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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='steve-soar' post='427525' date='Mar 6 2009, 08:10 PM']Do you own the most expensive bass on Basschat[/quote] Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer NO
  2. [quote name='Dropzone' post='426272' date='Mar 5 2009, 03:24 PM']We are currently in liason with Mark to get a gig at the Years Club. Good luck for Friday. I would come down be we are playing the hell hole known as Cheers ;-)[/quote] Ah yes the joy of Cheers - where everyone knows your name. Last time we were there the wind was howling along the front and the door had to be held shut. We started in woolie pullies it was so damn cold and then slowly disrobed as things warmed up Mark's a good bloke. We've know him since he used to come & see me, Max & Kev in A Kind Of Fury years ago
  3. [quote name='Dropzone' post='425014' date='Mar 4 2009, 01:12 PM']Hi I play in Dropzone and we were wondering if the half brick punters would be into Nu metal? as I have never been there? I have listed our set below to illustrate what we play. Ta Mike[/quote] Eeeeer pass. It's our first one there tomorrow. Not sure how its going to go for us!? I sort of think probably not as it seems from the gig lists to be a more classic rock/blues gig. Whether you could hire the function room to put on your own gig I don't know. Have you tried [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=436175592"]The Years Rock Club[/url], which I think is up by the main station in Worthing?
  4. When my son was at BIMM the bass players always had the pick of bands for the end of term concerts, while the guitarists had to fight over too few pleces and occasionally ended up playing bass just to get a gig
  5. As this is in the "General Bass Discussion" section I feel I have to add that Adam Clayton clearly is a bass player as he plays with his fingers not a pick. You may not like what he does, but he does exactly what is required keeping a solid base to the songs with the kit. As for the band you may not like the music - I like some bits not others - but as others have said they have produced music that has moved many and have what you need in a band with a charismatic front man (who many will feel comes off as a knob, but that's the front man role surely)
  6. Sometimes picks are a necessity. I used a pick for years because I preferred the sound for the rock & punky stuff we did (and yes I am well aware of Steve Harris and Billy Sheehan thanks). Got into using fingers, and reasonably proficient, in our bluesy phase. Now we are back doing rockier stuff I just prefer the attack of a pick - that and my right hand fingers are twisted with arthritis so that, other than on the occasional slow number or broken down section when I might use fingers, I get p155sed off with middle, ring and pinkie getting tied up with each other.
  7. [quote name='silddx' post='421829' date='Feb 28 2009, 06:07 PM']Some geezer at one of our gigs a while ago said any bassist playing with a pick is not worthy of the name and shouldn't be let near a stage.[/quote] .....and he is a tosser.
  8. Went to the gig early & watched the England/Ireland game (will they ever manage to play a full 80 mins with 15 men!? ) Pub pretty much emptied after the game so the crowd was not huge for most of the night. Did most of the first set and part of the second to polite applause, and was chatting to a couple at the break who said that Friday is the better night - ain't it always the way - and we were wasted on the rest of the pub ([i]which was nice[/i]). All rather annoying as we were really tight and the sound was great. Still about half way through the second set a pirate band arrived (NO REALLY, well OK a bunch of folks who had decided to go out for a session dressed as pirates) and they geed up the rest of the pub, so we finished to cries of more. Nice but a bit late in the evening sadly. Still onwards & upwards. The two new Foo Fighters songs went well and another new venue to try next week. Final annoying part of the night. We are down to play (and possibly finish) a festival in its second year in my home town August Bank Holiday weekend. First we realised at a meeting about it this week that our drummer gets back from hols that morning, but he's been talked into having a couple of hours kip & doing it. Then tonight I find our vocalist will be in the US , and our old vocalist from the originals band from a few years back will be back from New Zealand, but travelling round Europe with his current girlfriend over that weekend (double ). Drummer & I were talking after the gig over a kebab (something we have not done for a while) and trying to decide whether we could think of a stand in for a half hour set, and whether that will cause different grief.
