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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='absolutpepper' post='1086581' date='Jan 12 2011, 12:27 PM']Hi I am selling the outer soft case for a pedaltrain mini. Its mint and if you throw in a home made board its a great buy. I dont have any use for it now. £20 + PP (or collection in Glasgow). Ta Chris[/quote] PM'd EDIT: DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR! RTFP Alan!! Case only /EDIT
  2. [quote name='ahpook' post='1090338' date='Jan 15 2011, 12:40 PM']octavers have their place, but taste is needed. so i've heard [/quote] Indeed. I have to learn to use the off switch more Loving getting back into the EBS I acquired before Christmas, just seemed looking in for sale that everyone is getting rid at the mo. P'raps not
  3. Fine for me. Used 4's for the first 25+ years bass playing and the switch to a 5'er was very easy with just one exception, that being I use a Hipshot D-Tuner on the 4 and was used to the shifted positions. Got the 5, took it to a gig without a r/h and had a bit of a 'mare as the positions & muscle memory on songs where I used the D-Tuner were all out. Otherwise, great and I've not looked back, to the extent that I added the Fretless L2500 to the Fretted one I have. As well as a 'Ray you should also try a G&L (if you can find one) IMO. Great basses.
  4. I was looking for an EBS Octabass before Christmas and at the second attempt picked one up in the Pedals For Sale section. I was flicking through that section last night and there look to be four or five octave pedals, mostly EBS but a couple of Boss as well, in the first couple of pages. You wait for a bus, then a load come along all at once I have to say that I am loving the EBS version set to Low and have to be careful not to leave it on all the time - perhaps that is the joy of a new toy I had a Boss OC2 years ago and it was OK but never seemed to stay solid on the effect as I recall (mind it was quite a few years back now). The EBS by contraxt seems to hang on much better and not go to "warble" mode until the note has decaed much further. Possibly that is because it is a bass specific pedal, or perhaps because I am now using active basses and the signal is stronger. I was using the Wal before with the OC2 but cannot remember whether it was when it was still passive, or after Pete installed the custom actives.
  5. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1083729' date='Jan 9 2011, 10:49 PM']Which town?[/quote] Well I'm presuming London, unless my mate was down on the south coast for the weekend
  6. Got a text from one of my guitarists (who also depped for me after one of my ops a few years back before he joined full time) to say he'd just queued for a coffee behind him, and "he likes cappuchino"
  7. [url="http://www.davelarue.com/music.asp"]Dave LaRue[/url] - Hub City Kid Kept looking for this after I heard him years back to no avail, then the album showed up on eMusic, so that was 10 of this months downloads - warning, may contain slap, but there you go
  8. [quote name='RichardFoggo' post='1076833' date='Jan 3 2011, 09:48 PM']people can smell fear and self-consciousness a mile off (bit of wee, no problem)..[/quote] - Fixed Otherwise, what everyone else has said. Small amp, enjoy it, don't worry, be happy you're out playing with mates who are happy with what you're adding.
  9. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1077222' date='Jan 4 2011, 12:51 PM']& Everything seems to have gone up overnight by about 2.5%[/quote] Always a good excuse to round up / add a bit more in the change
  10. [quote name='fraff' post='1075199' date='Jan 2 2011, 12:27 PM']PM'd ... let me know Cheers! Ian[/quote] ditto a few days ago
  11. Bass player from the drummers funky band stood in for me on the gig that couldn't be rearranged last year when I was out of action after one of my ops. #1 Guitarist pulled a sickie on the last one of last year and we ended up cancelling. Vocalist, never bothered trying to replace #2 guitarist, we have just carried on as a 4 piece before now Otherwise we just don't gig for most of Aug & Sept 'cos there is always someone on holiday
