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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='barneyg42' post='1039906' date='Nov 28 2010, 01:51 PM'][attachment=65234:IMG_4643.JPG]S1m0n & Silverfoxnik [attachment=65226:IMG_4638.JPG]L-R Clarky, ?, Cetera, Bassman Ady, Pete Young Don't ask![attachment=65229:IMG_4640.JPG]Our newest member who just joined & went straight to trying to sell stuff [/quote]
  2. [quote name='barneyg42' post='1039377' date='Nov 27 2010, 10:17 PM'][attachment=65158:IMG_4622.JPG][/quote] Aaaaaah....my babies. Good day as ever chaps and good to meet up with everyone again. Hope my gently snoring in s1m0n's talk didn't put anyone off.....not I hasten to add because it was boring, far from it, I was just starting to feel my age & the previous nights gig!!! Thanks to all who arranged it again. A good day. And finally thanks to Colin for wandering round with me at the end of the day ringing my phone, and everyone for not running it over in the carpark where we eventually found it. DO'H!
  3. How was my gig last night? A bit of a 'mare on my part, certainly the first set when I played like a complete & utter lady's front bottom Crowd enjoyed the night as a whole and the second set was much better, but boy was I having troubles in the first. I suppose 'cos the r/h last week went really well, I was loose, but tight with the drummer (if you know what I mean) and got all the fills & fiddly bits right. Tonight (IMV of my performance) OMFG - as da yoof have it. Basses sounded really nice where I was, which was a plus. Ah well. Shower, pit & SEBB tomorrow bright & early, so something to look forward to
  4. [quote name='Fatguy' post='1037841' date='Nov 26 2010, 02:54 PM']Black label, no scratches, no velcro but also no true-bypass and no box. I also have a true-bypass version to trade for EHX Micro POG.[/quote] Pics? PM'd
  5. That's a nice looking bass from the shot in the OP. Can't seem to get the others to load sadly. But do I really need another bass!?
  6. WalMan


    [quote name='TGEvans' post='1036630' date='Nov 25 2010, 05:22 PM']Thanks for the add. The Tributes are nice. But the Yankees are the business! Make some offers people,you may surprise yourselves. T[/quote] Oh good lord, don't tempt me!!!! DO.....NOT....NEED....TRIPLETS!!
  7. [quote name='obbm' post='1033063' date='Nov 22 2010, 07:03 PM']If anyone needs any cables, I can bring them to the Bash and you can save on Paypal fees and postage.[/quote] Reminds me I MUST get that PM off to you toot sweet!!
  8. [quote name='MB1' post='1032971' date='Nov 22 2010, 05:56 PM']MB1. EBS black label Bass IQ envelope filter (Earlier model with 3 position switch / not True Bypass!) No scratches! Very Clean. No box but will be well packaged. Would Trade for EBS Unichorus in similar condition or Boss ME 20 B or Boss Ce2 ....or 80 pounds cash inc p@p. Pics to Follow![/quote] How about a [url="http://www.bosscorp.co.jp/products/en/CE-20/"]Boss CE20[/url]? Got one in my case that does not come out since I picked up a Unichorus & keep thinking of possibly moving it on
  9. [quote name='silddx' post='1032504' date='Nov 22 2010, 12:52 PM']Wow! Really like the first track, but then I've always been a big Police fan and it's stylistically similar. Great playing! Maniac is indeed a great cover as Paul pointed out! Top stuff![/quote] Cheers. Yup that was out Police era. Maniac is actually a cover of a cover. We cribbed the version by a Norwegian band called Street Legal, and it got suggested by the vocalist. I think if I had gone in and said "hey guys how about doing Maniac from Footloose?" I would have been laughed out of the r/h room
  10. May have put this up elsewhere, but anyway Early - around late 70's we reckon [url="http://www.tideway-la.co.uk/ATF/im_always_with_you.mp3"][b]I'm Always With You[/b][/url] - a rather busy Shergold Marathon Fretless Last Friday night - [url="http://www.tideway-la.co.uk/Alibi/Sounds/Alibi_Live_-_Maniac.mp3"][b]Maniac[/b][/url]
