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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Probably not a lot of help, [u]and for the definitive you'll need to speak to the organisers[/u], but for Littlehampton Pebbles this last weekend there was backline (guitar & bass) and a kit, but drummers were expected to provide breakables - snare & cymbals. For Bognor Rox in the past there has certainly been a bass rig, and if I recall a selection of guitar amps.
  2. .......and we're done for another year. PA back down & home, fencing down, stage down. Not a bad weekend all in all, but as ever over the four days it was mostly the usual few suspects flogging their guts out to make it happen, while many more are/were happy to just show up play then knob off and get pished, and be conspicuous by their absence for the rest of the time Do I go to the chill out session @ The Crown tonight Possibly, but probably not, just crash
  3. [quote name='bassninja' post='931779' date='Aug 21 2010, 11:41 AM']Gigging around LA quite a bit in coming weeks, hope to catch up with you both again at some point...[/quote] Let us know when & where & we'll have to try for a night of it
  4. Back at last after A LOOOOOOOOONG day. Missed the planned rendevous in the bar, if Mr Lager & Clauster made it as I was backstage on the foldback desk from 4 to the end of the evening - and have yet to get grief from MrsW for ignoring her all day, as she was asleep when I got home. Weather had its moments and unfortunately got nasty just before the Members came on. Much worrying that the puddles on the roof would give way on them, but it held out. Major power outage in the sound tower during the Sound of the Suburbs, then it came back, then went again and finally came back & held for the encore, during which something happened amongst the nutters pogoing at the front that left one with a trip to hospital sadly. Pretty good day, though a shame the weather couldn't have held (we still have to pack up tomorrow ) and that there were still freeloaders sat on the bank outside the arena who flet that they couldn't afford £3 to come through the gate to a charity event
  5. Well the first days setup went to plan & only one rain storm.....and I am burnt to hell. Here's hoping tomorrow & particularly Saturday carry on this vein!!! Keep your fingers crossed for us. PA & lights go in tomorrow. Back to my pit for another early start then
  6. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=99314"]Exhibit A[/url] ...and there m'lud I rest my case
  7. Milk & the bizarre Japanese bloke I presume
  8. [quote name='johnnylager' post='926141' date='Aug 16 2010, 09:01 AM']Good crack last year, I will only be there in the evening this time, so I might miss you Nik. Al, Clauster - 8pm in the beer tent?[/quote] Sounds good to me. And I REALLY hope the current 5 day forecast is wrong, 'cos setting it all up in the pouring rain will be a major PITA. I think I might have to hide in the sound tower
  9. [quote name='dood' post='926410' date='Aug 16 2010, 01:28 PM']p.s. $28????? I bought a multimeter from maplin for a £5er![/quote] I can beat that with a tester from Robert Dyas a couple of weeks back for £2!! I'll stick with that I think
  10. I've seen these advertised too in Bass Player and wondered, but it does seem a tad expensive. I'm sure there's a perfectly good scientific reason as to why not, but why can you not achieve a similar result by putting the probes of a battery tester or multimeter to the tip and sleeve of a lead plugged into the jack socket?
  11. For something quick & easy, but still with a fair few options I have always been happy with Mackie Tracktion as something that works across one screen without loads of sub menus & screens, BUT it's more PC than MAC and hasn't had an upgrade or even a fix subversion in a few years now so seems to have been acquired by Mackie to leave it to wither & die sadly.
  12. WalMan


    Very sad news, and condolences to the family & friends. My only real contact was a steer towards B&B's when I needed to find one at short notice in Wales earlier in the year, but as others have said always helpful to one and all above & beyond the call usually.
