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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. So in a fit of madness, and because I am looking at an LM Tube + cab, I am putting out feelers for 1) [url="http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=40"]Markbass 121H combo[/url] with Roqsolid cover (Yellow piping ) together with an [url="http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=54"]MB bass keeper[/url] & [url="http://www.markbass.it/product_detail.php?id=61"]MB kickback stand[/url]. Looking for around £575 delivered, but offers considered as I am not exactly sure of current value. In good condition - I look after my gear. The handle rubber cover comes out of the ends but there is nothing wrong with it. 2) Epifani PS112 + Roqsolid cover. Again good condition and works well under the CMD121H. Looking for around £200 delivered Pics will follow
  2. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1216307' date='May 1 2011, 08:06 AM']Bump[/quote] PM'd
  3. [b]First [i](proper)[/i] Bass Owned:[/b] Shergold Marathon - I have no idea what the very first plank was [b]'Go To' Bass:[/b] G&L L2500 [b]'Your' Bass:[/b] G&L L2500
  4. WalMan

    Zoom vs ???

    Roland R-05. Got one a while back and am getting pretty good results for both rehearsals & gigs (subject to room)
  5. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='1211694' date='Apr 26 2011, 02:28 PM']I co-founded [url="http://www.streetlegal-chainsaw.co.uk/"]Street Legal[/url] in 1995 and the band's still going. Darn we'll just have to send out a cease & desist thang. [/quote] what [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Alibi/151883998176992?viewas=0&sk=info"]us[/url] or [url="http://www.facebook.com/streetlegalnorway"]them[/url]...
  6. Slightly different scenario, but we have over the years covered material by lesser known bands, most recently a couple of songs by a band called [url="http://www.facebook.com/streetlegalnorway"]Street Legal[/url], and I tend to search out their FB or MySpace page(s), add as friends/like and say BTW we are covering "[i]xxxxx[/i]". General response has been "Cool...got any videos?"
  7. [quote name='Alfie' post='1207034' date='Apr 21 2011, 01:17 PM']This type of thread is becoming a Basschat cliche. Things are sh*t, it was much better when I was younger, when you get to my age etc. Having a bit of live music, in whatever format, is better than having none at all. I will generally buy a handful of albums each year based purely on listening to Later. More than that, I can remember some really brilliant performances over the past couple of years.[/quote] Trouble is they are becoming fewer and farther in between
  8. Difficult for me to answer. [list] [*]Years back I used to sit and (for my own amusement) record the sound to MD [*]More recently I have had it on series record on the +Box and watched it the next day [*]Last series sat on the +Box for ages and I made half hearted attempts to watch the shows and spin through the bits that were dross to my ear, and in the end just deleted the last few unwatched [*]This series I haven't even worried about setting the series record option [/list] Perhaps that means I am either getting old, or have developed a cloth ear, or perhaps both. Mind I caught a bit of Ce-Lo on Tuesday and it looked good, but I was rather wondering where all the b vox were coming from as there appeared to be no-one on mic except him. Perhaps I ought to give it another go, but....
  9. My baby is semi retired now, but still comes out to play & record on a fairly regular basis as it is so easy to play and punchy. And all from a small operation in High Wycombe (as was) over a furniture builder as I recall. Went up in '96 to drop mine off for an overhaul. Nice chat with Pete, try of other stuff in at the time, coffees and came away with it booked in for a great deal more work than I took it up for. Picked it up a few weeks later converted to active. Lovely Mind I don't 'spose that helps much
  10. [quote name='Count Bassy' post='1197078' date='Apr 12 2011, 05:36 PM']Is there a trick to getting the best out the MarkBass kit, or is this just what they sound like?[/quote] Set my MB combo flat with a smidge of VLE & VLF and love it, so I can only agree it was probably the room
  11. When my lot have run as a three piece, which we did for quite some time, I tended towards the occasional bit of chorus and being slightly busier, throwing in the odd chord and generally playing around with the beat and harmony (not sticking to I / V all the time) while still basically trying to keep solid with the kit and play for the song not me. We had to do a gig recently as a three piece when one guitarist could not make it (with a very valid reason) and it was nice to have that extra bit of space. That said as we are doing some Lizzy stuff with twin leads there is still the room for me to make a bit of busy noise
  12. As my vocalist said at the end of Friday's gig, working up covers of choons by lesser known bands that are still really good and require more than a bit of work. Getting them pretty much spot on at the first outing. Seeing the crowd tapping their feet and getting into it, but then getting a blank stare at the end. Felt like saying "come on, we worked bl00dy hard on that and it's a good song!" What's more annoying people were asking what it was after, so it can't have been that bad. Better put it down to fear of the unknown & a first outing Ah well. Shall not be broken & will persevere. You never know it just might get some obscure Australian & Norwegian bands some sales from a territory they weren't expecting
  13. New song in the set last night straight of the camera, but actually the sound isn't a complete mush. A bit dingy on the lights, but they reckoned it was the light boxes that took out the power last time (not quite sure why they waited 'til the very end of the night mind ) Guitarist put them to FB & not sure if I can embed so here [i]should[/i] be links [url="http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1490572883951"]Unconditional Love by Street Legal[/url] [url="http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1490642165683"]Are You Ready To Rock - Thin Lizzy[/url] Well you knew the second was Lizzy, but you might not have known Street Legal in the first vid. A cracking band from Norway As covered by The Alibi @ Cheers Bar, Bognor Regis 8 April 2011.
  14. New song in the set last night straight of the camera, but actually the sound isn't a complete mush. A bit dingy on the lights, but they reckoned it was the light boxes that took out the power last time (not quite sure why they waited 'til the very end of the night mind ) Guitarist put them to FB & not sure if I can embed so here [i]should[/i] be links [url="http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1490572883951"]Unconditional Love by Street Legal[/url] [url="http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1490642165683"]Are You Ready To Rock - Thin Lizzy[/url] Well you knew the second was Lizzy, but you might not have known Street Legal in the first vid. A cracking band from Norway As covered by The Alibi @ Cheers Bar, Bognor Regis 8 April 2011.
  15. No takers? Here you go then [url="http://www.the-alibi.org.uk/sounds/Alibi/Fire-as_recorded.mp3"]Fire as recorded[/url] Right at the start, obviously, but I am pretty pleased with the fixed result anyway - well at least so far as the splice/merge to fix the stumble is concerned. The joy of a drummer who at least starts to the metronome times
  16. [quote name='solidsnayke' post='1188015' date='Apr 4 2011, 05:35 PM']Sounds pretty cool, could you elaborate? What music is it playing? Will it be clubs you're playing at and how much will you be earning? Don't you get stung for earning over in the USA? Don't you need special, very expensive visas for that? Pease could you message my inbox, Thanks.[/quote] Presumably something like [url="http://www.stratmaster.co.uk/thecd.htm"]THIS[/url] - off his website. Sounds fun & I too wish I didn't have commitments here. Ah well. Good luck & have a good one
  17. Not too sure of the mastering used on this. Basically a track cut out of last weeks gig and run through TRackS mastering, but I'm having to do it by the spectrum analyser as the two alternate sources of monitoring give false impressions causing me to adjust either bass heavy or bass light - this time I think I have erred a little to far towards the light end of the scale as the bass is lost. Recording was on the Roland R-05 recorder set to manual for level using the onboard mic's so largely it is what it is, BUT on the night the vocalist drew a blank on the words to start with and we ended up stopping & starting again. On the restart the drummer stumbled on a fill, but this evening I took part of the original start that was OK (except for the missing vocals) cut the front end off the second start and pasted the first start on with a crossfade. So the question is, can you hear the join (probably) but I cannot at this end of the evening and am pretty pleased with the way it sliced together Oops seem to have hit my upload limit & need to do some housekeeping so it'll have to be a link [url="http://www.the-alibi.org.uk/sounds/Alibi/Fire-fixed.mp3"]FIRE - fixed version[/url]
  18. Made up a BC laminate for the Olympia show..............and then was too shy to have it on show. DOH!!
  19. WalMan

