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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. GAAAH! and you beat me to it too Still all I have to swap now is a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Markbass LM Tube 500
  2. Should be another SE Bash after the summer I think
  3. Only had my S12T a short while, so far 3 gigs & a rehearsal, but it gets a HUGE [size=7]+1[/size] from me. I said it in a couple of other threads ('cos I am so happy with it) but coupled with the LMT it is light, loud, brilliant in the mix for both my twin guitar classic rock covers, and prog covers bands, really good dispersion and just sits in all the right places IMHO
  4. I had a CMD121H combo until about a month ago, when I sold it and got an LM Tube (not the 800) and a Barefaced Super Twelve T. Tried a Rocker at the bass show and the tube feed in on that just went too dirty too soon for me. I have the LMT set flat EQ, no filters, and around 1 o'clock on the SS/Tube mix. Together with the S12T and using both the Wal & the L2500's it sounds awesome. Sits perfectly in the mix and gets a good wide dispersion. I am using it in a twin guitar rock covers band - Lizzy, Whitesnake, that type of thing - and a prog covers back - Yes, Floyd, Crimson, etc - and it handles both beautifully, solid as a rock right down to the Low Bb (we detune a semitone) My biggest problem, as ever with the MB heads, is keeping it in check volume wise and not getting grief from the rest of the band & sound guy for being a noisy boy What sort of material are you doing? For me in the classic rock/prog scenarios what I have is perfect and plenty loud enough whilst being light as a feather
  5. [quote name='Beedster' post='1264254' date='Jun 10 2011, 06:48 PM']£500 lowest and £650 highest depending on how lucky you get, that is, does someone who wants one have the money at the time you don't want one [/quote] I recently sold my CMD121H along with a Roqsolid cover, bass keeper & stand with delivery around the middle of that range so that seems fair. Went in a couple of days too so either I underpriced it, or got it spot on first time Probably the latter, & it went to another 'chatter and put me in funds for the new LMT & Barefaced Super Twelve T rig (which is awesome BTW ) so alls good as far as I'm concerned
  6. Interesting evening that went pretty well. BUT [list] [*]One of the new LED panels I got recently seems to have a problem and is chucking out loads of interference that really screws with one of the guitarists gear [*]My radio seems to be playing up. Bass seemed to be coming & going in the first set, much better with a lead in the second [*]one of the filters in my brand new ACS moulded plugs has disappeared [*]The pain at the back of my knee that started as I finished my session at the gym Wednesday, but had eased off, came back with a vengence as I was running trying to dodge raindrops at lunchtime and has stayed this time. Damn painful to put weight on, and stiffens on a long drive [/list]On the plus side[list] [*]Once I moved to a lead in the second set the sound was very much better, at least where I was [*]the new rig was sounding awesome IMO. Barefaced Super Twelve T living up to its promise of loud, solid, good dispersion, rolls down to the low B (well Bb as we detune a semitone) effortlessly & the sound sitting really well with everything else [*]There were a reasonable number of people there and they were in fine voise and pretty noisy throughout [/list] Whilst I have gone from a 1x12 MB combo that was great to a MB LMT plus the 2x12 - so it is not an entirely fair comparison the new system acts as above & I was very happy with that at least. We played pretty well & were tight but the level did creep up. Now part of that may be down to me moving to the lead for the second set and IMO getting a far better sound, but though I was barely tickling the bass a lot of the time to try to keep things even I did catch one guitarist sneaking back and tweaking his master volume - something he swears blind he never does - so by the end of the night it had got quite l;oud. Still it was going down well, so never mind, but.......
