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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Looks good (no sound at work so that'll have to wait til later) How do you want samples recorded?
  2. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1233462' date='May 16 2011, 07:11 PM']What are your experiences of stand-in gigs? Did you ever do one at last minute and had to busk it? Did the band supply you with a set list beforehand, then didn't stick to it? Did they spring different and unfamiliar songs on you, that were hard to busk and made you feel uncomfortable? Did they change the keys of the songs you had learned for the gig?[/quote] Done a couple for a mate at pretty dhort notice. First one I went to his and ran through the set top & tails. Most recent was at a couple of days notice. Basically the same set but a few extras. Went & watched them the night before to get a feel. All pretty standard rock cover fare and easy enough. my biggest problem being a few my lot do, but in different keys or arrangements so had to pay more attention on those
  3. [quote name='slobluesine' post='1235042' date='May 17 2011, 10:54 PM']i've never played in a BOTB and never will, cos.... they're a scam [/quote] I withdraw my previous initial remarks
  4. [quote name='slobluesine' post='1234771' date='May 17 2011, 07:48 PM']i f***in detest pubs who put on 'Battles Of The Bands' total scam, sorry typo.. TOTAL SCUM[/quote] Were you not to the judges taste/gig you not have enough mates with you A laugh if you win, or come second and end up with more prize money than the winners 'cos you took best song as well, but a PITA and always fixed otherwise Won one in a new town to a packed pub.....went back a fortnight later to tumbleweed, so that was worth the effort
  5. [quote name='KingPrawn' post='1235012' date='May 17 2011, 10:26 PM']Just watched JP Jones playing with sea sick steve, only think was I could see his hands running all over the neck. Cool rig etc. But could not hear a bass sound. What has just happened.[/quote] Not a lot. Did wonder why in the first place as SS and Animal on the kit seem to have it pretty much covered. Then JH said it was Animals suggestion
  6. [quote name='RobSimpson' post='1231546' date='May 15 2011, 01:43 AM']Hi David, Totally confused about how to reply on this site[/quote] [list] [*]To add a reply without quoting a previous post click Add Reply or Fast Reply at the very bottom of the screen, type your reply and click Add Reply at the bottom of the relpy box you're typing in [*]To add a reply quoting a previous post click Reply at the bottom of the post you want to quote, type your reply and click Add Reply at the bottom of the relpy box you're typing in [*]To qoute from multiple earlier responses click Quote oneach of the posts you want to quote click Add Reply at the very bottom of the screen, type your reply and click Add Reply at the bottom of the relpy box you're typing in [/list]
  7. A bit like [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7919&pid=1231555&st=2300&#entry1231555"]THIS[/url] First set OK but with added mistakes. Second set went much better and got more so as alc was imbibed by the crowd. Ended with Steve (vocalist) being used as a human pole dancerd pole for the second gig running Think he might have got some grief from 'er indoors later, though I have no idea why. Hopefully some vids to come from it. Scariest in the past was many moons ago when we played a local bikers wedding and they would not let us go / were setting light to their passed out brethren
  8. As elsewhere a game of two halves, and the second went pretty well. Ended up using the LM Tube into a spare bonitor and pretty nice it sounded to me. Still no idea what occurred in the Eurovision Pong Contest
  9. A game of two halves as they say. First set OK but assorted niggles, cockups and a muted response. Guitarist from my proggy band showed up, but sadly went in the break as it was a long drive home to Horsham for him. And of course the second set, aided as it progressed by the affluence of incohol ended up an absolute stormer. Still a few mistakes, but I don't suppose anyone (except possibly Nik) notice. Major cramp in my left hand during the last last song. Ended up with the new LM Tube (received from PRIME_Bass yesterday) into one of the sound guys spare monitors and it was sounding nice. Roll on the BF Super Twelve!!
  10. The Fountain, South St, Chichester. Normally a good one, but it's been a while and I am currently cabless so will be running [list] [*]G&L L2500 [*]Radio [*]EBS Microbass II [*]PA [*]Monitor as my bass amp [/list] Well it's different
  11. Just received Stephen's Little Mark Tube. Good deal & correspondence all concluded with the minimum of fuss
  12. First gigging rig - Selmer T&B + 4x12 cab (unknown in the mists of time) + Shergold Marathon Current rig - Pair of G&L US L2500's + Wal Pro1 for special occasions + currently expected/on order Markbass LM Tube + Barefaced Super Twelve T Can't wait for the new amp & cab & will have a strange one Saturday without anything...feel free to come and laugh at a man who sold his gear on a whim with a gig in the offing and nothig to replace it
  13. [quote name='Clarky' post='1229238' date='May 12 2011, 07:59 PM']Laurence is having a fretless Mk1 made and he told me the order time (from order to delivery, to be clear) is about one year right now[/quote] Ouch. Still not Pete territory towards the end of his time though
  14. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1228290' date='May 12 2011, 12:18 AM']Personally I prefer bass direct. I'm still waiting on a gig Skinz bag I ordered before crimbo maybe I should give em a call?[/quote] Do, he's just got some in - see [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=135578"]HERE[/url]
  15. Sold Mark my MB combo. Very easy & quick deal concluded in barely a week start to finish. I'd be happy to deal with Mark again
  16. Sold John my Epifani cab. Very easy and quick deal, which all things being equal (courier willing) should have concluded with it landing at his today. Barely a week start to finish. Now then what the heck do I do Satyrdays gig with!!! or possibly even
  17. WalMan

    'The Chicken'

    Have you got IK Sampletank. They doe a free player & sound set now, and you can build quite a nice layered set from that I think - I have the full version and a load more sample sets so I may have built mine from more than comes with the free version
  18. PM'd - payment sent hopefully by Faster Payment (that's what it said anyway)
  19. [quote name='hubrad' post='1223815' date='May 8 2011, 12:44 AM']As a long-term fretless-only type, if you want to play rock on a FL you need to look at an ebony board and possibly active pups.. I prefer ash body as well, but that's me![/quote] My lined gretless L2500 sounds good on rock stuff. I tend to switch for a slower number then not bother to change 'til the end of the set to keep things flowing and have got away with most faster stuff. The downside of a lined f/less is people often don't realise it's a f'less until you point it out to them
  20. [quote name='sockdeluxe_mikey' post='1224457' date='May 8 2011, 08:19 PM']Hello all! I am for the first time seriously considering importing something from the USA - a bass neck. What would everybody think be the maximum amount (i.e worst case scenario) of import duty I should be expecting? The value of the neck itself will be about 120 dollars, and the postage is about 40. Thanks for reading [/quote] It'll be VAT @ 20% on the total plus the shipping agents fee to process the VAT which'll probably be another £10
  21. Not something my lot would or could do, and anyway my son's getting wed that day (it's not him thats in the Wirral)
  22. Strange, but ultimately fulfilling. W/O & Senior Rates mess @ Sultan in Gosport. Wierd sound as we were between two rooms, and it was all carpeted so the sound immediately disappeared. That and it was the first time back after a break so started a little rusty. But like I say, ultimately not a bad night & saw some people we haven't seen for a while. I fear there may be FB photo repurcussions to come though
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