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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='alansanderson' post='778143' date='Mar 17 2010, 11:41 PM']Sold pending all the usual... Me being a bass dude, and thus somewhat a nugget, I can't work out how to change the title of the thread. Sorry!![/quote]Edit tie original post
  2. Make up your mind Poor things probably plucking plectrums off a stand holder going "He loves me. He loves me not"
  3. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='777353' date='Mar 17 2010, 01:32 PM']Yeh - oh well, 46 doesn't feel quite like I'm tottering on the edge of my grave. Well, not every day anyway [/quote] 46!! TCHAH a mere whippersnapper!! Presumably this was guitards talking. I did a r/h for a dep with a three piece band where I was the baby by a good 20 years a while back & I'll be 51 this year. Your as old as you feel. My lot run up to mid 50's plus and we're still going out giving it some welly. Bit of G'n'R, Whitesnake, Foofighters - anything rawkus really.
  4. Trying to get the fills sorted. No probs once it gets into the song,but the fills at the beginning I can't quite get no matter how I slow it (which doesn't help digitally as it goes wierd & glitchy to slow it down so screws with my ears) Sort of go it but all the tabs I have found (and actually they all seem to be the same one in all the google hits) just doesn't look right to me. Gissaclue someone. It's driving me mad and I've other stuff to 'shed before the w/e as well as this
  5. [quote name='molan' post='768007' date='Mar 8 2010, 02:21 PM']more details [url="http://www.dawsons.co.uk/news/2010/03/bass-legend-stu-hamm-at-dawsons-music-reading/"]here[/url] anyone going?[/quote] I wish I could, but apart from anything else it's my first gig back since the op (on my wrist ) I would recommend it to anyone who can make it having been to one of his clinics a few years back. Stu puts on a good show with a mix of chat, tales from the road and playing, added to which he was very approachable after the show.
  6. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='761672' date='Mar 2 2010, 11:39 AM']IIRC from lectures on music business/management and all that, if you're playing and earning money together from gigs, you're assumed to be in a [i]de facto[/i] business partnership. That means (among many, many other things) that you're jointly and severally liable for each other's debts until you draw up a partnership agreement that dictates otherwise. If you're talking significant investments -- and it looks like you are -- you should draw up a partnership agreement ASAP. And of course, the partnership and all its members should be submitting an annual tax return.[/quote] As above if you are getting to that stage it really is worth getting a partnership agreement set up sooner rather than later. If not you will end up covered by legislation that is over 100 years old. I'm sure everyone has heard of royalties cases like The Smiths, and more recently for A Whiter Shade of Pale, that have rumbled on for years and where probably the only winners are the lawyers. Get everything agreed now while you're all talking, 'cos a few years down the line when the singer has been through the rest of the bands g/f's, the guitarist says he wrote all the songs when everyone elses recollection is that is was a group effort, and none of you are talking except through lawyers a bit of paper that covers the business aspects and was agreed in the good times will be a godsend.
  7. [list=1] [*]Not snapping up the Wal Pro/Custom in GAK last year (or possibly the year before) [*]Letting a load of spare covers and inserts to the single my band produced years ago go I know not where when my parents moved from their old house. I've seen them go on Fleabay and advertised elsewhere for £40+ in the past and I still have about 150 in paper sleeves in my garage to drip feed to the market [/list]
  8. [quote name='karlfer' post='757328' date='Feb 25 2010, 05:27 PM']Faith in human nature restored.[/quote] or did he just think he'd been sussed and get cold feet? I've become such a cynic in my old age
  9. [quote name='King Tut' post='759560' date='Feb 28 2010, 02:20 AM']Surprised this hasn't gone![/quote] Indeed. If I hadn't just acquired a f/less last week I'd have been there. I'm afraid one is more than enough for me so just the rather pointless bump as it's already at the head of the queue.
  10. [quote name='RIM Basses' post='751396' date='Feb 19 2010, 09:36 PM']Hi Guys, Just wanted to post up a small clip of Ron Richardson ( West end Session player) playing his Custom Marseer fretless 5. [url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=702454704#!/video/video.php?v=326631689704&ref=mf"]http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=702...9704&ref=mf[/url] Enjoy, Robbie.[/quote] This would probably be better in General Bass or perhaps Bass guitars. The Groove Library is for clips to play along to, so the link may not get seen.