  13. This should be subtitled "Spot the influences" Here's a couple more from the sessions I picked up last week. Four track Revox I think it was in a little studio in sunny Bognor, and more overplaying All That's Fiction [url="http://www.tideway-la.co.uk/ATF/im_always_with_you.mp3"]I'm Always With You[/url] - Shergold fretless Marathon [url="http://www.tideway-la.co.uk/ATF/medal.mp3"]Medal[/url] - Shergold fretted Marathon and what started this reverie [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=98732"]Girl on my wall[/url] - Shergold fretted Marathon ATF then became [url="http://www.myspace.com/akindoffury"]A Kind Of Fury[/url] and eventually morphed into my current lot when the old vocalist ran off to NZ
  14. Another loooooooooooooooong weekend setting up, not doing this year , then taking it all back down again. Mind I have other things happening with work Friday evening that could stick a spoke in the plans. Here's hoping the weather picks up. 'Twas a laff last year. You can probably just about watch it set up, happen & break down from the webcam [url="http://www.allaboutsussex.co.uk/webcam/webcambase.asp?queryon=1"]HERE[/url]
  15. Just found this from a few years back recorded on my Shergold Marathon bass & it's lovely & high in the mix and I think the guitarist may have had a Shergold Meteor(?) as well [url="http://tideway-la.co.uk/ATF/girl_on_my_wall.mp3"]Girl On My Wall - All That's Fiction[/url] - © ATF Did we possibly want to be The Police? I think this may have been recorded on a 4 track reel to reel, but to my knack'd ears it sounds pretty good even so
  16. [quote name='algmusic' post='921402' date='Aug 11 2010, 11:12 AM']Wow, give them a ring, to try and sort that out. I've used them many times over the years (not a custom order though) and had no problems, I order something yesterday via ebay and it's coming today[/quote] Ditto. I bought a B stock leads case off them last year with no probs - there is a snag on one of the edge metals pieces that I should really file down before it rips my legs to shreds, but it is small & hasn't yet so I keep putting it off
  17. [quote name='tauzero' post='920752' date='Aug 10 2010, 04:05 PM']If you're PAYE and want to declare expenditure and earnings, can you just do the music expenditure and earnings and rely on HMRC to tie the two together or do you need to declare both? And I'm still not clear as to whether (if I'm running at a loss) that would result in a rebate.[/quote] You need to complete a return with it all on. As before a bit of hobby income creating a loss might get you a refund initially, but is likely to be knocked back by HMRC if it carries on year after year, and they [i]could[/i] go back and unwind previous refunds by discovering that you weren't really "trading with a view to profit". Probably not if the numbers are small but there was a case recently where they did - though in that case the person involved was frankly taking the p155 [quote name='Bilbo' post='920758' date='Aug 10 2010, 04:20 PM']I do my return on-line now and its really easy. Your PAYE stuff is all on your P60 and another document relating to expenses paid (P16 or something like that) and your music income is 4 figures income, expenses capital expsnditure profit/loss. Takes no time at all if you have the figures to hand. I earned around £6k 3 years ago, £4K 2 years ago and £3.3K last year. It was just as easy each time. I work on 40p per miles for travel and the rest is just figures you have spent on gear/accessories.[/quote] One other thing you might want to watch Bilbo, and anyone else who is PAYE and self employed, is the NIC's. You will, or could be paying Classes 1, 2 & 4 contributions (probably not Class 4 on the numbers you quoted) and there is an overriding maximum of contributions. You [i]might [/i]consider applying to defer the Class 2 & 4 (the bits on self employment)
  18. [quote name='bassace' post='920314' date='Aug 10 2010, 08:32 AM']It's very easy to knock up more that 10k if you claim mileage for the day job.[/quote] Indeed, but if they are separate & distinct there should be no issue in claiming the higher rate for 10k on the employment and 10k on your personal musician business. Although the HMRC Manuals do not say this as such re claims for employment business & separate musician business, in connection with business miles claims for journeys for employment they do say[quote][b]If you work for different employers[/b] If you have two or more employers which are independent of each other, you're due the higher mileage rate for business mileage in each job.[/quote]
  19. [quote name='TimR' post='919704' date='Aug 9 2010, 03:29 PM']It's August now. Just keep a record of everything you spend and receive. Keep receipts and write it all in a book. By the time January comes you will have a fair idea of what sums are going to be involved. When you know then ask an Accountant. The IR can't ask you for anything until the TAX year is complete anyway. Can they?[/quote]For a small source like this, and assuming you are employed otherwise, then any tax becomes due on 31 Jan following the end of the tax year. So tax on income in the year ended 5 April 2010 is due by 31 Jan 2011. Interest runs from then and if you have not paid by the end of Feb there is a 5% surcharge [quote name='TimR' post='919704' date='Aug 9 2010, 03:29 PM']I just kept a list of all the gigs I had done and how much I got paid for each one. If you also keep a list of all the rehearsal dates and how much the rooms cost. Put receipts for gear in an envelope. You can easily do a googlemaps for mileage at a later date if it comes to that. You'll probably then find out how much your hobby is actually costing you.[/quote] That's about the size of it. Calculate mileage costs @ 40p/mile for the first 10k business miles, 25p/mile thereafter but does anyone do more than 10k a year!! Claim up to £4/week for use of home for personal practice time, presuming you do practice, You do practice don't you?
