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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='chris_b' post='276894' date='Sep 4 2008, 12:40 PM']Digital recording, as opposed to an SSL desk, can sound a little flat and lifeless. Ampeg used to do an SVT software add on for digital recording or I'd try to mike up your rig.[/quote] The Ampeg is [url="http://www.ikmultimedia.com/ampegsvxuno/"]HERE[/url] unfortunately you have to buy something else as well to get to the download. I thought it had been on a cover DVD recently but can't find it at the mo. It's not bad for adding a touch of something else to a DI track Perhaps try this - [url="http://rekkerd.org/frettedsynth-releases-freeamp3/"]FreeAmp3[/url] - not tried it myself, but its free & looks to have a couple of bass settings so..........
  2. [quote name='Hamster' post='278608' date='Sep 6 2008, 02:46 PM']I live very close to Guildford, but am happy to give a lift to anyone who needs it from the KT15 area. I'm also happy to run a bass taxi service to and from Guildford train station / local bus stops for anyone without wheels. Hamster[/quote] I [i]think[/i] that one of the free bus services that runs around Guildford [i]may[/i] head out that way towards Tesco's from the station for those with just basses. I shall try to check that out when I am back in the office on Wednesday
  3. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='278604' date='Sep 6 2008, 02:39 PM']+ 1 Well said! When WalMan, Merton and me travelled up for the main Bash in March we had a great laugh.. even when we got lost for ages [/quote] Steady tiger - that was Sylvia the SatNav's fault But yes it was a good day out
  4. Cheers Mert. It was an experiment and listening back after a couple of days I can hear things that need changing. Perhaps it one for the "Extras" on the remastered re release Discs are whizzing round the world and rough mixes being hosted for consideration. What will happen to it all in the end.......who knows!
  5. You're quite right......I think the answer is "Yes" Still I had fun experimenting and that's the main thing and so from that perspective "No"
  6. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='277446' date='Sep 4 2008, 11:13 PM']What's dial-up then? We still use carrier pigeon round here.. [/quote] Times is hard. We had to eat ours last week this end of LA What do they say: Give a man a fish & he'll eat for a day. Give a man a fishing pole & he won't have to have it as sushi
  7. I had a temporary worry re attendance yesterday when 'er indoors advised me that it is her mates wedding that day Thankfully she then said we were only going in the evening as it is family at the registry office so all's well in the world again
  8. Well I enjoyed myself, but I think I may well p155 off certain of the old band with the remix. This song was the final track on a cassette album we produced in 1989. 'Fraid there's no bass on this particular track, just acoustic + vocals, but having got the tapes cooked & copied to digital I have been messing around with stuff. So tonight I took off the acoustics (as far as possible - there was a bit of bleed on the vocal mic as it was done live as the last thing) and added a string quartet. The file below is a crossfade halfway through between the two versions. The strings still need a bit of tweaking for light & shade, & to pull into time. So, if you can spare 3.09 mins to give this a listen & give thoughts, well that'd be nice [attachment=12869:AKOF___D...rossfade.mp3] Not sure what will be done with these tracks if we ever get a remix that everyone likes, but its keeping me happy & away from the TV most evenings, so that's a plus. And I'm don't intend putting stuff up to the old band MySpace just yet for fear of a duffing at r/h tomorrow There are some old tracks with bass there, including a live version of this song - [url="http://www.myspace.com/akindoffury"]A Kind Of Fury[/url]
  9. [quote name='Sibob' post='275021' date='Sep 1 2008, 10:31 PM']+1 A guitarist shredding on a bass doesn't make him a good bass player, it makes him a guitarist with the wrong tool ! Si[/quote] or a tool with the wrong guitar even Don't get despondent. You'll bring me down further. I too have been sitting here getting more & more down about playing, gigging, life, the universe....everything [i]© Douglas Adams[/i] A lot of that is down to lack of gigs due to holidays & feeling like cr@p as the RA bites hard. Still r/h tomorrow night & my new RA drugs arrived this morning & I've had my first shot so here's hoping despite the weather at least I can pull out of it. You've got the bug back from going to the festival. Persevere & set yourself reasonable targets to achieve. Don't expect to become another Sheehan/Hamm/Wooten/King/whoever overnight - if ever!! Better to be a solid dependable bass player than a flash git. A bit of flash is good but in the right place. A good solid base (bass) is what's required normally. Plug away at it & set yourself achievable goals each week.
  10. WalMan

