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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. Doesn't bother me, but then I do tend to play around lines as well - if it is a well known bit, not, but otherwise why not. I suppose we do some stuff that allows some latitude though.
  2. [quote name='barneyg42' post='220170' date='Jun 16 2008, 07:57 PM']Kim Mitchell[/quote] Now there's a name I haven't heard for a long time (assuming it's the same Canadian guitarist I am thinking of). Today I have mostly been listening to [list] [*]Nik Kershaw - You've got to laugh [*]Presto Ballet - Peace among the ruins [*]a quick mix of a noodle to try to decide where to take it [/list]
  3. A new deal has just turned up on eSoundz that includes 3 drum loop packs to import into DrumCore - for which I shall have a spare copy for sale soon - or just drop into your PC multitracker, and two IK Multimedia plugins. I need a [i][b][u][color="#FF0000"]very[/color][/u][/b][/i] cunning plan - birthday next month is current favourite I have already dropped "Don't worry about a birthday present for me, I have seen a good deal on software that I want" into the conversation - didn't mention the cost though, just that it was 80% discount Mention a bargain & I can normally get away with it So it's a couple of plug-ins and a load more drum loops - I shall need a fourth hard drive at this rate!! Full details of the deal can be found [url="http://www.esoundz.com/details.php?ProductID=2034"]HERE[/url] Studio ProFiles Master Engineering Bundle GROUP BUY includes * Studio ProFiles: Classic Rock RingBeats * Studio ProFiles: Classic Rock Bonzo Beats * Studio ProFiles: Motown Session Grooves * T-Racks Plug-in Suite * IK Classik Studio Reverb Total value $1,200, but the start price is $299 and could fall to $239, which with the dollar the way it is, is a really good deal. That and it will be downloadable once the GB ends and payment has been processed, so no worry about additional postage or import VAT It only runs for a couple of weeks, ending on 30 June And if you happen to join in and want to add a referrer the my login there is AlEebee
  4. [quote name='Jase' post='217223' date='Jun 11 2008, 09:35 PM']Love to have a crack at that but my pc doesn't run my recording software anymore.[/quote] Use [url="http://audacity.sourceforge.net/"]Audacity[/url]. It's free and you can drop the track in then add a track for your bass line. Worked fine for me a while back adding a harmony guitar to a live track
  5. Depends what quantity you need to run. I use Lightscribe CD's and burn the details on for sending demo CD's for gigs. Only monotone, but looks good and doesn't leave you with a label that hasn't taken quite right, picked up an air bubble that won't go away, etc. I certainly wouldn't recommend that option for a bigger run though as it is quite slow to print up the label at good quality if you have a fair bit of info to add.
  6. I spent a while just using my BOD xt straight into the PA, which was fine for me with IEM, but others who weren't using IEM were moaning that they could not hear/feel the bass on stage even with it back through their monitors. I have since "given in" and bought the MB combo to move some air on stage. With decent monitoring it [i]should[/i] work, but just springing it on the rest of the band at a gig might not go down to well. Probably better to ease them in to it at a full PA rehearsal - assuming you do not hire in / use house PA's all the time.
  7. [quote name='johnnylager' post='214250' date='Jun 7 2008, 10:53 AM']Somewhere near a train station would be lush.....[/quote] Which would make last years venue good as it was right by the station - and a couple of minutes from my office carpark So count me in assuming I am about - which is more than likely
  8. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='212246' date='Jun 4 2008, 01:41 AM']They're all very different (as stated in my sig) If I get the opportunity to join a band where I'd use my 7-string or my 5-string acoustic (probably not the same band ), I'll be glad I've not sold them to pay for a Shuker custom 5 or whatever - after just 3 and a half years of playing, I don't feel that my style is defined sufficiently that I can justify spending loads on just one bass! I need versatility coz I like to play all sorts of different basses - maybe when I'm in a band that actually makes money I'll invest in a bass that suits me better... but I'll still want these other ones around for fun! After all, fun is what this is all about (for me, at least; even though I'd love to play bass for a living, I've yet to see a penny return on my investment of time, money and love - oh well!)[/quote] Fair enough
