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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. First one back for a while. Tight, but the crowd was the usual MEH until we finished then wanted more TCHAH! Rig sounded nice to me. Need to check the basses for dings for a quick change when I had to grab the fretless I had already primed someone with and throw the fretted back at them. Just manager to get the f/less round my neck and cancel the mute on the tuner for the next song by the skin of my teeth. Also need to work on some more everyone plays/knows them songs as some of the lesser known ones get blank stares however good/well played they might be
  2. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1318173' date='Jul 27 2011, 12:56 PM']Heard through a friend the same situation exists in Brighton[/quote] Not obviously last time I was over there
  3. Just back from picking up MrsW & her chum from Rox and caught the last couple of numbers from the Blockheads. Sadly due to a rehearsal at the opposite end of the county I missed the rest of the set Caught the end of Clever Trevor. Reasons To Be Cheerful & Hit Me With Your Rythmn Stick
  4. Well. I was depping with a band I have depped for a couple of times before, but this time with a dep drummer as well, and he knew hardly any of the songs in the set. So not only was I busking songs I had never played before (but sort of knew) but trying to cue him on stuff I had played a couple of times before. Working out songs by ear/watching one of the guitarists chord hand. Got through the evening OK but quite a few of the endings were train wrecks. Still, you guessed it, the crowd went wild, more gigs were booked & drummer & I were being chatted to in the break by people who either swore blind they had seen us with the band before. Hey ho. Got out, made some noise, pleased the crowd and got paid. No one died
  5. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='1306304' date='Jul 16 2011, 11:50 PM']Played a White 8-String Marathon in Music Ground in Manchester before it closed. I loved it, but it had an unworkable hump in the neck from the 3rd fret leading towards the headstock, suck a shame. In typical style they still wanted about a grand for it.[/quote] [i][b][size=7]HOW MUCH!!!!?[/size][/b][/i]
  6. Screaming On The Beaches - It Bites plus a few more in that ilk to do
  7. [quote name='bassfan' post='1301751' date='Jul 12 2011, 11:37 PM']Hi all, Does anyone know anything about shergold basses. I know they are no longer made. Hand made in the uk. Are they any good? Let me have your knowledge.... [/quote] A fretted & fretless were my first two proper basses and I used them for years. Fretless I found a bit hard work with the laquered maple neck. The fretted was good and ultimately converted to an 8 string. Depends on the condition and how much someone wants. I think my two went with flightcases a few years back now for £2-300(ish) If it's not already been posted there are some old sound clips [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=98876&hl=shergold"]HERE[/url]
  8. 'Er Indoors - Snoring It's driving me mad & I've got to be up for work in a couple of hours Sorry..............as you were
  9. Had one for a while now, and after an initial "HUH!?" the first time I tried it at a venue and lost the bass on a boomy stage, leading to me removing it in the break, I got used to it and wouldn't be without now.
  10. 01. Silverfoxnik: Roscoe Beck V, BC Rich Eagle, Yamaha TRB5 with Norstrand p/ups and Auderre pre, Hughes & Kettner Bassbass 600 head & SWR Triad.. plus old Peavey Head and 1x15 for the Jamming Room (unless anyone has something else we can use that's better?) 02. EssentialTension: Fender Precision 62, Fender TF Fretless P, Lakland Decade, Mesa Walkabout 12. 03. Waynepunkdude : Arsenal shirt, Nick Cave underpants, Sunburst Musicman Sterling H and Ampeg SVT 2pro G&K Neo412 04. Clarky: Currently Ampeg Baby Bass, Acoustic Image/Euphonic Audio rig; By September, who knows (watch the FS forum) 05. Truckstop: MIM Fender Jazz V, pimped Kay 2B; Gem/Ampeg rig; some effects 06. Urb - either Sei Jazz or Singlecut - and maybe some pedals - possible Genz Shuttle 9 07. dc2009 - Warwick CS Corvette $$ 5, Epi TB Vs (Reverse and non-reverse), my Dean if anyone actually wants a go, Trace Head, Marshall cab (heavy and big), various pedals. 08.Shockwave - Pedulla MVP5 Mean Green machine. 09. Sibob - '71 Precision, '73 Jazz, MIA Jazz 5 if there's interest, Barefaced Compact, Orange Terror, Pedal-board if there's interest. 10. MacDaddy - Custom Shuker & Hamer Blitz or Iceni custom. 11. Essexbasscat Roadworn somethingorother + Gs112. Amp - not sure which one yet 12. Plux - Berg HT210 & HT115 Hartke LH500 Ibanez BTB 13. 51m0n - Berg ae410, MB, Focusrite and Roscoe 14.seashell - MIM Fender Precision + some sort of Marshall practice amp (I'll look it up tonight) 15.Barneyg42- Some secondhand tat bought over the years! 