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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [size=6]AHHHHHHHHH CR@P[/size] Forgot to order my early bird ticket
  2. I just wish I could get my lot a bit more proactive. Sound guy does have the full LED par can rig but doesn't bring it to our gigs - as he frankly carries too much PA about but that's another story I bought the digital recorder to do gigs, and more recently the camcorder to try and get the odd (very odd) video, and it was me that got sick of playing under a 30W bulb and originally put together some light boxes, then more recently the two LED panels. To be fair the vocalist does put the set them up and the sound guy has fashioned some T bar poles that fix to the back of the PA to save floorspace, but other than that I get the feeling it is down to me sometimes I wish the others would show [i]some[/i] interest in adding to the show sometimes Anyway, rant over
  3. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1289331403' post='1018024'] Surrender is an awesome tune [/quote] Suggested that to my lot....received deathly silence to that suggestion. Ah well, probably not really us anyway . Love a bit of Cheap Trick me
  4. I have a nice [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/81357-boss-ce20-chorus/"]Boss CE-20 for sale[/url] that has a selection of chorus options and four memory slots if that were of any interest
  5. I bought a couple of American DJ wash panels a while back and may get a couple more, thoug the two are fine for small places to add a bit of colour. Still working out the best setting for them. The biggest peoblem we had was a dreadful buzzing through one guitarists gear in particular. One went back for that and another apparent problem but came back with a clean bill of health - though iI was still not entirely convinced. Ultimately we seem to have killed off the buzzing with a couple of hefty mains filters
  6. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1321032662' post='1434690']Looks like we have a winner....[/quote] [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1321033528' post='1434709']Well that's a relief. I can rest easy tonight.[/quote] [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1321033946' post='1434719']Phew, no ripped off testicles this weekend [/quote] What they said
  7. Out of interest can anyone advise how these compare to a Streamliner - which is currently in my sights
  8. Get the "different key" version regularly with the band I dep for. Generally just a tone difference, but it keeps me on my toes as muscle memory for the other key slips in if my mind wanders. The the proggy lot I am with do the full Wayward Son in A whilst my main lot do it in E and a shortened version. DOH!
  9. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1321012747' post='1434327'] it's one for the "we thought this was all sh*te when he was alive, but now he's dead and we still need to recoup" album that'll be released 'post mortem'.[/quote] Got hard disks full of those
  10. Just added the result of a couple of nights noodling - well I started at the weekend, then created a new edit in Tracktion. There is/was a drum track of sorts (mainly for timing), and earlier edits had synth pads and some acoustic guitar, but three tracks of bass and a smidge of reverb seems adequate [url="http://soundcloud.com/user6729400/wals-waltz"]Wal's Waltz[/url]
  11. <p>[quote name=&#39;dmccombe7&#39; timestamp=&#39;1320671366&#39; post=&#39;1429670&#39;] Playing a multi-band event with 4 other bands supporting on Boxing Day Bash sort of thing back in 80&#39;s we went for our gtr intro &quot;Run Like Hell&quot; from Floyd and would go straight into Time with the lighting set up to provide pin spots during gtr intro and a one button hit for halogen floods behind our 3 piece band when we came in on start of Time. Only problem was the engineers had connected the floods into the same socket as the backline. Lights went off along with all the backline including Simmons drumkit. Being an elec engineer i had to put bass down and scramble about trying to locate the fault. Sorted and carried on regardless. Was still a great night and no-one gave any negative feedback. I guess at £2 a ticket for 5 bands is such great value for money that they simply accepted the odd hiccup. Dave [/quote]Not my lot - we fired flash pots with a 12v battery, but we stall talk of the night a band at the local music venue came on with the big intro for Rosalie. Dry Ice &amp; darkness. The guitar starts Blang everyone comes in on the first splat. Poof the lights come on and the flash pots go off Ping the main fuse blows and the pub descends into darkness Boom splat boom boom splat .........boom...................splat..............crash The drummer realises he's on his own and stops.
  12. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1320868960' post='1432628'] I recently auditioned (and got the job) as a bassist in a Blues/Rock band. Had a rehearsal the other night and jammed a version of Red House. The first guitarist soloed away for a bit, and then played rhythm while thesecond bod had a go. I couldnt believe my ears when they asked me to do a bass solo! After fumbling about for a bit in the upper regions of an E major scale they seemed quite happy. I hope its not going to be a regular thing!! [/quote]At least you didn't do what I did at an audition many years ago for the Climax Blues Band - for which I was frankly wholly underprepared. Similar scenario, but I was plugged into the supplied bass rig with a similarly supplied curly lead. They turned to me and said "take a solo" I took a pace forwards..... and the lead pinged out of the bass and back towards the amp, so my "solo" consisted of me scrabbling around for the lead and trying to get plugged back in DOH!!! Funnily enough I didn't get it More recently have had the bass solo dropped on me on a fairly regular dep I do. Just keep it basic & simple ([i]buzz: tautology[/i]). My main band know not to bother, though I do get to play around the sequence on a broken down section of one song, but never do much more than mess with the feel and add a few passing notes/double stops. With the proggy lot it is only really a moody background fill to another broken down guitar solo section. I am no great fan of the "bass solo" and untill such time as I have sorted out a couple of review/suggestion sessions with JakesBass and perhaps have picked up a different slant on things (and probably even then) that's the way it'll stay.
