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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='Oggy' post='883693' date='Jul 2 2010, 09:27 AM']Hi Basschatters, Anyone know who won the raffle prizes at the bash? I've just found my tickets in my wallet (315 - 325 incl.) - living in hope? Oggy [/quote] Well I had the scotch
  2. A.C.T presently Todays Report, but will get through all their albums by the end of today. Yesterday it was Spocks Beard (versions 1 and 2) Both/all of whom belong in the Overlooked Bands thread IMO
  3. [quote name='Gust0o' post='881101' date='Jun 29 2010, 04:24 PM']The tax threshold sucks. I'd be content to remain amateur, to be honest - unless it's a substantial additional income, so as to off-set the liability.[/quote]Not really your call. If you're making money, you ought to be telling HMRC [quote name='Jamesemt' post='881103' date='Jun 29 2010, 04:25 PM']Tbh this is all just talk at the moment. We haven't really made any money yet, just wondering what the benefits are...[/quote] Doing it as a partnership will require submitting a partnership return to HMRC as well as personal returns. The partnership return has it's own set of penalties if you submit it late (£100 per partner) so can get expensive if you are lax with the paperwork. As a partnership all your individual expenses and claims for gear have to be made through the partnership return/accounts. Not necessarily a problem as individual claims can be unwound as part of the tax profit sharing arrangement, BUT you cannot have one partner with a profit & another a loss - which could be a problem if you get a new rig and bass in the year and the gets a packet of lozenges. [quote name='hubrad' post='881108' date='Jun 29 2010, 04:29 PM']If you're near that tax threshold, you can probably afford to make it into a self-funding yet official thing, i.e. spend all the musical income on musical gear - strings, instruments, stage gear etc.. hence no additional tax liability but officialdom is, bizarrely, happy! Any income is technically of interest to HMRC, but they aren't the ogre that some make them out to be. Unless they find you first.. [/quote] You might even find that you have a loss once everything is factored in and you can claim a refund. But remember for capital items - like amps, intruments - when you stop you will need to value them (and not all gear loses value over time) and a tax liability could arise. Worth checking out with an accountant who is familiar with musicians claims - if you're in the MU & get the quarterly mag there are a few that advertise. And do draw up some sort of partnership agreement. Happy bands can become squabbling bands (as can be seen from other threads) and if you haven't agreed how stuff is split / who gets what / etc in the good times it becomes a nightmare when it turns sour.
  4. And thanks to Tom & everyone else involved in arranging yesterday extravaganza
  5. [quote name='BigBeatNut' post='880151' date='Jun 28 2010, 06:30 PM']So ... has a South East Bash been organised for this year ? (because I've searched again and still had no luck)[/quote] Not yet. Tentative PM's have started (last night)
  6. [quote name='alexharvay' post='879897' date='Jun 28 2010, 02:20 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=56195&hl"]Here[/url][/quote] Not quite, that was last year, but......................................
  7. Firstr gig back with my main band since the op in April, and at our favourite gig in Chichester. Bit quieter than usual because [list=1] [*]it was the start of the Chichester festivities so there was a procession & fireworks up the road [*]it was so bleedin' hot & a lot of people were outside. [/list] That said it was still a fair crowd & a good night. New landlord was well pleased. To me things felt very slow (but weren't as the drummer starts us off with a metronome). IEM battery went flat fourth song into the first set, so ended up getting what I could from the PA. All of which sounds like it was not so great, but actually it went OK and finished on a high. Now then. Bed & an earlyish start for the London Bash
  8. 01. Essexbasscat 02. Aero , I'll bring:- Status Fretless Neck Jazz /Fender Aerodyne Jazz- David Eden WT800-Eden 210XST and XLT - Eden 115 - H&K BassBase 600 03. Jerry_B - Peavey T-40, MIJ Fender Jazz fretless 04. Stingray5 - Selected basses from my signature pic below; Trace Elliot GP12 SMX 1x15 + 2x10 rig; Boss GT-6B; (donuts...? smile.gif ) 05. Bloodaxe - A couple of Aria SBs, Ashdown Superfly, Epifani UL-110. Possibly a couple of other bits & bobs if I can blag a lift. Oh, and a tenner. 06. silddx - my Warwicks 07. Waynepunkdude - Fender Jazz, VMJ with Wizard 84's, Ampeg SVT 5 Pro, Ampeg 410 and DHA DI/EQ 08. Netballman - Ibanez GWB35 fretless (FOR SALE...), Spector Legend Classic 5, Markbass Jeff Berlin combo 09. Molan - 4 x Alleva Coppolos - KPB4, Signature 4, Ltd 4, Walnut 5, Celinder J update 4, Sadowsky Will Lee, Performance Louis Johnson, TC Electronics RH450 + a couple of Bag End cabs, Maybe more basses if I can fit any in the car, lol 10. Bottle - Stuff in siggie, basically smile.gif. Squier P-Special, EBS rig, GK head, some extra cabs and widdly stuff 11. Fat Rich - Status S2 Classic bolt-on 5, Status Series 1 Fretless 6, Line 6 Studio 110 12. Walman - Wal Pro1/Custom, G&L L2500 US fretted & fretless, Markbass CMS121H, Epifani 1x12 cab, possibly the BOD xT Pro & floorboard & Marshall Superbass 100 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. This always assumes that I wake up tomorrow after a long gig tonight & having slept much of today to no apparent avail as to how tired I feel at the moment
  9. [size=7]Echo [/size][size=6]Echo [/size][size=5]Echo [/size][size=4]Echo [/size][size=3]Echo [/size][size=2]Echo [/size]Echo Sorry, I'll get me coat but am hoping to make it Sunday
  10. WalMan

    Alibi in 2010

    ....and back to The Fountain, South Street, Chichester this Saturday 26 June. Thankfully England will be playing Sunday, so that's one crowd sucker out of the way, leaving a boiling hot night. Good for totty in skimpy clothing, but bad with everyone outside all night. Ah well here's hoping. Might take both L2500's it's just a matter of space to put the one not being used in.
