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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='leftybassman392' post='605150' date='Sep 21 2009, 11:17 PM']Anyone able to have a stab at correcting the colour cast? Assuming the OP doesn't mind, of course...[/quote] Feel free. I tried to no avail with the photo software I use
  2. CACK! Not just iLok by the looks of it but POD's as well. And I already have PODFarm. Still I got it at reduced price so I shouldn't complain............much
  3. [quote name='RhysP' post='604488' date='Sep 21 2009, 01:27 PM']There's no spalting on that bass at all, it's quilted maple. As for the colour I think you'll probably find it's a natural finish & there's a colour cast on the photo.[/quote] Yup, it's a cr@p photo in difficult light on a 2 megapixel Nokia phone. In the flesh it looks a whole lot nicer - but clearly beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I lusted after one for ages in my formative bass years, but couldn't afford it then or now and would probably be to scared to take it out to some of the dives we play at
  4. [quote name='carlitos71' post='604259' date='Sep 21 2009, 09:38 AM']Hi I have an early version of the VT2 that might put up for sale, let me know if you would be interested. Have pics at home that could post/send. Cheers Carlos[/quote] Yes I would probably be interested. If you can let me have pics & an idea of what you might want for it that would be good
  5. [quote name='johnnylager' post='604206' date='Sep 21 2009, 08:01 AM']Hey Al, maybe a [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=45784"]VT2 Twin[/url]? That would give you the option to use the balanced out to feed the balanced in of the MarkBass, ie - bass > wireless > chorus > VT2 > amp. Then you only have one unbalanced run, from the wireless to the chorus. The blue channel should tick the warmth & grit boxes & use the red channel for some boost. I think they're great bits of kit, I'll have one at the bash.[/quote] Cheers John. I thought |I had things sussed but you know what GAS is
  6. Just wondering which VT to go for. I have been using the BOD pro & a floor board, but really only use a couple of patches and after the floor board wouldn't work last gig I got to thinking about trimming down the rig and getting something like one of these. I am after a rock tone, some warmth and a bit of grit. The ability to have a mild boost in a couple of places in the set would be nice so I am sort of thinking of a VT2 Dual (possibly Custom) But do I just go [list] [*]VT1 as a valve preamp to warm things up and leave it on at the amp to avoid multiple cable runs from the radio out to a VT, back to the input, then out of the loop to my chorus pedal & back again; or [*]VT2 out front but with the two runs; or [*]Either and stick the chorus before/after it and forget about the loop [/list] Any suggestions. Oh and last question to Dave, Do you hold them all in stock or is there a lead time between order and delivery for build, and if so what sort of time is that? Cheers all
  7. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='604062' date='Sep 20 2009, 10:31 PM']No one had written "cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances" across the signs?[/quote]
  8. So I was wandering around Brighton today while MrsW was at the Psychic Fair in Hove Town Hall (or Psycho Fair as ma in law calls it ). Wandered into GAK to talk to the chaps & see what was new. Bass Dept closed but saw the chap I normally chat with (whose name I REALLY should know by now ) and he opened up with a cry of "I must show you what we've just got in" and here it is - with apologies for the poor quality of the snap on my phone [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] Had a little noodle and it is gorgeous. The top looks beautiful. Sounds good. The neck is great, though after my L2500 feels tiny. Weighs a ton, probably something to do with the 5 PP3's it has inside it to run 2 x 18v preamps and the lights on the top of the neck. Luckily for my hide I managed to keep the plastic in check as it's up for £3,999 and MrsW would still be berating me now if I hadn't. On a separate note they are expecting some Spectors in soon
  9. WalMan

