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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. My 6p - Markbass, but then as mentioned they are very yellow and not the cheapest of amps. My CMD121H combo is small, light and loud (very, I often get told to turn down at r/h when I am only at 9 o'clock). Sounds good too. For small rock gigs it handles itself admirably. Larger gigs it has PA support.
  2. Thursday before for me and a damn fine night it was. Worked at home the following day (as I didn't get in 'til 2 am) and eventually got started around midday - though I did catch up over the weekend, promise!! Had a bit of a Spockfest all day Friday whilst working Shame such a good band has to struggle to pull in the punters. Europes a bit better I think, but from numbers I saw of for a couple of US gigs it looked like they were almost in bars to small numbers From the picture of the amp it looks to be set pretty much flat (if I am reading it right, don't really know Eden's)
  3. Another "slight" return this weekend before the desert of gigs in August & September when everyone else buggers off on holiday. The Crown - Littlehampton Friday 18/7 The Fountain - Chichester Saturday 19/7 Might try & get the soundguy to run the multi track both nights & see if we can get something out of the two. That'll probably put the kybosh on both then Almost certainly 2 guitars again this weekend, which works nicely with the newer material. I did see the keyboard player at Spock's Beard last week and it sounds as if he may manage one or two later in the year. Trouble is he has a LOT of new stuff to learn
  4. [quote name='baixo' post='238468' date='Jul 13 2008, 12:44 PM']PM sent ... Joao[/quote] PM replied Al
  5. Yup welcome back to the fold, and you will be AMAZED by the quality, volume and portability of some of the new breed of combos - I know I have been
  6. This is a good funky one that its probably best to leave out of your wedding set
  7. All the above. I find I need to get comfortable with the song on the bass first and only then worry about b vox. Sing with confidence and make sure you keep within range. I've not done this myself (though I have considered using eMusic downloads for this in months when it is difficult to find other stuff I want) but you might want to get hold of some karaoke CD's and sing out loud in the car, or even just sing harmonies to your usual CD's
  8. [quote name='mr.sibs' post='234586' date='Jul 7 2008, 11:04 PM']i found both of those okay, as mentioned above, dont warm up in 1st position, thats a big no no, try 1234 starting 7th fret up[/quote] You beat me too it. I tend to start warmups around the 10 or 12 fret and work down, having read an article years ago suggesting this as you are starting with smaller stretches and working up to larger, by which time you should be better warmed up
  9. Nice when it works out for you. Until last summer I had had my Wal for 20+ years and TE combo for about 8 or 9. The TE got sidelined for a BOD Pro xt a couple of years back. And then last summer I joined BassChat and whoops the TE went (to be fair that had been on the cards as it wasn't getting used) to be replaced by the MB combo & at the same time I bought a SUB5 on here that lasted 6 months to be replaced by the G&L L2500. So a brief hiatus in a fairly static GAS free bass journey for me, but I could actually quite easily see the Wal, G&L L2500 & MB CMD121H seeing me out now. If you find a good'un why break something that doesn't need fixing. Then again I'm no pro
  10. Just back from tonight's (well last nights now) foray to Stubbington. Down to a four piece as our second guitarist couldn't make it and keys (who the drummer & I met up with at Spock's Beard on Thursday night) was again unavailable. Still Kev, Max & I have played together as a three piece (plus vocalist) for a good many years now so it was no great problem, just a bit more sonic space to fill without going too over the top. Steve got the crowd chivvied along and generally a good night was had by all. Looked like at least a couple of other bands in taking notes And once again I have to say that the L2500 was just massive Lovely rich rocky tone with just the right amount of treble. I love my Wal, but I really wish I had found out about G&L's sooner. I was a bit worried that my shoulder was going to give out during the evening as the (legal) drugs did not seem to have had any effect at the start of the night, so I had a bar stool tucked away on stage, which of course led to a huge amount of pee taking. Thankfully it was not required. Adrenaline is a marvellous thing!!
