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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. My "main" lot it's me & the drummer - though he seems to have let that go to rebooking existing gigs for next year. He's now in a funk band as well where someone else books and is getting plenty of work. I can only assume we (the main band) are sh1te as I cannot seem to get us arrested for new gigs and have frankly rather lost the will with the BS that's involved. Ring, get a contact, send a CD & blurb (well it's a live CD, but fair quality IMO and better than sending a studio CD that's been polished to within an inch of its life and proves nothing re actually recreating it live - again IMO) give it a week or so, ring, to follow up, "not there", "not listened yet", get that run around for a few more calls and then sink back into "AH F**KIT" mode I'm afraid. Ringing back at 10:30-11 in the morning is also awkward for me as I am also at work then Probably explains why I am now working with three other bands where I just turn up and play. Some doing more than others, but its work, and has got me past chucking it all together - which I had been feeling like for a while. I wish I could get the other to give it a go, they've all got access to the Google Calendar. Wish I hadn't opened this thread up now. It's opened woulds and depressed me.
  2. Use what is needed for the song
  3. Not too bad. At a tiny pub about half a mile from my house (as the crow flies) but my journey there was a 40+ mile round trip to drop MrsW off at one of her old school chums house to their annual Christmas party, and he same after to collect her (and get a bit of scoff). So for a gig that I was packed up and away from by 11:50 I didn't get home 'til nearly 3. Started quiet but picked up fairly well. Americana/country (poppy) band last night, and with one thing & another we had not got together since the previous gig 2-3 months ago, added to which my USB stick with the bulk of the songs to practice to on is with the drummer in my main band so was clawing for memories of how a few things went, but we got there. Not sure what is happening with this lot next year, which is a shame as it's nice to be doing a few different styles to mix it up, but three more bands on the go (some more regular than others) I should be reasonably busy next year anyway. Wal all night again, bar one on the L2500 fretless (mainly 'cos that was Black Velvet in the original Eb so I had the fretless detuned for it). Was pleasantly surprised that the rig still sounded good rolled back quite a bit for the size of the venue.
  4. I have a Super12T and have just swapped my Little Mark Tube for a Streamliner 600 doing the same sort of stuff a you. As a combination it sounds bleedin' marvellous, and IMO better than with the LMT. Demo'd the Streamliner and a Shuttle when I was in the market. The Shuttle needed the tweeter right off. With the Streamliner I have a bit of the tweeter dialled in, more so with the Wal than the L2500's EAD's look interesting, but I have not actually heard one so cannot comment, but for me theS12T works brilliantly with the Streamliner
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1323703746' post='1466001'] [size=5][sub]Anyone got a good recommendation for lighting software and the dev it needs to run from a laptop..?[/sub][/size] [size=5][sub]I was thinking software and a USB/DMX type converter device?[/sub][/size] [size=5][sub]I want to program a set....only pretty basically....at first.[/sub][/size] [/quote]If I remember right one of the guitarists in my main band (which is that nowadays I'm losing track) used to go out as a duo with his ex about 15+ years ago and had the backing tracks for the set programmed to MIDI but then went on to develop an interface that allowed the lights to be programmed and loaded along with the MIDI track. I think it may even have gone into production. I shall have to ask him when he is back after the holidays
  6. [quote name='Slipperydick' timestamp='1323714959' post='1466197'] I had a bout a couple of years ago, but as it happened I left the band I was with, the enforced rest cured it. but see your GP and make sure thats what it is. Some GPs will offer you an injection that cures it, but I bottled out as I'd heard its painful. [/quote]I have been getting grief in my right elbow - the one I cracked slipping on a wet floor at work cue [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6s994jOFuY&feature=related"]Butterfield DIRECT[/url] methinks. Last time I saw the arthritis specialist he did a cortisone injection which has helped for about 6-9 months and did not hurt at all
  7. You might consider a prepaid $ card like those from [url="http://www.caxtonfxcard.com/"]CaxtonFX[/url] They reckon their rates are competitive and they are also recommended for things like booking budget airline flights as you tend not to get the card charge. Obviously you don't get the "time to pay" that a credit card might give you but I was converted to them when MrsW & I went away for our big birthday/anniversary holiday. For that they are great. Load before you go and you can do it pretty much instantaneously by text too.
  8. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1323617072' post='1465052'] I think we played a blinder, although I made a couple of silly bum notes through taking the odd risk, like a two and a half octave triplet arpeggio that I hadn't played before but I really felt the need for those notes and an unrestrained compulsion to do it. It sounded good too, apart from hitting the last note flat [/quote] Think it was a similar problem for me Nige. Second night running with the longterm dep and feeling that the first night had been pretty good and fluid for me I got cocky and got lost at the dusty end a couple of times The "bass solo" break I get thrown (and I don't like solos) didn't go quite so well (some semi pentatonic w@nk basically) and the little fill that gets chucked in "Sultans of Swing" I completely missed. DOH!!
  9. [quote name='nemo' timestamp='1323616490' post='1465046'] Thanks, I will try it on Monday. Now trying if any of the basschatters seen them around.. [/quote]Otherwise my L2500's live in a MONO Double bag, which is the dogs danglies - just doesn't have the logo
  10. Have you tried emailing one of the [url="http://www.glguitars.com/distributors/index.asp"]European distributors[/url]
  11. Good night tonight....though I personally felt I played better/more fluidly last night. Mind it's rock covers. What's fluidity got to do with anything? Rig sounding lovely again. Played the Wal most of the night, but changed to the L2500 for the last few numbers. Wal is great and so easy to play, but is a lot bassier than the L2500, which perhaps cuts a bit better for the classic rock stuff. Am slowly being talked into joining yet another band (fourth) how the hell I am going to get themj all in sync I have no idea!!!
