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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='gilmour' post='249788' date='Jul 28 2008, 05:06 PM']I used to be in a band that did a swung jazz version of 'Fight for your right' by the Beatstie Boys, always went down well. I think THem Bones will work well. There's a guy who did a whole album of Jazz version of RATM tracks but I can't remember his name, not that it's much help but you should dig around and find out who it was, if I remeber I'll post it, or maybe someone else knows.[/quote] Paul Anka. Clips [url="http://www.vervemusicgroup.com/artist/releases/default.aspx?pid=11276&aid=6619"]HERE[/url] Just put him into Last.FM and the first track was Wonderwall. I seem to recall the first track I heard from that was Smells Like Teen Spirit. Interesting but I don't think I could stand a whole album Years ago we used to do Falling In Love Again starting as a sort of oompah version with cod Mae West accent before getting into a Sid Vicious / My Way ending. That and following The Tubes lead, [list] [*]starting one of our songs at the farewell gig when our vocalist left for NZ in the country stylie for about half a verse [*]preceding WPOD with different medlies [/list]
  2. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='249301' date='Jul 28 2008, 01:15 AM']Being one of East Anglia's oldest slappers qualifies me for many super deals with many varied brands! ...actually I do have an endorsement with Elites strings! Nick[/quote] I should think you need it with that fence Elixirs would be nice to get something from but I rather doubt my 30-40 gig pa would qualify me for anything much
  3. WalMan


    [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='249225' date='Jul 27 2008, 11:04 PM']Al, Have you considered talking to someone about this, so you can move on with your life and 'let go'??? Seriously, I was thinking very specifically of the Pro models, not the Customs which you do see come up for sale a bit more often... See you Thursday! Nik[/quote] Yes sorry I really should shouldn't I To quote Harry Hill "And relaaaaaaax"
  4. WalMan


    [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='248555' date='Jul 26 2008, 06:02 PM']Don't see too many Pro's for sale but if you do - grab it while you can!![/quote] Nik - I KNOW I DID A VERY STUPID THING!!! STOP RUBBING IT IN!!! See you Thursday @ The Crown
  5. Hmmmm. Friday. Well I suppose if 50% of the band is going to have an off night & that 50% is the rhythm section then to do it in a tiny pub where it was so damn hot all bar six of the punters were outside desperatly searching for a little cool air is probably the best place to do it I played like a complete RS for most of the night missing parts, picking the wrong string, and on a night when we were a 3 piece + vocals so nowhere to hide. Came away feeling completely demoralised and have a bit of a break now til the next load due to other band members holidays.
  6. Elixir 45-105 + 130 for the 5'er I was looking at Strings Direct a couple of nights ago and they were £29.99 for the 4 string set, which considering how long they last is damn fine
  7. WalMan

    gig contract?

    [quote name='steve' post='247511' date='Jul 25 2008, 08:45 AM']We're doing covers and originals in pubs that's all, but I've read about bands getting stiffed over payment. Have you always got paid OK then Si? Am I just being paranoid? (prolly not the first time)[/quote] What the others have said. Chances of getting any pub to sign a gig contract is slim to buggerall in my experience so I never bother. If you are in the MU they do have a range of standard contracts you can download and use, and would fight a non payment case on your behalf, BUT you will almost certainly be playing for below rate. Agree a fee, make a note in your diary and if they try to renege chalk it to experience and don't bother with that venue again. A lot of the larger chains will nowadays give you a huge receipt required by the brewery in triplicate and STILL ask you for a receipt on your headed paper despite the fact they have self invoiced and it is totally unnecessary. Make sure you know whether or not they want you to provide a receipt before you travel, or keep a stock in a gig bag, otherwise you will lose what little profit you might have after travelling by having to go back with a receipt to get paid the next day. Utter bo11ox but you cannot get through to some. I know of a band on our circuit that played a gig they had been doing regularly and to a full hose. They played the normal set times they had always done ther, but at the end of the evening landlord said they had played the wrong times & wanted to cut their (verbally) agreed fee. Argument ensues and they left with nothing. Now a contract with playing times would have helped there, but I can quite understand why there wasn't one particularly as they have been filling that gig regularly for years now. Sadly that's just life
  8. Moongarden - Songs from the Lighthouse preceded by Simon Says - Tardigrade The last of this months downloads from eMusic & really quite good if prog is your thing
