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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1316684948' post='1381291'] Yep have to agree also. In fact, the rubber on mine has started to split and crack which is very poor considering it less than a year old. I hope the rubber bit is just covering a more stable strap inside. Otherwise, if it snaps then I could be in for a bit of bother and pain if it falls on my foot or something. [/quote] The rubber cover on my old 121H combo's handlecame out of the end blocks, but I am pretty sure that there is a metal inset with holes the ends screw through so it shouldn't break. Funny to look back at this and see see Bobby Apostle's post as that was what I was using the combo for in one of my bands and it was fine - particularly as I have just invested in a set of PK5 pedals as well. Since the combo I have moved onto the LMT and Barefaced SuperTwelve, but the combo was great and served me well for quite a few years.
  2. Back after the gig following the Bash. Fun day as ever, but despite promises to do so this year I STILL missed the jam room. To much sitting & chatting. Barney being the devil incarnate & tempting me the the S1. Resisted this afternoon, bujt for how much longer will I hold out!? Must tap up Jake for a couple of refreshers and hopefully I shall manage to express in words what I felt I failed to do in my bit ot the session Thanks 51mon for the compressor tweaking. Took two photos of the settings with my phone and could not find the damn things later on Good to see everyone again, and some new faces this year. Thanks Nik, Hamster & all others properly involved in putting on another successful SE Bash and roll on next year, when I really shall make it to the jam room.............honest
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1316781214' post='1382775'] I'm not going to be bringing anything now, my back is screwed but I will be there for a couple of hours. [/quote] I thought you were bringing the missus!! With all the above I think that I had better not bring any cards or I could be in deep do when I return
  4. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1316774094' post='1382613'] Currently breaking in a Midget T, Compact, Super Twelve T and Big Twin T, which are all coming subject to fitting in the car! [/quote]HURRAH! [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1316778864' post='1382711'] Excellent! Need to try me er, all of those except the Compact [/quote]...add me to the list for a run of the Midget T - presently under review for those bijou gigs where you can't swing a kitten let alone a cat.
  5. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1316640936' post='1380950'] [color=#181c20][size=3][b][color=#181C20][font=Arial]"Has a delicious hair-in-the-voice approach that gives her a tough edge over more fey contemporaries...Impressive"[/font][/color][/b][/size][color=#181c20][font=Arial][size=1][b][size=3]Rob Hughes *** [/size][/b][/size][/font][/color][/color] [/quote] What the hell does this mean, she sounds like she's coughing up a fur ball?
  6. Are you only looking for trades or would you sell, and if so what sort of price?
  7. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1316480029' post='1378700'] UPDATED LIST: [indent=1]01. Silverfoxnik: Roscoe Beck V, BC Rich Eagle, Yamaha TRB5 with Norstrand p/ups and Auderre pre, Hughes & Kettner Bassbass 600 head & SWR Triad.. plus old Peavey Head and 1x15 for the Jamming Room (unless anyone has something else we can use that's better?)[/indent] 02. Coasterbass: Eden Navigator preamp and SVP-Pro, Mesa 1x15 RR, Warwick $$ Streamer (Lefty), Stingray (Lefty)[indent=1]03. Waynepunkdude: Arsenal shirt, Nick Cave underpants, Sunburst Musicman Sterling H and Ampeg SVT 2pro G&K Neo412[/indent] 04. MikeyR: Blue P bass with a selection of stomp boxes 05. Truckstop: MIM Fender Jazz V, pimped Kay 2B; Gem/Ampeg rig; some effects 06. Dropzone: Jeff berlin combo and what I think is a Mark 1 Barefaced Compact Cab 07. Pete.young: 08. Shockwave: Pedulla MVP5 Mean Green machine. 09. Sibob: '71 Precision, '73 Jazz, MIA Jazz 5 if there's interest, Barefaced Compact, Orange Terror, Pedal-board if there's interest. 10. Throwoff: 11. TheGreek: Veillette Citron fretless 12. Burgundymouse: Fender Jazz and Laney amp 13. 51m0n: Berg ae410, MB, Focusrite and Roscoe 14. seashell: MIM Fender Precision + some sort of Marshall practice amp 15. Barneyg42: Some second-hand tat bought over the years! 16. Happy Jack: Double bass of some description + Status Graphite Streamline 5 17. silddx: Hohner B2ADB Headless Boat Paddle / Home Built Chris Squire Electra Evolution, Status Graphite Vintage PJ4 and my Fender USA Deluxe Strat (with the trusty POD X3 Live)[indent=1]18. Paul the drums: himself & some drums![/indent] 19. TomKent: Fodera NYC Empire 5, Fender Jazz 4, Vintage Stingray 5, Faker P 4 Fretless, Faker P Fretted, Krampera KVB800 Rig, some pedals too.. 20. Obbm: Shuker PJ5, ACG headless 5, Aguilar SL112, Ashdown LB, GK Microstack. 