    April Thing

    Bit of a mess around tonight. Any use to anyone? [attachment=76588:April_Thang.mp3]
  20. A good night at the Swan, Woolston. Started a little quiet, but they were well up for ir by the end. Couple of start/stops to ba laughed off. Started Fire & Steve had not a clue what the first line was, and there's only so long you can go round the verse mouthing the words before we had to stop, joke & go again. DOH! Still need to find the right place for Maniac in the set. Goes well but as a closer ends to end with a slightly stunned crowd. Still dragged out the old favourites and ended on a high.........which was nice
  21. Nantucket Sleighride - well the gist & the changes anyway. Most of it sounds jammed on the spot so the gist is enough IMO
  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1180704' date='Mar 29 2011, 01:01 PM']I'll just give this a little bump as I'm interested in recommendations, too... Something with OK video would be nice, too. For as cheap as possible. [/quote] The following were recorded on a [url="http://www.roland.co.uk/products/productdetails.aspx?p=1077"]Roland R-05[/url] so possibly not meeting the cheap criteria. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=126931"]Gig recordings[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=126620&hl=burlesque"]Rehearsal recordings[/url] The gig ones were done with the input volume on Manual setting. The r/h on is set to Automatic. I tend to set the manual low to avoid digital overload (horrible) and then whichever method has been used copy the files onto the PC and run them through Audacity to normalise them and bring the level up, generally followed by a pass through IK T-Racks, but with careful setting the basic results are pretty good. I have a 16 Gb SD card in the machine which give hours of fun even when set to record both WAV & MP3 at the same time - it currently has a coupe of r/h's (one of which I forgot to put the machine in pause for an hour leading to much blackmail info ) and about 8 hours of assorted gigs and still has plenty of space. Battery life is good too.
  23. Not bad Saturday. Big boomy hall on a high stage, which the Gramma Pad handled, but I really couldn't hear the bass most of the evening. Good crowd well up for some prog. Good reaction and possibly a gig or two out of it. Loaded the car & drove home whereupon I realised I had left my clothes bag, mic stand, digital recorder & mobile at the gig. So a journey back up to Horsham Sunday to collect from the guitarist. Just listened to the recordings. Good crowd reaction, but the sound is all a bit boomy to me....and I still can't really hear the bass
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