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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='stef030' timestamp='1327578118' post='1513540'] used to play this pub on a regular basis, the six bells at chiddingly, some of the people who lived local and always came to see the bands were keith emerson,I spoke to him a few times,smashing bloke he would sometimes play the piano on a sunday lunchtime,a bit of jazz and ragtime [/quote] - Yup [quote name='tombboy' timestamp='1327592756' post='1513915'] Played to Bruce Foxton once.... he tapped his foot to our songs. Must've been very drunk! [/quote] him too - legend has it, though I suspect it was the guy who did our sound & lights having a laff, that he was heard to ask if we were recording the gig having seen the Copicat Once played a gig with a club band that was supposed to be the first of a run of the things where the promoter got a band a comic/entertainer and a sports "hero" along who would do a Q&A session as part of the night. The first & only one was with Alan Ball. Got a very poor turnout so we had to spend the early part of the evening phoning friends to come down for free and ask planted questions.
  2. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1327928283' post='1518851'] I need to get into this. Got a macbook, interface, usb keyboard and cubase. Anyone reccomend any free stuff i can play around with? [/quote]Try IK Multimedia [url="http://www.ikmultimedia.com/sampletankfree/features/"]Sampletank Free player[/url]. It's free and comes with a [url="http://www.ikmultimedia.com/sampletankfree/sounds/"]set of samples[/url] that includes a few basses
  3. Whilst I don't have a Thumpinator, the Genz Benz amps have a similar system built in (one of the things I checked with Mr Benz before I bought as I was considering a Thumpinator at the time). We tune down a semitone and it has no noticable effect on the sound, just a solid low B/Bb. As I understand it what both do is filter the ultra low harmonics that you cannot hear anyway, but that lead to big speaker excursions expending a lot of energy to no audible effect.
  4. As elsewhere I picked up a DSI MoPho yesterday to use with the Roland bass pedals, but I think I shall also take my M-Audio keyboard and try running that through the pedals to the MoPho. It's only a mono synth, but for what I was after (something for the pedals) it sounded great on last nights first tinker. When I originally got the pedals the idea was to use it to fire Sampletank on the laptop, but with the pedals on MIDI connections rather tha USB from the keyboard it would not work & I had notes sticking on etc so had to rething things. That became a really cheap D110 rack that worked OK and now the MoPho which sound like it will be just the job. Roll on Thursdays r/h to give it its first outing
  5. [quote name='Westie9' timestamp='1327664147' post='1514905'] Like grunge666, i too have just pressed the button!!! Never heard them or even seen one in the flesh !!! Madness? probably, but not all the reviews can be wrong can they.......... [/quote]You will then have the same rig as me, which may or may not be a good thing, but I love mine Had a quieter r/h this afternoon and it was just sat there beautifully.
  6. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1327837562' post='1517338'] A left field one - make sure you are hydrated enough for the gig and have some water handy while playing. Wouldn't hurt to gradually build up your playing stamina to train your muscles to cope with the task. [/quote]Beat me to it. We have one long gig that is also more often than not a hot & sweaty one, and I can get through 2 or 3 litres of water over the course of the night. If I don't I know I run the risk of cramping in my fretting hand by the end of the night. Probably digging in too, but the water definitely helps
  7. Well in the end I got neither, but I did pick up a DSI MoPho from eBay today and it has some corkers in there that'll work just fine methinks. The "Tom Sawyer" & "Bass Pedals" patches are particularly thunderous (well through the headphones anyway)
  8. Now there's a thought. When I have decided on a day and mode of transport I'll be back
  9. As elsewhere, currently loving my Genz Benz Streamliner 6.0 & Barefaced Super12T rig
  10. I have a Boss CE20 for sale if you're interested. Only because I have ended up with EBS pedals, which are smaller and work well - said he stymying a potential sale The CE 20 is good and has a number of different modes including Bass, Dimension D & CE1, as well as 4 memory slots, so 5 possible "patches" with the manual space
  11. [quote name='wmsheep' timestamp='1326305860' post='1495259'] Brilliiant intro music It's available from [url="http://freedownloads.last.fm/download/300095148/RosFest%2BShow%2BIntro.mp3"]HERE[/url] That Mr Godfrey is far too clever!! [/quote]I knew I'd found it somewhere - though not there, it was Frost* Toys I think - and yes, dmn him, he is
  12. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1326136780' post='1492821'] Just remembered that I lent this to a pick player on a few occasions. Would that be why the coating had peeled off? [/quote]Yes. That's what mine do. Still last a good six months+ before they go off, and that is gradual so it is often only when I think "these have been on a while I probably ought to change them" and a new set brightens things up. Elixirs all the way for me. All coated strings are not the same. I tried a set of D'Addarios I picked up at the bass show last year and hated them. Sound wasn't great and they didn't seem to last long, mind that could be because I didn't like the sound so changed them back to Elixirs
  13. I used a Markbass CMD121H for a long time. Gave more than enough for stage monitoring and into the PA for larger places. Compact & light