16.Happy Jack - Double bass of some description + Status Graphite Streamline 5 17.silddx - Hohner B2ADB Headless Boat Paddle / Home Built Chris Squire Electra Evolution 18.TomKent - Fodera NYC Empire 5, Fender Jazz 4, Vintage Stingray 5, Faker P 4 Fretless, Faker P Fretted, Krampera KVB800 Rig, some pedals too.. 19. obbm - Shuker PJ5, ACG headless 5, Aguilar SL112, Ashdown LB, GK Microstack. 20.ped - Vigier Passion bass, BC T shirts 21. Merton - Stasusey basses of some sort, Eden WT550/GK MB200 and Barefaced Vintage (who's at 19???) 22. Jean-Luc Pickguard - NS-Design CR5M, Ashbory 23. Stingray5 - Musicman, Tune, Trace Elliot, GT-6B, other stuff tba 24. Bassace - A double bass and an amp or two 25. Walman - Wal Pro 1/Custom, G&L L2500 fretted & fretless, MB LMT, BF Super 12T, assorted EBS pedals 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
  11. Arrived late, as I couldn't find a way out of town due to the carnival, but in plenty of time to get ready. First set average, but a few 'mares for me, and what the hell I was playing on the fretless in a couple of numbers heaven only knows. Loads of kiddiwinks in the club doing the knee slide dance, which was a bit odd for our gigs Second set went better, despite someone asking for "There Is A House In New Orleans" a couple of times ("No. Sorry"). People up dancing. which was nice but an odd moment for me on the penultimate "encore" when the bass went down at the start & I scrabbled through pretty much everything (but not flicking to passice to seet if it was the actives battery dying which I must do tomorrow) unthil part way through the second verse when I bypassed the pedals (all of which seem to be fine) and went straight to the front of the amp. Some invesstigation to do tomorrow methinks
  12. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='1296827' date='Jul 8 2011, 09:29 AM']Sorry to hear that Al, I hope Pam's OK? I'm in Manchester myself for a funeral today; they come round too often these days i'm sad to say.. I'm aware the main thread needs updating and i'll do all that plus update the workshops list when i get back at the weekend. Great responses so far though and thanks for all support to date.. Nik[/quote] Thanks Nik. She's holding up reasonably well, a couple of little wavers but OK. No doubt there will be a crash at some point.
  13. [quote name='Arco' post='1296501' date='Jul 7 2011, 09:40 PM']I'd like to do this - but I'm a bit nervous about it. Not done anything like this before, like to spend my time hding behind the rest of the band. S'funny - when I started I didn't read and always busked, now after 5 years of having to read /sight read because of the standard of the band, improv etc seems hard! A lot of my playing is of the Eric Morecambe variety "All the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order". Hopefull I will learn some and not embarrass myself too much..... Anyway, sign me up. I'll bring the Yamaha SLB200 / Precision / Markbass 121P combo.[/quote] [quote name='51m0n' post='1296615' date='Jul 7 2011, 11:27 PM']No need to be intimidated, really, all levels, all styles completely cool. It is not in any way competitive, quite the opposite. The worst that can happen is you spend a day looking at, listening to, talking about, and trying, lovely gear that you would may or may not want to own from that point onwards.... ...sometimes more than your arms and legs. In all likelihood you will also learn some interesting stuff, meet some lovely people, and go away thoroughly happy.[/quote] This. Really don't worry, it's a good day out with a load of others who also lurk at the back and hold the band together I'll be there with the current rig (per sig) which I shall add to the list when the current family bereavement problems have settled down (or I sneak off for a quiet 5 mins on my own)... it was mother in law who had had a good life and been poorly for a while now, but thankfully was allowed to slip quickly & peacefully this (well yesterday now) morning. Sad, but really kinder and for the best all round.
  14. Today I have been mostly listening to: [list] [*]Exhibit A - Make mine a Lobster [*]Extreme - Take Us Alive [*]Chroma Key - You Go Now; and latterly [*]Touchstone - Wintercoast [/list] I LOVE WORKING FROM HOME Coming up I think will be either Stevie Salas - Be What It Is, or Glen Burtni©k - Welcome To Palookaville
  15. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1290781' date='Jul 3 2011, 09:35 AM']I'd have told him where to get off unless he was offering a new bass as a gift.[/quote] Indeed. Never been in the situation & don't expect to be either. Picked up the fretless for the proggy gig, but otherwise I have three good basses that cover pretty much all situations for what I do so you get what you get (famous last words!!)
