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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. So Mmy lot have their last two gigs for 2008 this weekend should anyone be interested Friday 5 Dec @ [url="http://maps.yell.com/client/yell/?&nat_id=1866892&qs=SO19+9BG&sl=false&storePC=SO19+9BG&ssm=0&companyName=The+Swan&clarifyIndex=&clarifyOptions=&replayURL=%2Fucs%2FUcsSearchAction.do%3FlCOption23%3DWoolston_%2BSouthampton%26companyName%3DThe%2BSwan%26M%3D0%26searchType%3Dadvance%26broaderLocation%3DSOUTHAMPTON%257CHAMPSHIRE%257CSOUTH%2BEAST%2BENGLAND%257CENGLAND%257CUNITED%2BKINGDOM%26location%3DWoolston%26potential%3D0%26scrambleSeed%3D1440387845"]The Swan Woolston[/url] Saturday 6 Dec @ [url="http://maps.yell.com/client/yell/?&nat_id=3440156&qs=PO19+1ES&sl=false&storePC=PO19+1ES&ssm=0&companyName=The+Fountain+Inn&clarifyIndex=&clarifyOptions=&replayURL=%2Fucs%2FUcsSearchAction.do%3Fssm%3D0%26companyName%3Dfountain%26scrambleSeed%3D2378557%26M%3D0%26searchType%3Dadvance%26location%3Dchichester%26potential%3D0"]The Fountain, Chichester[/url] Normally good ones for us (that'll screw them then) so hopefully we can exit 2008 with a bang.
  2. Watch what the guy helping you does to the amp he plugs you into. I have seen compressors & the like punched in as they plug in a bass to pump up the sound. I always start by turning such gizmos off and setting the tone on amp and bass (if it's active) flat to start with to see what it sounds like then. There's little point in buying an active bass when all the tone controls are flat out leaving you nowhere to go.
  3. [quote name='tauzero' post='340186' date='Nov 29 2008, 12:33 AM']As the saying goes, "Anyone who hasn't had a Fender by the time they're 25 has no heart. Anyone who still has a Fender by the time they're 35 has no brain.".[/quote] Blimey, I'm a heartless basstard! I've never had one (unless G&L count by connection through Leo) [quote name='skankdelvar' post='341108' date='Nov 30 2008, 01:36 PM']The doors of Heavenly Paradise are henceforth shut to all humanity until you, [i]SINMAN[/i] repenteth and go forth into the wilderness and pluck for me from the fiery bush a Mojo-laden yet somehow entirely pristine NOS '55 Precision and send it to: Pastor Billy Bob Spittoon Latterday Church of Non-Believers 15, The Council Houses Cemetary Crescent Littlehampton[/quote] Nik & I will be looking out for this one landing
  4. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='340764' date='Nov 29 2008, 09:01 PM']My keyboard player was raving about these guys earlier this week- will have to check them out.[/quote] This one is probably not be as instant as their first - Milliontown - and all this from a guy whose day job is writing & producing for the likes of Girls Aloud, [u]but don't let that put you off[/u]!!!
  5. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='340358' date='Nov 29 2008, 11:03 AM']When using plugs I really miss the audience reaction and thinking of switching to IEM and setting a mic up to pick up the ambient noise and feed it through. Rest of the band are unlikely to go the same way ( not keen on spending the money ) so it will probably just be me looking at doing it on a budget. Any thoughts/ideas ??[/quote] I haven't tried them but I did notice the the Audio Technica systems have a mic input with the suggestion that you plug a lavelier in. For me I set my dB Tech system to Mix rather than Stereo on the receiver and then only put one of my Shure plugs fully in
  6. [b]Frost* - Experiments In Mass Appeal[/b] finally dropped through my letter box this morning after a major ordering screw up by the Classic Rock Society. Just getting its first blast while I [i]should[/i] be getting on with some work. Otherwise most of my recent additions have been downloads from eMusic from which I am particularly enjoying [b]The Reasoning - Awakening[/b] and [b]Dark Angel[/b] and [b]Todd Rundgren - Arena[/b]
  7. Rather more fun last night that last Sat (who have rung about booking some more - anyone else see that pig fly past the window?) Cheers Bar in Bognor last night. I tend not to like the sound, and my rhythm section chum on the kit loves it, because of the tiled floor area, but last night it sounded great to me. We were really tight and the harmonies sounded better than usual to me, and the L2500 having had a new set of Elixirs last week sounded awesome . Two more next week - The Swan in Woolston and The Fountain in Chichester and then that's it until the new year. They are normally good ones to hoping to go out with a bang
  8. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='340103' date='Nov 28 2008, 10:08 PM']As much as you guys may love your Warwicks Sei's etc..... I think this guy is trying to get as close to that tone as possible with his current set up. No offence like.[/quote] In which case there's no point in me saying get an L2500, stick a new set of Elixirs on it, plug it into a Bass Pod with Ped's rather marvellous SVT Grit patch on it and the fire that through a PA - It sounded feckin' marvellous tonight [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url]
  9. I love my uprated Pro1 and still regret letting the Pro/early Custom I saw in GAK a few months go (at least it went to a BC'er) Mine is semi retired now & I only really use it at home for recording now, but was my #1 bass for about 20 years prior to that and always sounded great & recorded beautifully. Feels great too with a nice fast neck, but clearly they are not to everyones taste. The actives give a huge range of sounds and the XLR DI came to my rescue a few times when my old TE combo went through a spate of packing up during gigs (cracked input board it eventually transpired). That said I have to say that I tried a couple in the Bas Centre in Wapping years back and what seemed to be a combination of horrible setup and Knack'd strings could easily have put me right off.
