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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Looks to be doing something a bit similar to someone down here on the South coast who has a shop full of assorted vintage stuff. Gave me a clue as to the value of my old Marshall Superbass, which is older than the one he has, but not in such good nick sadly
  2. [quote name='Gamble' post='399616' date='Feb 4 2009, 12:39 AM']Played a session for a local folk band on Sunday[/quote] [quote name='Gamble' post='399765' date='Feb 4 2009, 10:27 AM']....they're really into digital editing so as long as there was a few good licks they were happy to cut, copy and paste the tracks together, which also gives them a bit more control over how the finished article comes out.[/quote] Good lord!! What's the world coming to!? Not a pair of sentences I would have expected to see together, but I suppose time & method moves on for everything. You'll be doing D'n'B/Folk mashups next
  3. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='397291' date='Feb 1 2009, 09:34 PM']Am I being thick? I can't find you at all- found your personal page but not your music. Help![/quote] Try this - [url="http://www.myspace.com/mdanielsmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/mdanielsmusic[/url]
  4. Yup there are a lot more local ones springing up, but a national one would be good - certainly had a good time last year. And the LA Bass Bash Bus has just had a service ready for the next one as well
  5. Best wishes for a speedy recovery matey Al
  6. Cheers Bar on Bognor seafront and DAMN was it cold & windy to start with but soon warmed up. Did it as a 4 piece as the second guitarist did not know about it somehow. Not the end of the world as we have played in that line up a lot before so can get by easily. It's quite nice to have the sparseness once in a while, but boy does it leave you exposed when an injudicious choice of notes is made. Fairly quiet on the punter side, but that probably wasn't surprising considering the night. They were warm and friendly those that were there. Actually probably;ly no better or worse than last weekend, but I felt better about tonight (even if my stomach didn't after something that disagreed at for lunch) Second outing for the expanded rig with the Epifani cab and it sounded good. The second 12 certainly helps. Next week is the first one back at the Cabin in Elmer/Middleton. Kev Max & I used to play there years ago with our old vocalist doing original stuff (on the A Kind of Fury link below). Happy memories of some great gigs from those days. I just hope they aren't tarnished by going back now!!
  7. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='390881' date='Jan 25 2009, 12:32 PM']Sorry to hear that Al.. Where's the Bognor gig as I'd like to come to that as I haven't seen you guys for a while and I'm missing my 'White Punks...' fix? We had a really good one at The Elms in Worthing last night, so we're on a run of 3 good gigs in a row now, so going by the law of averages, I expect the next one will be sh*te. I played the whole gig with my Fender Jazz 5 with it's EBS pre-amp and it sounded bloody brilliant... May have to rethink my whole attitude to Active vs Passive basses as a result?? [/quote] Glad someone had a good one. Friday is Cheers Bar in the Bellevue Hotel opposite the pier (nowhere near as grand as that might sound ) and I think we may be a 4 piece if I understood the tail end of a conversation as I was carrying my gear out.
  8. For me in particular distinctly average bordering sh*te and I played much of the evening like a complete @rse, still most of those there seemed to get into it. Shame for the first one back at the gig in nearly 7 years and at a gig that has seen some great nights in the past, including the last gig with our old vocalist before he emigrated, which I still listen to the tape of once in a while and still chokes me up Overall sound took a while to get there. Bass was there when I was right on top of it but I had to be in just the right spot, though I was assured it was getting through. Not helped by the fact that it was not in my monitors, so I gave up on the 'phones completely quite early on. Vocalist lost his voice towards the end and while he's generally a good front man on a couple of occasions disappeared off into the bottom of the L to the right of the stage for the lead break then stayed there to sing the following verse so we were playing along to a disembodied voice which kind of p1ssed me off. Ah well there's always next Friday in Bognor, but that may be harder work as I think the second guitarist is n/a
  9. [quote name='uptonmark' post='390420' date='Jan 24 2009, 03:01 PM']you`re not steve austin are you? (the bionic man/6 million dollar man/lee majors) [/quote] well I run in slow motion
  10. And he's a top bloke. Saw him at a Peavey demo evening in Portsmouth a few years back and had a most enjoyable evening. Chat, anecdotes and cracking playing as well as being happy to stand around afterwards & chat.
  11. I had the index finger of my right hand replaced a couple of years back due to its disintegrating with arthritis. I was in a half cast for about six weeks but it was moving and a damn sight less painless almost immediately after I came round from the op. I have a feeling the same hands pinkie will need doing soon and possibly the wrist as well - and while he's about it the specialist might be able to get the two intermediate fingers straightened up too. So far as I am concerned the replacement (and shoulder replacement a couple of years previously) were godsends that have allowed me to get back to pain free playing. I use a pick, did for a lot of years, and have had to go back to one now, BUT that is because the middle two fingers are twisted with the arthritis and get in each others way, as well as the fact that I prefer the sound and attack of a pick for the classic rock covers we do. Good luck and I am sure you will be glad you went ahead afterwards.
  12. I believe they took a price hike last year which doesn't help, but that said I love my CMD121H combo. Run pretty much flat with a hint of the filters and in & out around 9 o'clock it sounds great with my G&L. Just picked up an Epifani 112 from here - tomorrow night will be its first outing - but I may well keep that in reserve for the few gigs we have where it is a house PA & I am not going through it.
