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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='Sean' post='982320' date='Oct 9 2010, 09:44 AM']If anyone who is going has a Boogie 400+ I'd really appreciate it if they brought it along and let me put it through my Berg cabs. I've had gas for one for years and I need to be convinced either way, finally, once and for ever whether I want one. And if anyone's got a VBA400 it would be cool if that could be there too. Maybe a monster valve amp off on the day?[/quote] Howsabout an ancient Superbass 100?
  2. Now: Elixirs Prev: Ropewound or Elites Why: 'cos they sound great and last forever eeeer, that's it really Changed after I bagged a free set at the London Show 5+ years back. Loved them so much I went back next year and bought a box to keep me going
  3. The serial is not in the Wal d/b but falls around 1987. The control plate is similar to my Pro1 as it started, but expanded for the second pup - mine had volume & tone with a single coil tap switch. I wonder whether this is passive Pro model as well, though I suppose the serial might start with PB not W. As explained to me by Pete the passive Pro models were designed as a cheaper version that you could retrofit actives to at a later date, as I did. Just a thought
  4. Marvellous. And you can hear the bass to. I spent some while trying to pick bits out of Roundabout a while back where the bass seemed lost a lot of the time. Talking to the drummer in my proggy project yesterday and he asked if I had ever wanted a Rick. Said in my youth it had always been a dream because of Chris Squire and he mentioned that CS had used Fenders on a lot of studio stuff.
  5. [quote name='markstuk' post='972575' date='Sep 30 2010, 12:26 PM']BUt I'll give you £50 for the Wal Fretless :-))))[/quote] Only £50. Bidding war!!! I'll make it £51
  6. First couple of gigs in a long time last weekend and a chance to use the newish toy on my lot at last. The recorder was set to [list] [*]record WAV & MP3 at the same time, [*]levels set rather than automatic [*]Mic gain Low [*]Limiter & low cut off [/list]and left to run on the internal mics. Subsequently I dropped it into Tracktion to chop up the songs and run it through a general CD Mastering plugin in Acuma Final Mix. The link that follows is a 192k MP3 exported from the WAV. [url="http://www.the-alibi.org.uk/Sounds/Fountain_25Sep2010_-_Wayward_Son.mp3"]Wayward Son[/url] The siting of the recorder was not optimal. It was by the desk. but it's a small gig and whilst it was generally facing the stage pretty much straight on it was close to the top cabs and my MB combo was low down, behind the bass bins and at close to right angles to the mic pattern, so OK for the room but not really for the recorder. For me the bass gets lost on some tracks, but I would say that wouldn't I Otherwise I'm quite pleased with what I'm getting. It could be better but it's a live & lairy gig so what can one expect. Anyone else use one of these, or similar & have tips for optimising the results, other than sack the bassplayer ?
  7. Cheers Kevin. The Unichorus arrived safely (though it looked like postie had had a crack at the box), but all safe & well and it will be getting its first outing tomorrow. Hassle free transaction. No sooner paid than posted and received, and a great little unit in superb nick. Cheers again
  8. [quote name='gary mac' post='966625' date='Sep 24 2010, 01:02 PM']Thanks for the link, I want them both. My recent SB1 purchase has cured me of Gas for any other make of instrument. Even been thinking of selling my old yamaha and wal, but maybe I shouldn't be too hasty.[/quote] Steady now. I love my L2500's but the Wal's going nowhere The SB2 says definitely no International and the response to a question re shipping the SB1 looks like he'd really prefer not to. Shame
  9. Got to agree with that. They go on forever & tend to stay good on my basses for 6 months to a year. My problem then becomes the fact that they are still sounding good after a long while and it's only when I think enoughs enough & put a new set on that I realise that some of the zing had actually gone.
  10. [quote name='cetera' post='964440' date='Sep 22 2010, 01:21 PM']I take that back! Got the wedding date wrong so I CAN make it!! Woohoo! I'll bring a Spector or two, maybe a Wal and my Sansamp RBI/RPM rig with a Genz212 or two [/quote] Good stuff. So where are you going to hire the truck for the spare room set aside for you vast array (MATRON!)
  11. [quote name='arthurhenry' post='964297' date='Sep 22 2010, 11:47 AM']Just my personal view of how I look at it as a musician. If I were to play in a Zeppelin tribute for example, I would learn JPJ's lines absolutely exactly with pinpoint accuracy, anything less I would consider not to be doing it properly. It would then be my job to not play like me! All my own characteristics and creativity would have to be cast aside in order to do the best job possible for personal pride and value for money for ticket buyers to the show. I would find this soul destroying. Whereas if I play behind a Joe Cocker tribute for example, I'd feel a bit more free to put my own spin on things as I'd just be an anonymous backing musician and nobody would care.[/quote] But which version of JPJ's lines would you play? There's the rub. Surely you can be yourself in the style in that situation, albeit with a wig or whatever. But then perhaps its a bad example and you would be more restricted in a tribute to a band that only had studio verions and no live excursions. I'd still go with a gigs a gig and not worry obout it. Both my bands are covers bands, but while I might stick reasonably closely to a well known line (if you're doing Boys Are Back In Town you can't stray very far at all) I would not necessarily be absolutely ruled by it note for note.