  10. a short instrumental @ 60BPM and about 1:20 long. G - Bmin - C - Cmin Set so you can loop it if you wish. [attachment=16287:Guitar_0...8_NoBass.mp3]
  11. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='334703' date='Nov 23 2008, 02:23 AM']Congrats on keeping it together! We had some twats like that last year at Horatios on the Pier in Brighton and it all ended up in tears after one of them tried to half-inch one of the guitars... Just got back from the Master Mariner in Brighton and it was a cracking night! Venue was pretty full, everyone dancing and singing along, really good sound.. Just what you want for all the effort luging gear around in the freezing cold! What never ceases to surprise me is the impact of Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' on an audience. Of all the songs we do, that one just connects with people more than anything else.. Our singer Pete always keeps the crowd singing along after we've finished it and sometimes, they keep going for 2 or 3 minutes.. Amazing! Anyway, that's enough post-gig chuntering from me.. G'night to one and all![/quote] Glad to hear you & some others had a better night Nik. Funny thing with ours was they were asking us back and none of his mates were impressed by his antics anyway. Ah well..... The other funny thing is the closet Tubes fans who always come out of the woodwork and ask for another after we finish the first set with WPOD. Last night it was for "Don't Touch Me There", which as we don't have a chickie vocalist wouldn't really have worked
  12. New gig, but probably not to be repeated. Another faintly Deliverance gig, for which Max & Mike are going to work up Duelling Banjos for the future Played OK, probably better that last night by a smidge, but we had to put up with one particular twat acting up in front of his mates. He stood with his head virtually in one of the cabs, then loudly moaned we were making him deaf. He also seemed to be spoiling for a fight with one chappie who was a bit barking (or possibly just p155ed), but completely unaware of what was going on. I had to congratulate Steve at the end of the night for sticking to a verbal comment & not lumping le tosseur. Shame it was that one that #1 son & g/f came to. Ah well she gets to see what his sad old man gets up to at the weekend and probably thinks WHY!?