  13. Just started working on Slow Crash Landing Man by Spocks Beard. Not a technically demanding song at all, and live Dave Meros plays a lot of the bass on a keyboard, but getting light & shade and everyone to play it slow enoughand together is a real trial. There's a lot of racing away and even with the drummer trying to use a click it had been dragged away from what I have calculated at around 45 BPM. All that said, if it comes together (and the keyboard player is muttering about not being an octopus to cover all the keys) it will make a great set closer.
  14. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1320837347' post='1431989'] As it happens I brought another, nothing else is quiet like the clean tube preamp in this. And the power is to die for![/quote]DOH!! [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1320837347' post='1431989']Is ace with all barefaced cabs. As I used it with a midget and then a super12 and now a compact.[/quote]Indeed. Thunderous through the S12T
  15. 18 month bump due to GAS Looking for around £110 including delivery by courier, which I can arrange through work (still costs me though) Pics here http://photobucket.com/CE20?albumview=slideshow Great range of sounds and four memory slots plus whatever you have setup in manual mode.
  16. Feeler for my Little Mark Tube 500 I bought this from PRIME_bass back in late April this year. Great amp and it works well with my Barefaced Super12T but GAS has struck - always seems to when I am off work & sat at home so this is a feeler for the LMT to satisfy the GAS In good condition. The odd mark, but nothing drastic Looking for around £450 delivered - for which I shall use the courier at work as they are quick and safe. [url="http://photobucket.com/LMT500?albumview=slideshow"]http://photobucket.c...mview=slideshow[/url]
  17. Was at a gig last night for the band I often dep with and saw something I've not seen in a long while. The bass player broke a string, or more to the point I think the windings let go over the saddle about a third of the way into a song. From the sound of it they weren't really old strings that should have been changed ages ago, so it was probably a string malfunction. Now I do seem to recall having strings go in the past, but not for a looooooooong time, so as the title says... when was the last time you broke a string?
  18. Craig. Nice one. I had the same problem posting vids. Turns out DON'T use the YouTube share URL, just copy it from he video address bar when you are watching it and paste into the thread and the forum software does teh rest now. It just doesn't understand the YT Share URL for some reason
  19. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1320425336' post='1426805'] The mono cases are awesome & i'm guessing the double one is just as higher standard. Having two basses & a case though can get pretty heavy on your back. [/quote] I have a Mono double case for the L2500's and it is really good - bl00dy ought to be at that price! - protects well and a big pocket that takes straps, dusters and a couple of leads with a smaller one that has a couple of different sets of earplugs, Vocalzonesand a pair of folding reading glasses with room for a bit more probably Slung on your back it is still comfortable for a reasonable trak - I have walked 4-500 yards from a car park with the basses on my back, Gigskinz amp bag & leads box in one hand and the Barefaced S12T and a Pedaltrain Mini bag in the other without too much problem
  20. Yup I got an email about the advance tickets today and will go again. Went this year and actually spent a substantial part of the day in the clinic room or theatre, but at least this year I have my ACS plugs to help out - and I went on the Sunday when the had the half hour curfews!!
  21. Had the same with the first L2500. IIRC we ended up with a refret and shaving at the top of the neck which helped with the action
  22. A couple of pretty good ones, and the addition of a couple of mains filters seems to have sorted the buzz from the LED panels. Friday at a regular haunt. Not bad, but the room is all carpeted so sound tends to get swallowed. Still the landlord bumped the money...which was nice. Last night was a new venue for us that I have been trying to get into for ages. Think we showed him what he'd been missing. Had a few brain fade moments, that were annoying as I did not get them the night before, but it seemed to go pretty well. Good house PA and lights that make a nice change. Forgot when we booked it a while back that the last Saturday of October is always the Littlehampton bonfire parade & fireworks, so it was quietish for the first set, but picked up in the second. Kept getting calls for White Punks, which we haven't played in over a year (as we felt it had been done to death by us anyway and there were new songs coming into the set) but they were persistent and the drummer, who had been giving a flat NO, relented and it became the third encore. Considering the length of time since we last did it it wasn't the car wreck expected, just a couple of reasonably minor scratches/ [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11051164/Alibi%20-%20General%20Henrys%2029%20Oct%202011%20-%20WPOD.mp3"]Alibi - General Henrys 29 Oct 2011 - WPOD[/url] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47nOHFinCcs[/media] Sadly that is virtually it for this year with this band. One more in a few weeks, and with a dep drummer with no r/h - he has recordings of the last couple of gigs to work to and is a mate of one of the guitarists, so hopefully we'll get through. Then everyone bu99ers off on hols so there is a break 'til Feb Got a couple of proggy gigs, a couple of country/americana and a dep or two lined up, but....
  23. [quote name='mr_russ' timestamp='1319789537' post='1418526'] Hi Nik, would have been up for this but I'm in Essex that weekend [/quote] DOH! Don't you hate it when that happens!!
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