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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='dazco' post='295018' date='Sep 30 2008, 12:19 AM']Is there anything on the market that digitally records and mixes sounds in a very easy manner, ie you play a simple bass line or riff into it and it is easy to repeat it whenever you like. It should also be able to put things in tune/time and have some drums built in. I feel whatever it is will be linked to a PC, this does not scare me too much but ease of use is paramount. Thanks[/quote] Mackie Tracktion - [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/27495/product.htm?gdftrk=gdfV2356_a_7c416_a_7c1181_a_7c27495"]v2 @ DV24[/url] is £29.99 and a selection of drumloops you can import (I have a load of royalty free ones in a selection of styles I could pass on). Easy to use as it flows across the screen from input to output with no sub menus / screens to navigate. Also comes with a load of plugins including Linplug RMIV, which is a midi drum sequencer that has a load of kits and loops supplied - some better than others it must be said, but all the same.... [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/aug05/articles/tracktion2.htm"]Sound on Sound Review[/url]
  2. [quote name='cetera' post='295411' date='Sep 30 2008, 02:09 PM']Looks like a great day had by all... shame I couldn't make it Who's was the white Pedulla? That looks lovely.... [/quote] I believe it was Adrian Ashton's
  3. Looks a bit like Pino lurking at the back as well
  4. Not bad, & a good crowd - which is always nice!! Drummer loves the gig for the half tiled floor for the positive effect on the kit. I hate it for the really bright clanky sound it gives, but in my IEM's I don't need to worry about that & the PA helps matters basswise
  5. Bugger I missed the Bootsie bass The looks on the wedding party's faces as the wandered past "[i]Stay away from the scary men dear..... you don't know where they've been & they associate with drummers[/i]" Still think the suggestion of a bass orchestra of "Mustang Sally" should have been a goer
  6. Well that was fun. Ran a bit late from a gig, but had a good day meeting BC'ers both new and old, and what an incredibly nice bunch we all were Interesting set of talks in the second room. Missed the set up from Joe White unfortunately, but Adrian Ashton, John East & Alex Claber all put on great shows. Thanks to Nik & Merton for all the work setting up a great day. Here's to the next one...........oh and I won a set of strings in the raffle - marvellous
  7. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='293102' date='Sep 26 2008, 09:28 PM']Ill be interested to see what happens when he tries to bring it back to the UK. Hopefully nothing but i wouldn't risk it.[/quote] Indeed, Customs are certainly wise to guitars, so probably amps as well. And for £70 in VAT to import it that's still a saving so worth paying to avoid problems
  8. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='292983' date='Sep 26 2008, 06:32 PM']Guys, John East needs to use a really transparent rig to demonstrate his pre-amps tomorrow and I have asked Bernie Goodfellow if he can bring an EBS combo for that, which he said was cool. But if for any reason Bernie can't make it, gets delayed or some other problem occurs, is there anyone coming who has a rig that John could use for his talk between 1pm and 2pm? I would offer my Peavey T-Max and SWR Triad to John but it just isn't transparent really... Any offers? Thanks.... Cheers Nik[/quote] Is mine any good Nik? Some say they are not. See you tomorrow Al
  9. [quote name='Merton' post='291854' date='Sep 25 2008, 03:18 PM']According to that it's in 2009 [/quote] ARSE Fixed now - I think [url="http://www.7is7.com/otto/countdown.html?year=2008&month=9&date=27&hrs=09&ts=24&min=30&sec=0&tz=0&lang=en&show=dhms&mode=r&cdir=down&bgcolor=%23CCFFFF&fgcolor=%23000000&title=Countdown%20To%20SE%20Bass%20Bash"]Countdown To SE Bass Bash[/url]
  10. [quote name='johnnylager' post='291833' date='Sep 25 2008, 03:03 PM']Mine ain't rocket science either. EDIT: 43h and counting...[/quote] [url="http://www.7is7.com/otto/countdown.html?year=2008&month=9&date=27&hrs=09&ts=24&min=30&sec=0&tz=0&lang=en&show=dhms&mode=r&cdir=down&bgcolor=%23CCFFFF&fgcolor=%23000000&title=Countdown%20To%20SE%20Bass%20Bash"]Countdown To SE Bass Bash[/url]
  11. [quote name='obbm' post='291773' date='Sep 25 2008, 02:01 PM']I have some I can bring.[/quote] I printed them last night for those on the attending list, otherwise it'll be marker pen <EDIT> Read to the end of the thread Al </EDIT>
  12. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='291205' date='Sep 24 2008, 07:50 PM']Hurrah! The cheque's in the Bank so I'll be along to annoy y'all. Pete[/quote] Will you be providing safety goggles for those who might get over enthusiastic with the trem Pete?
