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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. This question comes up a lot and when I was checking something else on HMRC site this morning I noticed that their front page now has a link to [quote][url="http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageTravel_ShowContent&propertyType=document&resetCT=true&id=HMCE_CL_001454"][b]Shopping on the Internet?[/b][/url] Find out what the increase in Customs duty limit means for you.[/quote] You can find details re Import Duty & VAT [url="http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageTravel_ShowContent&propertyType=document&resetCT=true&id=HMCE_CL_001454"]HERE[/url]
  2. [quote name='OldGit' post='310113' date='Oct 19 2008, 10:54 PM']The gig itself was good fun. Blowing a fuse on one bank of lights just before we took the stage reminded me of the "I nearly died" thread on here and its talk of us all using the wrong fuses .. ho hmmm ..[/quote] We were only reminiscing last night about mad things we used to do, which brought up the story of the "tenant over the pub". Used to take in the lights first, rig them and fire them up to blow the fuse so it could be found & replaced with a higher rating - yes I know utterly stupid, but this was years ago, we know a lot better now. So one night this is done & the gig goes ahead. Next day the venue has a problem with its electrics calls out the electricity board who, in their investigations, find that the chap renting the flat over the gig has bypassed his meter and is drawing from the venues supply. OOPS!!
  3. [quote name='WalMan' post='309347' date='Oct 18 2008, 05:03 PM']More later[/quote] And we're back. Odd night. One of those one's when there is a small crowd at the front clearly enjoying themselves all night, plenty of others mouthing the words (to the songs that is, not "you're sh1t, kindly vacate the premises") smatterings of applause. like a light rain shower - and then we do the last couple of songs and all of the sudden they won't let us go and we do three or four encores only stopping when the landlord finally says no more. Still plenty of flyers went with promises of attending future gigs and we've been offered more there later this year and next. Bizarre conversation in the break with a couple of punters (fairly well in drink it has to be said) who were desperate to tell us something, though I never really worked out quite what or why. I had this vision of Harry & Pauls "Writer and landlady" sketch and it was all I could do to stop reeling off "[i]perhaps, no, doesn't ring a bell, 'fraid not, not that I recall, no, 'fraid not, not that I recall, doesn't ring a bell, no, 'fraid not[/i]" as the conversation progressed
  4. [quote name='bassninja' post='309231' date='Oct 18 2008, 01:53 PM']Funny how songs I was bored of playing back then are now fun again...[/quote] Isn't that always the way!!! We have resurrected a few that we had played for ages and were favourites with the regulars because it was all getting sloppy. Guitard was getting to the breaks and completely losing it. Dragged them out again a couple of weeks back for the new dual guitar line up and it was funny to watch the regulars who kept asking for them when they were gone prick their ears up. Admiral Drake, Portsmouth tonight (I must get loaded & going PDQ as the sound guy just texted to say he is on his own for load in) and as a 4 piece as 2nd guitarist is n/a. Odd gig as we seem to only get a couple a year so here's hoping. More later
  5. Watched Tuesday. Fell asleep last night, though it should be on Plus Series record. Friendly Fires - I expect you had to be there Tom Jones was very professional as you would expect The rest rather passed me by first time round - except for thinking "Lucky she remembered her good knickers"
  6. Gosh prices have moved. I seem to recall I sold the last of my two Marathons a few years back in better than average nick and with a flightcase for around £300. With the hole in the headstock it probably was an early crossover version from the Hayman models. I got both of mine in the early 70's and they had the triangular badge on the head. They were my first proper basses and lasted me for years. I sometimes wish I had kept hold of them, but that's just nostalgia I expect. - my baby's post respray but pre conversion to 8 string In action - dear God what was I wearing!!! - post conversion to 8 string. These need to go in a "Where are they now?" thread, but I might want them back
  7. And here it should hopefully be, or at least a link to it [url="http://www.tideway-la.co.uk/BOD/SVT_grit.l6t"]SVT Grit[/url]
  8. 8u99er - got the days wrong. Wifeys p155 up is 19/10 & 26/10 is family lunch for birthdays I can't get out of. All out of cunning plans at the mo Nik
  9. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='306058' date='Oct 14 2008, 10:37 AM']Cheers Ped&Wal! Will have a play with this in the next few days! I'm a big fan of a slightly tweaked Huge360 amp model. That's with a Jazz going into a little mark II and an ultralite 1x15.[/quote] If you haven't just programmed it from the screenshot, or found the d/l on CustomTone I shall try to remember to upload the patch tonight
  10. Hurrah I believe that is the day I have to take Mrs W to her friends house for a birthday lunch & will be kicking my heels round Brighton. Looks Like I shall have somewhere to go now
  11. [quote name='chris_b' post='305373' date='Oct 13 2008, 12:06 PM']+1 all the way. Sounds like you are after the energy of a [i]hard[/i] played bass. Distortion is just a sound and won't give you the dynamics that you need in order to get that growl.[/quote] Don't worry I play it hard as well - MATRON!! There's a shower of Elixir dust to clean off at the end of each gig.
  12. Who on earth wound the string in that ad!!!!???? I always thought it was three turns, top to bottom & don't muddle the windings like that......................or have I been doing it wrong all these years?
