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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='581216' date='Aug 26 2009, 12:02 PM']I'm happier when I it's done for me by someone whom I trust.[/quote] [quote name='Beedster' post='581240' date='Aug 26 2009, 12:18 PM']Also known as the placebo Effect [/quote] I'll fiddle with the saddle heights, but after that I'm with Nik (and also trust Graham with all my basses). I just have this horrible image in the back of my mind of tweaking the truss rod and it popping out of the finger board to say HI! EDIT - you beat me to it Nik
  2. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='579776' date='Aug 25 2009, 02:04 AM']Check out Addicted To That Rush in another clip, I don't think I've ever heard it played with that level of energy. The DVD is on my must have list.[/quote] Yes indeedy!!
  3. WalMan

    Festival gigs

    I'll tell you Sunday Hoping for another w/e like the one just gone and that everyone who uses my rig (what was I thinking ) is gentle with it
  4. [quote name='umph' post='577843' date='Aug 22 2009, 08:42 PM']that might be the problem, for a short and simple solution i recomend sticking a sm57 infront of a cranked valve amp[/quote] Yup I'd go with that. Perhaps get him to look at something like the Orange Tiny Terror. Small and not hugely loud (7 & 15 w) but souinds just great from clean through crunch to nutter and because its not high output can be pushed in small spaces. There are a few similar things about, I just know about the TT because #2 son got one a couple of years back. He originally went looking for a 50w amp to use for practice and a bit of recording and while we were in GAK I noticed the TT and said "what about one of those?". Tried it and was instantly smitten. I also recall him talking of a guy they were trying to record on his course last year. Bloke had a string of distortion pedals and the sound was not great, so #2 sets up a solid rhythm sound for him without the pedals that the rest of his band were pleased with, but matey boy had to use his pedals and ended up with a sh1te sound - that's guitards for you
  5. WalMan

    LA Pebbles

    What it says in the title & my sig really. Playing an all day festival on the seafront in Littlehampton next Saturday - hoping our drummers flight back from Turkey Friday night isn't delayed for any reason otherwise we could be stuffed!!!
  6. [quote name='sshorepunk' post='575081' date='Aug 20 2009, 08:33 AM']Hi Anyone got a transcription of Bowies Jene Genie, need it for tonight if someone can scan it for me, otherwise will use one of the many tabs on the www, would prefer notation for easy sight reading though. Just need to get the chorous bit right Tony[/quote] Surely it's pretty much root on the quarters isn't it - or have I not listened to it for too long
  7. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='571457' date='Aug 17 2009, 11:14 AM']The issue for me is - if you're a 'pattern' player like me - suddenly you're 2 steps out , and that takes a fair bit of getting your head around. I suppose if you're learning something new it's less of a problem - drop to D and learn the line - but I find it hard to just chuck my stock runs in willy nilly because it's out of step. I sing a fair bit and I need to have my finger memory doing the bass line while I concentrate on the vocal - so it's hard for me.[/quote] Sort of why my Wal is semi retired from gigging. I had learnt various songs flicking down & back up, so the night I got the 5 & used that instead was [i]interesting[/i] to say the least as all those songs learnt with the different position were out and caused some confusion. That said I still love the Hipshot for the extra it provides, and was quite happy flicking down & back up through songs. The shiift just gives you a different set of fills to play with. As for dropping to B that just sounds bonkers to me, but hey, horses for courses. I should have thought with a drop like that the E would have been flopping like a witch's ***
  8. [quote name='Tinman' post='571831' date='Aug 17 2009, 05:39 PM']Silly man [/quote] You beat me to it
  9. If you do a search I think you will find another thread a while back with a similar query, and the responses were a tad Marmite. That said I added one to my Wal 20+ years ago, it's still going strong and I love it. Probably said this last time but you do need to make sure you follow the instructions when restringing (tune a half tone flat and then drop and return the lever) but really it comes down to properly stretching the string. I added a graphite nut sometime after with a view to making the return easier, but I am not sure it made a huge difference. I [i]know[/i] I said this last time but once you get used to it it's great for confusing people watching the bassplayer (not many of those about, just other bassplayers right!?) by surreptitiously flicking down and back up with your thumb just for short sections of a song when you need the low D. Obviously you need to get used to the sting being out by the drop and which changes your positions, but that very soon becomes second nature. The E string does not become desperately slack when dropping a tone to D, and for me in recent years that was from tuning down a semitone as standard already. Further it might. I have used standard Elixirs medium 45-105 for years with it. Also they are direct replacements for your original so do not require any messing with the bass and are really easy to fit, so even I could manage it!!