  9. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='246009' date='Jul 23 2008, 12:27 PM']tone seems to have dropped off a bit after 6 gigs but thats better then any other string ive used (other that TI's) and i recon ill get another 6 gigs at least out of them.[/quote] I'm surprised at that. I use a pick and am not the gentlest, and am constantly amazed by how long they last with no noticeable drop in tone. Definitely more than 6 gigs
  10. P'raps I should have had that Pro2/Custom at the w/e after all I'll console myself with the moral high ground of having passed on the joy to a fellow BC'er without taking a cut. Nice bass BTW, but it's still a 5 I want really
  11. [quote name='TGEvans' post='243781' date='Jul 20 2008, 02:15 PM']hi all, looking to put some new strings on my g and l 2500. Been hearing a lot of god stuff about the elixir coated stuff, want to know if anybody has used them, but esecially on a g and l, all feedback helpful,tim[/quote] Yup, I have them on both my L2500 & Wal and they are great (IMO). Last forever and have a good stable tone that stays pretty much the same from day 1 to when you finally decide they probably need changing. I changed the set on my L2500 on Saturday and they had been on since I got it 4-5 months previously. They could probably have stayed on longer. I thought they had slightly less bite at the gig on Friday, but thinking about it later it could well have been the room. I originally started using them on my Wal when I got a free set at the guitar show 4(?) years ago - sorry brain fade. The following year I bought a box at the show and I still have one set left - though I have bought a couple of sets for the two 5's I have bought since last summer. Elixir only do 4 string sets. You then have to buy a separate B. Try Strings Direct, though a scan of Fleabay & other on-line sites to try to source from the US for the exchange difference is worth a look as they are a bit more expensive then Elites & Ropewounds I have tried others but since finding Elixirs have been a very contented user. Strangely the same cannot be said of the set I put on the Peavy EXP guitar I use for messing around with & recording at home. For bass however I am a happy convert
  12. WalMan


    [quote name='bassjamm' post='244333' date='Jul 21 2008, 11:19 AM']I guess i just need to play one to get a feel for them and to let my ears do the judging, not my eyes [/quote] If you can find one other than at a Bass Bash!!!. There will definitely be two at the SE Bash, Niks Pro2 and my converted Pro1 that now has Custom electrics. There could also be the one I walked away from on Saturday - WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!!!! - I have been in sack cloth with a big KICK ME sign on my back ever since. It is still owned by a 'Chatter from Pompey who did the sensible thing and snapped it up. That was probably a transitional Pro/Custom by Niks reckoning and I would tend to agree. I do have at home an A4 Wal sales flyer that I shall try to scan and post up sometime this week - doesn't tell you what they sound like though. My Pro1 originally had a single pup, vol, tone & a coil tap switch & was passive. In 96 Pete installed the full Custom electrics and told me that Pro1's like mine were designed as a "starter" bass in the range with the option to add actives etc later. Mine only got upgraded because there was another in being done when I took mine in for an overhaul. It always sounded good passive but the actives really opened it up.
  13. New eSoundz Group Buy started [quote]Option 1: SampleTank 2.5 engine (software only, without the XL sounds, downloadable) + Squid Tron Extras (the outtakes that weren t used for SampleTron in SampleTank format to use with the ST2.5 engine) -OR- Option 2: Brand New previously unreleased RAW 2 Special Edition (downloadable) featuring over 4,500 loops in Rex, Apple Loops and Acidized Wave (1,500 loops in each format). 3,000 of those loops (1,000 in each format) have never been released and they cover new styles such as Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Reggaeton, Reggae, House, Techno, Trance, More Dirty South Hip Hop, Jazz, Progressive Rock and various Ethnic World Rhythms! There s even some cool TRON grooves in there as well![/quote] Option 1 is a soft sampler with assorted mellotron type sounds, though not the full set of universal sounds that I got when I bought the engine originally. I really like it as a sample player. If you are looking for loops to use, apparently roughly 50:50 drums percussion : beats & sounds on top then Option 2. Join in the first 100 & they throw in $20 of "ePointz" that you can use to buy other downloadable sounds. If more than 100 join the GB the price gets down to $99 - so around £50. Should you happen to join up feel free to add me as referrer & we both get a few more "ePointz". If you do my member name is AlEebee
  14. [quote name='BassManKev' post='243957' date='Jul 20 2008, 06:12 PM']pics??? i think it was the colour that stopped me from ringing gak and gettin them to hold this for me, so id be interested to see if id like it after all[/quote] Don't torture yourself!!! I have been since I posted it and it went faster than a fast thing going extremely fast. What the hell was I thinking!!!
