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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='tom1946' post='740585' date='Feb 10 2010, 07:16 AM']Hi, I'm selling this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=75829&hl=cort+curbow"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...;hl=cort+curbow[/url] It's great![/quote] I know. I'm watching, just not sure how far to go for something I shall use infrequently. GAS and intense boredom while the arm is in plaster may still get the better of me
  2. Wax - Building A Bridge To Your Heart - DOH!
  3. I was looking at a Canyon 2 Spalted f/less today, but its probably more than I want to pay for something to get back into f/less bass and that will get minimal gig use, possibly a bit more at home recording. In my searches what I have found interesting is to see the fairly distinctive design show up on the [url="http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/products/default.asp?cID=26463376&sID=26465328"]Tanglewood Canyon[/url] cant seem to get the Tanglewood image to show [url="http://www.cort.co.kr/english/products/common/view.asp?product_id=91"]Cort Curbow[/url] and [url="http://www.cranesmusicstore.com/hudsonpsb4flnop4stringfretless-p-275.html?zenid=h0n94ptmk76qtrr8mvneeefjt7"]Hudson ProjectBass[/url] from Cranes Presumably all made at the same factory on the same jig with different electrics stuffed in depending on whose name's on the headstock/body that day
  4. [quote name='Telebass' post='740399' date='Feb 9 2010, 09:44 PM']Does anyone here use this method as their basic tuning, down to D-G-C-F ? Probably a pain in these days of 5ers, but I seem to remember Mel Schacher of Grand Funk Railroad using this. Keep thinking of trying it, but have not yet mustered the courage![/quote] Just a D-Tuner on the Wal to allow me to switch from EADG to DADG G&L tuned down a semitone for Alibi - it make the vocals a tad easier
  5. Got mine on a deal at LMS last year, about £25 as I recall which was another reason I dived in. First time I used it we were down to a three piece and I took the stack off in the break 'cos the bass had disappeared, BUT I did persevere and now use it all the time.
  6. Have a look in the Groove Library bit of the forum. There are a few suggestions there. [url="http://www.meldaproduction.com/mdrummer/"]Melda[/url] has a free version that if I remember right you can sort of program song structures into
  7. [quote name='Conan' post='736184' date='Feb 5 2010, 01:57 PM']Now sold. Thanks for the interest all those who enquired![/quote] Ah cr@p! missed this when I was trawling fretlesses
  8. You bought it with your hard earned cash (hopefully & not a parents deep pockets) so by all means treat it like crap if you want but surely it is your instrument and if you do you are storing up problems. Both my basses are 20-30 years old. The Wal was my workhorse for a good 25 and does have a couple of small dings, along with some laquer cracking. The L2500 I've only had a couple of years but going by the serial is about 20 years old and still looks pretty much mint. It does sadden me to see the loack of respect some people have for their gear. I saw a band a few years back who finished their set and the bass player dumped his bass on the floor face up with the neck resting on the edge of a low drum riser For goodness sake a stand is only a few quid!!
  9. [quote name='Spiral_out' post='726250' date='Jan 27 2010, 12:53 PM']Hello! I'm new here and with my first post I'd like to revive this thread because I have a question about the EBS. Two actually. So people are saying that it can be "a little tricky" to balance the two channels. Could someone develop a little bit on this? Is it practical to use it as a stompbox where channel A is clean and B can be added for overdrive? Second bit is about the split EQ. Does the lack of a distinct midrange control on channel A bother anyone or is this helped out by the Enhance-button? Thanks for your help![/quote] Not sure I can help on much of this 'cos I have only had mine a month or so, but I do have mine set as a stomp for normal and a bit more gritty A:B It certainly sounded nice the two gig / rehearsal, the latter being Wal->EBS->beaten up Trace Elliot 4x10 combo set flat and it was great.