    Hey Guys

    [quote name='jdbennet' post='600922' date='Sep 17 2009, 12:05 AM']I have still got it, its a shergold marathon (Mark 1, i think, because it has the stereo/mono slider switch) The nut kind of died too, the G string hangs off of the fretboard.... Im working on fixing the electronics, i believe it just needs a new jack socket, its just i dont really have the time atm.[/quote] Welcome and I had two of those once My first babys. If it has a slider switch then it's an early one as the later ones had two jack outs, one that was all strings out that switched to just two of the four when the other socket was used. And if you haven't already found it, have a look [url="http://www.shergold.co.uk/forum/"]HERE[/url] for more info
  10. Friday was our first proper gig in two months (ignoring Pebbles which was a 1/2 hour set and me so damn hyped on adrenalin it went in a blur where I can barely even remember what I played). Not a bad night but I found it hard work, particularly the first set. My Line6 pedal board wouldn't work - but did Saturday morning off the guitar kidney POD so it looks like it's the output from the BOD that's fritzed itself That'll have to be going back to be fixed. Typical when I have a run of gigs coming up in the next two weeks. The BOD seems to be OK but I ended up not using it, just the MB rig and once I'd pulled everything apart and rewired it I only had 5 minutes before we started. My next problem is keeping the MB rig quiet enough. Got a plaintive "I've not got any bass in the PA and no control, any chance you could turn down chap" in the break and that was with IN & Out on 9 o'clock or less and EQ's flat at 12 o'clock, so nowhere to go really. The only option left was roll the EQ's back to around 9 o'clock as well. Perhaps that's a gig I need to take the GRAMMA pad to to decouple the rig from the "stage". Shouldn't have that problem at the first one next week but we shall see.........
  11. So all back from holiday (AT LAST!!!). A half hour set @ LA Pebbles and a r/h last night, minus #2 guitar and vocalist (who arrived back from the US last night & a pretty poor excuse for not making r/h in our opinion Up coming gigs 18 Sep 2009 The Red Lion Stubbington 25 Sep 2009 The Swan Woolston 26 Sep 2009 The Silver Fern Southampton 2 Oct 2009 Cheers Bar Bognor Regis 3 Oct 2009 The Fountain Chichester Then it's my turn to slink off for a week, and as that happens only once every couple of years [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url]
  12. I can give you [list] [*]Wal Pro1/Custom [*]G&L L2500 [/list] and both DI'd and through the Bass POD if that's any use
  13. For my lot it's easy. We chase the key around through trial and error to find one that suits our vocalist, and then realise it's A (invariably) EDIT that's in answer to your first by the way
  14. And I presume they have looked [url="http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/walbassesnaturally/"]HERE[/url]?
  15. WalMan

    Festival gigs

    And in response to the original "[i]hints & tips?[/i]" I would say DO [list] [*]Get there on time [*]be ready to play when your slot is due [*]work out a set to fill your alloted time and rehearse it to get it slick [*]get on, do your thing, get off, enjoy the rest of the day [/list] DON'T[list] [*]roll up late [*]shamble on [*]keep playing despite being told your times up and until the plug is pulled - even if you are spunky you things who think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread [/list]
  16. WalMan

    Festival gigs

    [quote name='rumani' post='588404' date='Sep 3 2009, 11:00 AM']I work at Kings Island during the day and can attend after I get off work. [url="http://tattooremovalcreamblog.com/"][u] lazer tattoo removal cream before and after free cost [/u][/url]the tattoo removal cream blog tells you about cost and creams to buy[url="http://tattooremovalcreamblog.com/"][u] lazer tattoo removal cream before and after free cost [/u][/color][/url][/quote] Ah wait there are hidden links
  17. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='585659' date='Aug 31 2009, 11:07 AM']For those who've never been, Dorking's biggest claim to fame is having a giant silver cock. On a roundabout. [/quote] Glad you clarified that
  18. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='585718' date='Aug 31 2009, 12:38 PM']Very impressive and very pricey bit of kit Al!! That's Spock's Beards bass player isn't it? Would certainly have some extra special kudos value to it.. [/quote] Yup, that's the boy and it's not the only reason I would love to get a pop at it either Nik It has always sounded just what I am after live and recorded
  19. I would really like a go at [url="http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=36200957&blogId=483813569"]THIS[/url] - hopefully the link works as it's to a MySpace blog entry, if not I'll have to try another way. Sadly it's a bit outside my price range, and probably would have been even last year when the exchange rate was nearer $2:£1
  20. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=58329&view=getnewpost"]LA Pebbles[/url] and not a bad set 25-30 minutes really. Drummer's flight back from hols got in on time and we just went for it. Few butterflies beforehand while setting up our stage while the band preceding us played - for crying out loud WHY!? How long have I been doing this! And then it was over. Few moments (like switching the G&L to passive and not noticing for a song) but all in all a blast. Now to get back to site to take the whole lot down and clean it up. This has been a long hard few days - and not in the little blue pill sense EDIT - Now with a photo courtesy of Johnnylager - Cheers John!
  21. WalMan

    LA Pebbles

    And so to DAY 3 (into 4) - and my sig needs to change. 08:30 - text from drummer. He has landed and is on the train home from Gatwick - PHEW!! 09:00 roll up and finish of the PA, nail down the anti trip strip for the sound & lights to the tower. Runs a quick test on each stage & it's sounding pretty good. 12:00 gates open & 12:30 we're away There was a good varied selection of bands and a fair few BC'ers in attendance both gigging & watching. 18:00 have to make a swift visit to the brewery to collect a pallet of beer. Turns out an order 4 times bigger that last years event with half the attendees (and bearing in mind we have two bars this year instead of one) just wasn't enough. Back with the pallet and set up a chain gang to the bar, Interesting to hear my rig used by a variety of bands and just how loud it goes 20:30 - Why the hell do I have nerves!? I have been doing this long enough!! That said I often find I get slight butterflies before most gigs. 21:00 we are on, off & running. Set seems to be going really fast and over in no time. Good reaction, and then its over 22:30 last b and finishes and the crowd file away. Drive MrsW and one of the compere's (who was in a band with the drummer & I years ago) home. Crack down my rig & get it stored in the car. Into the beer tent for a post festival wind down and then home to drink a bottle of liberated beer. Back to the site in 8-9 hours to crack it all down Sunday - arrived on site @ 10 (overslept for some reason) Start pulling everything down. Deliver PA back to Emsworth and home by 7 in the evening
  22. WalMan

