularly in the second set) we would be getting somewhere.
  3. The prog rig, though not on the amp front (those are the r/h studios), and apologies for my gurning mug Roland basspedals > Roland A300 keys > DSI Mopho Wal > EBS Microbass II > TC Electronics Nova Dynamics > Boss TU2 > EBS Octabass > EBS Chorus
  4. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1330199307' post='1554146'] In most bands I've played in over the years, every musician is too keen to point out the perceived inadequacies of everyone else's sound instead of looking at their own. It's always someone else's problem. As long as this view persists there will be issues. Part of the problem is where we spend most of our time playing and practising. For most of us in amateur or semi-pro bands this will be in our own houses. We set up a tone that sounds pleasing in that particular environment and then stick with that tone when we move into the full band scenario. It almost always doesn't work. It's a shame that ego also gets in the way. Guitarists and singers are, of course, particularly prone to this. They know everything and we know nothing. It seems to be the way of the world... [/quote]Yup. Perhaps it's me. "Remove the mote from your eye" etc etc [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1330248425' post='1554447'] Bass tone is so bloomin tempremental. [/quote]Ain't that the truth!! So last night I stuck to plan bass & treble rolled back, 600hx mids boosted. inputs rolled back, master a micrometre from completely off, and spent most of the night managing not to dig in. IMO the bass sounded cr@p and barely audible to me, but everyone else was happy with their nice full fat sounds and the rowd were enjoying themselves....so that's OK Still I haven't listened back to the recording so perhaps that'll prove it's me all along............................meanwhile over in the Depression thread Anyone want my rig? 'cos I think I might as well save some money and swap it for the cheapest, cr@piest one available. The Wal into the pedalboard with the Microbass II run into the effects return (the only input I can get to work) in the rubbish Trace combo in the studio at the prog r/h in the morning sounded great. Think I'l take the Orange 15 to r/h on Wednesday MrsW said "are you happier tonight, Max said you weren't last night" before we started last night, so it was noticed but probably just put down to my hormones
  5. Oooh dear.I do fancy a Rick type...mind I think I would really want the black one. Still other fish to fry at the mo, so just a burmp from me I'm afraid
  6. End of two nights, and it was hard work as it ran to[list] [*]two one hour(ish) sets with the classic rock band - and some moaning on my part re fighting to be heard in the melee (see elsewhere) home and in bed around 1 am; folloed by [*]back up at 8 am to get to a four hour rehearsal with the prog band [*]haircut, end of the England game, iron the Sh1teShirt and back out to last nights (Saturday) gig [*]which with encores ran to over three hours. [/list] Cramped up in the second set last night. Drank 4 x 500ml orange isotonic type drinks during the main sets and around 6 or 7 pints of coke, three just in the encores rying to rehydrate & stop cramping in my fretting hand. Tonight the GB STM 6 was just barely on and eq'd Bass rolled off to around 9 o'clock, treble backed off to 11 o'clock, and mids set @ 600Hz and at around 2-3 o'clock just to try to punch through. Others (guitars & drums), and sound guy, happy enough, but as far as I was concerned most of the time the bass was only barely there for me and (I trust) was coming through better FOH in the PA. Audience probably cared less and were all enjoying themselves and joining in, but for me I am having to compromise to a middly, and frankly fizzy & sh1te sound (IMO) to accommodate for others who will not GIT OOOORF MOI FREQUENZEEES . I just don't feel that the bass is giving the rythm section drive that the songs need. Still perhaps I just a deaf old fecker who needs to invest in an 8 ohm cab the will lower the amps nominal output and allow me to get past master a micrometre past completely off. Ah well lets see me proved wrong when I listen to the recordings. Still the gigs went really well - other than my bas centred gripes. I shall, however, be p155ing like a horse most of the night bearing in mind my fluid ontake during the evening, despite being a regular sweaty betty
  7. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1330180588' post='1553801'] That's classic rock tone? It's the tone of someone not used to playing with other people. [/quote] It's the tone of a guitarist I've been plaing with for nearly 30 years . 'tother guitarist has much easier settings [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1330180734' post='1553804'] In the sound check jump on your tractor with straw in corner of mouth, drive across the stage and point the shotgun in the guitarists face, and in your best Chippenham drawl bellow... GET ORFF MOI FREQWANSEE.... If he refuses, shoot him in the face and hang him at the back of the stage as a warning to the other guitarist [/quote]Tried GITORFMOILAAAAAND last night to no avail Otherwise, thanks for the comments and you're largely preaching to the converted. I have been playing with this drummer for pretty much all my playing life, and the rest of the band nearly as long. All good mates, which makes life much easier, but I have been getting a bit p'ed recently with getting the blame for things I am not entirely convinced are me (for example the wolf notes the other guitarist was getting in the second set that I think are not actually me, but guitarist #1). Trouble is we're all getting longer in the tooth & deafer Oh, and I have a gramma. which has tightened stuff up Last nights gig is an odd one as it is one of those poxy pub gigs in what is in effect a converted Victorian/Edwardian house where we are i one room, there is an arch through to what was probably the large entrance hall originally, then another set of arches to the bar. As before tonights task is to hit the 600 mids roll of bass & top along with the master, and come what may NOT dig in when I have difficulty hearing myself and NOT touch anything ESPECIALLY the master. I may even photograph my settings at the start and end of the night as proof (to myself if noone else)
  8. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1330186858' post='1553907'] There's a way to find out . Could deliver it to my accountant at Del Quay Yacht Marine (his address always slightly worries me . Karl. [/quote]You rotten tempter you Lets see how a couple of things going on fleabay go this week
  9. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1330160079' post='1553423'] Level probs as in too loud, Al? Never! [/quote]Mate you wouldn't BEELEEEEIVE the grief I was getting last night (see elsewhere) and I reckon a fair bit is actually down to the guitarists settings....hey ho