  10. [quote name='silddx' post='716250' date='Jan 18 2010, 12:55 AM']Now that is truly musical and very beautiful! You played that with a wonderful sense of timing, pulse and dynamics. Thank you.[/quote] This isn't
  11. Yup. Been using the L2500 for a while now & semi retired the Wal (lack of space at gigs, got horribly confused when I went to the 5'er with the different positions I had learnt stuff in using the Hipshot Dtuner, etc), but got it back out to learn stuff for a different project and some odd bits of recording at home. YUMSK! as Giles Wembbley Hogg (2 b's 2 g's) would say. It is heavy (well as heavy as the L2500) and I will never sell it, but it was a brilliant work horse for getting on for 20 years and still merits a blast every once in a while
  12. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='724694' date='Jan 25 2010, 11:06 PM']"Darling, now you really must sell your bass on the BC marketplace because as you see, I have literally nothing to wear!" [/quote] Well it would certainly spice up the For Sale section
  13. [quote name='ben604' post='715669' date='Jan 17 2010, 02:02 PM']Just a quick question. Would this work/be sensible: 3 x Vocal Mics + Bass Pod + 1 x mic for stage sound (drums not mic'd and guitar amps have no DI outs) no FOH output into mixer AUX out into heaphone amp for in ear monitoring Main outs into PA We're only a small band, playing small gigs, but I'm keen to keep the amount of gear we have to hire/lug around to gigs to a minimum and taking a couple of monitors and a bass amp out of the equation seem like a good place to start? Anyone else do anything similar or am I being ridiculous?[/quote] It might, but you need good phones for the bass monitoring and it is funny how a bass amp shifting some air and flapping your trousers affects the feel - It's why I ended up getting the MB combo, because drummer & guitard moaned the feel was missing, even with monitors (floor noy IEM) replacing the bass amp.
  14. [quote name='casapete' post='716736' date='Jan 18 2010, 04:31 PM']The Ampeg 6x10 cabs are pretty good/loud, so if this is n't loud enough then it looks like you may need a new amp head/rig.[/quote] .....or tell your guitards to feckin turn down oh wait
  15. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='716062' date='Jan 17 2010, 10:05 PM']Anyone else ever felt like this?[/quote] - Yes [quote name='4-string-thing' post='716062' date='Jan 17 2010, 10:05 PM']If so, how did you get yourself out of it?[/quote] - I'll let you know Last night was OK (particularly with the new strings on - I hadn't realised how old the previous set had got!!!) but the drummer & I get a bit p155ed off with trying to organise stuff and getting knock backs from others like a blanket ban on gigs on bank holiday weekends - got offered one of two that should have been a busy night and had to knock them back Trouble is I am in a deep rut and seriously ticked off with everything at the mo - probably just SAD and hopefully I'll snap out of it soon
  16. [quote name='tarcher' post='715154' date='Jan 16 2010, 08:12 PM']Just go to www.chordie.com and type in fever and you'll get it. I've just wasted 15 mins trying to make a link for you but I can't do it so if any body can explain to me how to do it I'd be very grateful ta[/quote] [list=1] [*]Hover your mouse over the link to the page you want to create a link too [*]right click [*]select "copy link location" [*]Switch to your post here [*]click on the green button with the + sign to the right of the smilie button [*]Ctrl + V to paste the link you copied earlier [*]Enter [*]type whatever you want to appear as your link [*]Enter [*]and as they say in Private Eye ................er that's it [/list] [url="http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.guitaretab.com/p/presley-elvis/15022.html"]Fever (Elvis) - according to GuitarTab.com[/url]
  17. Verse, chorus, verse, chorus, Mid8, Verse, Chorus repeat to end. About 3min30 and I suppose at the end of the day pretty much a 3 chord trick but anyway [attachment=39909:January_..._grooge_.mp3] Oops just noticed I cant spell Groove Is this funk (not really) but here will do.
  18. [quote name='deathpanda' post='697780' date='Jan 1 2010, 11:15 AM']how did you get such a full sound? just good tone and double tracking? ..awesome riffage![/quote] Its a filthy patch in Amplitube Metal called (I kid you not!!) Smiling Harry Syphilis The main riff is just one track and the whole thing 3, kit loops, riff and the wah guitar part. If I remember right I was mucking about with the Stealth Pedal and Amplitube Metal and just noodled to a beat. The hardest part was having to go back & work out what I had played to do the wah guitar part
  19. WalMan

    Alibi in 2010

    First one back and its a long one @ The Fountain, South St., Chichester Haven't been able to arrange a full r/h so I [i]REALLY[/i] must sit down and play along to a set to get gig fit!!! Unfortunately I then have to blow out the next one, possibly two as I have a dat for the first on the operations on my plucking hand & wrist
  20. [quote name='silentbob' post='706457' date='Jan 9 2010, 12:17 PM']Just wondering how easy it is to switch to five strings from four. Am i likly to encounter any problems?[/quote] Biggest problem I had was getting one and launching straight into a gig without r/h - 'cos I wanted to play my new toy - forgetting that I had a Hipshot extender on the 4 string and used it quite a lot flipping back & forth tune/detune for which I had a lot of muscle memory for the changed shapes. It made for an [i]interesting[/i] evening with a few jazz moments Otherwise not really for me
  21. [quote name='Johngh' post='703642' date='Jan 6 2010, 11:13 PM']There was a youtube thing on here the other week where a bass player tried it at a gig and the bass flew off and crashed onto the floor. It was hilarious. I can't find it though.[/quote] This one?
