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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='Inca' post='195994' date='May 10 2008, 02:34 PM']Help - should i get rid of this tutor and carry on looking ......?[/quote] Yes definitely. [quote name='Inca' post='195994' date='May 10 2008, 02:34 PM']i have been turned down over the phone by 2 other tutors for being a girl and for being too old (27!!!) apparently my small girls hands will mean its too hard to teach me[/quote] Good grief what a ridiculous attitude. To turn you down without even meeting you. Frankly if that was the attitude you got I doubt you would want to take lessons with them anyway The last batch of lessons I had were with a female bass player who had already completed a degree at a respected music college in the UK and was working towards heading to the US & Berklee.
  2. Nik Try the Fountain in Chi South Street. Cosy (by which I mean a funny shape & not a huge amount of room for the band) but if my lot can get in you will be able to, and though I have not been to the Bells in Chiddingly in years as you fit there I am sure you could manage the Fountain. Talk more when we manage that pint & I hope the videos did not scare the family Oh and let me know any goodies you find we might get away with.
  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='204666' date='May 22 2008, 11:27 PM']Plus the one there .. I have one for each bass. The super wide "padded leather" one. £20 from my local high street music shop. The Comfort Strapp and Noprenes bounce too much for me there's the Dare strap too - over two shoulders [url="http://www.darestrap.com/"]http://www.darestrap.com/[/url] Geiller is that what you do with your two straps?[/quote] The Dare looks to allow you to hold the bass in a more normal playing position than the [url="http://www.slider-straps.com/"]Slider Strap[/url] I used before I had my shoulder replaced a couple of years back. The Slider did the trick so far as allowing me to play full sets but did feel a bit odd, and I added a couple of the boy racer seat belt pads for a little more comfort against the webbing rolling itself up. I am now back on proper straps and have a Comfort strap for the Wal, and a [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/1023-planet_waves_pw_htsp_1_squid_shoulder_pad"]Planet Waves Squid Shoulder Pad[/url] on the other, which is fine, and less of an issue for going a bit skanky when you are a sweaty betty on stage.
  4. The deal is now over the 200 barrier so you get [list] [*]DrumCore; plus the following DrummerPacks [*]John Tempesta [*]Urban GT - all midi loops & kits [*]Bun E. Carlos - all audio loops [*]Zoro - audio and midi loops [*]Steve Gadd - all audio loops [/list] For $114 so about £60 delivered. DC is around £100 on its own and the additional drummerpacks £20-40 each so a good deal if you are looking for loops (Ped? ) And now I shall shut up about this.
  5. [quote name='DaveDDF' post='206474' date='May 26 2008, 12:07 PM']Raised £1050. [/quote] Congrats & well done
  6. Got a reply to the shipping query on KVR. It is $15 flat fee including to the UK, which makes it all the better as a deal. I so wish I had seen this sooner!! EDIT - just had a sodit moment & joined the buy anyway for the extra loop packs. I can always sell the bits I have already to cover the cost And a final thought - [u][b][i]IF[/i][/b][/u] anyone does jump on this adding my eSoundz user name as referrer (AlEebee) would be good
  7. Hi. Came to this a bit late. Used to have a couple of Marathons as my first good basses and used them for years. I was about to add to try the Shergold forum, but then thought to have a looksee and see that you have already. Good luck with the sale anyway. Suggested prices should be about right. If I remember correctly my last Marathon sold went for around £300 including its flightcase
  8. Just a quicky for anyone looking for a different cheap(ish) drum track option for recording. eSoundz is currently running a Submersible Drumcore Group buy [url="http://www.esoundz.com/details.php?ProductID=1995&refcode=drumcodegb"]HERE[/url] where presently you get the software (which includes a load of drum tracks already), plus 4 extra Drummerpacks, for $109. And with the way the dollar is at the moment that [b]really[/b] brings the price down. I have just upgraded from the version that came with Mackie Tracktion3 and if I had seen this before I did this would have been the way I went.. It is different to things like EZDrummer DFH etc in that what you get is a bunch of tracks recorded by real drummers at different BPM's so that you can select the speed you want and it doesn't go weird on you in re working the clip to the tempo you want. The Gabrielizer function switches the tracks around reasonably intelligently to give you new loops, you can import your own loops and classify them by styles to make it easier to track down (this was what the software was, a librarian), plus you get the various kits and can play back midi drum tracks through those kits with ReWire. Like I say different, but I love it You will need to potentially factor in Import/VAT, but that will be small (if it gets picked up) at a $109 group buy price. Shipping to UK I am not sure of but have added a query to the mega thread on [url="http://www.kvraudio.com"]KVR Audio[/url] - Search for [i]eSoundz GB...DrumCore[/i] or you might get it [url="http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=3082232#3082232"]HERE[/url]
  9. We also have quiet r/h's generally at the sound guys house into a mini mixer & a couple of monitors to work on new stuff. The only problem with this can be finding the right key for our vocalist. What may work quiet, often doesn't when we get to a full r/h and requires a shuffle through keys to find one that works better. That said it is still a useful exercise.
