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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [url="http://www.tideway-la.co.uk/Loops/Ground_Xero.mp3"]Ground Xero[/url] A new track, though really a collection of three parts slotted together one of which was part of a much longer track a proggy band I was in a long long time ago was working up just before we split. I wish I could find/remember the words, but never mind, and I should probably have another go at the bass really
  2. [quote name='Wooks' post='256958' date='Aug 7 2008, 09:48 AM']Yeah nothing like "sh*t..erature", why is most men feel compelled to take something with them to read when the head for the porcelain, me included!!?? It doesn't seem right not having something to read, does it?? That aside this is a great online mag and would be well worth subscribing too if it were in print, some great features and articles.[/quote] There is a print version for about $30 pa I think. For throne reading I suppose we shall all have to invest in eReaders eventually and d/l content. We seem to have ended up with a small library in our "smallest room"
  3. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='256887' date='Aug 7 2008, 08:28 AM']Thanks for the heads up - looks interesting.[/quote] Have you had a copy? If not PM me your name & email and I shall use the link provided in the email I got to add you to their mail list if you want, or go [url="http://www.bassgearmag.com/web/subscribe_entry.php"]HERE[/url] to subscribe [quote]Issue #1 includes full reviews of the following products: [list] [*]ACG Recurve S-Type 5-string [*]Skjold Lion's Pride Model-B 5-string [*]Ibanez ATK750 [*]Henman-Bevilacqua B4 [*]Squier VM Precision TB [*]Markbass LMII [*]Genz-Benz GBE 1200 [*]Genz-Benz NEOX-212T [*]Mesa/Boogie M6 Carbine [*]Mesa/Boogie Powerhouse 2x12 [*]Phil Jones Bass M-300 [*]Phil Jones Bass Neo-Power 8B [/list] We also have numerous other features and columns, including part 1 of a 3-part series on what it means to be Made in China (by Terry Buddingh), and a factory tour of Jens Ritter's shop (also by Terry). Remember, the digital flipbook subscription is free![/quote]
  4. Just received the email for the first issue & had a quick skim. Looks interesting & plenty of content. More later, I should be getting ready for work.
  5. [quote name='Merton' post='255519' date='Aug 5 2008, 04:12 PM']Ped, with brand new things like my Retroactive I valued it at exactly what I paid. With 2nd hand things I either value at what I paid or what the current market value is if I got a bargain! EDIT: that often means I've valued things at a higher price than I paid. Does that constitue insurance fraud?[/quote] Use the MU cover and the people at Hencilla Canworth and operate on a similar basis to Merton. As I recall at the last renewal that came to about £120 for about £4k of cover, including unattended in the car For the MB combo I believe I quoted list price rather than what I paid against not being able to get a similar deal. The L2500 is on for what I paid for it as s/h. For the Wal I adopt an "antiques roadshow" insurance valuation - ie potential sale price plus a bit - on the basis that the chances of me replacing it are slim to 6ugger all
  6. At one point years ago I was dragging 3 around, but not as spares as they were fretted 4 & 8 strings & fretless 4. But the 8 & the fretless were only really there for one number each (okay and for show even though they were nothing special) so more & more the 8 & f'less got left at home and eventually sold. Then spent a good 15 (if not 20) years only owning one bass so there was no contest - and as it was the Wal after the conversion when my TE combo was playing up & cutting out in gigs I just used to have a cannon lead handy on stage so I could plug the bass straight into the desk - and pretty damn good it sounded When I got the 5 last year I started taking the Wal along as spare, but some gigs are tight on space so it is now in semi retirement and I just take the G&L. So to sum up that ramble, for the vast majority I have either never had the option, or if I did never seen the need, and so far as I can remember have never broken a string. A spare set of strings against the off chance, a small toolbox & a supply of PP3's does me. Now wait for the next "how was your gig" report when that all comes home to roost
  7. Add G&L ASAT or L2000 range to your list - American or Tribute, as I believe the latter are easily on par with the former. I had a SUB5 (albeit a modified one) and it was nice, but the L2500 that replaced it is better (IMO) and a good range of sounds with the switching options available
  8. [quote name='clash33' post='254680' date='Aug 4 2008, 05:08 PM']Looking to upgrade my set up with about £900 to spend (give or take a bit) I like the look of Markbass CMD 121H Bass Combo, 450 Watt on 4 Ohm, 280Watt on 8 Ohm, 1x12" And adding an extra Laney RB-115 or Gallien-Krueger 210GLX Can you guys offer any advice, we play covers in pubs and clubs __________________ Yamaha BB414 Peavey TNT 115 + Peavey 210[/quote] I've said it before & I'll say it again, I have a CMD121H and absolutely love it. Light, loud, easily handles a drummer in classic rock gigs in a smaller room and with PA support in much larger rooms, handles a low B on my L2500, and sounds great in teh context of my CR covers gig. I have thought of adding the extra 1x12 but frankly have yet to find the need for it