21. Ped: Vigier Passion bass, BC T shirts 22. Merton: 4 Statii (yes, 4, hooray!), Multiscale prototype, GK MB200 23. Jean-Luc Pickguard: NS-Design CR5M, Ashbory 24. Stingray5: Musicman, Tune, Trace Elliot, GT-6B, other stuff tba 25. Bassace : A double bass and an amp or two 26. WalMan: Wal Pro 1/Custom, G&L L2500 fretted & fretless, MB LMT, BF Super 12T, assorted EBS pedals [i][b]EDIT[/b][/i] Roland PK5 bass pedals & Novation BassStation 27. SlackAlice: Squier P Bass Special........& hopefully another addition by then. Ashdown Electric Blue 180 12. 28. Mcgraham: Wood & Tronics 5 string fretted & 5 string fretless 29. Pantherairsoft: Roscoe Century Signature 6 & Custom 3006 Fretless 30. Maverick: Maverick S4 Nemesis, Fulltone Bass Drive & EBS Microbass II. 31. Grand Wazoo: Basswise I'll take whatever I like. mostly wonkey fretted ones and an Ashdown Drophead 30 32. sockdeluxe_mikey: Lakland 44-01 and possibly one or two others, Markbass SA450 and Barefaced Compact. 33. Arco: Yamaha SLB 100, Precision, Markbass CMD121P plus anything else I acquire before then.... 34. Thestick[indent=1]35. Low End Bee:[/indent][indent=1]36. Walbassist:[/indent][indent=1]37. bassmanady: Shecter Diamond series Elite 5 string & Sei Flam 5 string[/indent][indent=1]38. alexclaber: trusty RIM Custom 5, a barefaced cab or two plus a drummist![/indent][indent=1]39. vintage ben: 1967 Jazz Bass, Sadowsky NYC P Bass, Aguilar TH500, Barefaced Compact (assuming all goes to plan).[/indent][indent=1]40. Hamster: mostly tea, coffee & cakes![/indent][indent=1]41. jhk: Yamaha TRB 5 & 6 plus RBX 775, stingray 5, GB spitfire 5, Eden Metro[/indent][indent=1]42. chimike: various amps, pre-amps…[/indent] [/quote] plus probably the Nova Dynamics compressor (51m0n...got a mo? )
  8. I'll stick with my bomb proof Boss TU2 thanks
  9. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1316462942' post='1378441'] I've also got a few of those at £5 each. [/quote] If you mean yous then that'd be good. Must get sorted !!
  10. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1316457491' post='1378275'] As well as bringing my mini-rig and a couple of basses plus the DD that is currently up for trade, I also have some bits and pieces for trade or sale. A few 1m Klotz speaker cables that have been used a couple of times, some patch cords, a bag of used Neutrik jacks and whatever else I can find. Bassjumbles R US. Anyone need any specific cables to be made for Saturday? [/quote] Do you know I was just mulling that over. Could probably do with some short, and not quite so short Rightangle->Rightangle pedal board links. I'll try and get my act together for tomorrow if that's not too late
  11. [quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1316365086' post='1376973']has anyone tried hotcovers? if so how do they compare to roqsolid?[/quote] Can't comment on them, but they look similar to a padded cover I had made for my old TE combo years ago, except that was heavy duty cloth outer rather than leather-look [quote name='winterfire666' timestamp='1316365086' post='1376973']my only concern (with roqsolid)is they look a bit thin/lightweight are there any other more heavy duty options?[/quote] never had a problem with mine in years [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1316368340' post='1377026']I don't find roqsolids thin at all, you can have a speaker protection board sewn in as an extra for a reasonable fee too.[/quote] what he said. Mine have been used for transporting in the car rather than chucked in and out of a van, but they always stayed pristine, no rips or joint splits
  12. Yup. Another satisfied customer. Over the years they have done my[list] [*]MB CMD121H combo [*]Epifani 112 [*]Barefaced SuperTwelve T [/list] All of which had size tempates set up ready when I came to buy. All of them arriving very quickly after the order
  13. Mert I have[list] [*]Hal Leonard DVD - Beginning Funk Bass feat. Abe Laboriel (I'll never have the funk so...) [*]JamMate RockFrog US inbterface for Bass ([i][sub]and guitar[/sub][/i]) include NI amp sim. Was going to eBay it but what the heck [/list] See you there
  14. [quote name='lojo' post='1370916' date='Sep 12 2011, 07:09 PM']Have fun, obviously play as solid as you can, no need to over play Remember, you are also auditioning them, they might not be at your standard or they might be tossers Hopefully, they'll be a nice bunch and you'll form a good band[/quote] Indeed. Went to one yesterday. Refreshed my mind with what I had worked out the night before (proggy It Bites etc some of which I did not really know). Had the tracks on a memory stick playing on the way down in the morning. Set up. Had a blast. Packed up. ****ed off. Seemed a nice bunch. We shall see. Just enjoy
  15. Screaming on the Beaches & Kiss Like Judas - It Bites Frequency - IQ Fun, particularly the first two as I love a bit of It Bites
  16. Just pick up a set of Roland PK5 bass pedals. They arrived in the usual polystyrene & cardboard "flightcase" which is awkward for transporting to gigs, and in any event likely to fall apart fairly swiftly. I am looking for a case, but do not really want to go the whole hog of a flight case and would prefer a padded bag of some sort. Anyone got a set of these, and what do you use?