  13. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='289812' date='Sep 23 2008, 11:55 AM'][b]URGENT NEWS:-[/b] For some reason, [b]the rooms where the Bash is happening on Saturday have changed[/b] and we will now be in: [b]Onslow Suite 1 & 2[/b] The Onslow Suite(s) are located in the [b]Academy[/b] area of the Holiday Inn site and The Academy has it's own car park on the left hand side as you drive into the Holiday Inn (if you're coming by car that is).[/quote] They probably found one of the Bash threads with Google & realised what they had let themselves in for Not sure whether to bother bringing the Marshall Superbass. It would belong in a vintage corner and I would need to beg a cab to fire it through, so......
  14. I'll say +1 for the MarkBass 121H and don't do the GK150. I have the former and I love it. It is great for small pubs & backed up by the PA in larger gigs, in fact in the smaller pubs I often have trouble controlling it, the only way being to wind all the tone controls down!! Had a GK MB150 years ago in my young & foolish youth and had to run it into a slave & extra cabs for gigs. Definitely not loud enough on its own.
  15. [quote name='Rimskidog' post='283420' date='Sep 13 2008, 11:29 PM']0dbvu or 0dbfs?[/quote] Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer Not a clue just looking at what Wavelab says when I stuff tracks through it to normalise them and ask it to find peak level first. Strange thing is when I put the DI signal recorded from the BOD back to reamp it I have to drop the send level by 12 dB or it just swamps the BOD. As I seem to have found ways around each "problem I have rather given up on a solution and just use the workarounds I have established
  16. Back from the Fountain in Chichester and the first gig in nigh on 2 months because of holidays. Considering we had one rehearsal a fortnight ago and threw in loads of extra stuff we don't normally do, or haven't done in years, it went really well. Great crowd, singing all night (as usual for the Fountain), and a large cross section of ages all well up for it. I had a young lady (well young to me) gyrating in front of me all night, showing me all her best pole dancing moves. Had a couple of "Please make the scary lady stop" moments, but she was harmless and her boyfriend was hugely amused by her actions thankfully. Along with trying to mix some old multitracks during the break I have set a load of new patches up in the BOD, which by and large worked well and sounded good in the IEM's and through the PA without varying in level too much & throwing the sound guy. Might need a little more work but by & large fine Played over time even more than usual with the landlord egging the crowd on through the 7 or 8 encores, but he stumped up more cash, so that was good. That said I am glad we stopped when we did because my fretting hand was cramping up badly towards the end and I don't think I could have done another. Drank three litres of water throughout the evening to try to keep hydrated and the cramp at bay and it worked pretty much, however despite that and three pints of Coke I have yet to feel the urge 2p, so I must have worked pretty hard!!. Shoulder held up well though in the end I did decide not to risk it & took a couple of painkillers before we started. The new RA drugs are bl00dy marvellous Lots of nice comments at the end o the evening and got chatting to another bass player.........which was nice
  17. Oh go on then. Band: The Alibi MySpace: [url="http://www.myspace.com/the_alibi"]http://www.myspace.com/the_alibi[/url] - though this is with keyboards. I really should change the guff as he hasn't played with us yet this year and we now have a second guitarist for most gigs. I've been trying to get our sound guy to record a couple of gigs for me to mix & update the sounds, but it hasn't happened as yet Play: Rock covers - you'll get the idea from MySpace. We have been together for quite a few years now. Prior to this the band was called [url="http://www.myspace.com/akindoffury"]A Kind of Fury[/url] and was me the guitarist & drummer with a different vocalist. Gigging along the south coast in any pubs that'll have us, and old enough to know better but what better way to spend a Friday or Saturday night than going out & making some noise
  18. Shall I bump this in connection with [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=27195"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=27195[/url] I would add [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/prodlist.php?category=Bass+Guitars"]GAK[/url] in Brighton (the link is to the on-line shop which is a bit cheaper than the retail store though they will normally match The Guitar, Amp, & Keyboard Centre 76-81 North Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1YD. 01273 665 400 I have bought a few things in there and always been happy with the deal. Range - 9 - not everything (what shop can) but a good selection from starter to high end Price - 9 - I've always been happy with the deals I have got Service - 9 - generally nice bunch of knowledgeable guys willing to spend time, let you try stuff, talk deals and not overly pushy