  12. Large 3mm Stubby's for me every time. Got a few 2mm kicking around but they never quite do it somehow.
  13. You need a lined one like my green L2500 I regularly get people wondering why I am changing between two apparently virtually identical basses, even close up until I point out they're lines not frets (mind that was to a guitard )
  14. Another +1 for me. Had his TC Nova Dynamics off him just before Christmas & despite snow & ice it arrived safely & quickly Pleasure to do business with
  15. I keep getting "why bother" moods more regularly recently down to me & the drummer doing all the bookings and advertising and gigging less last year than in the previous couple, but I get really twitchy when we're not gigging and can't wait to get back to it. Drummer has another funky functions type band now, and I have the part time proggy band, but for both of us the band we are in together takes precedence. He can very easily drop into Ian Paisley "NO / NEVER!" mode as in[list] [*]We've been asked to do a friends/"fans" birthday - NO you can find another drummer if you want to do it [*]Guitarist is ill shall we do it with the one guitarist? - NO [/list] - which can be tiresome but there is no point pushing once we hit that. I can understand some of the sentiment behind that as in "will grandma & auntie Dollie [i]really[/i] like what we do" and wanting to put on the full show not half of it and busking through (but would anyone [i]really[/i] know). Big old gap to the next gig now so by the end of Jan I shall be going mad
  16. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='1050367' date='Dec 7 2010, 11:48 AM']Excellent. Well Barney, you were my inspiration to create something for the bigger bass player. I've done some tees that are only in 3XL/4XL/5XL/6XL with a new design graphic to suit. I'll post a picture up on a separate thread shortly. Phil[/quote] [quote name='barneyg42' post='1050405' date='Dec 7 2010, 12:27 PM']You're a star Phil, put me at the top of the list, shame the Basschat tees dont come in larger sizes, hint hint![/quote] Liking the look of these. Added to my pressie list for ma & pa as normally I cannot think of anything except "money towards the latest GAS"
  17. [quote name='barneyg42' post='1050963' date='Dec 7 2010, 08:08 PM']Hey, was you in the Friary,Guildford today? Either that or your evil twin....mwahahah![/quote] Yes. Sorry a quick double take & I was off. Late from lunch as ever
  18. Most strange. Just caught the end of this on Sky Arts and at the end of "Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band / The End" there were three guitarists onstage (Macca included) trading solo's, a bass line clearly playing, and no bass player in sight!?
  19. BU99ER. It wasn't as #1 guitarist came over funny before the second set, but soldiered on. Got a text this morning to say he had a temperature and was being vioently ill so after much discussion it's been cancelled. So last night was it for this year
  20. Not a bad night on the first of the last two for this year. Five new songs in the set(s) all of which went pretty well - though I played the opener better in the sound check (forgot a bit but noone woulkd have realised as its a song by a virtually unknown Norwegian band). Turned up first wrapped in numerous layers & carrying a thermos mug of coffee to a cheer, and "Oh good you are going to make it tonight, I'll text all the people who've been asking". Good crowd that seemed to enjoy themselves, and we got to play over time somewhat which was a bit if a twin edged sword. Did WPOD, which we haven't done for a while and all going swimmingly until it got to ending (basically the "Love's a Mystery" bit from the Overture section of "Remote Control") and the massive finale disintegrated quite spectacularly Hey ho, there's always tonight. Onwards to tonight and the last for 2010. Set to be a long one as usual I think, and in a venue that has just been refurbed from a cosy pub stylee to eye searing white apparently. Need to get some kip, but I'm just not tired at the mo. It'll hit me bad on Sunday I'm sure
  21. [quote name='Clarky' post='1040752' date='Nov 29 2010, 07:59 AM']Its funny how perspective is, Rich. I read most of this thread as looking down the nose at 4-stringers like me![/quote] and vice versa [quote name='Clarky' post='1040752' date='Nov 29 2010, 07:59 AM']As you rightly intimate, different strokes for different folks[/quote]Well quite. Used a 4 for most of my playing life and only moved to 5's recently, but at the end of the day they are only instruments and it's horses for courses. I'd happily still use the 4, but it's now semi retired and the low B helps with changing of keys to suit vocals. To get so worked up about it seems a bit silly and there are a lot of unsubstantiatable generalisations flying around on both sides. Now, to double the reasons for my qualifying as a sh1t player, where's me plectrum
  22. I have to admit the first time I used mine at a gig I took it out from under the rig in the break as the bass disappeared, but I persevered and made some level changes and wouldn't be without it now for the lack of boom particularly on high/boxy stages. Whilst castors might help I would have thought a pad would still be better as in most instances the castor is still a more solid affair that will connect with a boomy stage where the pad creates the break - at least that's the way I understood the pads to work
  23. [quote name='cetera' post='1040459' date='Nov 28 2010, 09:17 PM']OBBM's Phil Jones combo[/quote] How bonkers was that!! It'd certainly make the head or heart decision on cars that I have to make a doddle
  24. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1039482' date='Nov 28 2010, 12:57 AM']4 for me is enough.[/quote] Was for me for a loooooooooooong time, but getting the 5 was great - so good I got the 5 fretless as well [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1039482' date='Nov 28 2010, 12:57 AM']My experience of users who use more than 4 is that they spend their time noodling on the treble side above the 12th fret; if your gonna do that play guitar? Which is what I do.[/quote]Are you sure!! Some possibly, but for me it's a 4 with the option to get lower. Bother the dusty end? I think not
  25. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='1040290' date='Nov 28 2010, 07:06 PM']How much did we raise?[/quote] I'll leave it to the organisers to say, but it was a very pleasing amount for a great bass day out and a nice tribute to OldGit
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