  11. A recommendation (that I should do myself) in addition insurance, which I have through MU & Hencilla Canworth, is to get a UV marker pen and write you post code in assorted places, such as in the control cavity.
  12. [quote name='Clarky' post='872852' date='Jun 20 2010, 06:39 PM']Maybe not feasible but I think it would be helpful to buyers and sellers if there were specific sub-forums So for "Basses for sale", there could be: 4 string; 5 string; acoustic/other For "Amps & Cabs", there would be: amps; cabs; combos; rigs and so on Would really help in searching for specific bits of kit - lets say I wanted to find a 5-string Fender Deluxe Jazz, for example, the search string would currently pull up dozens of items containing Fender and Jazz and it would take a fair while to sift through to find if anything actually fitted the bill - if there was a 5-string sub-forum this could be done very quickly to the benfit of both buyer and seller[/quote] Where's the fun in that. No getting sidetracked when something else catches your eye as you search.... oh, wait I see a fatal flaw in that argument
  13. [quote name='rmshaw37' post='870306' date='Jun 17 2010, 10:30 PM']just wondering if i'm the only person to try them and not like them?? i felt i just lost all the atmosphere, even if everything is going through them! and if something is missing, you lose your cue! plus i move around that much on stage, plus the headbanging, they never stay in, no matter how well moulded or how much tape i use! personal opinion is its fine if its a big budget thing where you stay pretty still, otherwise, dont bother![/quote] That's why I tend to use one plug in / one out so as not to feel too isolated. There is at least one system around where the receiver has an input for a lavelier mic that you can mix in for some ambience. As for plugs coming out & losing the bass in the phones as a result I have been through various things with the Shure plugs I use. The most recent & successful is to change the tips for etymotic (christmas tree) plugs that seem to stay put well.
  14. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='872984' date='Jun 20 2010, 08:49 PM']Put the tuner away and use your ears. Practice every day. Occasionally record yourself and listen back - see if it's as in-tune as you thought it was when you were playing it.[/quote] Sounds good to me....mind a lined fretless helps me to get closer then it's listening
  15. Looking back to thread mentioned earlier - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78214&hl=l2500"]More Stingray/ G&L questions[/url] - I see I said I fancied another L2500back in Feb.... oops .... pulled the trigger on the green fretless that was in the For Sale section for a while back at the end of April so now have twins and I love'em. The Wal still comes out to play for the prog band but for the rock covers it's one or both of the G&L's all the time now.