  15. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='243717' date='Jul 20 2008, 11:45 AM'] The temptation to go there NOW is almost overwhelming.. And I've already got a Wal!!! By the way Al, from the sound of it and your description, this makes it a Wal Custom really, not a Pro 2e. And £1200 is a very good price for a Wal Custom by the way....[/quote] I almost PM'd you first Nik, but I have dropped you in it too much recently and to have it that nearby would break my heart Wasn't sure of the true style. They had it up as Pro2E, which I think was from the bloke who traded it (!!!???) who I believe may have had it from new. If Custom has a belly contour & Pro's have a flat body / no contours, then it was more likely a Custom. It had the smaller headstock like my Pro with the twin string retainer for the A & D strings (again like mine originally), rather than the 4 string retainer that Pete replaced it with when he converted mine I was -|[sup][size=1]this[/size][/sup]|- close to hammering a card yesterday, it really did play so beautifully
  16. [quote name='Heartbreaker' post='243952' date='Jul 20 2008, 05:55 PM']Thanks for the info, top man. Been looking for a nice Wal for quite a long time so went & had a good play on it today, its now mine, thanks again. Inside the back plate it's dated 1982 & sighned by 'Fish' (Pete Stevens). One happy Wal'er.[/quote] No probs and congrats. You saved me from certain death of a million cuts from Mrs W. It did play really beautifully and I think you will agree that other than the one major dink to the lacquer it was in pretty good nick for a bass that's 26 years old I expected there to be the usual but of masking tape with the details under the control plate. Pete did the same when he converted mine. PB1794 compared to my PB1680 so perhaps mine is a shade older than the '82 I thought. Better get it submitted to the [url="http://www4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~koesters/Privat/Wal/walspec.html"]Wal Database[/url] and may you have as many happy years with yours as I have had with mine [EDIT] BTW anything on the woods in the control cavity note? Just noticed when you joined BC. How lucky was that!!! [EDIT - Senior Moment] what the hell am I talking about 2007 NOT 2008
  17. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='243684' date='Jul 20 2008, 10:54 AM'] Hi Al, That little edit of your post-gig conversations made me laugh, but it also sounded painfully familiar... Shall we have that pint soon and get some therapy in quickly so you can keep the pump action shotgun at bay? Nik[/quote] PM'd
  18. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='244063' date='Jul 20 2008, 09:27 PM']I'd like to jam to a drum track, paticularly something funky, but can't find anything instantly playable online. A search of topics on BC lead me to look up Hammerhead (http://www.threechords.com/hammerhead/introduction.shtml) but that's more for rave type stuff. My son put me on to jamstudio.com but that wasn't what I wanted. Can anyone suggest a source please? If not streaming, then downloadable. Ta. B2BM[/quote] What sort of tempo? Might be able to put a few together and up to the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=41"]Groove Library[/url] In [url="http://audacity.sourceforge.net/"]Audacity[/url] you can get a section to loop better than Windows Media Player by holding Shift when you click play
  19. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='243599' date='Jul 20 2008, 01:44 AM']Wish I'd been there for that Al ! Sounds like a good gig and hopefully The Fountain will have been a good one as well? I would have made it along to The Crown as I'm always keen to see you guys play and it would be nice to see what they've done to the place with the refurb.. But I had a couple of gigs myself; one at The Kings Head in Burgess Hill on Friday and a private party, Saturday night in Hove.. It was my first 2 gigs with the Peavey T-max and I've got to admit, I was worried after Friday's gig because i couldn't get my sound right at all.. But I spent a bit of time Saturday afternoon sussing it out and as a result, had a great sound last night! Amazing how different using a tube pre-amp is to solid state?[/quote] Nik glad to hear you got to grips with the T Max. I'm sure you had a couple of good nights. I should possibly scope of Burgess Hill, but I suspect it may be a gig too far for the others. As for The Crown refurb, well you would be hard pushed to tell what the brewery have been up to while it was closed as I can't see much difference - possibly a lick of paint. I suspect it had more to do with the joint tenants falling out at the beginning of the year actually Just back from Chichester myself after a second set & encores that seemed never ending. The landlord turned the clock behind the bar round and just kept saying "no it's alright you can do another" We don't mind he's a nice guy & pays well. A bit quieter than usual to start with tonight, everyone was outside on a nice evening (that's what we told ourselves anyway), but it got going quite nicely as things progressed. If the sign of a hot gig is water consumption then tonight was a hot one as I went through 2.5 litres plus a couple of pints of unleaded Coke. I think tonight [i]may [/i]have been recorded. The ADAT was in the rack, but I didn't ask at the end of the evening as, if it was, it was being done surreptitiously to keep certain parties happy Unfortunately if it was I had too many horrible moments, which though not noticed by pretty much all of the crowd I suspect, will mean I shall probably have to cheat & redo bits to get anything out of it. G&L was sounding lovely again. I put on a new set of strings this morning as last night they were sounding a bit tired (could have just been the venue) and the newer ones seemed to have a bit more tone tonight. It could well have been that last night I didn't use the IEM & tonight I did, but the coating was starting to shed quite a bit on the old Elixirs so it was probably getting on for time. Got to the end of the night & got chatting to a few people who'd not seen us before. "Do you do this for a living?" she says. "Sadly no" I reply. "Still trying?" "Probably given up on even that" says I "It's just for enjoyment and to stop me turning up at the office one day with a pump action shotgun" "Been together long?" [Thinks][i]Bu99er!![/i]{/Thinks] & I have to admit that I have been playing with the drummer so long we most certainly started out before any of them were thought of So one more next Friday, then the summer layoff until mid Sept. I believe I may go quietly mad in the meantime!!!
