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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='evilLordJuju' post='683936' date='Dec 14 2009, 01:18 PM']ok, I like the orange idea - but very expensive for a backup rig.... Any other recomendations? Please keep them coming[/quote] ...and as for my suggestion I havejust remembered the list price they have got to recently - though I'm sure there ate deals to be had that wll undercut that a lot
  2. [quote name='evilLordJuju' post='683607' date='Dec 14 2009, 12:52 AM']i've got my main rig, but I need a new combo, for days that the whole band is squeezing in one car and space is at a premium. Our drummer is really loud though (without being mic'd) So I need an amp that will keep up with a very loud drummer, for smallish venues, and [u]as compact as possible[/u] No other criteria is really important. My other choice is to take my bigger amps and drive myself- something I hate doing in London, what with parking, unloading etc. What would you suggest? thanks[/quote] Markbass CMD121H possibly. That keeps up with my shed builder and a couple of guitarists
  3. Not drawn a blank recently thank goodness, I normally manage to remember [i]just[/i] as a section I have been thinking WTF comes next arrives. Our last gig for this year a week ago was a long one where [i]everything [/i]gets played, so we had White Wedding as well as Rebel Yell in the sets. Started the former and vocalist came in with the latter, got a couple of lines in, realised we were all laughing, stopped - well he did we carried on - we composed ourselves, drummer cued us and we did the intro again, got to the verse and he drew a complete blank this time........so the crowd sang the first verse at him I love that venue. The crowd are always so up for a good time and joining in
  4. [quote name='Golchen' post='681690' date='Dec 11 2009, 08:43 PM']How about - Take a case OVER with you, buy any old cheap piece of cr*p guitar from a junk shop to fill it. Ditch the cr*p guitar when you get there and bring the bass home in the case.[/quote] Nope!. They aren't idiots & have people who know about these things. You'd just end up getting it confiscated
  5. [quote name='silddx' post='669287' date='Nov 29 2009, 05:53 PM']Got mine from WH Smith today, there's a small feature by ped on the BC SE Bass Bash, with photo.[/quote] YAY! I'm in BGM - well lurking in the background of the photo, and that's about as close as I'll ever get I suspect not counting the letter I got published years back
  6. Last night was harder work than I thought!!! Got home around 2 in the morning. Shower & a bit of a browse/post on here then off to bed 3ish. Woke up from a mad dream, went to the bathroom, looked at my watch on the way back to bed & thought "bu99er 5am, I need some more sleep". Got up again around 7:30 as I was awake & thought "well I'll have a lazy day to catch up". UNFORTUNATELY it was 19:30 this evening not 07:30 this morning & I had slept pretty much 16 hours straight[url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] Got to be up at 6 tomorrow for work. What are the chances of me sleeping at all tonight!? Slim to b'all I suspect
  7. Ended the year on a good one. Highlights / funniest moments [list] [*]the nearly 2 hour second set & encores that were roof raising. [*]Vocalist starting White Wedding with the words from Rebel Yell, so we went around the intro again, then he drew a blank and the crowd sang the first verse for him [*]bass sounding good tonight, band generally tight [*]the crowd as ever singing along to everything with great gusto [*]getting through the night without the cramp problems I sometimes end up with because we play for so long and its really hot & sweaty going up the dusty end of the neck - AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!! [i][size=1]mostly[/size][/i] [*]watching a rather creepy guy being slung having known he was being watched, and seen him standing altogether too close behind a girl in the venue (regardless of how full it was) - closely followed by a downside as she went on and on about us doing an RHCP number even expecting to busk something/anything by them and refusing NO as answer (and boy did she go on!!) [/list] Sadly that is it for this year unless any deps come up - frankly unlikely