  10. [quote name='nash' post='203769' date='May 21 2008, 05:42 PM']theres 3 songs without vocals on the myspace give me some feedback if you want www.myspace.com/thenashvilleproject[/quote] Sounds like a good start to me & in tune with at least one of the influences. Now the really hard bit - lyrics & a voice, well for me anyway
  11. The "Contact/Gigs" page on our site says [quote][u]The Party Line[/u] Whilst we are always happy to get out and gig - that is after all one of the things a band is supposed to do - experience has shown that whilst you may enjoy the band we may not always be to the taste of your mother/granny/work colleagues. As a consequence the gigs that we do are pubs, clubs etc that have regular rock nights, but not parties. Sorry![/quote] Now this is entirely driven by the drummers outright refusal to consider any form of party. Wedding receptions I can understand, having had a desperate evening playing one for a couple who come to see us regularly, which led to my choice of words on the site. But, there have been a few requests for other parties where we could reckon that probably 90% of the crowd would be regulars at our gigs but still it is a big fat no.
  12. [quote name='ped' post='200671' date='May 16 2008, 07:43 PM']Just wanted to say cheers Garry for that site - I have registered and been playing some grooves to the loops all day. Brilliant, thanks!![/quote] Ped PM me with your email & I have a set of Drumwerks single shot samples I can zip up & send you. They are on my recording/loops drive a lot of which came from free cover CD's so I don't believe there can be any licence probs with them Al
  13. I use a db Tech system with Shure E2's as does our vocalist and with the better set of 'phones I am happy to do so. I think mine cost me around £350 a couple of years back and I picked up the E2's on eBay for about £30 Our second (stand in for keyboards) guitarist also uses 'phones but straight off the sub mixer with no radio, just a long lead. The drummer & guitarist refuse point blank because they say it makes them feel isolated - and it can though I tend to just pop one side out. Having said that my initial foray into IEM was problematic in getting a mix that stayed even, but that was until our sound guy threw a load of cash at the PA & invested in the [url="http://www.aviom.com/Applications-1/Monitor-Mixing.cfm"]Aviom[/url] system. I now have an A-16R in my rack and can run an A-16II off that if the rack is not accessible, and set my own monitor mix - mind that isn't cheap. If you are thinking of going the IEM route I would suggest that you hire a system for a few gigs to see how you get on. You might like it, but you could just as easily hate it and feel cut off from the audience and rest of the band. For bass, you need to be able to get the bass, along with bass drum & snare into you mix at a reasonable level to be able to keep in sync with your drummer, and the rest of the band [i]probably[/i] won't want a mix anything like yours so multiple submixes on your desk is a must unless you have something like the Aviom system
  14. Following my [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16717"]recent thread[/url] re trying to find a replacement part for a Tascam 38 so that I could try to convert to digital and remix some really old (1986 & 1989) 8 track tapes (and the ensuing saga of the weeping tapes that need slow cooking in the hope of possibly getting a better extract) I got into an exchange of emails with the old vocalist who has been based in New Zealand for quite a few years now re sending him DVD's of the tracks so he can have a play as well. This then developed into a suggestion that he send me some tracks to add bass to, to which I have added sending some bits & pieces I have been working on in the other direction for him to add lyrics/vocals to. Now I am happy enough doing the cover gigs, but this new suggestion has perked me up quite a bit. We did an exchange of backing tracks a couple of years back to reproduce an old song of ours for a guy who used to come and see us years ago (and still does actually) who wanted to play it at his wedding. Unfortunately it did not get used as Paul (in NZ) decided to change the melody lines so that the 2006 version was quite different. I like the new version ([url="http://www.myspace.com/akindoffury"][color="#0000FF"][b]I Need You - A Kind of Fury[/b][/color][/url] on MySpace along with a couple of live tracks and some early mixes of the saved 8 tracks) but it got mixed reactions for the changes from the others. Still the stuff proposed now is new stuff not reworking of old songs and it has got me quite excited to get started - though a bit worried as to my ability as one name mentioned in conjunction with it was Stanley Clarke I still find it weird the ease with which one can put together songs with a couple of computers, post & DVD's, or even just uploading to a secure area both parties can access, despite being on opposite sides of the world. Mind this is from an old f@rt whose first studio recording were on 4 track reel to reel that we were really impressed by As & when anything occurs I shall post more, but had to share now. [attachment=8721:Wman_PS.jpg]
