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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Right try this for size http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn9Bo0UbQQM Seemed more appropriate than Yakety Sax
  2. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1322348036' post='1449882']That needs the Benny Hill music so much [/quote] I have just the piece. Edit follows.....
  3. How time flies when you're enjoying yourself[b][color=#ff0000][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][i] ... and see the new version a couple of posts down with some sound added...[/i][/font][/color][/b] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCq6QPqmrIA[/media] Another good afternoon in good company A corner of vintage awesomeness courtesy of Chimike Well done Plux (aka The Demo Biatch) for being the constant in a spin round the room and through the ages. Thanks to Nik for setting it up, coffee and tea, and buying the LMT ...just don't tell MrsW. I think I've got away with it so far
  4. I have a "visit" to make first Will be there ASAP
  5. It was all a bit wierd for me on my IPAQ a couple of days back. Not sure it had auto detected it. I shall have to experiment further
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1322216844' post='1447979'] PMd [/quote] Join the queue
  7. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1321482103' post='1439847'] Hi guys Seems I'm not getting email notifications so apologies for the delay in responding. Having thought about it some more, I've decided to just keep this amp. It's too good to trade down from. Will change the thread title accordingly. Cheers Gareth [/quote] [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1322090528' post='1446535'] Back up at £440 plus post, now including a Gator gig bag. [/quote] Gareth, you're a dirty rotten tease
  8. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1321969678' post='1444897'] I specialise in classic rock and have played in a purple tribute band and I play fingerstyle exclusively. Well *almost* exclusively .... a trick I use when a very pronounced attack is needed is to press my forefinger and thumb together and and pluck the string with the tip/nail of my finger near the bridge. IMO this actually sounds better, brighter and more dynamic, than using an actual pick. [/quote] ... which sounds like a pick style, just you have dropped a pick and not managed to pick another up. I does, I suppose give you the easier option of switching quickly between the two [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1321970758' post='1444916'] What I would do: 1)Agree to try the song with the pick and proceed to play intentionally badly. Make it clear that playing with a pick is not your natural style. They will soon realise that, in your case, fingerstyle sounds better. And hey, you gave it a go! [/quote] ...except in that case you haven't actually given it a proper go. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1321970758' post='1444916'] What I would do: 2)Begin the song with the pick, then halfway throught move around so they can't see how you are playing. Switch back to fingerstyle. After the song, see if anyone noticed a difference. [/quote] ...however, this is a far better option of those two
  9. Have a look / register if on the [url="http://www4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~koesters/Privat/Wal/walspec.html"]Wal Database[/url] Might home you in on the year a bit, mind it's not an exact science by the look of it. I was pretty sure mine was '82 which is about right on the d/b but there is an earlier number showing as '83 and a later on as '81, so.... Main thing is if you've found a good'un enjoy it I had semi retired mine when I got the G&L 5's but took it out for r/h's and a proggy gig I normally use all three for as the only one and it was bl00dy lovely
  10. Had a guitarist stomp off in a huff when the mini easter eggs he had bought as a gimmick to give to the audience were just lobbed in handfuls in their general vicinity by the vocalist
  11. Damn these are all coming up about a year early for me
  12. OOPS! Failure in the pram/toy interface due to sudden onset BJ Syndrome
  13. DROOL Wonder if I could get this on my Christmas list with MrsW.....sadly I suspect not
  14. Voted. I have only really used it a couple of times I think instead of +1 Not something I had ever really worried about - though this did make me go and have a look at my meagre total
  15. Aaaah the old Selmer Tit&Bum as they used to be known in my first band when this was my first "proper" amp. Happy days
  16. [quote name='Noah Deere' timestamp='1321777965' post='1442855'] I like the melody and laid back feel of Wals Waltz a lot. [/quote]Ta. Like I said before at one point it had a drum track - mainly put there for a bit of feel to work to - and acoustic guitar & keys, but I actually preferred it stripped back to three tracks of bass