  11. [quote name='owen' post='627742' date='Oct 16 2009, 11:14 AM']If you join the Musicians Union they have free cover up to £2000.[/quote] [quote name='Mateybass' post='631020' date='Oct 20 2009, 12:13 AM']... and don't forget the with the MU you also get free public liability cover in case anyone sues you for damaging their hearing or dropping a bass cab on their foot [/quote] Just renewed my MU top up with Hencilla for around £90 on about £8k valuation. Might have to look at others, but I need to check how the Hencilla tie in with the MU £2k works and what to do if I go elsewhere - presumably just put a £2k excess on. As for valuation it depends what it is. [list] [*]MarkBass combo - I just upped the value based on new shop price as they have jumped recently. [*]L2500 - is on for what I paid for it and just keep a look out for the sort of price they might go for here [*]Wal - would be almost impossible to replace so I keep an eye on the prices they are going for on fleBay and add a bit. Probably overvalued, but... [*]pedals & assorted covers & cases I just go with list [/list] It's possibly worth setting up automated searches of eBay for each bit of kit and watch the end prices of rarer/more difficult items to source in the UK (like the Wal & L2500 for me) throughout the year and use that as a guide.
  12. This months BGM has details of a new John East preamp for P basses. Looked interesting, just need a P bass to put one in Actually checking a different sub forum on here there is a long thread on it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13343"]HERE[/url]
  13. My first 5 was a SUB, which was sold to fund a US L2500 The SUB was good but for my money the L2500 is much better. Gets a great full rock sound and more with some tweaking. Tried one of the new Sterlings Ray34's recently and that sounded good, though a shop full of speakers in sympathy might have helped (though I doubt it) My L2500 is an older style 4+1 headstock rather than the newer 3+2 through body options. If I had the funds I think I would be looking for a newer L2500 plus a Sterling, but that's just greedy!
  14. [quote name='bass5' post='753444' date='Feb 22 2010, 02:09 AM']As reviewed in this month's Bass Guitar Magazine - Issue 52 - March 2010[/quote] Boring I know, but should we be posting presumably copyright reviews fom a current issue? Just asking Should be glad it's not [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78341"]Carol Kaye[/url] I 'spose
  15. [quote name='flippyfloop' post='752874' date='Feb 21 2010, 03:26 PM']SOLD SOLD SOLD[/quote] MINE MINE MINE Be afraid, be very afraid - the rest of my band are
  16. Just completed an easy transaction with Andre to take the Peavey fretless off his hands - and prove once again to myself why I shouldn't play f/less (I've had to promise the band not to take it to gigs [i]just yet at least[/i] ) A really nice guy to do business with.
  17. [quote name='silddx' post='751960' date='Feb 20 2010, 05:24 PM']Hah Hah! Brilliant switch, man [/quote] Makes me shudder to think of the pyro, maroons & chainsaw madness we had at gigs years back!!
  18. I just had a text from my guitarist, who works for the National Trust, saying they are trying to raise a fund to buy it - actually looks like they are after a pointer whether to or not [url="http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w-global/w-news/w-latest_news/w-news-should-national-trust-save-abbey-road-studios.htm"]HERE[/url]
  19. If you're looking for a cheap interface I have one of these - [url="http://www.zingsmusic.com/product_info.php?products_id=5178"]Rock Frog[/url] - brand new, in an unopened box I could let you have for say £40 posted. That + GarageBand & you should be laughing
  20. ....what they all said. End of the day you might find the odd serendipitous moment where a part from one song fits perfectly in another (a bit like the odd occasions in ISIHAC when "One song to the tune of another" just fits without having to be shoehorned), but it'll be a little joke only you, your drummer, the bass player in the crowd and possibly your guitarist (but almost certainly not the vocalist or anyone else) will get. I (partially) remember a gig a while back where "Voulez vous couchez" just fitted under one of our rock cover (can't remember which, that's why it's partially). Slipped it in a couple of times (MATRON!) and got a grin from my partner in crime and a guy who roadies for us on occasion, but that was it. Kept me amused though and didn't hurt anyone
  21. [quote name='flippyfloop' post='748674' date='Feb 17 2010, 05:04 PM']NOW £120 !![/quote] PM'd - thanks Nik you old GAS devil
  22. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='743999' date='Feb 13 2010, 02:06 PM']any string recomendations?[/quote] You might consider [url="http://www.stringbusters.com/frameset.asp?MAIN=http://www.stringbusters.com/ko-kat/BASS%20STRINGS/ELIXIR/"]Elixir strings[/url] as they don't do 5 & 6 string sets, but 4 string sets and then single B or C strings. Bit more expensive, but worth it IMO and balanced out by the extended life.
  23. I have, though it's an old 4+1 with no string through body rather than the newer 3+2 string through versions, and I love it. Great rock bass, but a good selection of tones, Can't give you a comparison to a Stingray other than the modded SUB5 I had before the L2500 I have and IMO the L2500 is better with more options
  24. Can I just say ..... Nice one and congrats, but still
  25. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='741931' date='Feb 11 2010, 12:18 PM']Here ye go: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=76765"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=76765[/url][/quote] ......and probably [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=76259"]HERE[/url]?
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