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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Yup. Similar to yours (though never actually gone right over) but I have had the odd occasion, normally at hot sweaty gigs and when I have held on to a note that bit to long when doing b vox. Suddenly sound becomes distant, the room spins and I brace against going over. Scary.
  2. Red Lion Stubbington. One of those nights for me really. Couldn't get into it. Played cr@p. Bass sounded cr@p to me. And yet still people were saying it was a good gig, the sound was good, etc., etc. The Blackstar HT Dual proved a complete non starter for what I was trying to do. Mildly pee'd off at the end of the evening having got there early to unload the PA from the van and then helped load it all again at the end of the night, and yet [i]certain[/i] parties just stood and watched when it got to getting my gear out to the car. And then to cap it all the wiper motor went on my car on the way home so I had to call out the recovery service and get towed home. Just back now Added to which I am supposed to be taking MrsW to one of her old school chums birthday party in Eastbourne tomorrow, but I am going to have to start the day getting the car towed to a garage to be fixed and sorting out a courtesy car, which will no doubt be some rubbish 2 cylinder 1 Ltr bar'o'cr@p. Double
  3. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='653341' date='Nov 13 2009, 08:56 AM']Maybe I'm A Lio?[/quote] DOH!!!! It was early. I'd only just woken up. I didn't have my glasses on, and other poor excuses. Now corrected
  4. First one back after a bit of a layoff. Here's hoping I can remember the new ones
  5. [quote name='Shockwave' post='652746' date='Nov 12 2009, 04:18 PM']Bought a bass since September 9th! Doing pretty well i think! Yeah i am having withdrawel symptoms and i bought a Amp and cab during that time. But its still not a bass! Maybe i should sell one of the Pedullas and by something with uphold my image! What was the longest time any of you lot went without buying a bass?[/quote] 20 + years
  6. ............and also [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=67105"]THIS[/url] Get some more bits ordered Alex, enquiries from across the pond in the offing
  7. Just sold Mark my Buttkicker - but she won't get out of the house Good comms and a thoroughly nice chap to do business with Al
  8. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='649288' date='Nov 8 2009, 11:56 PM']Get some other valves (and some smaller fingers) and get swapping, the EHX is an improvement on the stock, but the Mullard I have was a notch above that.[/quote] May have to look into that. Last nights rehearsal was a game of two halves with the Blackstar. Got close to what I was after, but not completely convinced at the mo. Perhaps its just that it's designed for guitar not bass, which of course I knew, but......
  9. WalMan


    You could buy the Blackstar HT Dual I picked up at the weekend, but am not so sure about now. Damn retail therapy buying!! Probably needs more fiddling with, but I'm just not sure. That said I managed a reasonable light grit tone near what I am looking for with a filthy boost on the second channel, so we shall see after the gig Friday
  10. [quote name='Golchen' post='643145' date='Nov 2 2009, 09:21 AM']I still consider myself as a newb bassist as I don't play live or with anyone, but I honestly never even considered that there was a need for distortion with a bass!?!?[/quote] Out and out distortion probably not, but a little bit of grit for rocky stuff is what I am chasing with the option for a bit of extra boost on occasion. Aiming at the gritty sound Dave Meros gets with Spocks Beard and the rocky bass sound on the new Neal Morse triple live CD that has been getting a blasting in the car in recent days. Sort of have it with the BOD and the SVT Grit patch that Ped wrote and posted on the Line6 sharing section, but am looking to cut down the gear I am lugging and picked up a Blackstar HT Dual this afternoon (the DHA Dual EQ I borrowed from Johnnylager last week worked really well as well, but this afternoon was a mix of equal helpings of retail therapy, a good price and a pretty good version of what I am after when I tried it out). We shall see how it pans out.