  19. [quote name='Merton' post='284832' date='Sep 16 2008, 10:54 AM']I own a Groove 5 previously owned by Wigfinder General (RIP) and soon to be owned by silverfoxnik.[/quote] Nik you're a bad bad man!! You said you were over GAS I have bought my last two basses through the for sale forum. Particularly if you are buying from an established member - which is not to [i]diss[/i] someone who first finds BC to try to sell something as I did myself, but merely that it would tend to suggest that any problems will hopefully be resolved amicably - then I think you could be happier to make a journey to buy something or perhaps buy & get it shipped than you might be on eBay. The first of the two basses had previously been owned by two other forum members at least and was moved on to another. Nothing wrong with it, but GAS got a grip and it had to make way for the next one. GAS is now fairly well in check
  20. Between 4 & 6 depending on availability. Normally 5
  21. [quote name='dr.funk' post='281729' date='Sep 11 2008, 12:08 PM']Can you not use the EMU mixer to increase the gain on the dry channel so they are matched before they hit the DAW?[/quote] You'd have thought wouldn't you!! It comes up as a "stereo" channel strip in the EMU mixer, and whilst I have to admit I have not got fully to grips with some of the things on offer I cannot find a way of boosting just one side. I did try creating new strips for SPDIF L & R but the EMU mixer did not seem to want to let me do that
  22. Now you put it like that & re reading the manual perhaps that is what all the "Danger Will Robinson - Overload" tosh is all about talking about in connection with the channel boost. I shall have to experiment more with reamping & see where that gets me. Don't think it's me but the damn Line6 site is being a bit flaky in connecting for me tonight
  23. Yes. It's just odd that the manual suggests that it will either be model, or unprocessed coming out of the SPDIF, but I am getting both, AND there is a 12dB difference between the two sources. I can drive the input in the DAW, its just that I am not getting what I was expecting having read the manual I suppose I should just be glad I am getting both and at solid levels that are not overloading the channels!!
  24. I have posted this query on the Line6 BOD forum, but it looks as though that may not get regular use so just in case I thought I would copy it here in case anyone has any ideas. Line6 thread & the picture referred to below [url="http://line6.com/support/thread.jspa?threadID=39454&tstart=0"]HERE[/url] I have recently started using my BOD Xt Pro for some recording to my PC home studio set up (PC, EMU 1212m soundcard, Mackie Tracktion 3) and today got hold of some SPDIF cables to get the signal digital as soon as possible. I have read the manual and set the - Input to bass - Format to Match SPDIF - Mode to DRYBASS - Gain 0dB - Dest to Studio Direct - FX Loop to parallel - Digout to SPDIF Now I was expecting to get the unprocessed Bass out set like this so that I could re-amp, but what I seem to get is Model on the left channel and unprocessed, but at a lower level, in the right channel. Model is hitting 0dB. Unprocessed is some way below this, though still clean In many ways this is OK as I seem able to set SPDIF 1 for model & 2 for unprocessed on two separate tracks in the DAW. The only problem (not huge but niggling all the same) is the mismatch in levels. It would be nice to be able to balance them out of the BOD to the SPDIF's. The file attached is a cut down screenshot of Tracktion and the wave files. - G&L - BOD SVT was recorded with the input gain for the channel at 0dB - G&L DI was recorded at the same time, but with the input gain at +9.1dB and you can see that it is still not of equivalent level to the model channel. The peak level in modelled track is 0dB. In the unprocessed track with the input gain boosted it is -3.7dB Does anyone use the BOD SPDIF's for recording and can they point me to where I may be going wrong? I can push one level in the DAW for unprocessed to try to balance it up, but it would be nice not to have to. Thanks
  25. G&L L2500 - if you can find one over here. Active & passive & switchable for a variety of tones quickly. Came to these late, but they are a cracking bass IMO [url="http://www.glguitars.com/instruments/instruments.asp?prcode=l2500"]Details[/url] [url="http://www.glguitars.com/reviews/L2500.asp"]Review[/url]
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