  10. [quote name='alexclaber' post='570097' date='Aug 15 2009, 06:01 PM']Would anyone mind if I brought along some testing gear and did some RTA on as many of the amps present as possible? Would be really useful to build up a database on the natural response curves of various amps. Alex[/quote] You can do amps through the ages if my Superbass makes it - that said it had a major rebuild a couple of years back so it might be a case of Triggers broom!
  11. So a first headphone mix and it needs work - [attachment=30948:Trojan_Blue.mp3] For me [list] [*]the cymbals are too splashy [*]the bass needs warming up [*]the vocals sound too dry [/list] Can't do anything about the reverb on the kit at the start. That's on the stereo track for the kit on the 8 track, and as it was recorded 20 years ago it's a bit late now. It settles down once everything else comes in
  12. [quote name='MB1' post='567200' date='Aug 12 2009, 07:36 PM']MB1. Last time he came to Manchester....Sound Control Oxford Road was still open and he was endorsing Peavey!.....ooops![/quote] Indeed. Saw him on the same set of shows in Portsmouth with Paul(?) who used to be at Trace Elliot demoing guitars in the first half prior (as I recall) to the Peavey/TE linkage. That was in a hotel conference suite rather than at Nevada so the sound was OK.
  13. [quote name='Hartke_UK' post='561007' date='Aug 5 2009, 11:08 AM']Whippets and thistles are fine. It was the black pudding that stopped him going north! Seriously, it’s a great shame that he couldn’t have got around to other parts of the UK & ROI, but we only had a limited number of dates. Hopefully there will be more of these events in the future with Stu and many other great Hartke bass players. [/quote] It is indeed. I saw his show a few years back and it was a cracking good evening with a really nice approachable guy who was happy to chat & sign stuff afterwards. Worth going if you can get there - sadly I can't
  14. Arriving late at the party I shall be there 01. Silverfoxnik: Roscoe Beck V, Wal Pro2e, BC Rich Eagle, Fender Jazz V Deluxe, plus my recently acquired Eden Metro Rig 02. Merton: Status Retroactive, Mikey's Singlecut Fanned-Fret Prototype, LH500 and Barefaced Vintage 03. OBBM: StRay5, MB F1, UL212, something else. 04. Hamster: BFM Omni15 tallboy, Barefaced Compact, Fender P with Thumper & Villex PTB 05. Alex Claber: '87 Warwick Streamer, RIM Custom 5 with 36" scale and Q-Tuners, Avalon U5/QSC PLX3002, GB Shuttle 6.0, Barefaced Compact, Big One, Midget, Midget T, maybe Big Baby. 06. Johnnylager: Spector Euro 4LX, KSD Jazz, LH-1000, Barefaced Big Juan, DHA Custom Shop VT2-Twin-EQ-Bass with Tech Tube valves & whatever other effects I have at the time. 07. Happy Jack: Lightwave Sabre VL, Hofner 500/1 (1964), Hofner 500/5 (1959), PJB Bass Buddy + headphones. 08. MacDaddy. Custom Shuker (hopefully!) and possibly Hamer Blitz or Iceni Zoot. 09. Stingrayfan: G&L Tribute L2000, Yamaha BB614, Hartke LH500, Warwick 4x10 10. Chris B 11. Cetera: Pre-Kramer Spector NS-2, Wal Mk1 Fretless, Fender/AllParts 70's Jazz, Tech21 Landmark600, GenzBenzNEOX212T 12.Andyonbass. ACG Recurve, ACG J-Type, Pair of BFM Omni 10.5's 13.Waynepunkdude Fender Jazz, SX P Bass, DHA-DI-EQ & Ampeg SVT 5 Pro 14.Jakesbass Alembic MK5 Deluxe, German Blockless Wonder 1880 Double Bass (and the '78 Jazz if anyone wanted a go) 15.51m0n (& Plux if he's not gigging): Bergantino AE410, MarkBass sa450, Focusrite Compounder, Roscoe Century Std V, (If Plux isnt gigging) Berg HT210, HT115, Hartke LH500 16. Floyd Pepper - Markbass LMK, Bergantino HT112 & EX112, Stingray '91 2eq, Lakland DJ4, Stagg EDB, Epiphone Jack Casady and a Fender '54 RI Precision 17. davidmpires - Markbass F1, Barefaced Compact, Spector Euro LX 5, T-Bass by Status 18. molan - MTD 535, Spector NS5XL, Zon VB4, Alembic Rogue, Traben Bootsy Signature (!!!), Epifani UL502 & some Berg AE1x12's + who knows what else I may have by then 19. Platypus - Alleva Coppolo Jazz 5, Celinder Jazz 4 fretless, Tecamp Puma 1000 + a cab of some sort. 20. Prosebass - Current Builds at the time, Hofner S7B, Laptop , sequencing software , + amp and cab 21. Monz - Stingray 5 (la bella flats) Matamp GT200, Simms-Watt PA 100, Matamp 8x10 + Whatever else I have bought buy then 22. Alien - Schecter