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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Even split and if that leaves a tenner over it goes to the r/h kitty, but occasionally the drummer & I split it as we do the ringing for gigs, posting of posters, website & paying for hosting between the two of us. That said it's a long while since we have. Normally it's just into the kitty for r/h or to make an easy split at a later gig.
  2. Vary between [list] [*]3mm Dunlop Stubbie - all I used for a long while [*]Large black Dunlop Jazz III's - current fave [*]Dunlop Ultex - large & heaviest [/list] Liking the Jazz III's at the mo, though still use the Stubbie on occasion & the tone is similar. The tone from the Ultex is quite different though & I'm not convinced just yet
  3. Have a burmp from my ancient Superbass. Weighs loads, but sounds great. Got it on any guitar forums? 'cos a lot end up used by guitarists
  4. WalMan

    Yes & Genesis

    [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1167919' date='Mar 19 2011, 05:32 AM']That's the first time I've heard a band covering Roundabout. Very nice work all of you! I'd have turned the bass up though [/quote] Thanks. The first gig I ever did with this lot last year a disembodied voice came through the fold back saying "Can you turn the bass down please" after the first number I've tried to be a bit more circumspect since, but it is fun to do this one. Roundabout is a song I used to play along to years ago when I moved to bass and it is good to do. I was particularly pleased with the way the rig was sounding at this gig, nice bottom end but with the required bite at the top You missed the CraigMartinis [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=120877&hl=roundabout"]Paul Gilbert does Roundabout[/url] thread then. [quote name='karlfer' post='1167930' date='Mar 19 2011, 07:19 AM']You are fired! I want your gig . Seriously though, just so jealous especially Roundabout, great work. Oh well, back to Bad Co, AC/DC for me. Thanks for sharing (I think). Karl.[/quote] Thanks again. This is my #2 gig that doesn't play that regularly as we are spread out a bit & everyone has other gigs - mind there are 4 on the books for this year, which is 100% more than last year (my first after taking over). Main gig is more straight ahead rock covers - though I got to stretch out a bit last night as we were a guitarist down. But as a prog fan it's a blast to do this stuff
  5. Bit of chorus, and I now have an octaver and compressor to go with the EBS Microbass II...and then last night there was just no room so I went radio->tuner->amp and it sounded just fine. Sort of goes back to my thread about slowly amassing the toys, only to have the vocalist say "I don't know why you bother with all that cr@p, it sounds great straight in". There could be a new For Sale thread coming at this rate!!
  6. Quite good actually. One of the guitarists had to cry off first thing this morning, and it was the one we have been with for years and used to go out as a three piece (plus vox) with so we know we can if it happens. The other guitarist we have also known years, and is good, but we have never done the cut down version with him but he was happy to give it a go so we did. He spent all afternoon working through the sets sorting out solos he doesn't normally do. I sat through the rugby (well the first two games) with a bass on my lap warming up and getting back into the swing of filling more sonic space. The gig is one of those PITA ones where the crowd walks through the middle of you to the bogs & smoking area, and they seemed to have exceptionally weak bladders tonight. Quite where Max will go next time is anyones guess!? Still Mike did a top job and we had a pretty good night all in all - and more cash as we were one light, RESULT! So we have learnt another new thing now. It can be done. Got through Good Times Bad Times on the fretless abd remembered all my bits this time. Vocalist was getting a bit p155ed off with the constant traffic at the end of the night. Drummer & I remained pretty solid throughout and there was a fair bit of laughing & knowing nods going on throughout. So generally pretty good fun...just wish I'd taken the recorder, but that would probably have put the kibosh on it. Also confirmed that "Maniac" is not a song to end the second set with. Laugh to do, particularly for the quizzical looks (particularly from from the other bands) of people trying to work out where they have heard it before followed by realisation dawning. Went down well, but leaves them a bit too stunned with the hanging cadence to end (if I remember my Music O-level correctly).
  7. Had a late call for a dep a couple of months back. Played with them about six months previous and run through tops & tails of the set. Turned up on the night and there were a few I hadn't plated but knew (sort of) and busked, others I had done the previous time, and some my band do as well (but in different keys). All in all we got there and it was quite a laff
  8. And then there was the video. I Know What I Like Kashmir - not much for me then
  9. Watch out for MusicTech magazine in Smiths every three or four months the WHS copies include (or they used to anyway) aDVD of all the loops & samples from the previous few months.
  10. I was being tempted with something for one/both of the L2500 - mind I need a small premium bond win first I think
  11. [quote name='Sibob' post='1161122' date='Mar 13 2011, 10:05 PM']BERNIE WAS PLAYING LOADS OF IT HIMSELF!!! lol Its all jokes, they obviously can't stop people slapping, but next year they really do have to deal with the consistent volumes. Yes sometimes you have to crank an amp/cab to hear its potential, but not for any longer than a minute surely!?. It is just "HEY Look at me!!" My very personal opinion is that you tell who were bedroom players, and those who work a lot Si[/quote] The blessed relief when the klaxon went off on the half hour and peace descended was something else...mind I spent a lot of the day in the live hall or masterclasses. Where [i]did[/i] the day go!?
  12. [quote name='ras52' post='1161034' date='Mar 13 2011, 09:04 PM']G&L JB-2 (Tribute) - soooo tempting. These had been on want-try list for a while, and it didn't disappoint. In fact it was mostly the fact that I it didn't come with a case (and I've have to carry it home in a box) stopped me snapping it up there and then.[/quote]At last made contact with the UK importer to get spares for my L2500's if switch cleaner doesn't do the trick. That and saw the list price for the US models Boy were the two I got here bargains!! [quote name='harlowbassplayer' post='1161039' date='Mar 13 2011, 09:06 PM']i met stu hamm with an signed poster[/quote]Ditto to a CD Thoroughly nice bloke as ever. I should have said hello to you on Olympia station in the evening - one of a number of bass players lurking there with the dancers - ah well next year perhaps
  13. Arrived just in time for Janek & Gary Husband. Then a bit of noise in the hall. TM Stevens followed by Stu Hamm's masterclass & now waiting for Stu's second show. good day but the noise in the hall!
  14. [quote name='paul_5' post='1159975' date='Mar 12 2011, 10:44 PM']I also know of someone who imported a Gretch White Falcon from the USA and didn't pay ant import duty on it as he'd got the seller to ship it as a gift, and declare the value of the item as significantly less than its actual worth (roughly £2,500). Not completely honest though... [/quote] ...and as ever I should add, with the potential for a nasty hit if it is picked up and confiscated. Could also give a problem if there is damage and the insurance will not pay out. [url="http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/customs/post/buying.htm#4"]Gifts sent from outside the EU[/url] Sometimes things get picked up (they should do if properly declared) sometimes they don't. Best to work out actual cost +20% VAT + £15 for the courier to deal with HMRC for you and if it is still worth it the go for it, and if it's missed well hurrah. Getting something misdeclared for value, EVEN IF the seller did it off their own back and you knew nothing about it could still end up with it confiscated and you being out of pocket if it is picked up...I seem to recall in one of these threads a while back I posted extracts from just such a duty case
  15. WalMan