  11. 1) I may possibly have plugged the pedal board feed from my Bass Pod Xt Pro into the output from the Aviom stagebox to my sub mixer. Both send power - the BOD to the floorboard and the Aviom to my submixer. Depending on how you look at it, [i]luckily[/i] I think the Avioms power feed won (I would have had my @rse kicked by the sound guy if I had fritzed the Aviom stage box) and the Aviom fritzed the BOD's floor board supply - the lucky bit being that Line6 repaired the BOD for nowt. Of course it was probably something completely different that did for the BOD which is now back in full fettle and working fine (though possibly for sale in a GAS induced rig cutting operation if anyone's interested ) . 2) In a gig situation, end of the evening at our favourite gig, we've done 20 min's of "encores" - see Guy Garvey's Radio4 programme on the development of the same - I've taken the bass off, switched off the radio pack, but we get pushed for another so on with the bass & radio pack and the band launch into another song, but with no bass. Increasing panic on my part checking bass is plugged in transmitter on, amp on, volume on the bass two or three times, but nothing. Then I finally look down and realise I had also kicked the volume pedal on the floorboard down to zero. DOH!!!! And I joined in for the start of the second verse I think[url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url]
  12. [quote name='Dubs' post='647581' date='Nov 6 2009, 07:57 PM']It's over twice the price, but the official TecAmp covers are apparently fantastic and have been well reviewed over on TalkBass.[/quote] Oops RTFQ!!!! and yes Roqsolid are good. I have had a couple for a while now and they show no signs of distress
  13. Is it that much cheaper than going direct to [url="http://www.roqsolid.co.uk/page.html?id=7"]Roqsolid[/url]?
  14. I've only seen the back of my head (and the sun roof) so no probs for me
  15. IEM's are a funny thing you need to get used to. My lot use them, but vocalist & #2 guitarist use both plugs, I prefer one in and one out, and #1 guitarist and drummer just can't be doing with them as the feel to isolated using them, and despite everything - full gear r/h's to set balances, etc - when you get to a gig it's always a bit different and needs tweaking, as well as changing during the evening as everyone digs in. So as above probably more trouble than it's worth for a show like this if you can fly and disguise monitors.
  16. I feel for you!! Until my shoulder was replaced 3 years ago I had had to move over to a Slider Strap to do gigs. The new metal shoulder did the trick (and bleeped through the metal detectors at the airport out and back on holiday much to Mrs W's amusement and delight) Still can't do front or back crawl swimming though - probably 'cos I did not push the shoulder excercises in the immediate aftermath of the operation
  17. CR@P!!!! You sold it. Hope you did good on it, it played beautifully at the SE Bash
  18. [quote name='Sean' post='636086' date='Oct 25 2009, 01:13 PM']How do you show what you've spent on purchases from fellow Basschatters? Loads of us spend huge sums without any paperwork changing hands. It's quite a concern of mine. Shoule we be asking fellow Basschatters for receipts?[/quote] [quote name='david_l_perry' post='636394' date='Oct 25 2009, 07:14 PM']If you declare your tax then yes, get a receipt of sale. This could just be a printed email confirming the funds have been transferred via paypal for example. Its just about a paper trail to back up what you are claiming for. Obviously you also should declare your sales as well as purchases....[/quote] What he said. There's no harm in a receipt anyway - though I don't think I have ever worried either way - but you PayPal account if you use that [quote name='warwickhunt' post='636323' date='Oct 25 2009, 05:48 PM']Hmmm if you declare earnings to the tax man etc does that then affect things like car/house insurance etc?[/quote] Declare or not it [i]could[/i] have an effect on the car insurance certainly - just try getting a quote through Confused or somesuch without mentioning a second source as a muso, and then adding it in and see how the quotes change House I don't think it should unless you specify gear on your contents, but I think in other threads re insurance (contents or not) it has been suggested that separate and specific insurance for gear may be a better option (though I am happy to stand corrected on that).