  15. [quote name='molan' post='199580' date='May 15 2008, 01:55 PM']I've heard of people getting things sent as "gifts" which avoids tax & duties. . . . .[/quote] Indeed, but it only avoids it if customs do not smell a rat, open the package & find the invoice - in which case you run the risk of it being confiscated. As most have said we all know "someone" who has received a parcel straight through without query, but if you start trying to get clever about it you run the risk of getting burnt. I recall seeing a query from a bride to be on a Tax forum who was going to get her wedding dress from the US and get it described as a gift, "was that OK?" and the only answer to that was you might "get away with it" but it was not a tax planning move, rather a tax avoidance matter and there was a fair chance that the wedding would be ruined by customs confiscating the dress. Basically it comes down to don't ask the seller to misrepresent the item as that way sorrow lies. Price in VAT on the import when deciding if it is worth it compared to buying from the EU (Thomann & the like) and if it does not get picked up for the charge when it arrives in the UK, well that is just bunce
  16. [quote name='burno70' post='198486' date='May 14 2008, 08:53 AM']I'm eyeing up a couple of pedals and found that you can buy them for between 1/2 and 3/4 of the price you would pay for them over here. Has anyone dabbled with the USA EBAY market at all? Are there any hidden customs or handling charges that I need to be aware of? Thanks[/quote] Me too. With the present exchange rate pretty much anything from the US will be cheaper. If it costs more than £18 then you will have to pay VAT on the import. Normally this will be paid by the mail service (UPS, Parcelfarce) when the item reaches the UK and you then have to pay them (plus a service charge) before they will release it and deliver to you. The charge will be based on the item value as declared on the customs slip attached to the package - which is why you will sometimes find items arriving declared as a "gift" or with a nominal value ($10). You should beware asking for an item to be mis declared as HMRC/Customs are not fools and you run the risk of the item being confiscated at worst. Also should the item go AWOL your compensation will be on the declared value. So you need to price the whole thing up, purchase price, postage and allow for 17.5% VAT. If it is still cheaper then go for it - and you may find it comes through without getting picked up for the VAT
  17. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='197141' date='May 12 2008, 01:43 PM']The nob-head who dances idiotically right in front of you taking the p155 with his brain dead mates watching on. I wish I could put my bass down and break that f*ckers legs. Winds me up every time[/quote] Get a bit of a dance thing going yourself and smack him in the face with your headstock - accidentally of course
  18. Did you sell them all? I have a box of such mags under the stairs that I really should do something with.
  19. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='195122' date='May 8 2008, 11:50 PM']May's gigs for any Basschatters out there in Sussex.. Tomorrow night we're at The Elms in Worthing which has been a great place to play of late: [b]Fri 9th - THE ELMS - Worthing[/b] Fri 16th MULLENS - Eastbourne Sat 17th - THE HAMPDEN - South Heighton Sun 25th - HORATIO'S BAR - Brighton Pier Come and say hello if you can make it [/quote] I shall have to see what Mrs W is up to ce soir
  20. My guitarist (not reknowned for having the best of luck with gear - it seems to take against him for some reason) had a Marshall TSL combo from them that went wrong just over 3 months old and it had to go back to Marshall for repair. Lucky he still had his JMP1. His new Strat died after a couple of months, but that was just a loose wire on the 5 way selector. If it is not that old he might try for a straight replacement, but I suspect they will not lend him anything.
  21. Again welcome, and in no way turning you away - as another Wal man - but there is also the Yahoo Group [url="http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/walbassesnaturally/?v=1&t=search&ch=web&pub=groups&sec=group&slk=1"]HERE[/url] if I have got the link right. There are quite a few Wal bods floating about here so pull up a chair & grab a beer - but not the [i]special ones[/i] in the salad tray at the bottom of the fridge, they're mine My settings (when I am not being unfaithful to the old girl) tend to be B: 10 - down T: 8 - down BT: favoring "B" about halfway between both & B P.attack: off V - 5 with the radio, full up with the lead.
  22. [quote name='BB2000' post='191995' date='May 5 2008, 02:14 AM']Actually, I guess they are worth that. I was wondering today if I'd sell my favourite Wal for £2700 --- and I wouldn't.[/quote] Sort of my thoughts as well, though a leap in prices like this does seem madness. Every year I up the insurance on mine - and it is nothing particularly special and nothing like what I paid. I suppose it has to do with Pete retiring. I would love a 5'er, but unless my premium bonds come up better than they have I cannot see that ever happening now. Could help out my pension pot I suppose, but I cannot really see me ever letting mine go.
  23. Are you talking about so that you cut through to your ears in the room or in the recording? I should have thought if you are all detuned like that then the guitars are getting into your territory. So in a multitrack recording, or live mix you might want a high pass filter on the guitars set at around 300hz to cut out some space for you If I read it right the recording was a single mike in the middle of the r/h space, which will not help for the recording.
  24. Hells bells!!!!! That's just madness
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