  20. [quote name='Chris2112' post='919612' date='Aug 9 2010, 01:44 PM']I'm not sure thats worth it - at the very most, hire an accountant for an hour at the end of the tax year, present them with your books and proof of expenses and ask them to do the number crunching so you can present a feasible looking tax return. You'll pay your £30 or £40 and at least you know your stuff is sorted.[/quote] I think you might pay a bit more than that. There is a basic minimum to cover overheads that would probably make it more like £100-200. I seem to recall the couple of ads from music specialist accountants that used to appear in the MU mag tended to quote around £150 for accounts and return. Handed over a file for ma-in-laws tax return to her accountant (a small local firm she has used for years because I prefer not to get involved in dealing with friends & family other than casting an eye over stuff - it has the potential to lose a friend or make family occasions awkward) with everything scheduled and reconciled and the bill was still in that range. If you are going to use an accountant do make sure you write up a decent set of records, keep it on a spreadsheet or similar. Don't just turn up with a carrier bag full of receipts and expect him to sort it out for you, 'cos he won't - or if he does it'll cost you. If you have the time to check through the notes to the return it is fairly easy. Beware of phoning the HMRC helplines and necessarily relying on the response you get. With the best will in the world the person you speak to will be an undertrained call centre drone talking from a script. For example [quote name='hubrad' post='918901' date='Aug 8 2010, 06:09 PM']'chattels' was the word the HMRC fellow used when I asked about the [u]occasional[/u] buying and selling of gear and its relevance (or, as he put it, lack of relevance in this case) to the tax return.[/quote] Now it depends how you broached the question, and so far as it goes he was correct, but it overlooked either [list] [*]the reversal of relief you might have claimed for the gear against gigging income, or [*]the possibility that if you make a habit of buying & selling stuff (perhaps picking up bargains on eBay and selling them on fairly quickly) you are almost certainly in business as a retailer and liable to income tax on the profits you make [/list]
  21. [quote name='Rayman' post='917497' date='Aug 6 2010, 10:14 PM']Stingrays are fab, I've had two of them, but now I've got a couple of G&Ls, I'm in no hurry to find another 'ray. If I found a grand to spend tomorrow, I wouldn't be looking for another Musicman, I'd be looking for another G&L.[/quote] Your twins are almost the same as mine Must get some photos of mine sorted for the twins thread
  22. Loads of love for my L2.5k's. Really versatile. Sound great. Not actually that heavy, and have put my Wal Pro1/Custom hybrid into semi retirement. I LOVE'EM!!!
  23. I will probably get shouted at for this but I have some sympathy with the seller. The suggestion from your original post (and follow up) was [list] [*]you offered 2/3 of the BIN [*]He accepted and sent it to you [*]You took one look and decided you didn't like it, not that there was anything actually wrong with it, and that you wanted to back out having metaphorically kicked the wheels [/list] Ebay can be a pain at times but I think if I was the seller I'd be a bit pi55ed off at being expected to take back something sold in good faith that the buyer decided was fine/as advertised but just not for him after all. Yes there may be DSR's but......... Just my 2p, and at the end of a SH177Y day so I may think better of this tomorrow
  24. WalMan

    Alibi in 2010

    In case anyone cares The Alibi gig that was supposed to be at The Red Lion Stubbington tomorrow (6 Aug 2010) is off. Apparently [list] [*]he didn't have it in the diary - cr@p I know I booked it with the previous landlady a year ago, [*]the previous landlady left the gigs in a mess - did she bollox, she was one of the best prepared people we deal with [*]he didn't get the posters - again cr@p, I know they get sent regular as clockwork a month in advance [*]when I spoke to him in May I said "Everything still on?" [i]"Yes"[/i]. "See you in August then" [i]"OK then"[/i] - but he hadn't bothered to check the diary in front of him just said OK - and to cap it all [*]"the band I had in cancelled earlier in the week and I had to book someone else last minute [/list] Why do I have to deal with these @rseholes!!? Last Saturday we had a great gig at our favourite venue to a good crowd who were well up for it & didn't want us to stop. Landlord was made up with the night, and I was looking forward to one more before the holiday layoff [color="#FF0000"][size=7]GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!![/size][/color] [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] [url="http://www.smileyvault.com/"][/url]
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