    LA Pebbles

    DAY 2 Get there 09:00, having finally got to sleep around 04:00. I'm sure I caught something from the van seat Scaffolders hard at work on the stages and lights continue rigging Flat bed to Builders Centre for some 2x4 Coffee Head off to Emsworth with the Luton for more PA. Forgot about BH weekend & went through Bognor past Butlins - thinks "I won't do that again!!". Back the slightly longer way and got the van up to 60!!! Pick up my gear & #2 son on the way back. Green netting required by the council going up and with the wind gusting as it was spent some time hanging to stop it blowing away whilst we built triangular areas to give better solidity. More coffee & cheese rolls made in the knowledge that it would be another long day with little time for food or to stop. Thai kitchen lady turned up to set up. Hog roast man due tomorrow (YUM!). Luckily all the squally rain clouds passed wither out to sea or north of the town. Still looked like we might get hit by one storm at least, but thankfully no. Collected chillers for the bars. Off loaded chillers and last of the PA cabs, which were dumped on stages with the forklift. 15:30-16:00 Stages finished and the sound & light tower started. It's coming together.........slowly. Looks big with all the perimeter fences set. Hoping for a "Field of Dreams" moment - If you build it, they will come, etc., etc. Start rigging the PA's. Much crawling around & plugging in of speakons. 21:00. Foldback desks in, wired up & running. Main stacks wired & to finish first thing tomorrow. Home. Sandwich. Shower. BED. I fear all my joints will be in revolt tomorrow. Still here's hoping for a sunny, rain free day & good crowd to make loads of money for charity...............then we just have to pull it all back down again
  23. WalMan

    Festival gigs

    LA Pebbles. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=58329"]The saga unfolds[/url]
  24. WalMan

    LA Pebbles

    Watch the fun unfold on the webcam overlooking the site - assuming we don't blow away tonight (wind sounds like it's got up but hoping the weather forecast is true and it all clears up!!!! ) [url="http://www.allaboutsussex.co.uk/webcam/webcambase.asp?queryon=1"]LA Pebbles webcam - well sort of[/url] Day one of the setup is in the history. Hopefully tomorrow will go better!! So DAY 1:- Arrived with flasks of coffee at 10:30 when the fencing was due to arrive. Do you think it arrived on time? That's right kiddies the utter tossers at that particular hire firm screwed up and it arrived FIVE hours late Drank some of the coffee Went and picked up the flat bed truck for shifting stuff about, and a Luton for the PA run. Got back to the hoping for the fencing to be there............nope Drank some more coffee Marquee builders hard at work erecting backstage "green room" and then moving on to the two larger ones for the bars. Got a football & had a kick about until the ball burst Took the flat bed for two trips to pick up crash barriers Got back to the hoping for the fencing to be there............nope. It'll be here by 2 Drank some more coffee, finished both flasks and all the biccies. BORED - Sod it, nothing happening. Went to Worthing to pick up a guitar from repair & a load of gaffa - you can never have too much gaffa!! Stopped off for a burger on the way back. Guilty because that stop off was at around 2 so I'd be missing unload & start on the fencing Got back @ 2:45 hoping for the fencing to be there............nope still nothing. 3 ish - woohoo first flatbed for the stages arrives followed reasonable swiftly by the second, the lighting guys and the generators. It's starting to happen, BUT STILL NO FECKIN FENCING!!! 4:30 push off in the Luton to pick up some electrical bits and the strongbox Eventually around 5:30 the fencing firm finally arrive & start unloading. Spent the next hour or so driving the flat bed round the site with a couple of guys in the back lobbing fence stands and then fencing at strategic points. AT LAST the site is fenced. 6:30 take the Luton to Emsworth to pick up PA for the two stages. Grab a sandwich while gassing up the van. Back around 9:00. Gassed up the van with assorted Ginsters fumes on the way back [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] Park up the van in the compound with the security guys guarding the site overnight. 9:30 - HOME. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah nice hot shower and some prescription drugs to ease the aching joints. 12:30 writing this, and I need to get to my pit as it all starts again tomorrow @ 9:00 finishing off the stages and rigging the PA
  25. Nope not me. Still recovering from the previous nights hangover
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