  17. [quote name='51m0n' post='1366359' date='Sep 8 2011, 01:24 PM']You are going to love this thing on a gig, it sounds superb![/quote] Plus the one!! Loving mine with an LMT running it. Already seen off a twin Marshall stack and solid as a rock down to the low B's
  18. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='1368142' date='Sep 9 2011, 10:20 PM']There's a guitar on eBay I'm thinking of taking a punt on, but the seller won't post and it'd be a huge trip for me - anyone in that kind of area fancy making a few quid picking it up and packaging it for a courier? It's an acoustic so might want a bit of bubblewrapping and probably a proper guitar box, but I'd happily make sure you're not out of pocket...[/quote] PM'd There's at least two of us in LA
  19. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' post='1362455' date='Sep 4 2011, 11:47 PM']Word of warning if thinking of asking the seller to declare lower value, firstly, if the seller is genuine and honest, and the item gets lost/damaged, then you'll only get the insured value in compensation. Worse still, if you don't know the seller, as will often be the case, [i]this[/i] could happen (Assuming item is high value wihich is the majority of US purchases, cheaper items dont tend to be much different, certainly not worth the added risk of it flying half way round the world); Imagine you buy a bass for $4000, you ask the seller to declare it as a $500 bass. This save's you about a grand on fee's. The seller, puts an empty box in a carton, and sends it to you, you pay £50 charges and get the package home, open it, have a heart attack, then contact the seller, who says he packaged the instrument, you claim, and get $500. He gets your $4000, gets to keep the guitar he never sent, worth $4000, and pays nothing. Nice work fella!! You hear about this more and more in the vintage market, simple rule, dont risk it, if you want it, buy it, declare it legitimately. Or better still, fly yourself for £500, have a few nights in the US, carry it back, tell 'em its yours, spend all the potential duty fee's on more guitar gear!![/quote] ...and do also bear in mind that Customs are not fools and do have people who know the value of instruments. Try and under declare value on postage, or walk it through Green and there is a chance (possibly small but a chance all the same) that the bass will be seized and you've lost the lot - well you could always hope to buy it back from a Government auction. There was a duty case a couple of years back, albeit not for an instrument but clothing, where the value was under declared and the UK purchaser swore blind it was the overseas vendors doing & nothing to do with him. innocent party etc., etc., and he still lost the lot. Yes I know people have got away with getting values under declared, or walking through Green, but is it worth the possible hassle!? Consider if you need to return under warranty for any reason. There's added risk/cost there too. Work out the likely VAT/Duty costs, plus shipping. Is it still markedly cheaper than the UK? Are you bothered about additional cost of a return under warranty? If it is cheaper and you are happy with the other then go for it. If it comes though the couriers and they don't pick up the VAT, then HURRAH! You've saved a bit more than you expected, but just be aware of all the possible downsides
  20. [quote name='Badass' post='1362048' date='Sep 4 2011, 07:01 PM'] Thanks for that review [b]Grand Wazoo[/b] [/quote] Boy my ears are shot. The TTE didn't sound as good as I heard this afternoon in the clip and I heard very little difference when the controls were changed. I'd still like to try one through my BF Super12T and A/B it with the LMT
  21. Tried the doinked one out in GAK today - something fell on it and dinged the front grill but you'd never know without a close look and it fires up just fine so it's a fairly sturdy beast too. It was into an Ampeg 4x10 and sounded really good. I also liked it a lot & am [i][b][u]sorely[/u][/b][/i] tempted. As mentioned sparse on the front and just as sparse on the back. two Speakons and a DI as far as I could see, but no loop. That's probably no great issue.
  22. I have arranged the courier to collect a couple of things won on ebay recently. Mind used the courier firm we use at work and got it delivered to the office, but that might be an option for you if the seller can package it up.
  23. Another week, another last minute stand in - text Friday "Call me ASAP", rang "can you do Saturday?" "No probs, all my bands are on holiday one way or another" . Smallish pub, not a lot in & most of those that were there were regulars for the band. Same stand in drummer as last week who is good and we gelled pretty well. Nice comments at the break including two for me specifically Rig sounding great as ever, though I probably ought to invest in a BF Midget for gigs this size. Something funny with the jack on the fretted L2500. Very intermittent (ie it won't do it when I say to the tech "the level seems to drop") but it did for a while, fixed by a push on the jack. Think I need to get a new socket put in. Oh and having had a Dunlop straplock lose it's tit last week, and bought a new set, but not installed them as I was looking for a punch to make the hole in the strap a better fit, I managed to forget to take them tonight. Got by minus one lock on the fretless, out as a spare.
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