  9. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='208789' date='May 29 2008, 12:51 PM']Wow, were they new?! It's stuff like this that makes me doubt I'll ever buy a "high-end" bass, unless I become a lot richer somehow[/quote] Not trying to start a war, but you have 8 basses, and you are a student. Any particular reason? Why not get one better specced bass? The most I have ever had was 3 - standard 4, f'less 4 and 8 string - but the last two despite being my first two "proper" basses went because they just never got used and were a pain to drag round to use on perhaps one number a night. Then the 4 (an Aria SB100 if I remember rightly) went when the Wal Pro1 came into my old drummers shop on a trade and I had it, but for substantially less than current going rate for Wal's. Had some work done on it about 10 years ago to make it active and that was my one and only bass up until last summer when I finally joined here & got GASsy. I looked around for another bass a few years back and tried all sorts of stuff out up to about £500 and with the exception of a Squier Jazz they all sounded horrible, tight compressed & clanky tone. Only the Jazz had a really nice well rounded sound. I would love a Wal 5, but unless my numbers come up I cannot ever see me justifying the sort of outlay required. I will admit to a great deal of envy of those who have an arsenal of basses to chose from, and who spec up custom jobbies, but I suppose my rambling point is that it is quite possible to find [i]the[/i] bass for a reasonable sum. I have my old Wal (which is semi retired at the moment) and the G&L L2500 that I absolutely love for its sound. I might lust after other basses, high end and otherwise, but in the real world could not justify more than £6-700 and would be as happy to find a lesser priced instrument that did the job. Pleased excuse the ramblings of an old f@rt who has probably strayed as far off the topic as you will have lost the will to live if you got this far
  10. [quote name='Dr.SUL' post='211561' date='Jun 3 2008, 08:48 AM']Where on the neck do i find a signature; on the crome plate (neck/body) I´ve "W 2114".[/quote] It is often on a piece of tape in the control cavity. Well it is on mine. There is a little nte re woods etc Nice bass. I wish, but.......
  11. [quote name='ChocolateTelevision' post='211482' date='Jun 2 2008, 11:08 PM']You have to pay VAT (17.5%) plus there's a handling charge on top - 8 quid from memory. And if its a pedal with its own power supply you've got to add the cost of replacing that too. Plus where do you go if you have problems with the pedal?[/quote] As above though if the value of the item (including postage) is less than £18 there is no charge. Allow for VAT plus a handling charge on top of the cost including postage and see how that compares to the UK or a supplier in the EU like Thomann. If there is still a major saving then your last consideration is problems arising should the pedal be DOA or become subject to a warranty claim. If you are still happy then go for it and if, as may sometimes happen, no VAT is charged when it arrives in the UK then look on that as bunce, but do not just expect it. Also do not try to get clever and get a low value declared on the customs slip. HMRC are not fools and if the package is checked and found to be for greater value than stated it could be confiscated. That and if the package goes missing in the post your insurance value is the declared value. Good for things like strings with the dollar as it is at the mo, but requires more thought for higher value/non consumable items like pedals & basses
  12. [quote name='ahpook' post='211305' date='Jun 2 2008, 07:11 PM']you may be miffed he's leaving old horse, but at least he's told you outright rather than just becoming less and less interested and dragging you all down as well.[/quote] Sort of how we thought it was going with our keyboard player - new woman, new job, moved to London & hasn't made a gig & only one r/h this year. We sort of thought he has not been in touch because he could not bring himself to take the ultimate step and quit for distance & time constraints. That and the fact that over 50% of the set he last did is gone or on the back burner for new stuff. I hear they may have split up & he could be moving back down nearer us. Trouble is we have played as a 3 piece (instrument wise) for so long before we just sort of adapt. Some of the band rather like the sparseness, and the different feel when we have a second guitarist stand in (most of the gigs this year) particularly as a load of Lizzy numbers have been knocked together in 0 secs flat and it is quite fun to have the duel guitar thing going. And don't get me started on drummers. I have been with mine for years now, but of late there have been a number of egg shell moments that had me close to thinking "I don't need this" but then we get a couple of gigs and that all goes.