  11. Following on from the Drumcore Group Buy I mentioned [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=20212&hl=drumcore"]HERE[/url] I now have for sale the bits I didn't need as I already had them - the deal was too good to miss for the extra drummer packs included. [list] [*]Drumcore software - info & demos as to what's included [url="http://www.submersiblemusic.com/TemplateMain.aspx?contentId=51"]HERE[/url] [*]ZORO drummerpack add on - info & demos as to what's included [url="http://www.submersiblemusic.com/TemplateMain.aspx?contentId=43"]HERE[/url] [/list] To buy (assuming a $:£ rate of 2:1) they would cost you about £130 but I will let them go to a good home with a BC'er for what the cost me in the Group Buy, so £60 plus postage. They are brand new unused and boxed - though I had to break the plastic covering on the box as the extra loops that I was after were all inside. Otherwise it is a new sealed & unregistered version. They come in a box that is A4 size and about 2 inch thick, but in the box are two DVD's, the registration papers and a big lump of polystyrene, so if you wanted to cut down the postage and just have the contents but not the box it's up to you. This is a great bit of software for pulling together all you drum loops (though there is no reason why you should not add others) and will integrate with your recording software or can be used as a stand alone loop player - so you could use it as a rehearsal tool to play along to. The basic software comes with a good selection of loops both audio and midi plus drumkits and the ZORO pack adds a load more. With the midi loops you can change the drum kit that plays it back, so could take a funky midi loop from the ZORO pack and have it played back using Matt Sorum, or Alan White's kit for a different sound. You can also edit the kits, so use Matt Sorum's snare in the Alan White kit. I love this software & the loops as a quick & easy way of adding real sounding drums to recordings, which is why I joined the Group Buy to get even more loops to use even though I had the basic software & one of the packs. Still enough of my rambling, its there should anyone be interested.
  12. Dear god, Nik do they know what they have let themselves in for!!! Anyway That'll be me & my [list] [*]Wal Pro1/Custom conversion [*]G&L L2500 (4+1 style) [*]Markbass CMD121H combo [*]Possibly the BOD xT Pro & FSB [*]Possibly a vintage Marshall Superbass 100 head, but I have no cab (#2 son uses it as one of his [sub]guitar[/sub] amps ATM) [/list]
  13. I caved & joined this GB a couple of days ago. eSoundz is becoming an expensive hobby for me, but the deals (especially with the dollar as it is) end up being so good. Got Drumcore from the last GB and as I have it shall be offering the bits I don't need to BC members for the packs cst to me
  14. Good one tonight. Two guitars - well actually 3 as the landlady's son who is ?10? brought his guitars down while we were setting up and had a little play through Mike Boogie combo and then spent the whole of the evening on "stage" with us playing along (not plugged in I hasten to add. He got the biggest cheer of the night when Steve introduced the band Chucked in a couple of new ones including one that Max & Mike had worked out harmonies for in the week and firmed up on quietly before the gig. Nice noisy crowd, whose collective jaws dropped when the guitarists went into a harmony tapping thing in the newest number. Funniest moment of the night. Max & Mike working through a new G'n'R song beforehand with small boy watching & he pipes up "you're playing that in the wrong key" Now then lets just hope I don't wake up crippled tomorrow!!
  15. [quote name='OldGit' post='227360' date='Jun 26 2008, 02:03 PM']Do I hear "musical Differences" creeping up here? Some people really love rehearsing and don't like playing in front of a real live audience ...[/quote] Sounds more like a puckered ring
  16. If I remember rightly there was quite a good article in the last BGM. I have a biog, and a CD of mixed live songs (ie multitracks not a boom box set up in front of you at a gig) If you can get a good result with the boom box - and I know we have in years gone by - then go for it, but nowadays you will be up against much better produced stuff with modern recording equipment available. I tend to ring the pub and chat to whoever does the bookings. If they are looking for bands / have spaces available and are willing to pay what we are asking then we move on to whether we can put something in the book on rep, or they want a CD. If you send a CD find out the best night to call and say you will post one and give the booker a call in a week. As the good Doc said don't fall for the "free try out". We refuse those as a point of principle.