  9. [quote name='overwater#1' post='254347' date='Aug 4 2008, 01:19 PM']The pictures dont really do it justice, and these are just quick taken pics, so theres loads of reflections on the bass.. making it look like theres more defects haha! [u][i]Quite strange reflections[/i][/u]... but you might get the general idea of the bass..[/quote] So long as it's not an over aroused BC member Looks very nice and bar the two major dinks on the upper bout in really good condition
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' post='254356' date='Aug 4 2008, 01:26 PM']I still haven't received my subscription copy :-([/quote] Got mine a couple of days ago and I am a subscriber, so I trust I shall get a free one tacked on to the end of the current run
  11. Ah right. You have to add a person as blocked in your control panel rather than click a button alongside a post to do so. Getting confused with how it works on another forum. Perhaps the feature could be promoted for those that do not like the content of some posts just a thought
  12. Does this exist? I thought it did but cannot see how just at the mo
  13. I would also have to agree with Nik's suggestions. One has got to expect a few knocks with gigging - mine certainly has a few small dinks - and the finish can develop hairline cracks, but the photo you posted seems to show a bass in much better than average condition, and you have the original case, which can go for up to a couple of hundred to a collector looking for a replacement case. The Pro2E/Custom in GAK was up for £1,199 without a case and from your description was in in a similar condition, if not slightly worse. Whoever traded it must have been pretty desperate! If I had not spent so much money on recording software recently (just totted up what I have spent since May & gulped) I could probably have had that. Nik will be glad to hear that I have now achieved closure on that issue and I passed on the joy to a fellow BC'er so I am fine about it - no really! If you can negotiate a price you are both happy with in the suggested ballpark I would say go for it if you can.
  14. WalMan


    [quote name='mr pablo' post='254014' date='Aug 3 2008, 11:53 PM']I played a a Wal bass for the first time this afternoon at a local jam session pretty much the spitting image of that one but it had 21 frets IIRC, lovely sounding bass and played like a dream except the strap was a bit high for my tastes playing one has finally given me some serious Wal GAS a good few years after i missed out on one in my local crack converters for £600[/quote] Don't start me off again.............[url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] no too late there I go [quote]I'm not in the position now of having a custom as well as a ProII, but for a while I did and I always enjoyed playing the Pro model more than the Custom which used to baffle me??[/quote] It's strange isn't it. My converted Pro1/Custom is great. Plays like a dream and sounds pretty good to. The Pro2E (possibly early Custom) I let get away in GAK a couple of weeks was the same, but I well remember spending a day in the old Bass Centre in Wapping years back and trying out a few others and finding it all a bit wooly & hard work. Possibly that was down to set up, but I would have hoped that wasn't the case in a shop. [u][b][size=6][i]IF[/i][/size][/b][/u] you can find one nowadays at a reasonable price you can't go far wrong, and we can only hope that Paul continues the good work. I think he was about in the workshop when mine was converted and general consensus seems to be that the name is in safe hands.
  15. Welcome. Can't help on the Fender issue I'm afraid, but hey if it plays well who cares Got an odd one myself with my L2500 ser no. The one stamped on the neck plate is before the quoted start number on the G&L Register - mind I believe it's the stamps in the neck joint that give the true answer, and I'm not about to pull it apart to check. It sounds great so who care how young or old it might be!!
  16. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='253633' date='Aug 3 2008, 10:21 AM']quite possibly low end is tailored. but for applications where the stand is used tp assist the bass cab as an onstage monitor this imho can be a good thing. clear moderate non boomy stage volumes, leaving the pa to do the bog low stuff. i love mine, but it will not suit everyone.[/quote] Ah good. Not just me then. It certainly can help, though with the compactness of some gigs it can mean my buttocks rather than my knees are getting the benefit
  17. My only question for those that have one & use it is "Do you think it affects bass response & possibly volume due to only the back corner of the combo/cab being in contact with the stage/floor, or is that just my imagination?"