    Yes & Genesis

    Few fluffs in but last night was fun as I felt I was there or thereabouts most of the time A couple from the second set [url="http://www.the-alibi.org.uk/sounds/Epsilon/Roundabout-11Mar11.mp3"]Roundabout[/url] - fretted G&L L2500 into EBS Microbass II & on to the Markbass CMD121H & Epifani 1x12 [url="http://www.the-alibi.org.uk/sounds/Epsilon/I_Know_What_I_Like-11Mar11.mp3"]I Know What I Like[/url] - fretless G&L L2500 into the same Again recorded on the Roland R-05 then dropped into Tracktion to cut out tracks and pass it through the mastering bits mainly to bring the levels up as I set the record level low to try to avoid digital overload (nasty) rather than leave it to the automatic levelling
  16. Car park ticket for the station acquired. Pre bought train tickets picked up. I'll be on the platform at 8 tomorrow morning ready to head up. BC badge made Must remember to get the plugs out of my gig bag. See some of you tomorrow perhaps.
  17. With Epsilon on a Prog night. Good fun and not the utter nightmare that the last one was. For me anyway it went pretty well. Good crowd who were there for some prog. And even the bass player got some comps at the end of the night - which was nice! Just been going through the recordings on the digital recorder. Sounds not too bad, Fluffs, but hey IT'S LIVE!! [b][font="Impact"][color="#FF0000"]Warning Prog content follows!![/color][/font][/b] [url="http://www.the-alibi.org.uk/sounds/Epsilon/I_Know_What_I_Like-11Mar11.mp3"]I Know What I Like[/url] [url="http://www.the-alibi.org.uk/sounds/Epsilon/Roundabout-11Mar11.mp3"]Roundabout[/url] - fretted G&L sounding yummy - IMBO
  18. WalMan