  22. Have you discussed it with the physio - presuming the hospital sent you for some when the cast came off? I should think if you mention that (avoiding the "will I be able to play bass after?" "Yes" "great I never could before" conversations) they should be able to come up with some suggestions for exercises to help. Depending on how you learnt - self taught with possible associated bad habits, or with a teacher who set you on the straight & narrow from the outset - perhaps a couple of lessons to make sure you don't have any bad posture habits that exacerbate the situation. I am presently planning ops to replace my plucking wrist followed by plucking pinkie & middle two fingers for Feb/March. That's coming at it from a different angle, 'cos they're knackered, but if it works as well as the index finger on the same hand a couple of years back I'll be very happy. EDIT: There's three for the physio now . Can't remember who it is now but there is at least one member on here who is/was a physio who might be able to chip in
  23. Fair enough the guy was acting like a tosser and apparently cutting your time, but [quote name='maxrossell' post='697797' date='Jan 1 2010, 11:36 AM']Fortunately all the guys at the venue were our friends so weren't about to let this d*ck get in the way of our playing (we later found out that the road manager had been acting like a massive douchebag since the band arrived), so we finished our set as normal.[/quote] - so what your friends were there. You were the support band not headlining. By all means let your mates do the slagging from the crowd but why sink to his level yourself. And [quote name='maxrossell' post='697797' date='Jan 1 2010, 11:36 AM']When we finished we started to load our gear off the stage, whereupon this guy starts yelling at us and telling us to f*ck off and let a real band on stage, so we started dawdling. It took us about ten minutes longer than it normally would have to get our stuff off the stage, and by the end of it the guy had almost had a haemorrhage.[/quote] - if I had been them I might have apologised if the guy was acting the tit, but aggravating the situation by dawdling surely just sets you in a bad light. Very different situation by way of example from an event I was involved in this summer. One of the bands, who had done sweet FA to help with setting up or running the event (which was basically put together by a co-op of local musicians) go on for their alloted set all having been running smoothly so far on the day switching between the two stages and running pretty much to time. They were a good band and had reasonable friend support in front of their stage. Gets to the end of their time and they are given the 'one more' signal. Other band get ready to go on the other stage. First band gets to the end of their one more and launch into another, finish that and try to do another at which point the plug is pulled. Now they were a good band but the great 'I AM' attitude severely p155ed off many others involved on the day many of whom are unlikely, or indeed actively expressed the view that they would never want to work with said band again. My view of these things, which I realise in the case you quoted would not have worked, is - If you have an alloted set length, work out a set that fits or is slightly under, get on, do it, s0d off. Try to act as professionally as possible at all times and let others show themselves up to be t055ers if they so desire
  24. [quote name='karlthebassist' post='681505' date='Dec 11 2009, 04:52 PM']I agree that people in the crowd definately don't notice half the mistakes. But I do find it a bit dishartening, nonetheless, when I make such naff mistakes.[/quote] IMO just go for it and don't acknowledge fluffs by scowling at whoever but laugh it off between yourselves, not to the crowd. Chances are the odd slip will completely pass them by, as most probably will larger ones if you act like you meant it I've mentioned our vocalist forgetting White Wedding and having the crowd sing it back at him elsewhere, but we just smiled amongst ourselves & got on with it. I've got carried away with the occasion before and headed of up the dusty end for a fill that goes horribly wrong, or just plain hit the wrong note and 99 times out of 100 only the rest of the band notice, and possibly one of the guys who helps us out roadying and we'll have a private smile about it. The pub crowd could give a monkeys most of the time. Did a dep with a show band years ago where we had to get up early and do a bit of "eating" music with the keyboard player shouting chords from a fake book, which it transpired was missing a page for one of the numbers. Needless to say we were ignored for most of the "eating" music but at the end of the one with the missing page that had sounded like the most bizarre free form jazz in the middle, the diners put down their knives & forks and a smattering of applause broke out
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