  18. I did read this thread when it first started and came here today for a comment on the inflammatory JB headline on the front of this months BGM. It may have been mentioned already but looking at the last page I have not bothered going back to check as it looks as though it has all got a bit heated. So to the headline. "Five string basses won't make you a better player!" Eeeeeeeeerm did anyone think they might, or just that they are another tool in the box? I have only got a five string in the last year after managing quite fine for over 30 with 4 strings. Did I get a 5 because I thought it would make me a better player? Funnily enough, no. I got it for the ability to get that little bit lower when needed, NOT all the time. Having read the article - or at least the bit that covers 5's - to be fair to JB he does not actually say what the cover suggests, at least not in that uncompromising fashion (which one might have expected) and what he does say is not so unreasonable and perfectly logical. So just journalistic / sub editor licence rather than a comment by JB, and if I have managed to stoke the fire I apologise here. Have to go out now so will comment further haveing read the article in full
  19. [quote name='TheRinser' post='252794' date='Aug 1 2008, 02:39 PM']They're good, I've got one too, but depending on the angle you have your bass at you can end up with the plastic bit right on your shoulder, which makes the nice big comfy neoprene bit kind of redundant... ah well, they're fine apart from that.[/quote] Blimey!! What angle do you play your bass at!! I dont think I have ever got close to that situation
  20. They are very comfortable. Price wise the eBay link is not much different to what I have seen them in shops for, indeed once you add shipping they are looking on the expensive side I think - that does of course require you to be able to find one in your local shop
  21. WalMan


    [quote name='Rob Kittler' post='251493' date='Jul 30 2008, 05:29 PM']I have a left handed 4 string Wal fretless, I have owned it for about 12 years. It hardly gets played, just in the studio and when I am feeling particularly splendid! I am almost ashamed to say that I know next to nothing about it. It says N.J. Custom on the head, I can get the serial number from the plate (I think). The person before me didn't treat it too good, there is a small gauge on the neck and the body is going that weird grey/white in very small areas - in some ways it makes it look properly classic, but it must have been stunning when new. It absolutely sings, I can get Pino like sounds, Jaco like sounds and it always gets a reaction on the tone and sound from band members. There is a peculiar knob system where the tone is almost Wah Wah and can be honed in for a tighter sound. The thing is heavy though, I will try and get some pictures of it on here. Rock on. Rob[/quote] The attached file might help. It's a Wal flyer. Not sure where I got it from, perhaps at the old Music Show when it used to be at Earls Court, but presumably when I was dreaming [attachment=11435:Wal_Flyer.pdf]
  22. A little bump to say this has reached 100 joined and the lowest price, but they have now changed the deal to getting both options for the lowest price, no need to choose which.
  23. [quote name='steve1879' post='250872' date='Jul 29 2008, 10:25 PM']I don't know about dancing but I certainly jump about about like an idiot when I'm playing with the punk band![/quote] That'll be me Vocalist plays dodge the headstock Actual choreographed moves probably not unless done by all with conviction , but generally is probably a bit cheesy. That said some sign of life / enjoyment / getting down / whatever you want to call it rather than standing immobile shoe gazing, particularly in a funk band that is presumably looking to get people dancing (make that any band trying to get a response from the audience) is pretty much imperative I should say. So often people say to us at the end of the night "You looked like you were really enjoying yourself" to which in my mind at least my response is "Isn't that what we are all here for" but does suggest that all to often what audiences get is a completely immobile band making no attempt at connecting with the crowd. It's not just the music after all but the show as a whole.
  24. Used one with a CMD121H combo. Whether it would stand a 4x10 I am not sure, but it is fairly sturdy
  25. Considered MarkBass. Light, loud, and my CMD121H handles the B on my L2500 and 70's-90's rock covers no problem. I rarely do anything with the EQ or variable filters and it sounds great Plenty for small venues & fine for stage monitoring & into the PA for larger - that said I forgot to plug in the PA feed first set one gig and it was fine at 8-9 input, flat EQ & 8-9 output (possibly even too loud ) Last gig I rolled all the EQ's back to try to tame the beast! Also within your budget, so a bit of spare for an extension 12 for bigger gigs to get full power - like you'll need it most of the time
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