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Everything posted by WalMan

  1. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='178470' date='Apr 17 2008, 12:11 AM']Sorry mate, but my drinking companions have over-ruled me and we are going to the Duke of Wellington in Shoreham that has good bands and good beer. You should try and get a gig there.[/quote] Ah well, never mind. I must have a look at the Duke of Wellington. It's a bit of a trek for some of my lot as we are spread between me in LA & Sound guy near Emsworth. We used to play there 15+ years ago & I remember it as being an odd shape & quite restricted for bands, but that could well have changed in all that time.
  2. Quite like the comment in the related article [quote]While we don't speak for Blue Jeans Cable, we'd like to supply an answer on their behalf: "Mwuhahahahaha, haha, haha.. ahem. *cough...."[/quote]
  3. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='177458' date='Apr 15 2008, 11:07 PM']Might pop along.[/quote] That'd be good. I think Nik & Mrs S may make Friday. This weekend we are a 5 piece with 2 guitars - as the keyboard player is not available (actually I don't think he has managed one this year )
  4. Couple for this w/e if anyone's about LA (Lil'ampton mate) or Chichester
  5. [quote name='Murph_Orpheus' post='176754' date='Apr 14 2008, 11:28 PM']Did more modern Wal basses have active pick-ups? I'd be interested in that 1981 model...[/quote] I think most Wal's with the exception of the Pro 1 (and possibly 2) were active, the Pro2E having actives in. My Pro1 was originally a single p/u, volume, tone & coil tap set up with the controls on a small tear drop plate. When I took it up to Pete in 96 he had another one in being converted to active. Talking to Pete at the time as I understood it the Pro1 passive was always designed to be retro fitted with the actives at a later date - which is what I then had done (not having intended, or known it possible before the visit). Search for PB1680 [url="http://www4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~koesters/Privat/Wal/walspec.html"]HERE[/url] They can be an acquired taste, I well remember trying a few at the old Bass Centre years back and wondering what the fuss was (perhaps they were just badly set up & with old strings). Then I got mine & fell in love, even more so when the actives went in. Until I became unfaithful with the G&L a couple of months back it was my number 1 bass for 20+ years (indeed my only bass for a lot of that time). Still not forgotten (and certainly not for sale before you ask ) but just being given a little rest at the mo.
  6. [quote name='Macko1968' post='176410' date='Apr 14 2008, 04:43 PM']<smug mode> Bought one on eBay a couple of years back for £800 on a BIN, flipped it a week later for £1500. A great profit but I really wish I'd kept it, sounded immense.[/quote] <GRRRRRRRRRRRRR mode> followed by [quote](I've met one guy who has 20+ Wals - but he can't play a note. Just likes to collect them & is using them as a pension fund)[/quote] <Sob mode>
  7. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='176048' date='Apr 14 2008, 09:11 AM']In fact sometimes they take over. [/quote] Was it Mae West who said [quote]Are you in showbusiness? Then get the hell off my stage[/quote]
  8. In your dreams They turn up on eBay occasionally, but beware shysters with little or no feedback who have only just joined & are in Aberdeen!! There have bee a few scammy ones recently. And you will need some fairly serious folding available nowadays sadly. I'd love a 5'er, but unfortunately have yet to come up with a plan quite cunning enough
  9. Friday had its moments [attachment=7660:Chickie.jpg]
  10. [quote name='Machines' post='157503' date='Mar 14 2008, 04:41 PM']I think they're horrendously expensive.. i'd love one on my Stingray but can't justify £45 for a machine head that saves me about 5 seconds.[/quote] Not exactly cheap, but probably not unreasonable for the additional working gubbins. I fitted one to my Wal about 15 years ago and it is great. A direct replacement for the original tuner (and they cover pretty much any style & finish you want) and I wouldn't be without it now. It's not so much that it's not possible to quickly detune with the tuner (indeed I have a live track from pre D-tuner fitting where I did the detune during the song to get a low D for the ending) but that you can flick back & forth between the two to get the extended range for a short section then back up with no problem at all. Until I got the 5 I used it in various ways, constant detune for a song, as well as start detuned, flick up for a key change on a solo & back down again after, or just the occasional flick down and back up as needed through the song. Depends what you want, and how often you might use it, but IMO its a great bit of kit & well worth it. [quote]I want to fit one to my aerodyne, but im not sure on which one to get.[/quote] Check out the models [url="http://www.hipshotproducts.com/cart.php?m=product_list&c=6"]HERE[/url]
  11. I'd be interested to hear how you get on and if you think it is of any real use or just another fad. I saw them a few weeks back when one of the girls at work bought a couple & they were delivered to the office. I had a bit of a search around & read up on them but didn't bother in the end.