  20. Right chaps, a heads up for anyone who might be looking for a Wal, but please note [u][b][size=6]IT IS NOT MINE[/size][/b][/u]. I went into GAK and was gobsmacked to find a Pro 2E 4 string (no case) hanging on the wall with a price tag of £1,199. Going by the serial number it is from around 1983ish being about 100 younger than mine. Not sure of the woods, but it is a sort of green burst - that is green at the edges fading to natural wood at the centre. Similar to this, but a plainer bit of wood and green at the edges, not brown. AGAIN [b][u][size=6]IT IS NOT THIS BASS!![/size][/u][/b] which is mine. The tone controls are on the body, rather than a plate like mine above (which was added when Pete installed the custom electrics on mine in '96). Condition wise it has a few dings, the largest a bit smaller than a 10p piece, but just through the lacquer without denting the body. The rest are really just lacquer cracks, which is pretty understandable for a bass this age. As I recall they are on the back. I had a play on it and it plays really well and sounds nice, with the usual range of tone through the Wal controls - which for those who don't know are volume, pup pan pot and two sweepable tone pots one for each pup. The tone pots have pull switches that engage a narrower band width for the roll off, and the volume control has a pull switch the gives what Wal call "pick attack" (basically a treble boost) Based on Wals being rarer than rocking horse sh1t and the quick play I had it seems a good price and well worth a look if you have been looking for a Wal, but don't hang about, because I don't suppose it will stay there long. I would really have liked to go for this (so I could become a WalNut) but got a really frosty reception from Mrs W when I got home & mentioned it, and am plum out of cunning plans at the mo. Also what I really want is a Wal 5. I can give no more info, or guarantee about the bass. It is not mine, but up for sale in a shop, but the guys in the GAK bass section are a great deal better than your average shop wallah and I have no reason to doubt the bass authenticity. If you're interested give GAK a call. Don't PM me it's nowt to do with me, but I know members regularly come on here desperate to find Wal's so I thought I would give you the heads up now I have decided I really shouldn't - I [b][i]know[/i][/b] I shall regret it, but......... Mods, if you want to move this elsewhere as it is a shop, not a member sale feel free
  21. Welcome, and don't let the gear worry you. Everyone has to start somewhere, and when I think back to what I started out with that's a nice set-up you've got there. You don't need zillion £ gear to get get going, or even to continue further up the chain. You'll probably end up with the worst GAS on here - I know I have since I joined - but before that I had been quite happy with my set up for nearly twice as long as you've been on this earth. So if you find something you are happy with don't be in too big a hurry to trade on to the next big thing. A few years back I spent a day going round music shops looking at basses, and in the whole day the best sounding / most playable was a Squier Jazz
  22. Welcome indeed. It's only taken me 32 years so far & I'm still learning, so don't let that put you off
  23. Good one last night (Friday) and hopefully tonight will be as well. I'm hoping the sound guy will surreptitiously record it so I can have a go at mixing the current twin guitar line up. Friday at the Crown in LA was good. Only reopened fairly recently, but there was a good responsive crowd there all night. We started the first set and sound guy was looking confused as he was getting no signal from me, and I was sure I had run the cable. Turned out in the break that I had forgotten to plug it into the MB combo. DOH!! Didn't really matter though. It was on 9 o'clock input and same output with the tone pretty much flat, but I was barely tickling the bass and it was thundering out. That combo is so good. Light, loud, and a great tone that easily holds its own in a classic rock covers outfit. Fitted the PA feed in the break and turned the master down AGAIN, and SG was still muttering at the end that he had been mixing up to me A couple of alien abduction moments for each of us, in particular vocalist starting a second verse early over the verse intro (that's the same as the verse anyway - can't remember what now ). Guitarist, drummer & I just smiled at each other & dropped a line from the verse. I'm sure no one noticed at all A couple of encores and some nice compliments after - always help to bring the evening to a merry close, even if we do have to pack away & hump the gear out & home. Roll on The Fountain in Chichester South Street tonight (19 Jul)
  24. [quote name='Shaggy' post='239980' date='Jul 15 2008, 01:08 PM']Try; [url="http://www.harrowaudiohifi.co.uk/products.asp?Make=WAL"]http://www.harrowaudiohifi.co.uk/products.asp?Make=WAL[/url][/quote] You beat me to it. Also try the Wal Yahoo Group - Walbassesnaturally
  25. Hmmmm - I keep looking at this and thinking for 1 or 2 gigs a month it might be something else for me to do, particularly as it is quite close to me, but they're probably not after an old fart and all the time my current band is going that would have to take main priority in clashes, so probably best not.
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