  9. [b]The Half Brick Worthing[/b] At last we get to Worthing. Hopefully it will go well, but we shall see. Worthing has been a bit of a desert for uss at the last few gigs there. Still the Half Brick is a rock pub so we live in hope. Tonight it's the Admiral Drake, and I think I shall head down there shortly to watch the rugby EDIT 1 Stubbington this coming Fri 13 March. Mini tour at the mo, though not quite like an old gig list I have from the 70's that covers two months and has over 30 gigs on it. Those were the days, when I was young and could hack multiple gigs and work the next day Not like now when we are crippled for the w/e after one EDIT 2 Another week, another gig - Cheers this Friday, then I have to be up at dawn's crack (fnar fnar) next morning to drive to Bristol for the rest of the w/e EDIT 3 Royal Oak Friday 27/3 followed by The Fountain Chichester on Sat 28/3...........and then I shall sleep all day Sunday [Edit] and Monday it appears! I'm getting too old for this EDIT4 Last one for the time being & another new one but extremely local to me for a change - Cob & Pen Littlehampton Sat 4 April
  10. There are some quite good freebies at [url="http://www.kjaerhusaudio.com/download.php"]Kjaerhus Audio[/url]
  11. Swan in Woolston. Not bad, but not as busy as it has been (end of month was blamed by landlady) but it livened up and the dancefloor was full at the end. Hiatus in the break as sound guy had a call from his alarm monitoring service. Finished the gig, but crack down was in record time. Did both Foo Fighters songs, with Steve reading the words, and guitarists having had a quiet run through beforehand. "[i]Learn to Fly[/i]" went well but "[i]Long Road to Ruin[/i]" went a bit pear shaped in the middle, still we got through it Bass was sounding huge, and we have now established that it is my Aviom rack mixer that has gone wrong as the mix was fine using one of the small mic stand mixers. So that's this week over. Admiral Drake in Portsmouth next Saturday, a late one and we shall have to wait for the rugby to finish first (mind you as its the England/Ireland match I may just head down early and watch it there rather than drive down after)
  12. Next one for this year after a week off and possibly two Foo Fighters numbers to throw in - depends on how #2 guitarist feels about them as he can't make r/h's but they are both pretty straightforward for us I should think.
  13. I feel your pain. Our soundguy has a 24T ADAT that just needs a pair of light pipes from the desk to be ready to go, and do you think I can get him to record more than a gig a blue moon Of course on the odd occasions he does & I do a rough mix the only comment I get is from the drummer, who complains that the cymbals need to come up. Pointing out that he moans like bu99ery when an o/h pair are set up does not get through and I normally have to try to arrange for the recording to happen on the QT anyway as there is always some reason someone feels we shouldn't!? Why we can't just follow the Govt Mule path and record every gig, then pick best versions is beyond me. [/rant]
  14. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='413935' date='Feb 19 2009, 10:02 AM']Hi Folks, I'm interested in buying a bit of bass gear (a 1 x 10 lightweight cab) on Ebay but it's located in [b]Bath[/b] and the seller will only do local pick up... So, I was wondering if any Basschatters could assist me by helping with picking it up and by helping with shipping? Bit cheeky I know but sometimes, needs must! It's an auction so I may not win of course, but equally, there's no point in bidding if I can't arrange to pick up the item! I'd be more than happy to cover all expenses and make a donation to the 'beer & sweets fund' as well for any help received.. Thanks in advance.. Cheers Nik[/quote] More toys Nik - standby "cunning plan!