  13. [quote name='bassbloke' post='385436' date='Jan 19 2009, 09:33 PM']www.emusic.com rules[/quote] Don't it just most months
  14. +1 to most of the above I only really do backing vocals (sometimes get caught doubling the vocalist ) but when we start on a new song I [u][i]HAVE[/i][/u] to get the bassline sorted so that it just flows before bothering thinking about the b/vox
  15. Unitopia - The Garden Floydy in places, but for a first listen sounding good to me.
  16. [quote name='Mickeyboro' post='384938' date='Jan 19 2009, 01:33 PM']I will get along as it's my local gig. We're due to play there four times this year![/quote]That'll be good. We used to do it loads - happy memories of packing up & getting to the curry house in Petersfield before closing (even got a Christmas card from them one year). Got a few coming (I hope) but the more the merrier [quote name='Mickeyboro' post='384938' date='Jan 19 2009, 01:33 PM']Beware of pi**ed teenagers yelling for 'Love SHack', however [/quote] Oh joy, something for our drummer to get in a strop about Well they won't get it
  17. Back to [url="http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x=480463&y=133780&z=0&ar=Y"]The Royal Oak, Whitehill[/url] this Saturday. Used to be a regular gig for us a few years back, and for more years than I like to think about, then it shut and I thought it had been razed to the ground, but no, it seems to have risen phoenix like & to be booking bands again. First outing for the Epifani cab with the MB combo as The Fountain last week was too small.
  18. As mentioned elsewhere Saturday we were rock gods [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] and today I am back at work The gig at The Fountain in Chichester is always great with a crowd that is up for it from the start and Saturday was no exception. Crowd line kept edging forwards until at the end they were right on top of us with one of the bouncers running cover & catching one particularly pished lass. Why the hell can all gigs not have a crowd like that (up for it, dancing & singing, not pished that is)!? Slung in some reworkings of songs that we used to do with the keyboard player that four of us ran through at r/h on Monday and Max taught Mike in a lenghty phone call r/h of the guitar parts later in the week and they sounded really good & fresh . Gun - Steal Your Fire & Aerosmith - Rag Doll in particular raaaaawked! The band as a whole was nicely tight with that certain looseness from the first one after a month lay off. A few minor fluffs, but we played through them , laughed them off amongst ourselves and I don't suppose anyone in the crowd really noticed. And so to next week and back to The Royal Oak at Whitehill, a gig we have not played for a few years (I thought it had been pulled down) but have in one form or another played at for over 20 years. I can only hope that goes as well.
  19. [quote name='bumnote' post='383135' date='Jan 17 2009, 12:23 PM']I intended to pay a visit but ended up ferrying my kids around Will try to get to the next one[/quote] Shame, 'cos for a first gig back for the new year it was awesome. Band felt really tight. The new (resurrected) stuff sounded great with 2 guitars and as ever the crowd at the Fountain were brilliant, singing & dancing from the start. I wish they were all like that! It must be something in the water in Chichester. Long night too. First set was an hour and the second getting on for two Finally finished at around 12:15. I mentioned to the sound guy about getting the ADAT running & he declined on the basis it would jinx it and was the first one back. Wouldn't be swayed by "well don't tell anyone and the first one after a layoff is normally fresh for the layoff" Ah well, next time perhaps.
  20. Well there you go. My first one for the New Year. New leads, new cab (though that may have to stay at home for space), new songs (ok some resurrected ones). Hoping for a good one that might be recorded. If you're about say hi
  21. And a rather different one from the metal thing posted earlier this evening. A sort of jazzy shuffle in E with Steve Gadd on drums (courtesy of DrumCore ) and me on guit through a PodFarm. Got a bit ahead of Steve at one point - sorry Like the title says 115BPM, in E and about 33 secs long. [attachment=18524:JazzyThing.mp3]
  22. WalMan

    Metal Thing

    Found some loops and was messing with Ableton (having actually bothered to follow a couple of the lessons and understood what goes ) [attachment=18523:Metal_Thing.mp3]
  23. I shall add my thanks to Gareth for relieving me of some cash for the Epifani cab at our mini Wal bash this afternoon I fear the rest of my band may not be so considerate when I fire up the new improved & extended rig Top chap, particularly for not laughing out load at my tuneless attempts on his beautiful Wal 5 fretless
  24. I came to bass 30+ years ago having taught myself guitar and spent my first 15 years on bass always using a pick because it sounded right for the punky / rocky stuff we were doing, and because I never spent enough time or had the inclination to work on using fingers. Then the band changed and we started doing a more bluesy set. Fingerstyle felt & and sounded better for that. I dug in, got a lot better using 3 or four fingers and stuck exclusively to that style until we changed the set to do more rock covers. I have now switched back virtually exclusively to a pick (3mm big Dunlop Stubby if you care) because again it just sounds so much better for the stuff we are doing, and also because my picking hand is twisting with arthritis so middle, ring & pinky get tied up quite easily. I may occasionally switch to fingers and/or thumb for a slow song for the tone, but not often. It's easy to throw out Steve Harris or Billy Sheehan as examples of players who do rock fingerstyle, but at the end of the day, as others have said, it is what feels and sounds best in the context of the material [u][i]you[/i][/u] are doing. Getting snooty about using a pick is just b0110x.
  25. Funny how pretty much everyone runs the EQ flat, as do I on my CMD121H generally only rolling the EQ off when everyone's complaining I'm too loud and there's nowhere to go on the vols. MB seem to have got something right ion that basis
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