Stiletto 4, Peavey Grind 6, Hartke HA7000, Alien Audio 2x10 + other toys. 23. EssentialTension: Lakland Skyline Decade, Fender Tony Franklin Fretless Precision (and who knows what else) 24. silddx - Warwick Corvette $$ 4, Warwick Corvette Standard Ash active fretless 4, POD X3 Live, (I am praying I won't have it by then, but I will bring the Kopo Lina fretless 4 if I do!) 25. Phil_the_bassist: MMSR5 w/JE preamp, Sandberg Cali JM, Steinberger synapse5 w/ extra pup, various fuzz pedals and envelope filters, whatever amp I happen to own by then. 26. Stingray5 - My StingRay5, StingRay fretless and Tune TWB-6 plus any other basses in my signature pic if people let me know. I also have an Aria AMB-50B acoustic bass if anyone fancies a go? Could also bring my GT6-B. Plus ('cos it's small) a BLX-80 combo. And some cans...? 27 Urb - 1 x Sei 5 String Single Cut - 1 x Sei 4 string Jazz bass - EBS and Boss pedals 28 dave.c - Spector Rebop 4DLX EX, Spector NS2000-4, Gibson SGZ,Hartke LH500, Hartke Hydrive 410 29 WalMan - Wal Pro1/Custom conversion, G&L L2500 US, MarkBass CMD121H, Epifani 1x12 (not the neo one but I can't remember the initials just at the mo), Bass Pod xT Pro, Marshall SuperBass 100 head
  15. [quote name='tauzero' post='556156' date='Jul 30 2009, 01:46 PM']If Carl paid for it by Paypal, he'd have the seller's email address in his Paypal history.[/quote] Trouble with mine case was that the seller swore blind he had never registered the unit
  16. [quote name='fusionbassist1' post='554120' date='Jul 28 2009, 04:21 PM']Do i need to collect all the receipts/invoices/etc i have knocking about from past jobs for any reason or just keep them in a safe place incase mr tax man decides he hates me at some point during my life?[/quote] Broadly yes. If you have started self employment you must tell HMRC as soon as possible and register to pay Class 2 NIC's (£2.40/week). You can do this from the link at the bottom of [url="http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/selfemployed/register-selfemp.htm"]THIS[/url] page. If you do not you will suffer a £100 penalty for failing to register. Bear in mind that if you think the income you will earn after expenses will be less than £5,075 this year you can apply for the Small Earnings Exception and not pay Class 2 Have a read through the pages on HMRC site from [url="http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/startingup/"]HERE[/url] Find an accountant - word of mouth is best. You may be able to get the first meeting free and can use that to find out [list] [*]whether you get on, [*]how much he thinks he might charge you, [*]what he wants you to provide him with and in what format for him to stick to the quote, and [*]whether he deals with other musos [/list] The last is not important, but if he does then he may have a better idea of the sort of relevant claims for musicians. What you need to provide him with for him to stick to the quote IS. Keeping good records, well written up (in a book or spreadsheet, etc) will keep your costs down because he can easily extract the information he needs. Handing over a carrier bag stuffed with all the receipts you can find/managed to remember to keep is a nightmare for the accountant and will add to your bill. Fees wise you will normally get an annual fee. Some might set a budget to be billed and paid throughout the year. Something for you to check at a meeting. Most accountants work on an hourly rate depending on the level of staff involved and will charge down time when they are working on your case. That then forms the basis of the bill (hence don't provide a carrier bag of receipts). You [i]can[/i] phone HMRC helplines and ask for advise, BUT you would be better off using an accountant to get the right answer. And as I said before that is merely recognising the lowest common denominator HMRC have gone with in setting up the helplines. The person you speak to will have had very little training and often be following a script depending on what you ask (or what they think you have asked). If you get off the script they [i]should[/i] pass it up the line to a technical officer, but may give an off the cuff answer that is just plain wrong. Be very careful of any advice you receive from the call centres.