  16. [quote name='superjx10' post='1288096' date='Jun 30 2011, 06:57 PM']Wallman, we're actually in Southampton, Portsmouth, Romsey and London. Where are you? - I see you posted in the original thread? DBP[/quote] I live in Littlehampton, work in Guildford & gig mainly Portsmouth/Southampton/Gosport. And as well as It Bites you mentioned the mighty Spock's possibly my favourite band at the mo Will PM later
  17. Oooooh now there's interesting Might PM when I am back darn Sarf at the weekend
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1274782' date='Jun 19 2011, 02:55 PM']You cant grumble at £299 can you, nice one![/quote] Now that's interesting (as is the 350 for smaller gigs). Shame I'm not in the office for 10 days now to be able to shamble up at lunchtime
  19. [quote name='silddx' post='1275635' date='Jun 20 2011, 10:31 AM']Sansamp and monitors?[/quote]Did that with a BOD xT Pro but somehow the rest of the band could not get on with the bass through the monitors so I slid back to the MB combo (small light and loud) [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1275636' date='Jun 20 2011, 10:32 AM']I've got a 900w amp that weighs next to nowt and has a lovely DI. I have two nice cabs that are an easy lift, but I usually only use one. And I quite often get mic'd up. More importantly, the amp has a volume knob that goes down as well as up. I'm a while away from going down the Pod + in-ears route.[/quote]Now got my MB LM Tube and Barefaced Super Twelve which is a bit bigger, and potentially somewhat louder than the combo was (as it uses the full power of the amp @ 4 ohms) but I have had a little less grief about the volume from the boys at gigs since the rig was completed - though sadly not the sound guy on Saturday I think that is down to the fact that is is a warmer fundamental that sits a bit better than the combo did (IMO). My main problem now is that both the G&L's and Wal are high output so the input is below 9 o'clock, the master around 9 o'clock and the basses rolled back (the Wal has been down to only 1 or 2 at times. Still the current rig is [i][b][u]the[/u][/b][/i] one for me (until the next GAS attack which may be a Genz Benz - I need a Bass Bash to have a listen/compare)
  20. Last night pretty good. Landlady was happy at the end of the night saying that they are finding the third week of every moth a struggle as everyone has run out of money abnd stays home, but it did fill up nicely. Third outing for Ready & Willing and it's getting a nice swing/move to it - not in a Paul Anka big band swing way but it's sounding good IMO. B vox sounded pretty good, the guitars duelling nicely, and got the stabs (well ok I missed one at the very beginning but better that than be miles out) I bought a couple of LED panels to add a bit of moving light rather than the static boxes with some 150W garden floodlight & make shift gel holders, and last night the vocalist said he'd been talking with the sound guy about fixing for them and two more he intends to get as finding womewhere to hang them has been a trial. Now all we need to do is work out exactly which piece of one of the guitarists gear is picking up interference from the boxes and work out how to stop that Been messing with a video and some external sound this evening, but as it was a digital camera in video mode, and sat on one of the mid bins, coupled with a lot of the house lights not working it shows [list] [*]my left hand [*]vocalist in silhouette [*]the guitarists in the spotlight - TCHA!! [/list] so I'll probably only share that with the band
  21. [quote name='nick' post='1273598' date='Jun 18 2011, 11:40 AM']Wouldn't go near it myself [/quote] You beat me to it
  22. Last nights sets Comin’ Back For More - Lynyrd Skynyrd Wishing Well - Free Tonight - The Answer (?) Wayward Son - Kansas Foxy Lady - Hendrix Burlesque - Family Good Times Bad Times - Led Zep Loading Up - Street Legal Learn To Fly - Foo's Black Rose - Lizzy LA Woman - Doors My Kind Of Girl - Chickenfoot Waiting For An Alibi - Lizzy Unconditional Love - Street Legal Fire - Hendrix I Want It All - Queen Are You Ready To Rock? - Lizzy Maniac - Hall & Oates / Sembello / Flashdance Ready and Willing - Whitesnake Are You Gonna Be My Girl? - Jet Don’t Believe A Word - Lizzy Boys Are Back In Town - Lizzy Gimme All Your Lovin’ - ZZ Top Whole Lotta Love - Zep ENCS: REBEL YELL - Idol WORD UP - Cameo/Gun Don't know why I bothered to name the bands for 99% of those Funny how we seem to go through large blocks of bands songs to cover. Did a lot of Aerosmith a while back, then Whitesnake, Gary Moore currently Lizzy with more in the pipeline
  23. Twas OK for a first one there. Quiet but a few people who came to see us but we haven't seen for a while (my technical FUBAR on the site ahs a lot to do with that I think) and the "regulars" seemed to enjoy. Still got the usual "we're all booked up this year I'll ring you about next year" but perhaps it's that time of year...or perhaps we're just sh1t, but I don't think so. The raised area was all carpetted and sucked the life out of everything. New rig sounded good when I was nearer it, and ther when further forwards, but... First set the level stayed down as noone wanted to push it in a large, high space with only a few bodies in. Second set sounded a bit better to me after the levels all crept up a bit in the break. On arrival landlord said (or how we understood it anyway) plug into the socket at the front of the raised "stage" area. Got to the break and suddenly the power goes out on the "stage". Landlord appears muttering about having told us where to plug in and having been ignored Now I was going to take photos of the two sockets on offer but it might have been a bit obvious, so anyway there was a choice of a socket with a built in RCD, and another that appeared to be hanging off the wall. Guess which one we [u][i]should[/i][/u] have plugged into!? Hey ho. Onwards & upwards to the Swan at Woolston tomorrow
  24. Read the first few pages then decided life was probably too short, however in his defence re the shipping it is much the same to international ship a part from G&L US where IIRC a pot for the L2500 was $6 with $75 shipping, so not just KS
  25. Just got a double Mono bag to take the G&L's. Makes life so much easier loading the car and in & out of gigs and it offers pretty good protection
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