  17. Just added an assortment of bits, mostly stuff put together in recent years that all need something in the way of words & a vocal. Noise Annoys may be here previously along with the selection of guitar breaks for it [url="http://soundcloud.com/aka_walman"]http://soundcloud.com/aka_walman[/url]
  18. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1321697259' post='1442001'] i think hi ho silver lining should be a lawful excuse for GBH [/quote]I know/knew a guitarist who would turn down & mime to that
  19. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1321634721' post='1441515'] [size=4][font=Arial][color=#222222][color=#222222][font=Arial]Is the keyboard player giving an order or is he giving an opinion? [/font][/color][/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=Arial][color=#222222][color=#222222][font=Arial]I have not had this in a band before, but would probably say lump it or fire me! I would get into some aggressive EQing before I gave up the fight though. What gear are you using?[/font][/color][/color][/font][/size] [size=4][font=Arial][color=#222222][color=#222222][font=Arial]I'm sure I've seen Roger Glover, Nick Simper and many of the early rock players using finger style. What about "the Hulk" in Metallica? He doesn’t use a pick! [/font][/color][/color][/font][/size] [/quote] [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1321635112' post='1441527'] When I played some fingerstyle in my covers band this week instead of my normal pick, I asked the band at the end what they thought about the change in tone, and how it sounded within the group. All four replied the same - 'didn't realise you were doing anything different'! I'd go with the school of thought that the bass is your business - do what sounds good, and what you feel comfy doing. [/quote] But why is it necessary to make a big deal. You are a GROUP working towards a common goal surely. Adopting a "like it or lump it" attitude helps no one. Where does it leave you when the keyboard player chooses an inappropriate patch or style for a number and you want to say "are you sure about that?" other than painted into a corner. As before try it both ways and see if they can actually tell the difference
  20. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1321633572' post='1441495'] Valid point. I think a lot of it is my ego. A lot of it is also the fact that I'm not sure if i would enjoy starting over again with a pick. Literally haven't used one since my first few yrs playing over 30yrs ago so its a major undertaking to relearn and not sure i would be as competent or comfortable. Might give it a try though and put my ego to one side. Dave [/quote]It is a swine if you are used to one style and need to re learn another. I know when my lot were doing more bluesy stuff I started playing finger style as I felt the tone suited the style better. Took a while but I got to a point where I was happy with the style, and managed to work in things that I could not do with a pick.
  21. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1321632734' post='1441479'] Should i ask him to start playing with his toes. Should the drummer become a percussionist using only his hands and no sticks. Should the guitarist try classical finger style only. Singer was ok with my sound and if anything preferred it. [/quote]They are rather different things to using a pick. I hear what you are saying about being fingerstyle for years but as others have said for the style of music you are talking about it is more often the norm (please note I said "[i]more often[/i]"). I know there are plenty that say and do use finger style in classic rock - Billy Sheehan for example - and it can work, but I prefer a pick for this style for the attack it gives. Why not give it a try and see how the two compare, and how the others feel about the difference, and by all means re EQ for fingers if necessary to prove that you can achieve the same tone either way, but I would not just say NO. Horses for courses etc
  22. Try putting it in the BC Soundcloud group
  23. [quote name='Booooooom' timestamp='1321448430' post='1439221'] Me too. That's what sets us bass players apart! [/quote]I'm also the band battery fairy As for floor cans, possibly at the back it there's space, though Wash Panels might be better for that. More stuff at the front is just another trip hazard IMV, it'll also cast odd shadows especially without anything flown to fill in
  24. [quote name='Dave D' timestamp='1321167241' post='1435975'] I particularly like the Hand Made Tibetan Gong. Shame it wasn't handmade by an actual Tibetan! It looks like a piece of scrap metal hanging from a B@Q shelf bracket with green garden twine. They say 'where there's muck, there's brass', although i doubt its real brass !!! [/quote]and below that the "[size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]VERY LARGE GONG MALLET[/font][/size]" that would seem to be a croquet mallet with a bit of a charity shop leather jacket hammered onto the end
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