  17. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='227236' date='Jun 26 2008, 11:49 AM']Latest in the saga... the venue have now offered us either fri the 29th or sat the 30th, support or headlining (Holy crap.. headlining??? We've not done one gig yet... but I digress..). Now to me this seems like a prime opportunity especially as it's a fri or saturday night at a well know city, 200 capacity, rock/music pub... we've got 8 practices at least (we normally do one a week) in which to get a 1/2 hr set tight. Have texted the guitarist who flat out refused as the other is at glastonbury... will keep you updated.[/quote] Tell him not to be such an @rse. Like you say you have 8 rehearsals to get together a really tight set. Whats the problem!?
  18. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='227074' date='Jun 26 2008, 07:14 AM']Just go a little leftfield, if you have a really decent computer sitting round doing nothing why not sell it and buy a really good multi track recorder?[/quote] Unless you want to take it out to record r/h & gigs as well then a DAW is [i]probably [/i]easier to use - well that's what I find. We record gigs on an ADAT but I drop the multitracks into Tracktion to mix as it is so much easier to do non destructive edits like chopping out non vocal bits on vocals mics.
  19. My 6p Audacity will do multitracks in a project (I know I did it to add a harmony guitar to "Wild Frontier" on my bands MySpace) but as I recall it was a bit of a faff. I use [url="http://www.mackie.com/products/tracktion3/index.html"]Mackie Tracktion T3[/url] and find it really easy to use as you do not have loads of sub menus to navigate, it is all on screen in front of you. You can pick up Tracktion 2 from DV247 [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/27495?gclid=CK3Y-LLUkJQCFRSb1QodX1gStA"]HERE[/url] for £30 to get you started. For drums I use loops in [url="http://www.submersiblemusic.com/TemplateMain.aspx?contentId=51"]DrumCore[/url] - and will be selling a second copy I acquired recently as part of a group buy to get a load more LoopPacks as soon as it arrives (its in transit at the moment). In many ways it is just a librarian, but can now do more than that and has a good selection of loops & kits to get you going. The track [url="http://www.myspace.com/scatterometer"]HERE[/url] were done in T3 with DC where there are drums
  20. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='224836' date='Jun 23 2008, 11:13 AM']You can rehearse till the moo moos come home but to be honest nothing tightens up a band like a gig (or even the impending deadline of a gig).[/quote] Yup go for it. We've been working on a load of new songs to freshen up a set we have been playing for toooooo long, with the plan to play all at least once live - I fear one is just not going to make it. However all bar two (including the one in ICU) have made it so far and stayed. So last week we played the last one again at rehearsal & tidied up another that came out of the woodwork recently. Decided we'll do both at the start of the set when it'll probably be a bit quieter and won't matter. Got to the gig. Neither were on the set list & drummer vetoed the very newest one. Got to the end of the first set & as we finished the last one on the list the guitarist & I had a conflab & decided " S0dit why not go for the G'n'R one now". We did it, it went well, sounded better than at r/h, not such a bash, and went down really well So find yourself some mates to support with your set, or even just find a jam night & get up to do the tightest couple. You know it makes sense and it will throw a whole new light on the stuff. And if the worst should come to pass & it turns to a horrible nightmare, well treat it as experience, don't let it tear you up, and don't do what I do & mull over things that everyone else has forgotten, and happened before you were born Sorry just realised this has probably already been said. I read down the first page & hit reply [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url]
  21. [quote name='P-T-P' post='224986' date='Jun 23 2008, 01:22 PM']CMD121H - Only used it for a couple of gigs. Didn't really like it much. Was quite a middy-tone which didn't work for me. No volume issues. I reckon it would come into it's own for fretless or double bass playing. Probably would sit nicely in a jazz environment.[/quote] My experience is that it works fine in a rock environment. Fraktal - Spain eh, well perhaps I could work it in to a holiday. I am sure the 121H would probably make it through as hand luggage