  12. It was the Wal for 25 years - well it was all I had after the Shergolds went. That is now in semi retirement & comes to the prog band gigs (well gig so far , it's pretty part time) For the main gig I had expected to yake just the fretted L2500 US, because it just sounds so good in the rock context, and that even after I got the fretless L2500 mainly for the prog gig again, but actually I love the fretles so much that for the rock gigs I take both L2500's and mainly play the fretted, but this weeks set have me changing to the fretless in the middle of the first set and I probably shan't bother to change back, even though life might be marginally easier. It's a lined fretless and pretty easy to keep tight on the tuning
  13. G&L L2500? Got both of my USA models here for around £600 and the fretless I got earlier this year is great
  14. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='958061' date='Sep 16 2010, 09:58 AM']Oh, it was Phil Coliins was it. I thought it was a Ross kemp standing in a hole. Who was his bass player? I liked the look of his 6 string bass.[/quote] [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='958181' date='Sep 16 2010, 11:43 AM']That was Dave Swift of the Jools Holland Orchestra: hence my comment about the fanned frets.....![/quote] .... which would also answer the "standing in a hole" comment as Mr Swift is a bit if a giant. Got it set for series records of Friday shows on the + box and will spin through it Saturday moning with breakfast, though what I'll watch for the rest of breakfast remains to be seen
  15. Yup. On the list already. Gear list - the usual (assuming on the bass bash bus Wal, pair of L2500 USA's, Markbass combo, Epifani cab, Marshall Superbass 100 (might need a bigger cab than the Epifani), Bass Pod Pro xt & Floor board...erm
  16. [quote name='simon1964' post='948637' date='Sep 7 2010, 07:01 PM']Very collectable and a great price. Sadly I missed it!![/quote] Really!? P'raps I shouldn't have let my two go - mind that was more than a few years ago now
  17. Difficult to pick one.Weirdos & drunks mainly (that'll be MrsW on both counts ) followed slightly later by the promoter/landlord, as the rest of the band forget how to write when it comes time for signing for the money
  18. [quote name='Heathy' post='940891' date='Aug 31 2010, 01:00 PM']Thought I was getting a bargain ordering one from the USA once, until customs slapped another £25 on top![/quote] [quote name='silddx' post='940899' date='Aug 31 2010, 01:04 PM']I've been lucky, not a single customs charge on ten or so things I've had from the states. It's worth a shot. It will still be cheaper than getting on over here, even with customs charges.[/quote] No doubt at theast half of that was the "handling" charge
  19. [quote name='dood' post='940087' date='Aug 30 2010, 04:56 PM']If you have a need to drop tune, then yes they are absolutely brilliant! - Actually, scrub that! When you get one, you'll want to drop tune! They are brilliant gadgets when set up properly. I had one on a 4 string for several years - until I started playing a 6er instead. There is the arguement 'oh why don't you just tune down between songs' - yeah, that's fine too.. but I like gadgets [/quote] What he said - and as for the final para, you soon become adept at flicking the switch down & back up with your thumb during numbers - good for confusing people watching what you are doing when you can do it surreptitiously as of course it throws your position/shapes out by the detune Only trouble it ever gave me was when I got my first 5'er and took it straight to a gig, when of course the position/shape memory I had built up for stuff in the set went out of the window. That was an interesting evening
  20. Saturday I had a stand in for a band whose guitarist I played with in a club band 25 years back. Had one run through with him a week ago - tops & tails of songs - nothing too difficult, other than the songs my lot do, but in different arrangements & keys. Gig on Saturday & I had rang a couple of times to try to sort out times & venue, but not got anywhere. So Saturday morning I get up, go for a hair cut then Tescos for a laptop bag, fill up with diesel, through the car wash, down to the gm for a session and off to a tile shop to pick up the ties for the bathroom - all the time having forgotten to take the mobile with me. So I get home around 2:45 to a slew of more panicy voice messages saying "you realise th gig is in the afternoon don't you" - Thanks for the heads up thinks I. So I finally get the address, empty the tiles, load the gear and am back out of the house for an hour plus journey by 3:15 for a gig that they say will start at around 4:30. Pick up what appears to be a pished driver on a cross country road with few passing places (doing less than 25 mph & veering away from road signs). Got past him then picked up two tractors towing enormous loads of hay. my mood is going from bad to worse. Still I eventually arrive around 4:15 & get set up and we start at ....................6:15 Anyway, all in all went OK. Watched the second guitarist & drummer & got through with no major problems. Finished around 9:30 & home by 11:30.
  21. Just the three now - the most I've ever owned. Dropped back to one 15 or so years back but this year got back to three with the twins
  22. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='929465' date='Aug 19 2010, 10:16 AM']I use work's courier service, and quite often don't pay more than £17.00 on most items. If you can do this, that's the way to go. Everything is insured, and if it goes tits up you have work to back you up on a claim! I recently sent an Ashdown Little Giant fully boxed to Holland, Royal Mail wanted £45 to post it, the courier cost me £13 in the end![/quote] Ditto. They do next day at very reasonable rates. A baritone sax in case was around £8 and a couple of other chunky items that presently escape me were about £10.
  23. Not sure where it has got to now, but the modded [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11338&hl=sub5"]SUB5 with John East preamp[/url] started with Beedster->Silverfoxnik->Walman->JoJoBass->?
  24. This will not answer your question as such, but does give this a bump I considered, but never got around to trying the rig you are talking about for similar style when I was looking around for something more portable a few years back. I ended up getting the MB CMD121H and it is great, good level, certainly sufficient for onstage monitoring and small to medium gigs with a feed to the PA for a little help on larger gigs (not that it's ever needed it!!!) These small, light amps have got so much better in recent years & are definitely worth a look, but as for the PJB, sorry not sure but have a bump anyway
  25. Probably not a lot of help, [u]and for the definitive you'll need to speak to the organisers[/u], but for Littlehampton Pebbles this last weekend there was backline (guitar & bass) and a kit, but drummers were expected to provide breakables - snare & cymbals. For Bognor Rox in the past there has certainly been a bass rig, and if I recall a selection of guitar amps.
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