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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. For the TE around £200-250 I should have thought. I sold my TE 122H combo last year and invested in an MB CMD121H which is a cracking combo. Light and plenty loud enough. Mine has handled a small pub rock gig situation with no problem, but is generally there for a bit of air moving on stage with DI to the PA for FOH. That said, as above it might be outside your budget, being in the range £550-£650 new, depending on how ready your funds are at the mo
  2. I'll say it here as well. Rick Anderson - The Tubes One of my favourite bands who I will always make time to get to see at least once (if not more) when they are over here
  3. [quote name='dood' post='172718' date='Apr 8 2008, 11:13 PM']Hell yeah and especially 'V' by Spock's Beard! Dave Meros is an awesome bass player with a super sexy bass tone. He's also a really nice approachable guy too. I will of course have to give props to my band mates and suggest listening to Sikth and James Leach's awesome bass playing. Tone, punch and some wicked bass lines![/quote] to which I would add SB9. The post Neal band but still some really nice, and varied bass lines. [i]Thinks, must order my tickets for July!!![/i] And also The Tubes. Rick Anderson probably belongs in the under rated thread as well as he covers quite a few styles over the entire discography and always with a line that suits the song so well.
  4. Well the G&L's in the UK and does look nice. It has a maple board, same as mine, and that does seem to have the odd effect of making the action look high when in fact, after being worked on by the guitar tech I use, measured it is now really low. It just doesn't look it - most strange. You may have a few more options with the switching on the G&L with the passive/active/active treble boost switch and series / parallel switch, but your difficulty is trying one as they seem to be very few & far between over here. The number of people who ask "what is that bass?" & "G&L? Never heard of them"
  5. Not a bad night. Friendly crowd and an evening of spot the muso from the stage Still we gave them something to guffaw about when the guitarists and I played three different endings to the first song of the second set - all wrong Keyboard player hasn't made a gig since the new year and we are all wondering whether he just can't bring himself to say he can't manage it anymore. There will come a time when the set will have changed so much and become that much more guitar orientated that it may be difficult, which will be a shame. A gig with twin guitars & finishing with Don't Believe A Word & Boys Are Back In Town - gotta love a bit of Lizzy Some nice comments re the bass sound, which I had the chance to tweak with the sound guy at a tech r/h a few weeks back. Still loving the G&L sound. It's just so good for this stuff (I know, I am repeating myself on that front, but it is!!). Second guitarist asked if I had stopped using the Wal and I felt extremely guilty over the abandonment of my first love.
  6. Trying to think back to the SUB5 I had and the neck on that. I [i]think[/i] that the neck on the L2500 may be a little wider, but I prefer the G&L to the SUB. The SUB had been tinkered with (John East preamp inserted) but for the rock covers stuff my band does the L2500 has a much better tone and site in the mix really well
  7. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='189312' date='Apr 30 2008, 10:28 PM']Anyone see the working players feature? Some young man called [color="#FF00FF"]Luke Ward [/color]in there! Funny looking Vigier on there - looks almost like one of them thar Varvicks! Nick[/quote] You don't get a subscription copy then. Lookie [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=17008&hl=bgm"]HERE[/url] [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url][url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url][url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] Look on the opposite page & you will find Homer. Question is, do they belong in the over rated, or under rated threads -
  8. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='187832' date='Apr 29 2008, 09:58 AM']Being called overated isn't always a criticism. I think most of the bass players mentionned on here would willingly agree that they are overated in some quaters. Calling Voctor Wooten the best player of all time is overating him. It doesn't detract from the fact that he certainly knows his onions. Its more of a statement about his fans than his playing ability. If anything, I'd be happy to have fans that idolise me so much that they "overate" me. And as for the people moaning about these kind of threads - you're smart enough to switch on a PC and use the internet, but not smart enough to realise this is purely based on opinion? If you don't like it, what keep BUMPing it up with your pointless comments? And for what its worth: Mark King : Technically very clever, musically terrible Jaco : Just not my cup of tea Flea : Fleas.[/quote] At last! The voice of reason. And can I add IMO Les Claypool - which is just my [i]possibly[/i] blinkered opinion, perhaps because I just don't "get" his rather bizarre musical stylings Jaco - I've tried, honest I have. Love his stuff on Heavy Weather, but find his solo albums (which I picked up on re releases in an HMV sale a couple of years back) heavy going and largely unlistenable Flea - Can do some nice solid parts, but again I find him - and a lot of RHCP's output - hard going. The Hyde Park show that was broadcast on the radio a while back was dreadful, but that's just my opinion. BUT these are just my opinions to add to a thread I have read, but until now managed to stay out of.