  16. Wondered what the hell "reverse search" was 'til I checked the site quoted and realised it meant • Reverse search like "whose phone number is this?" • Reverse search for "what businesses are at/on this address/street?" I should think things like Streetview might be quite useful for testing addresses for not being a potential mail drop and/or an actual residence now the UK is covered
  17. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='872348' date='Jun 20 2010, 01:20 AM']Do it, but be warned... it'll take over.[/quote] Has with me. The old Shergold I had years ago put me off, no real MWAH & a finished maple neck that was difficult. Roll on 15+ years from selling it and I went through the Peavey Foundation 4 as an intro in Feb this year, which was swiftly sold to part fund the G&L which I am now deeply in [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] with [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url]
  18. [quote name='Clarky' post='869943' date='Jun 17 2010, 03:07 PM']Would it be worth putting up a summary post that tells us timing, venue, events planned and (like last year's SE BassBash) a list of those attending and what gear they are bringing (which can be updated individually as and when people decide whether or not they are coming)? TBH there's 15 pages of this thread and it would be easy to miss important info. Thanks Edit: I am not yet sure if I can make it (I would like to do so as I could hand over the lefty short-scale SX bass to a teacher mate of Tino's). If I do make it, I will probably bring along my Nash Jazz and Walkabout combo.[/quote] That would be helpful. Hoping to make it, but a long late gig the night before - still at least the car will be ready to load. If coming will have [list] [*]2 x G&L L2500 US (fretted & fretless) [*]Wal Pro1/Custom [*]Markbass CMD121H combo [*]Epifani 1x12 extension cab [*]EBS Microbass 2/ and possibly [*]ancient Marshall Superbass 100 [/list] Mind you if I manage to talk Nik into a jaunt all that may get rethought as it pretty much fills the car now
  19. G&L? Hoping to make the London Bash next week & will have my new (from the For Sale section) Green Lined L2500 and it is bl00dy lovely. As an alternative to a Fender - well almost obviously as Leo was involved, but you know what I mean - you can't beat'em IMO Track with it on [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=92290"]HERE[/url] Used it for the first time in anger at a gig last Friday and was well chuffed with it. Took it to a r/h with my main band a couple of days before and despite it being rock covers I could see it fitting there as well it's just so good and so many options available Can you tell I have become a G&L devotee
  20. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='869169' date='Jun 16 2010, 03:47 PM']I tried asking this on the Line 6 community support pages but they seem worse than useless - lot's of question with no one to answer them. Just got a UX2 Pod Studio. Hooked up to my Acer Aspire 5739G - win7 64 bit - all new system drivers etc. The problem is I get bad latency (~1/3rd of a second or so) from my speakers using the USB connection but none with headphones direct out the front. But if I take a line out of the UX2's headphone socket and put it in my line in (or mic) on my laptop I get no latency at all. Is this right? :wacko: I've tried adjusting the buffer size slider to no avail. The sales blurb said "say goodbye to latency with Line 6 Pod....". So far I'm not very impressed.[/quote] No latency when you put the phones out to the line in would be right. The computer's not having to convert the 1's & 0's from the USB back to sound, 'cos it's coming in as sound. I used to have latency problems recording with the POD's I have and it did seem to be the buffer as I recall. Had to switch it low if I remember right.
  21. Let's try it here. My attempt is under "I Love My L2500" in recording. Taken the fade, and fizzy guitar off for this version so it can be looped if you want more than 2 minutes of this 4 bar loop @ 65BPM through 4 times. [attachment=52643:June10_T...g_NoBass.mp3]
  22. Something I've been messing with in Tracktion IK Sampletank for the keys & bits Amplitube2 for the fizzy guitar and another little rhythm guitar line with the Peavey Generation EXP Drumcore 3 Nick D'Viglio loops Fretless L2500 into the EBS Microbass II + a bit of compressor [attachment=52642:June10_Thing.mp3] Damn but I love that bass!!! Edit: Weird thing is the mix sounded a lot better on my headphones on the Mac it was recorded on than it does on the Wharfedale monitors attached to my PC. Ah well back to the drawing board /Edit Edit2: DOH! Just realised this is a bit like part of a track on the new Spocks Beard CD - helped no doubt by the NDV loops /Edit2
  23. [quote name='Delberthot' post='864871' date='Jun 12 2010, 01:58 AM']didn't they do something mental like an 18", 15" and 4x10" in one cab as well? The trouble was that no one wanted to lift the buggers so they had to make smaller cabs[/quote] The [url="http://www.caulfieldmusic.com.au/AmplificationBass.html"]BFC[/url] aka Bass Frequency Cab, but more likely (and pretty much confirmed as such when I went to the old factory) Big F***ing Cab
  24. WalMan

    synth pedals

    If you have the cash - 'cos they're not cheap - the new [url="http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua=en&cat=6&vedi=134"]MarkBass Super Synth[/url] pedal sounded good when I saw a demo @ GAK recently. About £250 I think but then again has a USB socket through which it is deep programmable, 12 presets, and seemed to track pretty well. I keep getting tempted, but not really sure I can justify one for the use I could find for it - mind I said that about fretless and then got the L2500 and want to use it all the time ATM
  25. [quote name='Progman' post='850381' date='May 28 2010, 03:25 PM']Looking to hear from any fellow prog-rockers out there, who are into the wierd and wonderful world of 70's progressive rock. If you're one of the lost souls, have a look here: www.theprognosis.co.uk We are keen to find gig anywhere in the UK - just let us know![/quote] Oh yes, well actually into prog right through to the current day really. There's still a lot about. Had my first gig with Epsilon, the prog side project I joined at the start of the year, in Horsham last Friday, which was fun. Funnily enough your band was mentioned to me by a mate at the gig as another band in a similar style it would be worth us trying to hook up with for joint gigs - though as syncing diaries for r/h let alone gigs means they are a bit few & far between at the mo
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