  13. I quite like this one as well [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ill-Bass-You-T-Shirt-Musician-Vintage-Retro-Dj-Vinly12_W0QQitemZ360056393557QQihZ023QQcategoryZ29922QQcmdZViewItem"]Ill Bass You[/url]
  14. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='210785' date='Jun 1 2008, 10:00 PM']That's only 7 miles from where me and Walman live CK so you could've popped in for some tea!! [i]Still, being Bognor, I think you did the right thing!! [/i] [/quote] Amen to that
  15. Curses!!! You changed the BIN and I didn't notice Probably just as well though, despite my earlier protestations re lack of funds Someone got a nice looking bass for a fair price
  16. First one for a few weeks in a regular pub for us - though first time this year as I was a little late ringing them. The place has had a refurb and has been transformed. While we were setting up we could hear a car alarm going off and after some while our vocalist realised it was his - he was tho only one who could not actually hear is as his HF range is shot from shooting guns without protection as a boy. Most bizarre he spent ages locking & unlocking the car, going through the manual, trying to work out if he could kill it at the fuses all to no avail and all the time with the damn alarm going. I went out to try and help / provide moral support before he lost it with the car. Then an inebriate female wandered over from the pub insisting that she knew exactly where the cut-out was & what to do, but that seemed to require pulling most of the front passenger side of the car, which was not going to happen. I was really proud of Steve, because I could see her attentions were not helping the situation, or his mood, BUT he managed to hold it together and not turn to her and scream "LOOK WILL YOU PLEASE JUST F*CK OFF!!!" which is what I would have been close to. And then the alarm just sorted itself out and stopped, probably because we had stopped opening & closing doors and blipping the key fob So to the gig. Well tonight it was a 5 piece with duelling guitars again. We think that our keyboard player has probably decided that he just cannot make it down from London, but cannot bring himself to actually come out and say it. It will be a great shame, but there is so much new stuff in the set he might have difficulty in showing up and going for it anyway. Still Mike was with us on second guitar again tonight and we had a blast. A bit slow to get started, but much dancing & singing along in the second set. My voice took a few numbers to settle down on B vox, but got there in the end The L2500 [i]still[/i] sounds gorgeous in this rocky set, nice bite, but a good solid fundamental. [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] Almost dropped God Gave R'n'R to You for time, but I am glad we didn't as it went really well. Finished off with a couple of Lizzy numbers complete with harmony guitars. Marvellous. And finally I got home to find some nice positive comments on KVR about an instrumental I posted there, the first thing I have been working on, on my own that I have actually managed to finish off. Gives me the impetus to try to get some more of the bits & pieces I have got sorted into some semblance of order & finished off. And not my pit beckons.
  17. Could be a duffer. I remember my guitarist busting a string in sound check years back and putting a new one on. Nothing we did could get it to intonate properly, so we put another one on and everything was fine. Most strange
  18. [quote name='Tone le Bone' post='209908' date='May 30 2008, 11:27 PM']Thanks WalMan, Here's hoping the weekend Ebay warriors take a look! Cheers, T le B.[/quote] No probs. This has got me searching for a cunning plan, particularly as you are only just up the road from me, but I have spent too much on toys just recently and really must try to be strong (unless the premium bonds come up trumps this w/e )
  19. I know I said I would shut up about this, but there is a small extension on this offer until Monday - see the bottom of page 52 in the KVR thread [url="http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=215040&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=765"]HERE[/url]. As it has got up over 300 members now they are including even more loops included, so I thought it might be worth one last bump. If you are looking for something to add drums to tracks, or even just something to play drum loops to practice over this has become a great deal. You can see some video demo's [url="http://www.submersiblemusic.com/TemplateGeneric.aspx?contentId=12"]HERE[/url] And lastly if you do join up to [url="http://www.esoundz.com/"]esoundz.com[/url] and take part in this [url="http://www.esoundz.com/details.php?ProductID=1995"]group buy[/url] putting my user name - [b]AlEebee [/b]- as referrer gets both of us some credits to spend on esoundz. ....and now I really will shut up about this
  20. ....and we're back after a short break should you be in the Woolston area of Southampton and cross the threshold of [url="http://maps.yell.com/client/yell/?&nat_id=1866892&qs=SO19+9BG&sl=false&storePC=SO19+9BG&ssm=0&companyName=The+Swan&clarifyIndex=&clarifyOptions=&replayURL=%2Fucs%2FUcsSearchAction.do%3FsearchType%3Dadvance%26companyName%3Dthe%2Bswan%26M%3D0%26ssm%3D0%26location%3Dsouthampton%26scrambleSeed%3D25765692%26potential%3D0"]The Swan[/url] Not sure whether we are a 4 piece, one of two versions of a 5 piece, or even a 6 piece yet, but that's the fun of the occasion
  21. I tend to plug the bass through a little Yamaha mixer & into the sound card. Once the bass is down I have been messing with the LE version of the Amplitude SVX. I could use the BassPod, but if I do it is fed through the mixer rather than the USB as I have never been able to fix the latency I get on either POD or BOD via USB
  22. WalMan

    Wal Basses

    [quote name='Buzz' post='209261' date='May 29 2008, 11:32 PM']No-one is daft enough to sell a normal Wal as they know they won't get it back ever and the prices keep going up?[/quote] I reckon that's about the size of it
  23. Yes for both the Wal & L2500 - EXCEPT at r/h, 'cos the sound in the hall is awful
  24. Nice. I actually noticed it this afternoon and PM'd someone else on here about it as I knew they had been considering one. Wish I had the spare cash myself, but the tax refund due is already earmarked
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