  19. [quote name='teej' post='634441' date='Oct 23 2009, 02:01 PM']Contact them now for a chat and some advise. Despite appearances to the contrary they're only human, and are totally willing to help, in my limited experience. [/quote] I would only say DON'T because HMRC nowadays (particularly on the helplines) are quite often next to useless when you come to talk of anything the slightest bit of the script they are reading. Which isn't I hasten to add saying ignore it, but talk to an accountant, particularly one who deals with musicians regularly and may know a few more wrinkles than your average high street accountant, but even they should point you in the right direction - and will often offer a first hour for free. Otherwise as already said there are a lot of things you can claim and you will probably find that if it is running in a very small way when you tot it up they [i]could[/i] owe you. Get a cash book and write everything down that you earn, and that you spend that is related to your profession. For a use of home allowance (for practising and the like) you can claim as a minimum around £4/week. I really should get my act together and try to knock up a Wiki entry!!
  20. I've used a wireless for more years than I can remember now, and have both a transmitter for the bass and receiver for the IEM nowadays. Still use the radio in even the smallest of gigs. There's the "Stone the Crows" issue and the tangle issue. It's actually quite useful for that at the smaller gigs as well.
  21. Can't help you on a price, 'cos it was a loooooong time ago that I did one of these, but it was a blast, if a very long and tiring w/e Left Friday for the ferry, drove through the wee small hours across Europe to Rheindalen, set up, went to the hotel, got back & played, tucked in at the barbecue, tucked into the beer vouchers provided, went back to the hotel and sat in the disco/bar getting relaxed, brekkie in the morning with the rest of the crew out there for the event, then retraced our steps across Europe with half a brick on the accelerator as rudimentary cruise control in a van whose alternator packed up as we reached the ferry so we got back home in the middle of the night with one candle power lights and a torch out of the window when anything approached.
  22. [quote name='Clarky' post='623840' date='Oct 12 2009, 11:06 AM']Hey Walman, good to meet you. The protector on the back of all of my basses is called a ScratchPad. I wrote these up in a thread on the forum [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=58475&hl=Clarky"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...5&hl=Clarky[/url] They are available from Thomann or, most cheaply, on eBay (best search string is ScratchPad guitar protector, I think)[/quote] Cheers for that. Good to meet you as well. The trouble with these days is ther is just never enough time to do everything you mean to. I should have tried a BF Midget under the MB121H for example
  23. [quote name='Clarky' post='623599' date='Oct 11 2009, 11:10 PM']As we're into the game of saying which basses we liked the most, I really liked Essential Tension (Dave's) Tony Franklin fretless, a real thing of beauty, and SilverDoxNik's BC Rich, which is so in-your-face rock! PS, I have been a bit protective about gigging my Shuker JJB (as its my most expensive bass by a long way) but - spurred by the nice comments I got yesterday - I used it at a gig earlier this evening. It is SO easy to play (the neck profile is fab) that I f*cked up much less than I usually do - and dare I say it, almost played quite well! I should use it more often, rather than keep it in its case and lick it occasionally :-)[/quote] Remind me where you got the bass protector from, make etc. Seemed like a good thing and I came away meaning to check it out but promptly forgot anything about it in the chat in the boogie bus on the way home. Interesting to play your Shuker and try the flatwounds, an experience not had for a looooooooooooooooong time now. Bass of the day for me was Captain Rumbles Pro1. Should have had it at his "howsabout" price but that really wouldn't have been right. My mortgage fund is looking a little shaky at the mo but I really mustn't
  24. And we're home. Long day but good fun as ever and good to put more names to faces. Now then how long to leave it before PM'ing the Captain about his Pro1?
  25. [quote name='The Cooler King' post='621089' date='Oct 8 2009, 10:20 PM']What's their contact details / address ? I've got a wonky DL-4 delay I need to get sorted out at some point.[/quote] LINE6 UK details can be found [url="http://line6.com/support/serviceCenters/?modelID=&dealer=&radius=60&zip=&countryid=826"]HERE[/url]
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