  9. I did nearly the same trip to pick up an amp and cab my son had bought on my eBay account whilst I was away on business a couple of years back- that is bought with my knowledge, but omitting to tell me it was collection only Took me all day, a tank of diesel and a couple of service breaks for a doze. It is possible, but I can't say I'd want to do it again. Still if you are up for the amp and willing to do the drive go for it.
  10. I'll add a +1 to the above. Ordered a cover for my MB combo & it arrived well within the quoted deadline. Not had it long but it seems very hard wearing and does what is required of it.
  11. Where to start!! [list] [*]Being the band battery fairy [*]Apparently being the only person who can write in the band when being paid & filling in the paperwork at gigs [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] [*]Suggesting songs & getting a big fat NO only to find them suggested 6 months down the line by someone else and immediately accepted as being the best thing since sliced bread [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] [*]Listening to moans about the PA when I've turned up early and been watched while I struggle my gear in [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] [*]In a discussion last night for a new intro suggesting an option. "Don't think that'll work" Only to have the exact same thing suggested 1/2 hour later [url="http://planetsmilies.net"][/url] [*]And [*]And [*]And [/list] Not looking good is it. My blood pressure is obviously getting up
  12. [quote name='minty fresh death' post='175776' date='Apr 13 2008, 07:04 PM']Well it's "bass frequency cab", but I think most people would just call it a "big f***ing cab" [/quote] When I went up to Trace a few years back to get my 122h combo looked over (it was doing funny things like the pedal board lights getting out of sync with the amp) I did say something similar and I sort of got the feeling that it was named for the latter, and then they had to think of something more family friendly for marketing
  13. WalMan


    [quote name='Inca' post='182295' date='Apr 21 2008, 09:44 PM']something hideous like £2 a drink[/quote] Only £2!!! You're lucky
  14. WalMan

    Hi Guys!

    Welcome. I considered PJB stuff having sold my Trace combo last year, but ended up going with a Markbass 121H. Tiny, light, loud, but an acquired taste - and my taste says yum!! The rest of the band say "for goodness sake turn it down" and that when it is on 9 o'clock in & out Also just replaced my first 5'er in 30 years (MM SUB5) from last summer with a G&L L2500 and I would heartily recommend that, or the G&L Tribute equivalent, which I believe is hard to tell apart from the original. In the context of the rock covers I do it sits beautifully, and I am sure there are plenty of other tones in there
  15. [quote name='TonyRamwell' post='181831' date='Apr 21 2008, 01:55 PM']So what's the trick then? Do share...[/quote] Can you not just right click on the image & select [b]Sa[u]v[/u]e Image As....[/b] - or have I misunderstood what you are trying to achieve? Interesting site, but I don't have time to look through 5000 pages just now
  16. WalMan


    [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='181805' date='Apr 21 2008, 01:27 PM']Where in North Kent are you?[/quote] ....and think carefully how you answer. And welcome as well
  17. What do you want it to do? I used to use a [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/froogle/32742/"]Tech21 MIDI Mouse[/url]. If all you want to do is step up & down patches its great. You have an up button, a down button, and a get ready button (the one in the middle that you click, then move to the channel you want, then tap again when you want to make the change. The Behringer is not a lot more, so if you want more than the very basic functionality provided by the MIDI Mouse, that's probably a good bet, but otherwise if that is all you are after it's worth a look.
  18. Oh yes definitely. They may only be bits of wood & wire, but I love both my basses, and to quote the late Chuck Heston, the Wal will only go "from my cold dead hands". We've been through some times, and she is semi retired since the L2500, but even so still a great sounding bass. I have been listening back to her in original passive state with remixing some recently found 8 tracks and even then had a great sound. The actives are just the icing & make available a greater range of tones. And then there's to L2500. May be the cause of my current shoulder ache (which is a tad worrying), but just sounds so good in the context of the rock set we do. The old SUB5 (my first foray into 5's) was good, but the G&L (the Stingray on steroids as they say) is so much better. Not as clanky, but with a nice bit of top end bite over a nice solid bottom end.