  13. Well that's a bit more frickin' like it. The Swan, Woolston. Good night with a nice noisy, dancey crowd. Back to the full rig and sounding much better. Still a few alien abduction moments, but all in all a good one. So pleased we ended the w/e on a good note. The Friday gig will not be rebooked, it's just not worth the aggro, but The Swan is always good. Even had a couple who come to see us regularly, but have moved to Swansea turn up for the gig, which was nice. Was a bit worried at the start of the evening when the drummer copped one at an off the cuff remark by the singer, but laughed it off & basically ignored it and all was well soon after. It all stems from the PA, which we had a meeting about a couple of months back as it had been getting out of hand, and while it was supposed to stay the same for all gigs (except really small ones) has started to expand a little now, but personally I find it difficult to get too worked up about it when the sound is good, there's just quite a bit of it. Still I can go to bed happy after my wind down to Jools from Friday
  14. Last night was distinctly average. Small pub with only a few in & I was playing like a tit most of the night, which as we were guitar, bass, drums & vox left me nowhere to hide. Polite response until the end of the evening, when of course more was required Had a few people up afterwards with compliments & one chap in particular saying "Good night. Haven't seen you for ages, where have you been hiding? Going back into hibernation there's no more on the gig list for this year or next. When are you back?" Didn't like to busrt his bubble so just smiled, chatted and we all managed to avoid "When hell freezes over" in reply to the last. Hope tonight goes better. Back to the full rig in a bigger gig, but still the same line up as the second guitarist is n/a this w/e. Better reload the car & get off soon. Here's hoping!!!
  15. Not a good day then Beefy. Onwards & upwards it can surely only get better, until you get the bug & start spending hours tinkering.
  16. [quote name='ped' post='299707' date='Oct 5 2008, 01:20 AM']Glad you like it!! I also did the 'Studio Clean' one and several others... glad someone found them useful! I shall expect royalties of course :0)[/quote] Can we call that DVD of loops quits I shall have to search out some more. It does require me to get the rack upstairs & plugged in, which tends not to happen too often. Looks like others may have taken it and run with it as it seemed to get a load of hits with a search yesterday when I was trying to work out what was in it without plugging the BOD in, which proved not possible. I shall have to try to get a clip of the patch in action up sometime MM 8x10 anything to do with you, that's another slightly smoother one I have been using. Oops sorry, dragging this off topic with the BC love in
  17. [quote name='ped' post='299526' date='Oct 4 2008, 06:38 PM']Hey Walman - that 'SVT Grit' patch was by moi![/quote] Well Ped it is blahdy marvellous At long last I got into tweaking patches and overwriting the originals ('cos I can always recall them) and my starting point was a few from Customtone including that one. Works nicely with the L2500 as well as reamping stuff from the computer
  18. I have been remixing old tapes and ran the old DI bass track back through my Bass Pod on a patch I downloaded called "SVT Grit" and that certainly gives it a nice edge. I have been tending to use the same patch at gigs since I got it
  19. Try something like a [url="http://www.slider-straps.com/"]Slider strap[/url] Until it was replaced a couple of years back I was having increasing problems with my left shoulder (which disintegrated with arthritis) so that even with a comfort strap I could only manage 3 or 4 numbers with my Wal (fair enough not the lightest of basses) before my left arm went numb. I got a Slider strap, which distributes the weight of the bass evenly across both shoulders, and was able to play two hour long sets with not too much problem. I found the old one in my study last night so PM me your address and I could stick it in the mail if you want to try one out - I still have a second one in my case against future problems
  20. Hard to resist isn't it. Welcome back
  21. WalMan

    RIP Leftysteve

    [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='296700' date='Oct 1 2008, 02:57 PM']On behalf of the forum, you're very welcome Polly Many thanks to Coasterbass (Nick) who deserves credit for organising the flowers and managing the whipround.[/quote] As I said to Nik before the Bash this is what I find particularly good about the forum, the fact that it is a generally friendly place and rallies round with support. As others have said already, but it never hurts to say again, condolences on your loss Polly
  22. [quote name='dazco' post='296195' date='Oct 1 2008, 09:17 AM']Thanks for that info, in fact thanks to everyone who has replied. One question, if you are using just a computer with no equipment how do you get the sound into your computer? And is it a basic sound that goes into your computer (and you then apply effects) or is it would have come out of your amp/speakers.[/quote] What lowdown says. Personally I have an EMU sound card with assorted ins & outs and a little Yamaha mixer I had kicking aroud that I feed into the card. The PODs I could put in using the USB, but I have never been able to kill the latency on playback so tend to feed the guitar POD in through the mixer. That does mean that I am stuck with whatever patch I record The BOD Pro I recently worked out how to use the digital in/out so can feed the sound card bass model & plain DI to record to two separate tracks and then have the option to send the DI back out for a different patch if I want. I could just plug the bass into the yamaha so far as it goes, but as I have the extra toys they get used.
  23. [quote name='dazco' post='295945' date='Sep 30 2008, 10:05 PM']Hi. What I would like to do is sit in the spare room and see if I can make my own music, just for me. So I would put a bass track, then a guitar, then a keyboard, that type of thing. I was lookig for a machine rather than a computer programme, unless the programme is superb of course[/quote] Well you could use one of the dedicated multitrackers available from the likes of Boss. I have not used them at all having got into Tracktion on the PC. Maybe because I have never used the dedicated machines in anger, but for what you are saying, and if you are happy with, and have a reasonable PC then I find the ease of using Tracktion, having it all there on screen in front of me and being easily able to set punch points, cut and paste tracks is great. The tracks [url="http://www.myspace.com/scatterometer"]HERE[/url] were all done in Tracktion with a couple of PODs (Bass & Guitar), either the Wal or L2500 for bass, a Peavey Generation Exp, drum loops for the kit and an M Audio USB keyboard with Sampletank for the keyboards. That said you don't need the PODs as you can use something like the [url="http://rekkerd.org/frettedsynth-updates-freeamp-to-v31/"]FreeAmp plugin[/url] and you can probably find free soft synths dotted around the web. What you want to do is what I am doing when the mood strikes, and I love Tracktion (can you tell ). I bought T2 and upgraded to T3 from that for the new stuff available, but T2 would work fine for what you want and for £29.99 including the LE plugins that come with it is a bargain IMHO
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