  22. [quote name='StevieC' post='223480' date='Jun 21 2008, 11:12 AM']Hi all, On Itunes the other day and downloaded The Tubes' album track 'Tip of my Tongue' to add to my playlist of awesome tunes that I've loved over the years. I think Earth, Wind and Fire had a lot to do with it (The Tubes collaborated at lot) and it shows. Completely groovy, dynamic with the bass locked sooooooo tightly with the bass drum. A totally brilliant track - Can anyone shed anymore light on who played on it? Steve[/quote] "I'm not cunning, I'm no linguist" - what a naughty start to a second verse Ah the Tubes, one of my all time favourite bands. The last few times they have been over we have had at least one, and normally more band outings to see them. They still put on a brilliant show They were a big influence on a band the rest of the guys had - but I never quite got to join (it split just before they got around to asking ) [attachment=9936:HR2.jpg] We still do White Punks, did Talk To Ya Later for a while and a couple of other, but not this one. It's funny how there always seems to be at least one Tubes fan lurking at every gig. Probably Rick Anderson on this as he has been bass player throughout and forms a really solid rhythm section with Prairie Prince
  23. I run a CMD121H and it is great, deals with my loud drummer, and thunders down to the low B on my G&L L2500. Friday night in a smallish pub it managed fine at around 9 o'clock on the master - and this is for a classic rock set. Any more and I would have been getting severe grief from the rest of the band!! For larger gigs it tends to get a little help out front from the PA so I have not bothered getting an extra 12 extension cab, though it has crossed my mind, because as things stand it would be completely unnecessary. The extension would take the amp to its full 500W, but it's fine on its own for small gigs, and plenty for onstage monitoring along with the PA at larger gigs. Where are you based, what sort of stuff are you playing, and will you just be relying on the combo, or feeding the PA as well? If you might make the SE Bash I shall be dragging my combo there. I love it. Came to this from a Trace 2x10 combo which weighed a ton, and have never looked back.
  24. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='223697' date='Jun 21 2008, 05:22 PM']Anyone have any gigs to report on from last night ?? We are playing our first in 4 weeks tonight, I am never waiting this long again, it just seems such a waste of valuable gigging nights !! Tony[/quote] First gig for a couple of weeks last Friday. A small pub, but it can fill up, sadly it took a while, but despite the fact that one corner seemed worryingly packed with yoof who would not be interested they all got into it as the evening progressed and were singing along at the end. Got some nice positive comments from them and the landlord at the end of the evening too. And then the bad news. Saturday morning. I woke up crippled in my left shoulder/upper arm, right elbow/forearm and completely unable to move. Wifey was at work all day, but youngest son did assist by getting some painkillers (which should have worked but didn't) and a couple of drinks for me during the day. Otherwise, having got downstairs and onto the sofa I was stuck there all day unable to move. MrsW got home from work about 6, knackered & initially not very sympathetic to my pain, but took me over to A&E where we sat from about 7:30 - 10:00 yesterday evening when they gave me some sodoff painkillers (probably not stronger than what I had at home, but a much larger dose) that eased things off a bit. You never realise quite how bad roads are until you are driven somewhere in agony with every slight bump and roundabout (even if taken at 20) jarring through you At least the journey home was achieved more easily & in a slight haze. I haven't actually admitted it to MrsW, and she hasn't linked it yet, but I fear it was all down to digging in too hard at the gig on Friday with insufficient practice in preceding weeks. The shoulder is the one that was replaced 3 years ago & has been giving me a bit of gyp recently, which I have put down to being off my RA injections for a while now and unable to restart them immediately for other reasons. Had an x-ray last Monday after I saw the RA nurse to make sure that when I had the fall at work last November the crack on my left elbow had not shifted the replacement joint at all but I have not had the report on that yet. Just hoping it was a combination of lack of practice & drugs that caused this - and if it was that is a REALLY good advert for making sure you keep "fit" by practising with the bass on your shoulder & not just resting on your knee. I would not wish what I went through on Saturday on even my worst enemy!!
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