    G&L in UK

    [quote name='dub_junkie' post='272193' date='Aug 29 2008, 01:16 AM'][/quote] [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] and indeed [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url]
  11. WalMan

    G&L in UK

    [quote name='stingrayfan' post='115293' date='Jan 7 2008, 12:03 PM']Otherwise, there's a nice red [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10714"]L2500[/url] on this site if you want so save yourself the hassle![/quote] No there isn't. I've got it & I'm not letting it go - unless you offer me LOADSAMONEY Just after I got mine there was a really lovely 3+2 with a clear flame maple top on Fleabay in the US that I watched for a while & hankered for a cunning plan. Came to nought sadly. I also thought about signing up for the BABP LE but other expenses got in the w\y of that They really are good basses if you can lay your hands on one
  12. I am sorely tempted to click the "Offensive" button on this one [quote]nj16 Comment No. 1289260 August 27 10:47 ben shepherd played some intresting stuff. there are some cool bands without bass out there - its not needed like it used to be.[/quote]
  13. [quote name='Merton' post='271910' date='Aug 28 2008, 05:07 PM']More news soon on plans for this bash, it should be a good one [/quote] Indeed it should from what I hear - I just hope the hotel is aware of what it has let in & there are no weddings lurking about other rooms - unless they need a bass orchestra to play the bride in and to add that elusive "brown" note to herald the best mans speech
  14. WalMan

    G&L Basses

    [quote name='stingrayfan' post='269764' date='Aug 25 2008, 09:05 PM']The full SP on Tributes is on the [url="http://www.glguitars.com/tribute/index.asp"]G&L website[/url]. Basically they're like Lakland Skylines - built in Far East using American pickups and hardware. The full G&L story is also on [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%26L"]Wikipedia[/url]. Edit: I should have my Tribute L2000 at the Bash. £1 a go. [/quote] My 4+1 (ie slightly older style / wider neck than the current 3+2) American L2500 will also be at the Bash. I love it. Said it before but for my rock covers band it is brilliant & with the switching options available it should handle most stuff I should think. General comment in the past has been that there is little to tell between US & Tribute - except price of course
  15. My hearing has suffered over the years. Nowadays I use IEM's so have a better level overall as the block everything out & I set my own headphone level. Strangely my right ear (furthest from the kit) seems to have suffered worse so at small gigs & r/hs I use one plug in the good ear. There was a thraed a while back on the best plugs. I have a set similar to [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/71979"]these[/url] which have two (three in the case of the ones I use) sets of filters to give varying degrees of cut. [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/73456"]These[/url] are similar and work well. There are also the ones with more of an ear canal shape (rather than the Christmas tree) that a lot of shops have. I have used all three and get on OK with all of them, though possibly the first mentioned best.
  16. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='269779' date='Aug 25 2008, 09:26 PM']My bands debut album andcringing at my backing vocals.[/quote] My attempts at remixing ancient multi tracks & various versions & thinking "I know I'll enter them on the Orange thing - see how a bunch of [i][u]real[/u][/i] old f@rts get on" then realising that one of us is now on the other side of the world so there's no point. Otherwise RPWL & It Bites new one (still!)
  17. Certainly on a gigging front we normally find that after the summer break the first gig back seems better than before (there that's put the kybosh on the next one ) I think it is a mix of freshness and everyone concentrating that bit harder - rather than it geting loose because everyone knows how the set goes and starys adding little fills
  18. WalMan


    [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='267662' date='Aug 22 2008, 09:56 AM']Does it work for very old bass players as well?? [/quote] I WISH!!!!? See you & Ninja on the front @ Pebbles tomorrow Nik
  19. WalMan