  8. Average night for me though the others reckoned the bass sounded good. Sound guy said he had me out of the rig, yet I had rolled back the tone controls on the MB to what I thought had it in check (and was OK with the drummer) All this despite the guitarists who were LOUD even taken right out of my IEM mix so I just had bass my vocals, plus a little lead vox, kick, hats & snare low down. I am becoming quite p155ed off with it all as the MB + Epifani 12 are a great little rig but it seems impossible to keep the level down to that acceptable to the others without completely emasculating the sound. Good crowd, but I hate the sound in the venue as it is so bright and splashy. Drummer loves the way his kit sounds for exactly the same reason. Tried out the new etymotic buds on the Shure phones I use and was hoping that they would stay put better. When they were in sounded good, but they quickly became dislodged so the bass disappeared and it felt as it I was pushing them through the side of my head to try to get them to stick sometimes. Another annoyance I'm having trouble getting to the bottom of - how to get the IEM's to stay put so I have a good IE sound the remains through the night. Probably put this all down to the full moon p1551ng me off at the mo. Hospital appointment just been put back a month and I have this horrible feeling that the planned op on my right hand & wrist (stop it!!!) I am trying to schedule for my quiet time at work in February is going to end up nothing of the sort. Just hope tomorrow at our favourite (and very long) gig - the last for the year - goes well. Ought to get to my pit now to be refreshed for that
  9. [quote name='crez5150' post='672243' date='Dec 2 2009, 04:43 PM']PM'd[/quote] ditto
  10. Got our last two for 2009 this Friday & Saturday Friday 4 Dec - Cheers Bar, Bognor Regis Sat 5 Dec - The Fountain, South Street, Chichester Saturday's a long one (as ever) and I have just received the draft sets: Saturday is: First set: ARE YOU READY? - Daylight for Dead Eyes HELL AND HIGH WATER - WISHING WELL - Free WILD FRONTIER - Gary Moore HIGH ROAD EASY - Sass Jordan WHITE ROOM - Cream MR BROWNSTONE - G'n'R WAYWARD SON - Kansas WATCHTOWER - Hendrix ALL YOUR LOVE TONIGHT - Whitesnake LEARN TO FLY - Foo Fighters TONIGHT - eeeeeeeeeeeer possibly The Answer STEAL YOUR FIRE - GUN I WANT IT ALL - Queen Second Set DON’T LIE TO ME - Whitesnake LONG ROAD TO RUIN - Foo Fighters RAG DOLL - Aerosmith WHOLE LOTTA LOVE - Led Zep HOUSE OF LOVE - Skin OVER THE HILLS - Gary Moore MY KINDA GIRL - Chickenfoot WHITE PUNKS - Tubes ARE YOU READY TO ROCK? - Thin Lizzy GOD GAVE ROCK ‘N’ ROLL - Kiss WHITE WEDDING - Billy Idol ARE YOU GONNA BE MY GIRL? - Jet WORD UP - Cameo/GUN GIMME ALL YOUR LOVIN’ - ZZ Top DON’T BELIEVE A WORD / BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN - Thin Lizzy Extras: REBEL YELL/SINCE YOU’VE BEEN GONE/ALL THE YOUNG DUDES/FREE WORLD/SCHOOL’S OUT?/WALK THIS WAY?/FUNKY MUSIC? So pretty standard pub rock fare then
  11. [quote name='Kennerz' post='669877' date='Nov 30 2009, 11:52 AM']Haha So im guessing your not accepting legs aswell? [/quote] I hope you're not suggesting I want an arm and a leg for it
  12. [quote name='PapillonIrl' post='669687' date='Nov 30 2009, 01:04 AM']How much to ship to Ireland ? Nathan[/quote] Nathan, just checked with my post room and the cheapest seems to be the "International Signed for" service which will be around £15 - the courier was around £30 for Rep of Ireland & £25 for N Ireland
  13. [quote name='Kennerz' post='669167' date='Nov 29 2009, 03:22 PM']I would honestly give my right arm for this pedal [/quote] Cash would be better despite the plastic already in and to be added to my right arm early next year
  14. Bought this in a fit of retail therapy because it seemed like it would do what I was after, but a rehearsal with the full rig not just my bass into another amp proved that not to be the case. Great distortion pedal though and if you are after some of that, or indeed your guitard might be I'm looking for what I paid for it (£109) or thereabouts plus post. For post I will check Royal Mail, but recently have taken to using the overnight courier my firm uses as they invariably come out cheaper - certainly no more than £7.50)
  15. Draft lead breaks Mikes - [attachment=37316:NoiseAnn...arBreakM.mp3] My OTT version (though it would require at least 4 if no 5 guitards live ) [attachment=37315:NoiseAnn...GuitarsF.mp3]
  16. [quote name='DHA' post='668643' date='Nov 28 2009, 07:44 PM']Sorry, all gone. But I have been offering the VT2-Twin-EQ-Std-Bass at the same price for another week or so. check it out on ebay. Dave[/quote] Ah well. Never mind. 'twas a middle of the night "there's a thought" moment