  11. [quote name='JonnyM' post='1023675' date='Nov 14 2010, 06:11 PM']I'm in an experimental/Gothic duo: guitar (miked amp), bass, 2 x vox and backing track (run from an iPod on stage) and we really need to go to in-ear monitoring due to generally bad monitors in most of the venues we play! We don't jump around (!) so wired IEMs will work fine. We could just split the iPod output and send the track to the DI/FOH and a 2 channel headphone amp of some kind (on stage and in between us). Obviously we'd only have the backing track in the IEMs, so we'd still need to rely on house monitors for vox etc... Not ideal. My question is: how can we get everything in our IEMs using a - fairly - simple setup? (Would the bass feed and guitar mic signal have to go into a mixer before going to the FOH? Is there a mixer out there that can send the bass feed, guitar mic signal and backing track to the FOH and give us separate IEM mixes? Am I dreaming? )[/quote] Bit expensive, but you could look at [url="http://www.aviom.com/AviomApplications/Monitor-Mixing.cfm"]Aviom[/url]. We use it so vereything goes into the stage box which feeds individual mixers - so we can each set our own mix of whatever is going into the stage box. Once it's in the stage box everything basically goes digital and runs on CAT5 cables either to our submixers (which convert back to feed the IEM's) or the FOH mixer, where it goes through a DAC into the desk (I think, not involved in that end)
  12. Not a bad night. Back at a gig that has messed us about for the whole of last year, cancelling, blah di blah. Turn up thinking "We'll do this one out of five for the whole year then screw it & screw them". Last time I spoke to matey he said "I'm sorting out gigs for next year at the weekend" & I thought "I could give a flying #### cos I don't care if we don't go back", So what's the first thinghe does? Comes up at the start of the evening with next years diaries & a few dates already pencilled in. So anyway, the gig. Been working on some new songs. Did one at last weeks gig and thought we'd chuck in one of the two Hendrix numbers as they're relatively easy & loose to play. Ran through another we had worked out in one key - but then changed at the last r/h when #2 guitarist couldn't make it so had dumped a retuned version in the band dropbox - for a quick soundcheck, and left it as perhaps we'll risk it as an encore. Got to the end and went "ah bollox let's just go for it" and here it is in all it's [i]glory[/i]? [url="http://www.the-alibi.org.uk/Sounds/Alibi_Live_-_Maniac.mp3"][color="#FF0000"][b]Alibi Live[/b][/color][/url]. Recorded ith the Roland R05 at the desk and quickly chopped up before I head for my pit. D'you know I quite enjoyed it having been a tad uncertain about it. Still got to the end of the night. Good gig. Chatting to loads of people after all of whom were most complimentary and generally seemed to reckon it was the busiest night in the pub for a while.
  13. [quote name='binky_bass' post='1025537' date='Nov 16 2010, 09:22 AM']EBS Ocatbass, Boss hardcase for 3 pedals and Roland power supply (will power 3 pedals!) still here! £80 see them gone! Great price! Open to trades. Russ.[/quote] PM'd. Shame the case won't take the microbass as well, but there's always the tuner
  14. I have a Roland R05 and it works really well for rehearsals & gig recordings. The results to date have been well worth it Combined with a band Dropbox folder we can record new songs / arrangements, dump them to the folder then everyone has a copy on the right key to play/sing along to. So last night #2 guitarist had a gyppy stomach and couldn't make it down to rehearsal. We ran through some new covers that we had worked on with him and the vocalist said "could we change the key" to one of them. Dropped the song a tone, recorded it, dumped it in Dropbox when I got home, SORTED! An early attempt with it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=104645"]HERE[/url] And another from last night's gig [url="http://www.the-alibi.org.uk/Sounds/Alibi_Live_-_Maniac.mp3"]HERE[/url]