  10. Oooh now then I wonder if the 4x8 might help me with my level probs by curring the STM's ower to 300W?
  11. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1330156309' post='1553371'] Mime at sound check for a bit let em make the comments and give the looks. Then point out you weren't actually playing [/quote] I did for a while last night, more for my benefit to see if I could hear the bass or not. Problem with that is that is that at that end of the evening level is not the issue (though cut enains for me) It is the second set when levels miraculously leap though "no one touches anything" that level becaomes an issue. Like I say I think tonight is a night forno digging in and banging the master back even further The Streamliner has more traditional Bass Mid Treble tone settings with "[size=3][i]Selectable 3-Position Mid Frequencies: 220, 600, 2.5K HZ [/i][/size]" I think I an set on the 220 band but will check tonight. Otherwise I have:[list] [*]Gain boost switch (STUN ) off [*]Gain 12 oclock [*]Volume 11 o'clock [*]Bass 11 o'clock [*]Mid 1 o'clock [*]Treble 1 o'clock [*]Master 8-9 o'clock [/list] Running into the Barefaced Super12T with the horn about halfway on. I think I need to invest in a BT Midget and keep the S2T for another of the regular deps that require a bt more power
  12. So as ever at tonights gig I really felt that the bass just wasn't cutting, either through the PA, or generally and this has been really ticking me off, particularly as I always seem to get "You're too loud" "There's nothing through the PA so I have no control" yet when I listen at soundchecks, and on recordings from the Roland R-05 digital recorder I always get the feeling that the bass is generally lost, especially when the guitarists are playing chords. In the twin guitar bits everything sits better, but chords.... So tonight I feel I am tickling the bass, have everything rolled back, in the soundcheck the bass isn't really distinct and for the classic rock set we are doing it really ought to be fairly in your face with the guitars spaced around it and the kit which are driving things. First set wasn't too bad, but the second got OTT and I was getting the evils from the drummer, along with one guitarist saying he was getting horrible bass wolf tones that made him think something was out of tune. In the past I have mentioned to the sound guy that I felt that the bass wasn't really there and that perhaps a High Pass on the guitars might help it all sit together. He does have one set (around 300Hz I believe but it coud well be lower). Now fair enought, I am no saint, but I do really try to keep levels down and other than getting an 8 Ohm cab to cut the power of the head I am running out of places to go to knock the volume And then I look at the other guitarists amp settings. so lets us consider those and whether they might not be helping? We have a Marshall JCM2000 60W TSL602 set as follows:[list] [*]Clean - Gain 10 : Treble 10 : Middle 3 : Bass 10 [*]Crunch - Gain 7 : Volume 7 [*]Lead - Gain 8 : Volume 9 [*]Crunch/Lead controls Treble 8 : Middle 3 : Bass 10 [/list] Oooh 'ello, do we think this might not be helping. Did comment of the settings, particularly the bass as potentially "invading my space" butr apparently set other than this and it squeals. Ah well. Tomorrows bass settings are "virtually off". GB STM 6.0 master set below the 9 o'clock it is currently on. And there it will stay come what may, and I shall resist digging ing. Everyone can play to me. So tomorrow nights
  13. GAAAAAH!!! It's comiug up weird on the Ipaq and don't get me started on the poxy Blackberry
  14. For those that like a bit of prog, you really should give Moon Safari from Sweden a go (not the Air track) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N3HxHi2GIs[/media] Picked up a couple of their albums on eMusic then got the most recent on Amazon. There are numerous bits in the track above, and all through the albums that are just glorious (IMO obviously) 1:35, again around 3:24, 9:30, 11:30, the swoop around 12:15 just make me feel good everytime I have been listening to these albums over and over, and never seem to tire of them And this one (which reminds me a little of Springsteen Meeting Across the River from Born To Run in the piano figure at the start) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atqVpQO_ByA
  15. Killing Joke - Love Like Blood Nik Kershaw - Show Them What You're Made Of Gary Kemp - An Inexperienced Man There are also a couple of guitar solos I have probably mentioned in a similar thread before, one being A.C.T - Mr Landlord. Both are a bit guitar w@nk BUT they have momenta where the run, through a key change give me bumps everytime
  16. I really ought to buy my Sunday ticket. I shall be the one wandering about with a slightly glazed look after two night of gigging, and sadly the Saturday is the longer trip Hopefully no engineering works this year. The taxi to cost me an arm and a leg last year.