    [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='267480' date='Aug 22 2008, 12:00 AM']Sounds great; nice tight playing too! That baking technique works really well, obviously....[/quote] Cheers. That was when I could play Scared the bajeezus out of me!!! Recipe 1) Take your master tape on metal spools 2) Place in oven & cook on very low heat for approx 3 hours 3) Leave to cool completely 4) Put on tape machine & press play 5) garnish with EQ compression & serve with a light white wine But it worked & 22 year old tapes that were a swine to transfer first time around seem to have come out all shiny & new
  20. WalMan


    Resurrecting this thread briefly as I have recently found a load of multitracks from years back and having had them baked managed to get them converted to digital so I can re mix them - in the case of a couple of tapes for the first time properly as we had a major change of style shortly after ther were recorded when the keyboard player left. Anyway, getting to the point, I seem to recall someone asking what the passive Wal Pro's sounded like. The tapes I am working on at the moment were recorded in 1986 so I had the Wal Pro1 but am 99.99% certain had done nothing to it as yet - certainly the actives did not get put in until 1996. Attached is a short bass & drums only clip of my Pro 1 in its original single pup / passive glory. If I remember rightly it was recorded DI'd with no amp, and all I have done now is add a touch of compression and a very light mid cut. Strings would probably have been Ropewounds or Elites (if they were produced that long ago) and played with a plectrum (as I only started using fingers years later) [attachment=12500:ATF___Sp...Export_2.mp3]
  21. Welcome - & thanks for asking the question that filled in some gaps A couple I use [b]OFFS [/b]or [b]FFS [/b]for [[b]O[/b]h] [b]F[/b]or [b]Fl[/b]ips [b]S[/b]ake - or something like that anyway
  22. Shame it's 4 ohm not 8 as it would have sat quite nicely under my MB combo otherwise - particularly after I was told the price of an MB 4x6 at the w/e & wasn't sitting down at the time!! Still bumpity bump
  23. The new It Bites album that dropped through my door this morning along with the live album from last year. Sounding good so far. If you liked Kino then you will like this album (not surprising as it is 3/4 of Kino).
  24. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='258526' date='Aug 8 2008, 09:51 PM']Drummers,musicians? are you sure? [/quote] Probably not your thing but you should try a Spocks Beard gig. Nick D'Viglio was the drummer but has now done a Collins and become the vocalist who also still gets behind the kit on occasion, and plays guitar and keyboards (curse him ) Otherwise having looked through the thread & been agreeing with all the suggestions I have no more to add
  25. [quote name='ped' post='200223' date='May 16 2008, 10:25 AM']We should start an IEM club... Why do people bother with rigs on stage, eh? ;0)[/quote] I didn't for some time, just the BOD straight to the PA & IEM's, but the drummer & guitarist who steadfastly refuse to use IEMs moaned that even with the bass in their monitors they were not getting the same level or feel. So I got the CMD121H combo to shift some air on stage. That learned 'em I love my IEMs with the system we use because I have complete control over my personal monitor mix. [quote]OK guys I'm starting to gather all the components for an in ear monitoring system (wired). I'm going to run: My problem is what to use as a brickwall limiter to save what little hearing I still have from spikes in the mix? Would something cheap and simple like a behringer bass limiter pedal do the job in the meantime until I find something more suitable? The reason I want to mix myself into the monitor mix again is that I might have to share the mix with someone else (only 3 monitor mix outputs from the desk), so I'd like the option to add more of myself as I see fit. Also like that I can add an ambient mic into the personal mixer too (I'll be the only one using in-ears in the band). Any thoughts?[/quote] When I first started with the IEMs our sound guy hadn't bought the Aviom kit and I ended up getting a Yamaha MG8/2fx mixer and sending the model out of my BOD xt Pro to the desk and the DI out to the mixer. I then had a monitor feed back from the desk with my b vox, a bit of guitar & lead vox and more importantly kick & snare. Never bothered with a limiter on the monitor feed. If the worst comes to the worst you can always take one plug out. IEM's are great when they work, but with the noise cancelling type of plugs (and you really need them, and a good set as well to be able to hear the bass) it can get a bit lonely in there leaving you a tad removed from the crowd. That sort of worked OK as I had some control, but as the evening progressed I had to signal the sound guy for changes to the monitor feed. The Aviom gear has done away with all of that, but is horribly expensive - lucky our sound guy did the investment!!!
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