  17. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='641890' date='Oct 31 2009, 02:11 PM']Amp heads are backline, so it looks there were mistakes all round, with the gig promoter/organiser especially not doing their job.[/quote] [quote name='umph' post='641966' date='Oct 31 2009, 04:12 PM']backline has always been cabs and drum skeleton, heads and breakables should be supplied by the other bands.[/quote] Says it all really. Yes they are / no they aren't. Best to check with the other bands well in advance what [i][u]they[/u][/i] understand it to mean
  18. [quote name='Kev' post='619079' date='Oct 6 2009, 09:10 PM']any places left at £185?[/quote] Same question a month & a half later
  19. WalMan

    A groove thing

    Something else to be going on with [attachment=37228:FunkySwineJab.mp3]
  20. Vocalist, #2 guitarist & I use IEM's. Drummer & #1 won't. Our sound guy has bought loads of Aviom kit which means we each have our own sub mixer from the stage box and set our own mixes - #1 guitarist has a sub mixer and sets levels to his monitor. I tend to have one plug in and one out to get a bit of ambience. #2 guitarist uses both plugs but there are often mutterings from others that his stage level from the Boogie is high. When I first started with IEM's I was just using the Bass POD xT straight to the PA with the others getting bass from their monitors, but again there were mutterings, this time that the bass was getting lost and couldn't be felt on stage so I ended up getting the MB combo to cover off that.
  21. [quote name='lanark' post='659988' date='Nov 20 2009, 11:20 AM']So are DJs supposed to do this too, submit a full list of songs that they've played in their set? Because, to be honest, a lot of the DJs I know don't actually know the titles and artists of the songs they've played (I go to salsa nights and they tend to pass CDs between each other and the track details aren't always attached - so you ask what the last record was and they'll say disc 12 track 5 or something)[/quote] I would think generally they will be in the same boat as bands, ie it will be the venues responsibility to hold the licence and you seem to get asked for a list so infrequently it's not worth worrying about. In the club band we put down a load of songs the vocalist in the originals band had registered to up his play count by the odd one here or there. I don't suppose it ever had any effect on the major artists we actually played (or even the check the vocalist got for pennies) one way or another
  22. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='659332' date='Nov 19 2009, 03:35 PM']Most places we play have a PRS certificate on the wall but only twice have we filled out a form with the songs we played, both times for a local festival. As far as I know it's the venue's responsibility.[/quote] The only time we were asked to fill in a form with my current lot we had been warned by the venue that someone from PRS would be there and want a list on the night. Just as well he was otherwise we'd have been playing to the bar staff Prior to that when I played in a club band we were occasionally asked to fill in a song sheet for their PRS return, but very rarely. At the end of the day its the venues responsibility through their PRS licence fee, not yours to make any payment.
  23. I have been searching for "the sound" for a while now and was considering a DHA VT Twin EQ, having borrowed Johnnylagers for a rehearsal. However I tried out a T-Rex Squeezer, and MB Compressore at the w/e and am starting to think perhaps a compressor, particularly the former from the tryout, may be what I'm after. Not cheap though
  24. [quote name='MileBG' post='655459' date='Nov 15 2009, 09:44 PM']You rock man, nice drums and guitars.What program have you been using for drums and for recording?[/quote] Cheers. [url="http://www.mackie.com/products/tracktion3/index.html"]Mackie Tracktion[/url] for recording and [url="http://www.drumcore.com/"]Drumcore[/url] for the drums - I think it was the standard Rock/Pop loop set I was using this time. Just wish Mackie hadn't completely deserted Tracktion as I find it really quick & easy to use, but it hasn't had an upgrade for a couple of years and is better on PC than a Mac (which I have of course gone over to dedicating a G5 to recording DOH!!)
  25. Probably hugely derivative and a copy of something someone recognises, but still I had fun making this row. Wish I had [i][u]ANY[/u][/i] idea what to do about words, but that's for someone else, or indeed could play guitar. Hey ho. Recorded on Mac G5 using Mackie Tracktion with Amplitube, a Peavey Generation EXP guitar and my Wal [url="http://www.tideway-la.co.uk/Loops/Wordless_Rock_Thing.mp3"]Wordless Rock Thing[/url] [url="http://www.tideway-la.co.uk/Loops/Wordless_Slow_Thing.mp3"]Wordless Slow Thing[/url]
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