  17. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='553422' date='Jul 28 2009, 12:14 AM']Hello Today I got a box through the post, In it was a lovely Bass POD xt live I bought off of Carl (Carlsim). Lovely (and great fellow too) I can not make the thing talk to my computer as it has been already registered by a previous owner. This will probably be the person Carl bought it off. He bought it possibly in early may off basschat, we can't find the sale thread. Did you have a Bass pod xt live? Sell it a few months ago to Carl and post it to Gt. Yarmouth? Know anyone who did? Please de-register it with Line6! PLEASE! Thanks Luke[/quote] You need to go to the support forum [url="http://line6.com/community/community/support/onlineservices/registration"]HERE[/url] and post a new thread asking for a support ticket to be created to remove the previous user. Also have a read of the [url="http://line6.com/community/docs/DOC-4283"]FAQ[/url] [i][b][u][size=7]IF[/size][/u][/b][/i] they ever bother to reply to you, and they do, but have been completely ignoring my "thread request" for five months now, they will ask you to provide proof of purchase (PayPal payment etc) and release the unit so you can register. You should be able to get the unit to talk to your computer without registering (I certainly have been able to do so with the POD xt I have been trying to get released). Create an account in the Software/downloads section and then search out the latest software, drivers, editor, etc., download & install.
  18. Not a bad night, but I really need to get some rechargeables for my transmitter & receiver!! First set the battery in the IEM that looked OK on the tester was clearly too knackered & the receiver farted all set long Turned it off about halfway through. Second set went better with fresh batteries cadged from the guitarist as my stash was empty - well it makes a change. It's normally the other way round! Good crowd though there were the usual selection of dipsticks. [list] [*]the guy who tried to have a conversation with our singer in the middle of songs............TWICE! He was ejected shortly after [*]The guy who came up after we had finished the second enc, the lights were on & CD playing through the PA and asked if we let people get up and sing, and could he sing Hallelulljah...er no, and we are already past the curfew anyway [*]the guy who asked if we could do "Dock of the Bay" again after everything was finished and off and again..........eeer no, have you not just heard the set of ROCK covers we've just finished [/list] FFS!!! What is it with some people. Sadly a long gap to the Pebbles gig on 29 Aug due to assorted hols I may start twitching before then
  19. [quote name='jakesbass' post='542727' date='Jul 16 2009, 11:02 PM']I don't think thats exactly correct, I think in fact the sale price gets added into your capital pool as a positive amount eg if your pool was 4k and you sold equipment for 1k your pool is now 3k. Last (tax) year I sold a bass for a profit as I'd owned it for 20yrs and I was advised by the (very helpful) people on the HMRC helpline that this was the correct course of action.[/quote] Broadly correct. But you might want to double check that Jake. PM me some details if you like) You will normally have a pool of capital items including bass, amp, pedals/effects. Anything the has a mixed private/business use (for example your car if you don't just claim 40ppm as above, or your PC) goes in its own separate pool. So you have a pool of gear you are claiming a writing down allowance for - 25% of the balance up to April 2008, 20% since then. Its written down value is £4k and you sell a bass for £1k then £1k comes off the pool value [b]UNLESS[/b] you were lucky and bought a bass that became a sort after item and only originally cost you £750 (say) which was the value that it came into the pool at originally. In that case you only knock £750 off the £4k. The balance (profit) you made on the bass is potentially liable as a capital gain, but will probably be exempt under what is known as the small chattels rule. As well as the £50k AIA mentioned above for new purchases if you have a pool of items and the value of that pool gets down to £1k you can now write off the whole of the balance in the year it does so. And finally (for now) a word to the wise re taking advice from HMRC helplines. They try hard, but at the blunt end have very little proper knowledge and IME will often take a stab at the right answer and get it horribly wrong. It is worth getting proper professional advice particularly if more than a few quid are at stake. I know I shall regret this but PM me if you like and I should be able to give some pointers. That is not to heap ordure on HMRC - having come over from the dark side myself many years ago now. They have a difficult job and with the cut backs things are getting worse & worse. Many do try to help, but as I say at the call centre level have minimal training and try to answer from a crib sheet. I have heard tell of a tax adviser being told by an HMRC call centre drone that they had been taught all about tax in a coupl of weeks and did not know what all the fuss was about - and then went on to give a wrong answer to a straight forward question