  12. [quote name='presoulnation' post='173851' date='Apr 10 2008, 12:42 PM']I've used Warwick basses in the past - as you can see from the av and I offloaded that to fund my Sandberg endorsement. Sandberg produce wonderful instruments, but already in the contact I have had with Warwick they have been far more approachable.[/quote] Congrats. Without wishing to be a wet blanket I seem to recall your(?) thread re the problems you had with Sandberg. Have you checked to make sure there is noting else in the deal that might scupper the Warwick deal (tie ins & the like). Good luck anyway
  13. [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='172599' date='Apr 8 2008, 09:07 PM']Nooooooooo You may regret that purchase. I bought a Lindo bass & guitar for a uni project last summer. One of the guitar tuners broke as soon as it was tuned, and the bass's truss rod was rusted solid, so when I tried to adjust it, the bolt snapped. I kept them as I only wanted the necks for the project, and as whole instruments they were still way cheaper than any market replacement. Honestly for these, 'how cheap' is too cheap.[/quote] That'll be the "Minor issues" I suppose it will give you something to torch in the big gig finale if nothing else. I seem remember seeing a Deep Purple / Rainbow concert video where Mr Blackmore was unfortunately followed behind the Marshall stacks by the cameras, to where his tech swapped his strat for a copy that was duly trashed into the empty Marshal stacks loaded with flashbombs
  14. [quote name='Bullet-Rule' post='172583' date='Apr 8 2008, 08:52 PM']While we're on the subject of rock/ progressive, anyone like 'Spock's Beard'? I think their bassist Dave Meros is a star act. I love that Rickenbacker (fitted-with-two-Jazz pups-too) tone of his.[/quote] Oh yes. Roll on July In my monthly searches of eMusic I have found all sorts of stuff new (and old) incuding [url="http://www.emusic.com/album/Lydian-Sea-Architect-of-Humanity-MP3-Download/11158476.html"]Lydian Sea[/url] - a tad DT [url="http://www.emusic.com/artist/Green-Carnation-MP3-Download/11557650.html"]Green Carnation[/url] - Norwegian, but a lot of proggy stuff seems to emanate from that direction [url="http://www.emusic.com/artist/Pain-of-Salvation-MP3-Download/11700649.html"]Pain of Salvation[/url] [url="http://www.emusic.com/artist/Tiles-MP3-Download/11717304.html"]Tiles[/url] - though the albums on eMusic date back to 2004 & earlier [url="http://www.emusic.com/album/Presto-Ballet-Peace-among-the-ruins-MP3-Download/10967013.html"]Presto Ballet[/url] [url="http://www.emusic.com/artist/Transatlantic-MP3-Download/10561305.html"]Transatlantic[/url] - being Pete Trewavas (Marillion), Mike Portnoy (DT), Roine Stolt (Flower Kings), Neal Morse (ex Spocks Beard) [url="http://www.emusic.com/artist/Riverside-MP3-Download/11663295.html"]Riverside[/url] - from Poland I could go on (and regularly do) but a trawl through the [url="http://www.emusic.com/label/Inside-Out-SPV-MP3-Download/121863.html"]Inside Out / SPV[/url] catalogue turns up loads of good stuff (including Spocks Beard) Edit: Kino - Picture & Frost* - Milliontown I'll get me coat
  15. [quote name='Merton' post='170917' date='Apr 6 2008, 08:10 PM']Oh, and I think I have a plan for the cab story should I ever need it...[/quote] ....the source of much discussion too & from the bash We all need cunning plans now & then
  16. Oh look, someone else uses a sniper as well [url="http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=270226131714"]Bid history[/url] I decided in the end not to bother and go with a guy a friend has used for tape transfers and who has a new 1/2 inch 8 track. It'll cost more, but he has a machine I know works. I could have spent £30+ bidding on this roller and get it back to find something else had died in the years of inactivity and could have ended up on a merry go round of buy, fix, find another problem, buy, fix, find another problem, etc
  17. [quote name='D-L-B' post='172451' date='Apr 8 2008, 05:35 PM']I've just stumbled accross this topic while browsing the forum and this is only my second post on here. I'm a 'newbie' and also wish to try and sell some gear here shortly. I've allready posted in the Introdutions and even touched on this very subject there. I worry that I may be less appealing as a seller due to my relatively low post count. The difficulty is it's almost impossible for me to 'contribute actively' to the forum when it moves so fast and I really don't have the time to trawl every topic to find something where what I have to say might be worth a hoot. I, like a lot of members, come on here mainly when I know what I'm looking for, be that info or gear. I'm not about to start posting rubbish or repeating what everyone has allready said just to get my post count up. Dan [/quote] So you used the "Cute Dawgie" gambit in your avatar I think I have admitted before that I first came here when I was looking to sell my old combo, which actually went on Gumtree in the end, and cannot now remember whether my "For Sale" post preceded my "Hello" entry (perhaps that's why the combo went on Gumtree ) All transactions I have had have been completed with no problem and I have rightly or wrongly tended to the view that this seems to be a friendly place where generally members act with consideration to each other. I recall seeing one noob who posted for sales early on and adopted what I felt to be a bolshie attitude when asked for pics etc., and I dismissed his offers immediately.