  17. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1329388415' post='1541547'] Really envious - I usually have about 30/40 minutes drive as most of the gigs are local to the rest of the band. [b]I find that I need at least an hour, sometimes two before I can go to sleep[/b] [/quote]This. and this week I have to get back up at sparrows f@rt and drive for 4-5 hours
  18. Indeed. Used to enjoy a drive home to Whispering Bob. Best one ever was the night the keys player had arrived at the gig bemoaning the fact tht his soon to be ex wife had given him a pair of shoes for his birthday. Bob Harris used to read out messages from bands / people on their way back from gigs and I managed to leave a message that he read out that went something along the lines of "Happy birthday Nick from the rest of the band, and ...nice shoes" Shortly after I had a phone call from the birthday boy who had been listening in his car Worst one was falling asleep whil driving the hire van. Nearly home having driven 30 miles the wrong direction to Brighton to get the vocalist, turned round and driven to Southampton picking up others on the way, done a two hour gig + set up & breakdown of the gear, and then the same journey in reverse. Managed to get to about a mile from home before I dozed off & left the road, THANKFULLY on an S bend that at the time went onto an unfenced bit of grass (now there are fence posts & trees and it would have been a bit different. Then the van bounced up the kerb and across the grass. I came to, stopped the van, had a little think about things then drove home and went to bed intending not to say anything about it to MrsW. Unfortunately shortly after my head hit the pillow and I dozed off I redreamt it and woke up shouting, so had to own up
  19. [quote name='Darkglass' timestamp='1328778960' post='1532408'] Hey! I will be there as well helping out in general and answering any questions about Darkglass pedals! See you all there! [/quote]Can either of you make sure there's a long Mono strap left for me on Sunday I need one more and it seems easiest to do it direct there & save the postage. Sunday looks the likely day for me & I shall have to remember the badge I made up with an ols BC business card picked up at a BassBash years ago and the laminator (the first & only time I think it has ever been used since MrsW bought it because "[i]it was a bargain[/i]". Gigging Friday & Saturday (I think though it's deps and I [i]still[/i] don't know where ) So Sunday's probably best.
  20. I'm afraid I was guilty of a cancellation for next week on the grounds that MrsW "had a hissy fit". I was anticipating us going away for a few days Sat-Wed with me back in time for r/h on the Weds eve. Russia & China (in the form of MrsW) operated her block veto by getting snippy as she had to work the Sat (I thought she was off). To be fair that rarely happens and I do get away with moider most of the time trying to fit in 3 1/2 bands at the mo. Worst otherwise was the keys in the prog band ringing at 9:30 on the morning of a r/h due to start at 10:00 to say he had things to do at home. This for something that had been in the diary for weeks if not months, as we get together infrequently so things get planned and put in the diary well in advance in the run up to a gig
  21. Nope. Firewood is too kind a term for it Actually it was not sold, but lent to someone who left it ina greenhouse where it warped to heck. First proper bass (Black Shergold Marathon later converted to a silverburst 8 string). Not really. Nice enough bass, but hardwork as an 8 string
  22. So the gear "war" continues. Wanted a better smaller keyboard than the M-Audio 49 I have. I was thinking os one of the 25 key controllers to run in a chani Roland PK5 bass pedals->?? key keyboard on a stand->Mopho, this having established that it gave me some more control over things likeMod & Pitch bend, and sometimes a keyboard is easier than the pedals (particularly with my size 11's as my feet dont do winkle pickers and it is easier to accurately control the pedals with bare/socked feet I have found. Went to GAK, having been to Andertons at lunch on Friday and realised that the cheaper 25 keys master keyboards were mostly USB and not DIN cable MIDI, and then looked at more on-line and had another S0D1T moment deciding to get something I could use to control the Mac/PC for recording at home. Still thought 25 keys would suffice, but ended up being talked into the 32 key Roland A300 (by the Roland rep they have in there I subsequently realised ) along the lines of "it's only another £20" and ought to tie up better with the Poland PK5 - not so sure there, but having looked at 25 keys and the additional real estate required for the 32 keys went for that. Bit of a Mr Creosote moment "but sir it's just a wafer thin couple of keys..." etc First try oiut at r/h this morning was a little awkward as the Roland power supply I use to run the daisy chain for effects, PK5 and ultimately A300 died - I think it has been on the way out for a while with a