  12. Thumbs up for Roqsolid again from me. I picked up a set of Roland PK5 midi pedals a couple of months back but only had the unwieldy cardboard flightcase they came in. Didn't want to go the whole hog of having a flightcase made and was searching around for some sort of soft case to carry them in that might provide some sort of protection. Then I had a DUH moment and thought of Roqsolid, who I have had covers for a number of combos and cabs from over the years. An email query to them got a quick response from Bryn and after a bit of tooing & froing we ended up with this - [url="http://amplifiercoversonline.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=107_90&products_id=2312"]Roland PK-5A Bass Pedals PowerBag[/url] Ended up going for the version with two protection pockets - one got forgotten first time around but that was swiftly fixed FOC - and I remembered when it arrived that I had a couple of nice lumps of foam from the lead case I bought a while back that fit the pockets perfectly
  13. Not too bad. Sort of stand in gig, but it is fairly regular occurrence - another tonight in Littlehampton about half a mile from home so a really easy one that I might try to sort some vids & sound for. The Streamliner was sounding good to me, and I for the second week running I used the Wal all night leaving the L2500 on a stand as spare. Met up with Bassferret as was at the gig and had a long chat about life, the universe & gear. The Christmas season accidents seem to have started. On the way over there wer three way pileups on both sides of the dual carriageway, thankfully the closed side was in the opposite direction to where I was headed and my side was flowing OK. Coming away from the gig there was another bang and police everywhere - still kept them busy on that, not that I care as I am now virtually teetotal and my last drink was a bottle of beer when I got home from last weeks gig.
  14. [quote name='tonyclaret' timestamp='1323195389' post='1460467'] Thanks for all comments. The purchase has been made via our very own walbassist. Can't wait for it to arrive! [/quote]Ah 'twas you in the end was it I was in the queue for a while, then had a rush of blood to the head in Nevada on a Saturday morning I have got away with it so far, but I am sure she won't miss the blue glow instead of yellow legend at Saturdays gig. Enjoy...I know I am
  15. ...and as a follow up after last night first outing with the Streamliner 6.0 & Barefaced S12T.....OH YES!!! Big ear to ear grins here
  16. I have had a Mono double for the L2500's as it makes life easier loading the car and as my gear travels by car not van. Really pleased with it & so far no problems
  17. Forgot to add to my report from last night. The "support" was a a group of Morris Dancers, whose opening number was a version of "[i]Stairway to Heaven[/i]" re worded as "[i]Stairlift to Epsom[/i]" if I heard aright
  18. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1322997307' post='1457987'] Sweet Fanny Adams - great rock album. Set Me Free, great rock track. Mick Tucker - one of the best rock drummers ever. [media]http://youtu.be/SW6zZAigmMo[/media] [/quote]Yes indeed. Still give it a blast on occasion, and there were some good B'sides
  19. Prog gig last night @ Weltons Brewery in the brewhouse which was different. Inside but it was open to the elements so the crowd were wrapped up warm but we were fine under thw lights. First night with the GB Streamliner 6.0 and it sounded marvellous A few slip ups but no one died. Most annoying was playing through a new number (Spocks Beard - Day for Night) pretty much perfectly in the sound check - that I wasn't recording or videoing - then having a few issues on the gig, which was a shame. Had some people looking quizikly at the bas pedals as to "what the hell!?" Just the Wal all night because there was not a lot of room but it was all good (after a mad dash round Bognor & Worthing to get some new strings in the morning
  20. Can't help as I'm the wrong end of the country, but [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/129360-gb-streamliner-berg-ae112/page__view__findpost__p__1454115"]THIS[/url] was my view of the two A/B'd through a Barefaced Super12T last Saturday before I left the shop with a new Streamliner 6.0 I don't know that it's better than the Shuttle, but it is a very different beast that I loved through the cab for the styles I cover. The Shuttle was too clinical for me
  21. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1322664191' post='1454129'] So you are saying that you play a Synth with your feet ? Garry [/quote]Yes .... well one of these anyway
  22. I picked u a STreamliner 6.0 at the weekend that will be used with my Barefaced Super12T. I went down to Nevada in Portsmouth with the L2500's and S12T cab to try out the Streamliner with the cab, and while there A/B'd it with a Shuttle 6.0. The Shuttle is nice, but for what I want the amp for (classic rock, prog & a bit of poppy country) it was too clinical and bright. The Streamliner was a lot warmer - three valves no doubt. Into the S12T with the Streamliner I was adding in a bit of the horn. With the Shuttle I was turning the horn off completely as it was too bright
  23. Got a Roland PK5 recently and that is presently firing sounds on a Roland D110 rack. All pretty vintage stuff and, unless I was going to take up tap dancing, is just used for low bass notes on hold. I do find that it is safer to play in socks as there is more chance of accuracy. With shoes on - unless they were winkle pickers - I just end up triggering the wrong note. The original intention was to use them to trigger samples in a Sampletank Player on the laptop, but as the PK5 is MIDI with no USB connector I was getting notes sticking & all sorts so that idea had to be shelved sadly as I have LOADS of samples in ST including SampleMoog (so Moog's through the ages)
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