  7. [quote name='paul h' post='1262107' date='Jun 8 2011, 11:35 PM']0. I'm just a blagger I'm afraid. I learn the song (ish) and then make it up as I go along.[/quote] that'll be me largely
  8. Going back over the years my amp history runs something like [list] [*]Selmer T&B - why worry sling it in the van [*]Marshall Superbass 100 - do I really want to add MORE weight, it only cost £50 secondhand IIRC, sling it in the van [*]Carlsbro 1x15 combo - it's a combo (and a pretty cheap & cheerful one at that) sling it in the boot with its plastic cover / leave it in the band bus [*]Laney 4x10 combo - ditto [*]GK MB150 combo - ditto (though not the cheap & cheerful!) [*]TE GP11 4x10 combo - ditto [*]TE 2x10 combo - got a good padded cover, in the boot [*]MB CMD121H - Roqsolid cover, in the boot [*]MB LM Tube - Gigskinz small mixer bag & on the back seat [/list] Despite some of the comments above all have been bought with my money and I have always tried to look after them, though the times when we had a band bus & all the gear lived in a cage in the back, or we went to gigs in the band van rather than a convoy of cars they probably saw a bit more of a hard time End of the day I suppose it depends if you are your own roadie/driver and so will treat it with kid gloves, or you're relying on someone else humping the gear for you with perhaps less interest/investment in your pride & joy
  9. [quote name='Finbar' post='1258745' date='Jun 6 2011, 06:48 PM']If you're happy to have a footswitch anyway, you may was well just stick a tuner pedal on the floor by your amp.[/quote] The problem with that is that in small gigs access to the mute pull on the LMT Master vol can be inaccessible, so a lead out of the tuner out to the tuner is fine EXCEPT you have no way of silent tuning. With the TE system I had the TE pedal board, tuner feed & mute pedal lead loomed up in a sleeve and it didn't matter how burried behind the keys rig the Trace was I could switch on the tuner and mute the amp between or even during songs for a quick check without a sound
  10. [quote name='deepbass5' post='1258663' date='Jun 6 2011, 05:35 PM']I have always wanted a triple amp So basically a stereo amp but with one side split which you could also be bridge if desired. The Larger amp would be 500watt and you would have two 250 watt amps that would form a stereo bi amp top. I would have the large amp for the low end you would use clean you would get an active cross over knob for setting this. My preamp would have a built in top draw stereo chorus and additional patch bay for series /parallel and pre post x over. Probably a built in compressor limiter. What more would you want. Well a custom set of speaker cabs to match I guess. The nearest I got to this was with a Peavey 15x2x8 cab then bought the peavey bright box which was 2x8 with built in amp. I had a Carvin Probass 500 head Bi amp and drove the 15" low end, fed my hi out to a stereo chorus pedal and fed one output to the powered bright box and the other back into my Hi in on the amp that fed the 2x8 of the larger cab. Cooking !!! [/quote] Used to have a Peavy Megabass amp with that Peavey cab, which did the biamp thing along with chorus that was OK. Hardly D Class weight though!! Just picked up an LMT from For Sale, and as ever it is running EQ flat & no filters. What I would really like (and was about to start a thread on but will put it here) is a footswitchable mute. Used to have it on my old Trace combo and it was good for a quick mute & tune using any old lead and a Roland non latching footswitch. So many amps (like the MB heads) have is a tuner out that you can feed a tuner outside of a long loop, but the amp is not muted so there is no chance of a surreptitious check in the odd quiet bit
  11. [quote name='bobbytodd' post='1244178' date='May 25 2011, 01:00 PM']since when is spectacular overkill a bad thing [/quote] Since the glares I was getting to my back from my drummer on Saturday (second outing for the LMT & BF S12T). Had to roll it back a bit, but it was all sounding good & solid to me even if I was out of my usual position & well off axis to the cab
  12. [quote name='bassninja' post='1257887' date='Jun 5 2011, 10:12 PM']Glad we only ever play there Sunday afternoons when they've all just come back from church... I know a wistful solo acoustic act who was due to play there for the first time on a Saturday night. He entered the pub at the front, saw the 'carnival atmosphere' and walked straight out the back to his car without stopping.[/quote] It is sadly very reminiscent of the OK Coral, both the gig and the town. Last one there & we were supposed to have another up the road at Gen Henry's but the bloke has messed us around so much, and it is becoming apparent is an arch bullsh*tt*r no loss there I think. Ah well, back to driving miles for gigs
  13. OK. In my town, which we don't play often, and they enjoyed themselves, but we did have the first incident in years where a guy who had been boogieing away quite happily 30 secs previously was suddenly being dragged off another punter, fists were flying, bouncers were involved and people were being forcibly ejected. All the while in true Blues Brothers fashion we carried on, though unfortunately no wire mesh, and the route to the bogs & smokers hell is straight through the band. New rig did its stuff again, though I did get some grief early on for being too loud - is that ever possible!?