  14. [quote name='Johngh' timestamp='1325766368' post='1487232'] I'd love to be in a band that could do Black Rose, awesome track. [/quote]We played that for years. It got dropped in the end but lasted as a staple in the set at some places for many years. Still get asked for it now, but time & set songs move on
  15. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1326020619' post='1491009'] I would need a nice middly 80s pop tone out it too, have you managed to get something like this out if it without it sounding too modern and clinical? [/quote]Not sure. It's not the sort of stuff I do, but if you could find somewhere to A/B it I would add the Streamliner to the (evergrowing ) list. The STM has bass, middle & treble controls with a selection of three bands for the mids so you might well find it there. The Shuttle probably has more overall control, but like I say for me it wasn't what I wanted.
  16. Only experience with those is the Shuttle when I A/B'd it with a Streamliner 6 into amy Barefaced Super12. Great amp with loads of options but I went with the Streamliner (that I had gone with a view to buying anyway) as it had the warmth I wanted more easily. The Shuttle sounded good, was by comparison the brighter of the two and more transparent/glassy, just too much so for what I wanted. The GB's are, I believe, the only ones that have a low pass built in that works like the Thumpinator and takes out the sub harmonics that stop large speaker excursions without adversly affecting the overall sound
  17. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1324726609' post='1477339'] This raises an important topic for me. Have we covered tax on earnings on Basschat before? [/quote]Yes. I know I have commented on this before. Must have a search back And as for insurance I have the MU cover extended through the policy with Hencilla Canworth. Cost me aroung £130 for about £8k last year IIRC
  18. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1325839184' post='1488436'] Take a look at the Genz Benz Streamliner range as well. Capable of clean or overdriven with three pre-amp valves feeding a lightweight Class D power section. Very suited to the S12T, having heard the combination. The streamliner 600 should be within budget. [/quote]This. When I got my S12T I paired it with a Markbass Little Mark Tube that worked well and sounded good. Not tried the LM Rocker with the S12T but tried one at the Bass show last year and for me it was too dirty for most of the use of the Tube dial, BUT that was not a test in the best conditions. Anyway in Nov I sold the LMT and got a GB Streamliner 6 and I love it with the S12T As mentioned elsewhere in a similar thread to this one when I got the Streamliner I took my S12T & basses down to Nevada to try out the Streamliner with what I would be using, and took the opportunity to try a Shuttle 6 as an A/B to the Streamliner. I had gone to look at the Streamliner but it seemed ensible the try botrh. Again for me the Shuttle was a much brighter & clinical sound. Good, but not with the valvey warmth I was after, and I turned the tweeter completely off. By comparison, the Streamliner was warmer and I then dialled a bit of the tweeter back in. I had one intending to get the Streamliner, and that is what I came away with So far I have used it for classic rock, prog & country/Americana gigs and it has been great for all styles. Then againit is all subjective to rach of us. I feel the Streamliner was better suited to getting what I wanted than the Shuttle on a test, and the LMT in gigging use, but the person I bought the LMT off had gone to a Streamliner, and I know has gone back to the LMT as he preferred that. Sooooo, the sum total of all this is try the Streamliner, and LMT as well if you can, and if you can find a dealer that has both (Nevada do both MB & GB gear) and will let you bring in your bass and cab to test then I should add those two to your testing list. Enjoy
  19. I have been looking round for a better unit to be driven by my Roland PK5 pedals to provide a bit of earth shaking bass for the prog band I work with. I picked up a Roland D110 rack really cheap on eBay and it is OK but not great. So with a bit more free cash burning a hole in my pocket I had started thinking of getting a [url="http://www.moogmusic.com/products/phattys/slim-phatty"]Moog Slim Phatty[/url] however in a bit of surfing tonight I have just chanced upon the new [url="http://www.moogmusic.com/products/taurus/minitaur"]Moog Minitaur[/url] which seems to have only just been released, and has got me thinking. Looks interesting, but the only thing that is still tipping me towards the Phatty is that for not a great deal more on current prices (presumably largely down to the fact that the Minitaur has only just been released to the wild) the Phatty has memory slots that would probably make life a bit easier in changing patches mid gig. Possibly #2 son & even I might be able to make more use in recording as well. So really my question is; has anyone seen / used either (possibly difficult for the Minitaur) or any thoughts on relative merits of the two? I suppose I ought to save a bit of cash and look for a Minitaur, but at the best price found tonight the difference is around £70 for what looks like quite a bit more in faciliies on the Phatty. One other question for anyone more used to using synths than me, CV input pedals; is that just a standard volume / expression pedal like the Technics SZ-E1 I already have kicking around at home or is there more to it than that? I was looking to be able to control the volume for fade in/out as the Roland pedals set to Hold (as I use them so I can just hit a note and it keeps going without needing to keep holding the pedal down) seems to kill the note dead with the D110 so there is no tail to the sound, just an immediate off.