    [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1157628' date='Mar 11 2011, 08:27 AM']Excellent - I like the feel, and you hardly notice the absence of keyboards. This just makes me more determined to get my band to do this one.[/quote] Cheers. It is a bit outside our usual crash, bang, wallop and I wasn't too sure but it just happened and feels good so with a bit of tidying up and a proper end it should add a bit of light & shade to the set
  19. [quote name='jonthebass' post='1157597' date='Mar 11 2011, 07:39 AM']I thought to do this properly you need one of these? - [url="http://www.radialeng.com/re-prormp.htm"]http://www.radialeng.com/re-prormp.htm[/url][/quote] You would if you were actually going to send the basic signal back out to a real amp and record that to another track. I think ofen nowadays with digital amp modelling software on the computer it means what Paul said it means what
  20. [quote name='Bassman Sam' post='1157484' date='Mar 10 2011, 11:56 PM']That is a really nice tone on the bass, was that the WAL?[/quote] Cheers. No that is the L2500 fretted straight into the Markbass which is set pretty much flat. The Wal is in semi retirement, though it is coming out to play at tonights gig Rather anwers my other thread abot.ut the vocalist saying to me he doesn't know why I bother with all the other guff in front of the amp (Microbass, compressor etc) as it ounds good as it is
  21. [quote name='WalMan' post='1156625' date='Mar 10 2011, 02:02 PM']I'd put up an early clip from last night, but....well we'll see. Got to say I wasn't sure when it was suggested, having never actually heard the song before, but it seemed interesting, and like I say even on the first run through if felt really good.[/quote] Ah hell who cares.. here you go then [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=126620"]Burlesque[/url]
  22. WalMan


    Recorded on a Roland digital recorder stuck in the middle of the roomand everyone spread out around it. Recorder set to automatic and then a bit of normalisation to bring up the level a bit. This version of the song is a bit rough, but it is a new one for the set worked up last night and this is the second or third attempt so there's time [attachment=74502:Burlesque___3.mp3]
  23. [quote name='Count Bassy' post='1156537' date='Mar 10 2011, 01:00 PM']Brilliant stuff. About the only tribute band I'd be interested in playing in would be a Family/Streetwalkers/Shortlist one, though I might have to choose between bass and vocals rather than attempt both.[/quote] I'd put up an early clip from last night, but....well we'll see. Got to say I wasn't sure when it was suggested, having never actually heard the song before, but it seemed interesting, and like I say even on the first run through if felt really good.
  24. We are definitely more disciplined since Mike started coming down from London. Sort of focuses the mind and you don't want to waste his time and incredible effort! Charts, well yes in an ideal world & if my reading were a great deal better Last time I had that was a dep many years ago with a three piece, so there was nowhere to hide. Asked what they used beforehand and understood it was chord charts that I should be able to busk through. Turned up & it was flysh1t. What a nightmare that night was! For us it can be as much a social occasion as work. Now if we were making our living from this I'm sure it would be different, but as I say its a not very expensive village hall we use and while I have in the past occasionally wondered why we had not just sat in a pub with the chat that went on we are all mates and sometimes that was just the way it went. Last night we discussed investing in a band biscuit barrel - mind they never normally last that long
  25. My main lot have got back into rehearsing more regularly. It used to be that we rehearsed every Monday without failbut there were nights when we ran through old stuff to fix mistakes from the last gig and spent a long time drinking coffe, eating biscuits and jawing about TV. Not exactly productive always, but it was villge hall rates, so not an expensive r/h studio time being frittered away and it was a night out with a load of mates that included a bit of playing. Then wegot out of the habit, cos the hall was unavailable and the front room we used for quietly working up new stuff before going to the hall became awkward. Recently we have found another hall - one that the others used to use probably 25 years ago. Cheap rates again, though a bit more of a drive for me as not so central to everyone, but we have got back into it, and the guitarist from London gets a train down to the coast and back again so we get a full band rehearsal - he must be mad but it's good! So we have a band Dropbox, emails are exchanged re potential new songs which are put in the box for everyone to learn so we are ready to work at the hall. It also has to be said that we are all old enough to know better and pick stuff up quickly, bouncing off each other. So anyway, just got back from tonights session. There were three on the table to start on, [list] [*]Whitesnake - Ready & Willing [*]Family - Burlesque; and [*]Street Legal - Unconditional Love - WHO!? they all cry.They are, or were, a Norwegian band in the style of Lizzy & Blue Murder [/list] So then nothing too difficult, well perhaps. Got there. Set up. Listened to the tracks as a quick refresher. Worked out suitable key shifts for the vocalist and went for it...with the Roland R-05 running - and I forgot/failed to hit pause so there is a fair bit of blackmail material in there as well The original/local guitarist hadn't got round to learning the last two completely, but we still managed to get through them all, with chords being shouted across and keys tweaked as we went. We went through Burlesque pretty solid on the very first go despite all that. Lots of nice space and though it is a little out of style I think it could be a nice twist to the set. Just dropped a load of versions into the Dropbox for everyone and I really should get to my pit, but from feeling a tad jaded with things recently, tonight - and recent sessions - have really perked me up again. It is sooooo nice to be playing with a bunch of guys who can just do it. No having to run off and find the tab and spend forever working stuff out. Work it roughly beforehand, or even just listen to a track and be experienced enough to have a feel for what is required/how it was played (if you know what I mean, you can just feel the A G D/F# shape) Admitted we have been playing together for years so also have an inkling where each is going - the drummer and I have been sharing a brain for over thirty years now Sorry if this all sounds like blowing our trumpet / we're so good / etc. It's not meant to be. We're only a pub rock covers band after all, but like I say the recent flow of new material and general feel of things has really perked me up.
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