  14. First outing for the new rig and it sounded pretty darn good from where I was. Also got a lot of compliments on the sound. Earlyish set up and then a sound check on BoRhap with the female vocal group who were on first. They'd asked us to learn it up and finish their set, so we did. Sound check was the fourth time we had all played it, gig was the fifth And it went pretty well all in all with us all getting to the end at the same time and pretty creditably I think. Few mistakes, but they were past in a flash so no one will know unless/until I sort out the recording from the Roland. Had a quick listen to the recording, which was unfortunately off to one side and at first listen it hasn't captured what I was hearing for me which is a shame. Like I say off to one side and diagonally opposite me so that didn't really help. So we came on to finish their set with BoRhap, then carried on with ours. Went pretty well with the worst fluff in Roundabout, but we played hrough that and got out the other side relatively unscathed. Onwards to tomorrow with my other lot in a tiny pub we're not sure how it's all going to fit into, but that's life
  15. [quote name='steve-bbb' post='1247281' date='May 27 2011, 04:15 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGqswbOAxWw"]FAMLY - BURLESQUE[/url] [/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=126620"]It's fun to play too[/url] Currently working through this months eMusic downloads, firstly Ajalon - This Good Place, presently Steve Walsh - Shadowman, and if I get time before I need to lock & load for tonights gig Roswell Six - Terra Incognita
  16. [quote name='Hamster' post='1184799' date='Apr 1 2011, 02:38 PM']I've finally arrived at 2 x Barefaced 1x15 Compacts and a Markbass LittleMark 800 tube rig. Face-meltingly good for classic rock, weighs about the same as a hummingbird and fits in the boot of my car [/quote] Just got, and breaking in a Super 12 T to go with the MB LM Tube (500). Sounded good when fired up for the first time and weighs next to nothing. RESULT! EDIT: ...and having fired it up at rehearsal last night with the L2500..........LUVERLY Weighs next to nothing, solid as #### and sounds marvellous. It was just sitting beautifully with everything else. Nice solid bass down to the lob Bb (we detune a semitone) but with a nice brightness to round things out from the horn. Didn't bother with any of the effects/ bits & bobs I have been using front end, just L2500>LMT>S12T linked with OBBM cables
  17. A couple from our YT channel Makes interesting, and frankly b izarre, reading looking at the YT stats for views - which I did last week. Loads from Canada (I understand that as we covered a song by a Canadian band and cross posted with their MySpace - we have more plays for our version than they do at the mo ) but then where did the hell did Indonesia, Japan & Estonia (amongst others) come from!!?
  18. I am a member of the group but cannot for the life of me see how to create an album And just to add, if I click on Videos I can see an upload button, but for photo's nada? Only way seems to be to add them at the Wall one at a time, which could take a while
  19. Which reminds me I have a load of photos & vids from the SE Bash two years ago that I was supposed to have put into some semblance of order. Supper then I'll have a go
  20. Anyone who uses a G&L L2500 must be OK Downloaded from eMusic. I'll give it a listen tomorrow. Clips sounded good
  21. WalMan


    And now it's in the set here's a video I've been playing with a "corporate" image to top & tail videos and have created a Windows Movie template with the logo, titles, and "stab" from White Punks, along with the Credits section at the end. Nothing fancy, and I'm still not sure whether the music stab at the start over the logo might become tiresome, however it's easy to drop the live video takes in, add fade in/out and crossfade so hopefully even the guitarist (whose daughters digital camera is pressed into action and even handles recording the sound pretty well) can manage to put it together to post without too much difficulty
  22. [quote name='Machines' post='1241657' date='May 23 2011, 02:34 PM']Out of sheer curiosity, I would like to know what kind of usage people get out of the For Sale forum(s). There is no commercial angle to this, i've just noticed how hard it is to sell things at the moment (for myself and others). I don't think the prices are the issue (best value i've seen on a lot of things), but just that people don't have the spare wedge at the moment ! All answers are anonymous so no-one will know who has answered what (in terms of privacy for your budget or reasons for selling). The more people that answer here the more of a feel we get for what kind of sales get made here and if most people go for low, middle or high end gear. This should in theory determine how likely you are to shift something ! Feel free to suggest any more poll options.[/quote] I normally have a browse every so often (and normally get dragged into some deal I didn't intend at the outset so try to keep it to a minimum ) Last deal was sell combo & cab, buy head and all that happened in the space of a week between trying on one head, missing it, seeing another, putting feelers out for the combo & cab, getting my arm ripped off - did I undercharge? I don't think so probably just caught the wave right, but who knows. Still I've ended up with a new rig (or will have when the new cab arrives from Alex) that is really a slightly different version of what I had & was happy with (why was I changing in the first place is a major question I kept asking myself), and everyone seems happy with how it turned out. Happy days
  23. Managed reasonably well when I bought Nik's SUB5 and took it straight to a gig. Biggest problem was the muscle memory for all the songs where I flicked the Hipshout down/up on the 4 I had been using for years prior
  24. [quote name='4 candles' post='1239803' date='May 21 2011, 11:25 PM']look at chrimuzz avatar for incentive on improving "left hand technique"[/quote] [quote name='4 candles' post='1239804' date='May 21 2011, 11:26 PM']or "right hand technique"[/quote] [quote name='tedgilley' post='1239831' date='May 21 2011, 11:53 PM']Will do. I'm sure the numbness would disappear ...[/quote] ..but surely it would be a boon I'll get me coat
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