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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1319733962' post='1417961'] I think it's shortened for Twitter word limits. I always just use the one in the address bar. [/quote] I'll keep persevering. Polo shirt arrived today. Cheers Ped
  2. The URL I have been using is the one YT gives me when I click on Share. Is that not what you get when you do the same, or how do you get at the "watch" URL? I am using Firefox, though it may have got up to the latest version so perhaps there is something incompatible there. The song "Unconditional Love" is a cover of a Norwegian band called Street Legal. Their FB describes them as "[i]Lizzy meet Whitesnake in a dark alley[/i]" We actually ended up covering a couple of theirs along with ripping off their cover of Maniac
  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1319669488' post='1417211'] Here you go: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePe-J_7PGW0&[/media] [/quote] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH [media='']http://youtu.be/c-6KoGaGVr0[/media]
  4. OK lets try this then [url="http://youtu.be/ePe-J_7PGW0"]http://youtu.be/ePe-J_7PGW0[/url] Nope?
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1319635301' post='1416678'] Just paste the whole link in - the magic pixies do the rest. [/quote] Okey dokey, I'll try again. I'm sure last time I did all I got was the link not the embedded vid
  6. Eeeeeer...how do I embed YouTube vids now? There used to be a pinned item but I cannot see that, nor immediately find it here (I don't really have time to go through the 23 pages & 450+ posts
  7. Been messing with recordings from last Saturdays gig, and a video creator plus some stock footage time lapse clips in full Old Grey Whistle Test mode [media]http://youtu.be/c-6KoGaGVr0[/media] Edit: Can't seem to work out embedding YT clips anymore
  8. Pretty good night all in all. Looked like it was going to be quiet, but around 8:50 the place filled and stayed pretty consistent all night. No stage (it's a pub for goodness sake!!) and no protection from the crowd that was mad, and filled with people dancing like loons - arms flailing and a couple of girls who seemed to think playing the bass just means clawing at all the strings at the same time with both hands Some judicious switc hing of the tuner to mute the bass between songs. Still they enjoyed themselves. Sound guy was having to watch out for grabs at the mikes and killing channels as required, and as well as the laydees grabbing at the bass I had a bloke singing along to everything inches from my face. The pub sang Happy Birthday to MrsW during the second set, and I was being quizzed about what exactly I was talking to one of the bass girls about at the end of the night - to which the honest answer was "I HAVEN'T GOT A CLUE". She was talking at me and I was protecting my gear from the nutters still crowded round the playing area and surreptitiously trying to pack what gear I could away (as well as being aware I ran the risk of getting a major grilling if I wasn't careful so I ought to have paid a bit more attention really!!!) Waiting for the bits of video to make it to the drop box so I can patch on sound from the Roland recorder if needs be, but one memory of the night is looking across at the vocalist and guitarists, who at least had the benefit of stepping back up onto the small step and a modicum of sanity, and seeing the Steve mouthing "Help me" at the camera [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11051164/Loading%20Up%20-%20Fountain%20Oct11.mp3"]Loading Up[/url] - a bit of noise that they seemed to enjoy [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11051164/ReadyAndWilling%20-%20Fountain%20Oct11.mp3"]Ready & Willng[/url]
  9. If your cast is similar to BigAl and the specialist has said keep the fingers moving you'll probably be OK then. I was stuffed when my Index and pinkie were done, but there were other things done and I use a pick which would have been difficult to keep hold of. I know my fingers were all moving and I was stabbing at the keyboard the afternoon of the last op. Aren't you supposed to keep it elevated? I seem to recall my arm was strapped diagonally across my body to the opposite shoulder. Good luck anyway. I have a gig three days after a foot op and it'lln be the first time I use the bass pedals. That'll be interesting!!
  10. Back from tonights stand in gig. Played OK - though some fairly awful bits by me IMO - still crowd enjoyed it, so that's the main thing. Silly really mostly songs I have played no problem in the past but for some reason tonight things just completely escaped me and is seemed to take forever for me to find my place again. A couple of them I ascribe to being songs I have muscle memory for with my main band where tonights band play in a different key - DOH!
  11. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1318696595' post='1405376']I've had that too..weirdest feeling when your fingers won't do what you ask! [/quote] I have put that down to dehydration in the past. There are a couple of notoriously long, hot & sweaty gigs we do where I know I need a proper warm up and 2-3 litres of water on hand throughout the night. forget either (and particularly the latter) and I can reckon on a cramped solid fretting hand about an hour into the second set
  12. Not too bad considering. Two new songs in the set that went well, but a shame the camera memory filled up so only got one song and not the ones I was after. That and the recorder only apparently got the first set. Seems we need two sets of Mony Mony and Gimme All Your Lovin' as it was those towards the end that eventually got them off their @rses [media]http://youtu.be/6_eg5CpJ4gY[/media] - How does embedding work now!?