  15. Are we still considering a SEBB Bus this year Nik?
  16. [quote name='JTUK' post='1024565' date='Nov 15 2010, 01:08 PM']Reastically, what do you get out of it for a 4 hr drive...good deed aside..?? Our drummer flatly refuses to do 'charity' gigs IF the other people are getting paid/earning...like the bar staff, vendors etc etc, which is a POV..!![/quote] Rick Wakeman had a similar rant in his Classic Rock Prog mag column a couple of months along the lines of getting a call and the organiser being surprised when he asked about fee to cover roadies etc thinking he'd do it for the love and being miffed when Rick asked if the venue, venue staff, PA, lights, etc, etc were all doing it for free. The year of Live Aid my band of the time did at least 4, none of which, with one possible exception, led to anything more than sitting around for hours waiting to go on. And frankly the exception was Worthing, and only so because [list] [*]it was really well run, [*]only 6 bands, [*]everyone stuck to their alloted time so it didn't over run, [*]we drew the penultimate slot [*]it was a big hall with probably the biggest crowd we ever played to who were all well up for it, so I remember it as one of the best gigs ever alongside the BoB final in the big top at the Brighton Festival [/list] and yet still we played Worthing a week later to two men & a dog, so as a means of getting on it was a complete waste of time. That and the video bus had gremlins so the vid of our set is not the greatest So I'd be inclined to stick to your guns and say no unless the guitard can come up with a [i][b]REEEEEEEALLY[/b][/i] good reason as to why it could be worth your while
  17. Lots of MM suggestions. I would just add G&L to the list. My first 5'er was a SUB 5 and I went from that to the first of two US G&L L2500's, all bought on here, all less than half your projected budget and another great rock bass IMO
  18. I thought they had always advertised them as being able to go down to B? I'm sure I recall something on those lines when I got mine for the Wal about 20 years ago.
  19. Sorry can't help with your questions - mines on the Wal and I only drop to D (or I suppose C# as we detune a semitone) and I've not had problems with standard gauges. But they are a great bit of kit IMO
  20. [quote name='mandomicky' post='996282' date='Oct 21 2010, 07:36 PM']-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- these have one up for sale now for £1899 and fretless www.bassdirect.co.uk[/quote] I expected this to be a full on custom at that price but it doesn't appear to be. Beautiful looking bass, but the price seems over the top
  21. [quote name='philw' post='995958' date='Oct 21 2010, 02:12 PM']Oh that's a bugger. I hope you get over it and get the chance to play that lovely collection of instruments you have. You'll hate this but my Wal new in 1983 was £595. Not such a bad buy as it turned out. Phil[/quote] You don't want to know what I paid for mine (second hand) around the same time then!!! As explained to me by Pete in 96 the passive Pro 1's were a sort of "starter" bass the idea being that if/when you wanted to you could go back to Wal/Pete and he would retrofit the Custom actives and pups. That's what I did in 96, though I had originally only taken mine up for an overhaul and it was only pure chance that Pete was retrofitting another, he said "have a try while your here", we got chatting and he explained the process & quoted me a price, and I left having booked mine in for the same Picked it up a few weeks later and it was a whole different bass. Not sure whether you would want the retrofit, but it might be worth a word with Paul at Wal if you were interested I have recordings of it pre & post conversion, and it was a great sounding bass even before the conversion but the after, was even better!! Value....difficult to say. They are what they were built for, and a great bass even in the stripped down version IMO. That and you can't get them now so... possibly what you're willing to pay, particularly if it's in good nick and with a Wal case, but I should have said not crazy money EDIT: Just found the listing....it does look a lot and a bit more dinked than mine, but you can't get them now, it has a Wal case - which is worth £200 on its own - looks really nice, and if it plays and sounds as good as mine did and you're happy with it is still worth it. Oh and it is 3 younger than mine as mine is PB1680 - and I believe Silverfoxnik had PB1682 at one time. Small world /Edit
  22. Not actually my gig, as I had to watch another guy filling my boots with the proggy band I am in. Looked like it was going to be a strange one as it was a basically a folk/acoustic music club so the "support" was various earnest acoustic acts to be followed by the full electric prog but actually it went really well for them (dammit ) Probably helped by a load of friends into prog being there and so whooping it up. Before they went on it looked like it was going to be one of "those" gigs that you're talking about years later for all the wrong reasons, but thankfully not. Bring your own booze, so MrsW tucked into a bottle of wine & kept exiting at the start as she was unable to behave herself , and we forgot to switch phones to silent so in the middle of a gentle acoustic number her Nokia kicked off with its banging house ring tone leading to scrabbling in the handbag to find it and kill it, which seemed to take an age. Still wish I could have had a go, but there's always next time.
  23. Interesting & local, but I suspect I'm not exactly in the age range. 100% commitment would be a problem with other stuff
  24. I had one briefly to try to get mild valve crunch, but to my ears it sucked the bass from the sound, presumably because it is designed for guitar not bass. I moved it on very quickly
  25. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='984435' date='Oct 11 2010, 02:01 PM']Haha, you can only do 100mph? Weak.[/quote] I wish!! I can't even do 1 mph Then again I have no need or inclination to do so.
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