  13. Not a bad night considering a short layoff & no r/h managed in the interim, though the night started with #1 guitarists revalved amp packing up, then the second amp #2 guitarist whizzed home and fetched took a dislike to #1 guit and stopped. Luckily #2 had picked up a third combo that he used whilst #1 used his Boogie. After that hiatus we got going 5-10 mins late so not too bad. My smug alert was brought crashing to an end when our sound guy pointed out I had: [list=1] [*]Plugged my vocal mic into the wrong socket on the stage box (I counted 1 from the top & it was numbering 1 from the bottom [*]failed to DI my bass at all [/list] - OOPS! Bumped into BumNote (played a fair few myself ) and had a quick chinwag in the abbreviated break necessitated by the late start. Always good to meet other BC'ers Realised Wednesday when I restrung the G&L that the old set (which I did wonder about when I put them on) were completely knackered. The new Elixirs are back to their wonderfully zingy self (along with Peds SVTGrit patch in the BOB) YUM me like! New gig tomorrow night (well tonight now) at The Royal Oak East Wittering. Not sure what to expect but have been told it is a good gig & crowd. We'll soon put a stop to that
  14. [quote name='Willl' post='158429' date='Mar 16 2008, 03:25 PM']Couldn't find any discussion about insurance anywhere else... so thought it might be interesting to get a consensus view... What cover do you or your band have, both for public liability and cover for loss or damage to gear? Do you insure as a band or as an individual, and in any case, who is the best insurer to use? Do you rely on extensions to house insurance or are there good stand alone policies available? I appreciate Musicians Union is an option - is that the best one?[/quote] This has come up a few times before. Try [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=24975&hl=insurance"]Security, Have you got your gear logged and insured?[/url] and [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28744&hl=insurance"]Music Insurance - has anyone claimed on it ?[/url] FWIW I use MU & Hencilla Canworth. Others will use home insurance specifics, but I believe you need to be careful with cover out of the house & in the car, particularly unattended
  15. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='325255' date='Nov 9 2008, 01:20 PM']Mike257 is the lucky recipient...[/quote] I can throw my ticket away then
  16. [color="#4169E1"][size=6]G[/size][/color]ear [color="#4169E1"][size=6]A[/size][/color]cquisition [color="#4169E1"][size=6]S[/size][/color]yndrome characterised by one never being quite happy with what you have and an urge to find that elusive bass / amp / cab that defines your sound & makes you go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
  17. This is a thing I have been messing with recently, but with the bass muted. Roughly two verses with a pick up "chorus" and an outro that I have removed the fade from so that you can loop the whole thing. It runs to just over 3 minutes. And because I haven't finished it completely it is called Thing3 [attachment=15599:Thing3_N..._or_Fade.mp3] The full (plus bass) version is on the Scatterometer MySpace below, but have your own go first
  18. WalMan

    How to get gigs

    Depends on the level of gigs. For our rock covers / pub gigs an awful lot of venues book the whole of the next year around now so I have been doing a lot of ringing around for repeats and keeping new gigs I am trying to get into on the boil. I always try to get a rough idea of everyones holidays / other n/a dates to keep cancellations to a minimum but we are talking about over a year in advance so it can't be set in stone. Get an idea of when in the week members are available and how regularly they want to gig (in my lot it's preferably not school nights, so mainly Fridays & Saturdays, not too late finish - because the guitarist works weekends) Be prepared to ring some gigs over & over again, but try to agree the next time you will phone when you make first contact and they haven't listened to the CD yet - ie "When's best to ring you?" & "OK so I'll ring you next ###day, OK?" Get a hold of some tranquillisers for when you have got a load of gigs taking account of everyones n/a dates, you hand them out and the guitard remembers more n/a's and knocks out half of your hard work - try not to repay the favour & knock him out
  19. My CMD121H has an XLR in on the front above the jack in. I use it to feed the BOD in. Not sure whether you can use both that and the jack though - sorry
  20. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='321027' date='Nov 3 2008, 03:57 PM']Roqsolid have made me 2 covers for Markbass cabs, if they haven't done one before you just fill in a template and they make it to measure, if it doesn't fit they'll redo until you are happy. Around £40 [url="http://stargate.terrassl.net/amplifiercoversonline.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=107_42&zenid=1jeuovhllckrtj4b89rj02khe1"]http://stargate.terrassl.net/amplifiercove...rtj4b89rj02khe1[/url] Oh and the yellow piping goes well with your cones.....[/quote] Same here for my CMD121H Got mine via Fleabay - no difference in price, and arrived well within the quoted delivery date - I expect they quote the worst for something they have to make and MB they hold in stock [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/ROQSOLID-POWERCOVERS_Amplifier-Covers_Markbass_W0QQcolZ2QQdirZ1QQfsubZ9285051QQftidZ2QQtZkm"]Roqsolid Ebay shop[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Markbass-Traveller-T102P-Amp-Cover_W0QQitemZ330248384551QQihZ014QQcategoryZ10171QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262"]Markbass Traveller T102P Amp Cover[/url] - BIN £31.96
  21. [quote name='OldGit' post='320348' date='Nov 2 2008, 06:32 PM']worked well though I think a thumper may find its way into it at some point[/quote] Do you mean by that something like a [url="http://www.thebuttkicker.com/musicians/products/bkp_kit.htm"]buttkicker[/url]? Because I have the unit currently screwed to a lump of ply that never gets used if you are looking for one. Or have I just got the wrong end of the stick?