  15. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='413006' date='Feb 18 2009, 01:15 PM']Try one of these - [url="http://www.slider-straps.com/"]http://www.slider-straps.com/[/url][/quote] beat me to it [quote name='Rich' post='413059' date='Feb 18 2009, 01:56 PM']I tried one of the Slider straps a few years back, when I was having back problems. It didn't work at all for me. It took the strain off the shoulder, yes... but it changed the playing position completely, forcing the bass further round my body so that my fretting hand was having to reach almost behind my shoulder line. Doc/osteo/chiro/whatever, immediately. And the best of luck to ya. [/quote] +1 to that but it definitely helped in the short term - that and enduring the p1ss taking "where's your parachute?" "You've forgotten the baby" etc
  16. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='412801' date='Feb 18 2009, 10:22 AM']I'm not a fan of doctors - well mine anyway and I'll only take pills as a very last resort. I see an osteopath occasionally for my dodgy hip and maybe he could help I dunno. I just wonder if I'm gonna have this permanently if I play a heavy bass.[/quote] Not wishing to worry you but I ended up getting my shoulder replaced 3 years ago and it started that way - mind I already had arthritis eating away at bits. That was after using my Wal for 20 years, which is not the lightest of basses, but IMO by no means the heaviest either. I've mentioned it elsewhere but before the op I had ended up using a [url="http://www.slider-straps.com/index.html"]Slider Strap[/url] to get through a night. I have a spare still in one of my cases. If you want to try one PM me Al
  17. [quote name='ped' post='410909' date='Feb 16 2009, 11:42 AM']Looks OK, will check it out. EDIT: Maybe not, now I have seen some of the members. ped[/quote] let me guess
  18. I've tried, believe me I have, even picked up a load of remastered albums in an HMV sale a couple of years back, but generally I can't make it through an album (and on occasion more than a couple of tracks before giving up and changing it). There are a couple of tracks on Heavy Weather I like otherwise, NO
  19. [quote name='Dash' post='409188' date='Feb 14 2009, 12:35 AM']I'm sorry if this is a silly question but I have just moved here and don't yet know for myself which might be good places to try and which should be avoided.[/quote] Not a silly question at all. Always good to get views on someone you can trust with your pride and joy. Other than that I'm afraid I can't help being nowhere near that area. [quote name='Buzz' post='409196' date='Feb 14 2009, 01:03 AM']If you're really a pansy, there's a stickied list of recommeded repairmen/luthiers at the very top of the Repairs and Technical Issues subforum.[/quote] I'm still pansy about it (other than restringing, gentle tinkering with the saddles for action & intonation, and batteries) after 30+ years
  20. I have Roqsolid covers for my MB combo & Epifani cab, but not really what you seem to be looking for. That said look [url="http://www.roqsolid.co.uk/page.html?id=7&zenid=dp3aptvo8hv3fboi0qf84cpvt3"]HERE[/url] for your Aggi cover, which together with one of [url="http://www.discountdisplays.co.uk/html/folding_trolley.html"]THESE[/url] might sort of match what you are after.
  21. Beat you to it on the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40759"]other strings thread yesterday[/url] OG
  22. [quote name='sixshooter' post='405213' date='Feb 10 2009, 11:38 AM']New shop opened last year in Storrington, nice friendly guys with some interesting stock. Went in there last year and they had a 51P in stock, may be gone by now. [url="http://www.gjsguitars.com"]GJS Music Shop[/url][/quote] Interesting. Another place to wander through. Their website shows [url="http://www.gjsguitars.com/bass-guitars-fender.irc?cName=bass-guitars-fender&pg=1&mnu=1"]5 Fenders[/url] Otherwise GAK have a lot of Fenders, or did last time I was in
  23. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='405051' date='Feb 10 2009, 09:07 AM']Elixirs are expensive, but last well. They [i]can[/i] sound a bit plasticky on basses with wooden necks and phenolic fretboards. They don't seem to do this on graphite-necked basses with phenolic 'boards, though. They sound great on my Warwick Infinity (Zebrano/Ovangkol/Wenge), and were good on my Ibanez SRX700.[/quote] They have got a lot cheaper than they were a few years back, for example [url="http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/acatalog/Elixir_Bass_Guitar_Strings.html"]HERE[/url], and with the extended life worth it IMO. Sound great on my Wal & G&L.
  24. You can find some general info in the [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:buying:strings"]Basschat Wiki[/url]. For me its Elixirs. Good sound from the off and last for ages with the sound remaining consistent throughout. You do end up with a bit of coating dandruff on the bass if you use a pick. Not tried any of the coloured strings having found and loved the Elixirs a few years back, and having been disappointed on the odd occasion I tried something else since
  25. Not a bad night Saturday at a new (very old) gig for us. Guitarist drummer & I used to play the gig regularly with our old vocalist, but that was probably 18 or so years ago and then it stopped having gigs because of neighbour problems. Stll some fond memories & much reminiscing. Drummers stalker turned up as threatened, which gave us all a laff Second guitarist had his new Boogie combo which was sounding good, and the new expanded bass rig with the second cab was sounding good. Not a hugely full night, but I hope to book some more there as it went well with both the people that came with us and regulars at the venue joining in and wanting more at the end. Major brain fart by the drummer in "Don't believe a Word" when he dropped a complete verse and went into the long break before the bridge towards the end, but we ploughed on and laughed it off. Week off now then back to the Swan in Woolston
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