  20. I have been looking round for a better unit to be driven by my Roland PK5 pedals to provide a bit of earth shaking bass for the prog band I work with. I picked up a Roland D110 rack really cheap on eBay and it is OK but not great. So with a bit more free cash burning a hole in my pocket I had started thinking of getting a [url="http://www.moogmusic.com/products/phattys/slim-phatty"]Moog Slim Phatty[/url] however in a bit of surfing tonight I have just chanced upon the new [url="http://www.moogmusic.com/products/taurus/minitaur"]Moog Minitaur[/url] which seems to have only just been released, and has got me thinking. Looks interesting, but the only thing that is still tipping me towards the Phatty is that for not a great deal more on current prices (presumably largely down to the fact that the Minitaur has only just been released to the wild) the Phatty has memory slots that would probably make life a bit easier in changing patches mid gig. Possibly #2 son & even I might be able to make more use in recording as well. So really my question is; has anyone seen / used either (possibly difficult for the Minitaur) or any thoughts on relative merits of the two? I suppose I ought to save a bit of cash and look for a Minitaur, but at the best price found tonight the difference is around £70 for what looks like quite a bit more in faciliies on the Phatty. One other question for anyone more used to using synths than me, CV input pedals; is that just a standard volume / expression pedal like the Technics SZ-E1 I already have kicking around at home or is there more to it than that? I was looking to be able to control the volume for fade in/out as the Roland pedals set to Hold (as I use them so I can just hit a note and it keeps going without needing to keep holding the pedal down) seems to kill the note dead with the D110 so there is no tail to the sound, just an immediate off.
  21. I may have posted this before but I love the intro section of this. It starts around 4:15 or so. Marvellously silly/tongue in cheek. Curse that Jem Godfrey he's a clever bu99er. We used to go on to assorted intro tapes years ago, don't bother now, what's the point frankly, but oh to be able to work up something similar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfJ7lIBzu7E
  22. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1325427486' post='1483010']I just hope I don`t spend the fee too quickly [/quote] I'd spent mine before I got there Had one song where the drummer said "I don't know it" - Peaceful Easy Feeling. "Don't worry it's a straight 4" says I. So off we go, then I remember the stop part way through, so there's some mouthing of "there's a stop coming up" "after the lead break" "aaaaaaand now....2 3 4" nod ...and noone died
  23. Got there early as I had been told 1st set 8:30. Only one guitaris there so we ended up not getting on 'til 8:50. The "disco" was a TV blasting out HeartFM Drummer turned up with one ex and another was there as well...which was awkward. Funnily enough he was packed and out the door in about 20 mins after we finished. All right I 'spose. Played OK but not a huge turnout so a quiet affair. MrsW was clinging on at the bongs to avoid a kiss from the local scary monsters Still. Local(ish). In and out reasonably quickly and home by 1:30 with a reasonable wedge, so it's not all bad
  24. Sad news. Like others here I met him a few times when he did work on my Pro1, the main being to upgrade it to Custom back in '96. Went to the workshops for an overhaul and had chats and coffee and a try on various basses that led to the upgrade (at a very reasonable price) instead of the overhaul. PB1680 will definitely be going in the gig bag for tonights gig to celebrate a life that produced a great bass that has been a faithful workhorse and a joy to play for getting on for 30 years
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