  22. Needs some words or something, but will have to go to NZ for that [url="http://www.myspace.com/Scatterometer"]MySpace/Scatterometer[/url] - Thing 3 Drums courtesy of Submersible Drumcore & Alan White - him out of Yes etc
  23. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='292773' date='Sep 26 2008, 01:54 PM']First, what sort of quality control is applied to these loops? I've attached something here which I did in a few minutes while testing a protools installation. I include two copies, one without bass, and one with "bass". Though that's just a pedal point as I was busy doing other stuff and couldn't be bothered working out exactly which chords fit what I'd played. During this year I will be very frequently stuck in front of a computer with a keyboard and protools, and can come up with numbers of things like this. And if I spend more than five minutes on them, I can make them sound a bit more professional. I've also got to really get into Max/MSP this year. And I can certainly produce very "ambient" style stuff from there. Would any of this be of any use to anyone?[/quote] Why not go for it & put up bits and let the punters decide. The few I did a while back were only really a selection of loops similar to GarageBand loops that seemed to go together OK and give a slightly longer loop to "noodle" over. What you might think is too basic could be just the thing someone else is after. So long as you drop it in [i]roughly [/i]the right section and put in some description of what it is a small loop takes next to no time to d/l over broadband to check out & keep or discade
  24. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='314340' date='Oct 25 2008, 08:27 AM']I was born at Blackbrook Maternity hospital in Fareham. I grew up in Warsash too so know the Portsmouth-Soton area like the proverbial back of my hand. Some rough Gosportish parts in Fareham if you aren't too choosy because of the MOD's presence.[/quote] Don't I know it That said they are always good crowds willing to get into it, not cliquey sods who stand and sneer and wouldn't know how to have a good time if it bit them on the backside.
  25. How was it? Bloody bizarre, that's how. New gig on a recommendation in Fareham. Should have checked it out, but hadn't as it's a long old trek for all of us. So #2 guitarist & I turn up and it is a right old spit & sawdust place and quite small. Van turns up with the PA and there was some discussion outside as to whether the rig could be cut, but no and sound guy didn't want to leave gear in the van. So the load in started. I was expecting a fit as it went in, but they took it in their stride (mind you I chickened out and stayed in the van getting stuff to the door & to keep an eye on it ) Left my rack & stand in the car so #2 guitarist could stack his Boogie combo on top of my MB combo to save space. Didn't think I would need the IEM (though they are nice to have and I am used to having them now so do miss them when not there) and the transmitter is in my rack so had to rely on what I could get from the PA (not as much as I had hoped it turned out but never mind). Next "problem" was that we played across the back wall of the pub in which, on my side of the "stage", was the door to the loos & smoking area. There was no way one side of the PA could be moved in to create a pathway to the door so Mike & I had not only to fit ourselves into space for one, but also spend all night dodging a pretty much constant stream of punters going for a fag, coming back from a fag, going to the loo & coming back from the loo. I could tell the returnees by the blast of cold air on my back when they came back in and then hovered waiting for me to get off the mike to get back through. Lead to more than one alien abduction moment where the distraction left one or other of us lost, and at one point for a 5 piece band I think there were upwards of 5 extra bodies milling amongst us heading in one direction or the other. Oh yes, then there was the senile black Labrador that wandered around all night, dragged one of Mike's bags onto the floor to either shag or use as a pillow (we weren't too sure which), then ambled into Max's corner to investigate, and then slowly walked back across the pedalboard while Max was using it. At least he didn't cock a leg on a cab, or drop a log, which looked on the cards at times Generally the night (otherwise) went OK, with the crowd up dancing & singing most of the second set. Encores were done & the landlady was pleased with the night and wants us back (heaven help us). Plenty of flyers went as well with promises to come to other gigs and I did see a few faces I have seen at other gigs in tonight. Most bizarre point of the night? How to choose, but probably the youngish (they all look young to me ) metal fan who was pissed when we arrived and got more so as the night progressed. I looked over during the second set and he had dozed off with his head resting on the shoulder of one of our regulars who was sat looking a tad bemused. We finished and while we were packing up he came too (just), stood up, staggered over to the fruit machine, flopped his dick out & took a piss against the machine, then collapsed back where he had been snoozing and went back to sleep. Rest of the pub, including the landlady didn't turn a hair and when we left he was still asleep in the corner and probably going to be left there for the night. We really do play the most salubrious places doncha know!!
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