  13. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1318344647' post='1400885']ooh heres another one (from last night). Get sent a track to learn from a YouTube link in an email. Get to rehearsal and 1-2-3-4 first chord sounds awful. "What chord are you playing?" i ask. "Cm7" says guitartist. "Thats strange as the track you sent me was in Bm." i say. "Yeah but it sounds better in Cm" OK not a big deal - i know how to transpose. Thing is it would be good to communicate this to the other guys in the band?[/quote] At least with this scenario my lot agree a set of songs to try but know we shall have to shuffle keys for the vox so a rough run through to establish a workable key, then a pitch-shifted version is dumped in the band DropBox. I was guilty of this with the proggy lot recently. They decided on doing two Spocks Beard tracks and when I sat down to learn the bass it rapidly became apparent to me that the album it came from MUST have been recorded detuned a semitone (quickly confirmed on the SB forum). Unfortunately the guitarist had been working it out in Eb and I then failed to explain properly to the keys after agreeing with guitarist that whilst it played Eb it was clearly E detuned and we would go for E not detuned. Keys learnt it in D OOPS!
  14. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1318342803' post='1400854'] Sod not having practiced and such like "I thought you were bringing the biscuits this week?" is the one that fills me with dread. [/quote] Reminds me it reeeeeeally is my turn next r/h
  15. [quote]I don't want to play there. It's a shitole[/quote] - But everywhere we play is [quote]I don't want to play there it's a bit rough[/quote] - ditto [quote]We've not got many gigs coming up[/quote] - feel free to get involved in dealing with landlords [quote]We'll never fit in there[/quote] - well perhaps we could get by without the full PA and on and on And then with a different band [quote]### can't make it to r/h. He's got things to do at home[/quote] - this at 09:30 on the morning of a r/h starting @ 10:00 that has been in the diary for a good month or so [quote]I didn't know anything about these gigs[/quote] - same guy a week before the first of two despite emails having been flying around about them, related r/h's and new songs to work on, the excuse being wifey had filed them without him seeing them. GAH! Ah well. It still gets me out of the dumps when we actually all get together and fired up 'cos generally it all just works, and especially if it happens to be a proggy epic that sounds huge I feel better for a bit of music therapy
  16. [quote name='burno70' timestamp='1317828598' post='1395094'] I;ve recently bought a Barefaced Super12T. Its such an easy carry its beyond belief! I live in a 3rd floor flat with no lift and taking the stairs with this cab was a piece of cake. Its not that its light for a cab - like my previous Markbass 151HR. Its just light full stop! Whilst I wouldn't describe it a 1 handed lift (I think you'd need to be pretty tall and strong for that - due to the shape) it is an easy carry. Not sure what the trolley wheels are on there for but they are quite fun and novel for the time being (yes I'm sad like that!)[/quote] Still loving my S12T and have been known to sling the Mono twin case on my back, GigSkinz amp bag & leads case in one hand and S12T by the side handle in the other hand and walk the lot from the car park into a gig....well it saves a trip, and has never come close to pulling an arm from a socket yet
  17. Yup. Thats on my ToDo list with Jake very soon
  18. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1317543279' post='1391578'] Yeah sometimes a bit too wide and I fell in love with the S12 last week. Not at all unhappy with the Vintage tho - it's just a flight of fancy! [/quote] OOPS!
  19. Interesting How's it wired? Postage?
  20. Four hour r/h with the prog covers band in the morning followed by a gig with the country/americana band in the evening mean I am aching this morning. R/h went well until womeone poked their head roung=d the door and said "I've booked the room out after you" so there was a mad panic to pack up and get clear, not helped by the fact that while I normally use the studios old Trace combo (very old & knackered but it does what it needs) yesterday I had loaded the full rig to work on how to use the bass plus bass pedals so I had a lot to pack & get out. Evening...well it was a paid r/h really. Venue on the edge of town. Poster lost/binned. Noone much there bar a few kids (GOD I FELT OLD!! ) but we got through. Few cock ups but generally OK. Stood and chatted to a young guy who has just started down the path of bass in the break. Packed up and home in time to have a chat with my main band's drummers other band who had been playing round the corner from my house and were stood outside the venue gassing as I got back. Quote from their bassplayer [quote]So Al, if rockers play rock and proggers play prog, who plays country?[/quote] to which the answer was clearly[quote]Me[/quote]
  21. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1317487385' post='1391234'] Oh the competition winner polos have only just been sent yesterday mate so those will be with you in the week [/quote] No probs. Wasn't sure on the position so just added in case.
  22. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1317380125' post='1390054'] Any deliveries today folks? I'm about to give the shipper an earful and upgrade to first class post. Cheers [/quote] Nope
  23. Just be glad they all turn up Currently r/h with one of my part time bands is ALWAYS at least one member light
  24. Had one of these years ago with the 1516 cab. Cracking rig, and IIRC has a built in chorus.
  25. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1317122519' post='1386930'] [attachment=90343:IMG-20110924-00979.jpg] 51m0n & Walman talking compressors! [/quote] You mean kneeling at the alter of compression Nik Shame my ****ing camera phone didn't save the pic of the settings GAAH!
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