  19. [quote name='s_u_y_*' post='180845' date='Apr 20 2008, 02:38 AM'][url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php?p=5616144&postcount=13"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showpost.php...mp;postcount=13[/url] Check out this guy's response to my post on TB![/quote] Good lord, I don't think I would go that far!! And [quote]I own loads of Monster cables and whilst they are great cables, I only bought them because Andertons where chucking them out half price 7 or so years ago. When they go belly up I will either be trying to claim my lifetime warranty or buying some nice new replacements produced by OBBM.[/quote] Funnily enough, me to - although I have already invested with OBBM
  20. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='180839' date='Apr 20 2008, 02:29 AM']Just back from Shoreham Harbour club near Brighton where we played 2 sets.. Great gig and really good crowd! So many gorgeous women it was untrue.. Must be something in the water... Certainly makes the evening more pleasant! Can't decide whethe to stay up for the Calzaghe Vs Hopkins fight or not as I'm prety knackered??? Come on Joe - let's finally see a British fighter win over there in the States!![/quote] Morning Nik Glad your went well as well. I think my vote is a shower & my pit. I'm knack'd!!
  21. [quote name='bassninja' post='180464' date='Apr 19 2008, 01:42 PM']Gig at The Fountain, Chichester last night (looks like the same venue that WalMan is playing tonight with the fabulous Alibi: nice posters, btw). We hadn't played as a 'full band' for about six months, much less rehearsed, but it went really well. Loads of gals dancin' and great jams with good ears from all concerned. We used to gig tons and tons but now we all have other projects on the go and can rarely get the band together. But its really good to think that after fifteen odd years of playing together, there's a communication that doesn't need to be thought about too much. Just lots of smiles and unpleasant stories about our drummer's escapades in the dodgy boozers of Littlehampton... Have a good gig, Al...[/quote] It was indeed, and it was bl00dy marvellous!!! I always enjoy playing there (cue a bad one next time) Couple of hundred in & queuing to get in & out. A crowd that sang along to everything, lots of young lovelies, what more could you want. That's the sort off gig that makes it all worthwhile. First set was the normal hour or so, but the second ended up an an hour & forty minutes because they wouldn't let us go Just got in from a wind down at the drummers girlfriends place as it was his birthday - no not that sort!! - just a few dips, a cup of coffee for me & a natter. Very rock 'n' roll
  22. So I went to [url="http://www.mobilemusic-fareham.co.uk/"]Mobile Music[/url] who has a working Tascam 8 track 1/2 inch machine and we kept our finger crossed. Just about got away with transfers from the 1986 tapes, but the 1989 tapes probably need baking so more expense after £100 on Friday Spent some time tinkering with one track from '86 this afternoon & it seems to have come out not too bad From our Nik Kershaw phase - [url="http://www.tideway-la.co.uk/AKoF/Storyteller.mp3"]Storyteller[/url] Be gentle it was a long time ago
  23. [quote name='3V17C' post='179770' date='Apr 18 2008, 02:21 PM'][url="http://www.londoninternationalmusicshow.com/lgslive.html"]http://www.londoninternationalmusicshow.com/lgslive.html[/url] might have to get my lazy self down there for the day - Billy Sheehan doing 1 hr live slot, and also Paul Gilbert later on (guitar i know but....) I've not been for a few years anyhoo, though think i'll take ear plugs this time as all the constant widdling as you wander around the exhibition can seriously hurt your brain after a while!!! peace c[/quote] We're planning a band outing Haven't done that since the old Shows in Wembley probably 20 years ago. Billy Sheehan could be good & I saw Paul Gilbert when he did the Wembley show a few years back. First time I saw his version of [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-sy62EIeVo&feature=related"]2become1[/url]
  24. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='180412' date='Apr 19 2008, 12:20 PM']Here's a picture of WalMan carrying out said order... Great gig Al; the G&L sounding sweet and 'White Punks..' is just brilliant![/quote] Cheers Nik. It was fun. Different with the twin guitars too. They didn't do too bad having worked them out on speakerphone last week Its funny how Tubes fans always seem to come out of the woodwork when we do 'White Punks..'. Have to say I do love the sound of the G&L myself (and ain't she pretty :wub: ). It just sits in there beautifully. So on to Chichester tonight & hopefully I won't cramp up towards the end like I did last night. Have a good one in Shoreham
  25. A link to another attempt at intimidation [url="http://www.madmartian.com/legal/"]HERE[/url] Love the examples gleaned to take to court quoted in his response to the apology letter that include: [quote]Number of times "monster" appears in the script for Young Frankenstein: 185 Number of times Monster Cable Products Inc is referenced in the script for Young Frankenstein: Zero Number of children who imagined there was a monster under the bed: probably millions Number of children who imagined there was an audio interconnect cable under the bed: probably none.[/quote] Good grief look at the list of cases they have pending [url="http://ttabvue.uspto.gov/ttabvue/v?qt=adv&qs=monster%20cable%20products&page=1"]HERE[/url] - 126!! And against all sorts absolutely nothing to do with audio connects.
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