  20. [quote name='gareth' post='542149' date='Jul 16 2009, 12:37 PM']In my experience you can therefore have the best of both worlds, by being honest with HMRC (and have no worries in this area if you are a worrier) and get money back![/quote] Indeed, but as above there will come a time with claiming losses every year that they will say "enough, it's a hobby" Should add to my earlier screed for motoring costs if you are receiving less that £15k a year for gigging you do not need to keep all your motoring receipts but can claim 40p/mile for the first 10k muso miles and 25p/mile thereafter which makes your claim a bit easier. Nothing to stop you claiming the actual costs, but it saves the hassle. I have been waiting for a further enquiry with so many of the pubs we play wanting the works on the receipt to be signed at the end of the gig - NI numbers, address, phone etc (funny how the rest of the band suddenly forget how to write at the end of the evening!). I keep all my receipts but have never gone for claiming a loss even in years that I have been sent a return - because at the end of the day it is just a hobby for me that keeps me from taking an automatic weapon into the office & creating carnage, and really only breaks even once you add it all up. I just add a note in the additional info section of the return to the effect that "I received £x during the year as a musician. This is a hobby and taking account of all expenses does not give rise to a profit" Now if you are in a functions band playing once or twice a week and getting rather more than £20-30/gig, while travelling an 80 mile round trip to do it, then that would probably not suffice, but for what I do I believe it is sufficient and at least gets something on file. And as mentioned elsewhere if you do sign a receipt don't sign a blank with no reference to the amount on it or you could end up on the sh*tty end of a bent landlord returning a whole lot more than he paid you to the brewery for his entertainment budget & pocketing the rest
  21. [quote name='bythesea' post='542021' date='Jul 16 2009, 10:33 AM']For some people you might be able to add strings to that list All good advice (and it sounds like you worked for them more recently than me, but I remember those estimated assessments).[/quote] I've just come over to the light, and as one of the girls & I at the ex of the office get together last night rather ashamedly admitted are starting to find bits interesting
  22. Gaffa tape a duster folded a few times to the back of the bass. Worked a treat on my Wal and the Gaffa had no effect on the finish
  23. [quote name='Musky' post='540319' date='Jul 14 2009, 01:50 PM']Want to bet? I found myself with a £20,000 tax bill when I was self employed because somebody at the tax office seemed to think my earnings would be doubling every year. It was absolutely ludicrous. Fortunately that person (who had totally dug their heels in, despite invoices to the contrary) moved on and the person who replaced her settled for a far more realistic £5,500. [/quote] If you've records to back up claims and submit accounts then there should be no problem. You are possibly thinking back to days pre Self Assessment, which we have now. Years ago when I worked for the dark side we used to have to raise assessments each year (now you self assess by submitting your tax return) and I remember going through the process of raising estimates for people who had not submitted returns for a few years. It was supposed to have some basis in reality, but for someone who had not bothered for a couple of years we just doubled the previous years estimate to try to elicit a response - on the basis that they had been happy to just accept the previous years so lets try a biggier number to see if that brings a head above the parapet. With SA you submit your return and make your assessment, which HMRC may enquire into within 12 months of your submitting the return. If they send you a return and you ignore it eventually they will issue a determination of the figures (ie an estimate) and that will be the figure until such time as you submit a return to prove otherwise. You have to do that within 5 years or it will now become final, and an old scheme called equitable liability, where the collector would correct figures for a determination that had gone out of time is being withdrawn, so beware. In theory you can submit a claim for expenses and if they exceed income set the loss againt other income and get a tax refund [b]BUT[/b] to claim a loss you need to be trading with a view to making a profit. If you do not make a profit within a few years then HMRC will say that it is a hobby and only allow you to carry the loss forward, not set it off. You can claim for rehearsals, strings, batteries, motor costs and anything else required to carry on your business. Instruments, amps etc (things that have an expected life longer than a couple of years) are capital items against which you can claim a writing down allowance of 20% each year, or more likely at the moment the Annual Investment Allowance which allows you to set the cost of capital items up to £50k each year against income. BUT REMEMBER when you come to sell the amp or bass the proceeds come in as income so a claim for that is only a timing saving until you sell the gear on. And if it happens to be an appreciating asset like a vintage P bass you will pay some tax in the end. I keep thinking I should add something to the WIKI, but life is just too short sometimes
  24. [quote name='daveeneeband' post='540563' date='Jul 14 2009, 06:06 PM']thinking of downsizing rig,as its to big for small gigs, and to bloody heavy, anyone tried the new ampeg svt micro? what do you think? or whats the best combo on the market ? Hope this thread is in the right place as im a newbie and not used to posting yet.[/quote] Not tried the Ampeg, but my downsizing fairly recently, but before the price hike, was to a MarkBass CMD121H to which I have added an Epifani 12 recently which is great. Weighs next to nothing but really kicks out a good sound (and lots of it). The combo on its own is plenty loud enough for rehearsals. But of course all that is IMO and I am sure others will be along with other suggestions. With neo speakers and D class (I think that's what they are called) amps there are loads of really good, loud & light rigs around for bass players nowadays
  25. WalMan

    RIP R,5,R,5...

    Not a lot to add, other than echo comments at the sad loss. Condolences
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