break somewhere in the lead near where it comes out of the unit, allied to the fact that I was having to run everything through the Line In / Effects return as I could not get a lead into the normal input on the studio's Trace combo. Got it set up but the bass pedals wold not talk to the Mopho through the A300. Turned out that was a matter of RTFM, which I only did when I got home tonight and have been sat in front of the BAFTA's with gear over the floor to prove it all. The A300 has a MIDI merge swith that I had set to ON in the studio, but which required deeper editing to actually assign the MIDI In from the PK5 to MIDI Out on the A300. Now working loverly The A300 means that I can change programs on the Mopho so that can live back at the amp and I only need a note of the patches and what they are at the front. Keys player in the prog band commented that it was a bit much when the bass player had better keyboards that the keyboard player It will be better when the PK5 is working as well now I have worked that out, but I was getting some nice bits going on less fiddly bits when I could hammer on the bass with my fretting hand and hit notes on the A300 that sits on a stand on my right. The Mopho has some good basses in the factory sounds so I should not need to get too deeply involved in editing patches thankfully, and a lot of those have a reasonable release tail so that the note doesn't always just cut out when I take my foot off the bass pedal / cancel the Hold function. That being so, and as the Mopho is a mono synth (not the poly rack I was using initially) I shall probably set the PK5 to Poly rather than Mono. When set to Mono the PK5 defaults to Hold on, which requires a separate tap of a button on the board to cancel the hold. Unless there is a release tail the note cuts straight off, and the Hold cancel button is also the initial button to change the octave and I had a couple of occasion where I forgot to press it again so that the next note I touched reset the octave setting and instead of a deep bass I reset the octave to C5 or somesuch and got a really high note instead. In Poly mode Hold is set to off, but as above as the Mopho is mono the fact that the pedals are polyphonic is not an issue, and with a decent tail on the patch I do not think this will be a problem. One less thing for me to worry about killing a note at the end of a section/song. Anyway that's the current plan. We shall see how it all works at next r/h, and at the same time I can try the volume pedal I have into the A300, which I forgot to do tonight.
  23. Last Friday was: [b]Waiting For An Alibi[/b] [b]Dude Looks Like A Lady[/b] [b]Comin’ Back For More[/b] [b]Wishing Well[/b] [b]Fire[/b] [b]Burlesque[/b] [b]Wayward Son [/b] [b]Helter Skelter[/b] [b]Good Times Bad Times[/b] [b]Loading Up[/b] [b]La Woman[/b] [b](WPOD)?[/b] [b]Are You Ready To Rock?[/b] [b]Hell and High Water[/b] [b]Ready and Willin’[/b] [b]My Kind Of Girl[/b] [b]Foxy Lady[/b] [b]Unconditional Love[/b] [b]I Want It All[/b] [b]Whole Lotta Love [/b] [b]Maniac[/b] [b]Are You Gonna Be My Girl?[/b] [b]Rosalie[/b] [b]School’s Out[/b] [b]Mony Mony [/b] [b]Encs: Gimme All Your Lovin’/Smoke On The Water/Since You Been Gone/Rebel Yell[/b]
  24. So the Mopho got its first outing at r/h last night. first attempt at running master keys MIDI out to Roland PK5 bass pedals MIDI in then MIDI out from there to the MIDI in on the Mopho, and after a bit of swapping around (initially thought I needed to go MIDI Thru on the PK5 from the M-Audion keys but that didn't work) and the system was running. It means I can use the volume control, pitch & mod wheels on the M-Audio and either hands or feet to play the synth. Only trouble was the keys amp in the r/h studio was SH1TE!! so all the nice basses I was hoping to use from the Mopho came out with a horrible rasp, and nothing I could do to the keys amp control seemed to help. In the end I plugged the synth to the effects in socket on the knack'd Trace rig I was using for the basses and that was a bit better. Still the principle works so persevere. It does mean that my "corner" with the prog band is getting cluttered. Basses, pedalboard (chorus, octaver etc), bass pedals & keyboard on a stand. Lucky the gigs we tend to do are on slightly larger stages with a bit of room and not cramped pub gigs!!!
  25. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1328224452' post='1524219'] Do all Genz have an hpf? (wondering about my Shuttle 3.0). Would certainly make sense for the lower powered amps. cheers Jules [/quote]I believe so. I know I emailed the company and had an exchange of emails with [size="1"]Jeff Genzler [/size]himself. I am sure when I looked at the manuals at the time it seemed pretty obvious what/where it was, but looking now I'm am not so sure. I think on the block diagram for the Streamliner it is the HPF before the master. Can't see that on the Shuttle 3 diagram, but I thought it was on all models. Best bet is email Jaff/Support & ask.
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