  18. [quote name='3V17C' post='171610' date='Apr 7 2008, 05:15 PM']i'm guessing he means covering up the mic thing on the noise limiter so that it doesn't go off so readily - a band did that at a local venue near here, covering the limiter in gaffa, foam and allsorts. unfortunatley that was the night the council came to check on volume levels..... oops![/quote] I used to suffer these horrors when playing WMC's 20 years back. The problem tended to be they were fed by a crap mike that usually had a really tight frequency band so that the bass could be as loud as you like, but touch the snare with the brushes & it tripped. A pin through the mike cable usually did the trick of killing it without being as obvious as a big lump of foam that would probably just shift the killer frequency, or so I was told Always used to be a mad panic to kill the amps before the power came back with a massive spike. What it might do to today's digital toys I dread to think
  19. WalMan


    Just as well it wasn't this weekend for the Sussex contingent at least for the early start!! All gone by the afternoon.
  20. [quote name='99ster' post='170533' date='Apr 6 2008, 01:08 AM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-TASCAM-1-2-ROLLER-38-48-42-44-TSR-8-MSR-16-REEL_W0QQitemZ270226131714QQihZ017QQcategoryZ15199QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p1638.m122"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-TASCAM-1-2-ROLLE...ksid=p1638.m122[/url][/quote] Now why the heck did I not think to look there!! Just have to hope the rest of the machine works after lying untouched & unloved for probably 6 years at least!! That or find a transfer service Cheers Al
  21. Last night had its moments. First night back after nearly a month off & concentrating on new stuff at rehearsals. Keyboard player cried off in the morning with the lurgy, not a major problem as we have played as a 3 piece + vocalist for years, but it does open up the sound a lot. Concentrating on new stuff did lead to a few fairly major clangers for each of us, but I think we managed to bluff through most of them. Not sure who ended up with the orange sticker last night. We all deserved it Funny gig as it never really fills until 9:30 so 9:00 we started off to pretty much WAGs. Filled up well as the evening progressed, which was nice The G&L sounded brilliant, particularly having had the chance to work on the bass with the sound guy at the tech rehearsal last week. The L2500 is IMO just a superb instrument in a rock setting. Bit of Stingray top & bite along with a really solid bottom end that sits beautifully in the mix
  22. So my guitarist was having a clear out and has just given me back a load of 1/2 inch 8 track masters I though had been lost. They date back quite a while. One set were mixed for a cassette album (that tells you how long ago, we didn't even consider burning CD's!!) and the others were from sessions that we recorded, but for some reason were never finished - I think we had a major style & name change & they became obsolete to what we were then doing. I did a very rough mix of the first set of tapes when we recorded the second, but that was really only a push up the faders & do a rough mix to cassette while waiting for the others to show up (recording was in my parents old house) and frankly a bit hot on level. So I have the tapes but need the means to now get it into into my computer to mix. I thought I had lucked onto a 1/2 inch recorder to borrow from a friend who actually recorded the first set of tapes and went round to pick it up this evening. However, disaster of disasters, when he dug it out from behind the mixing desk looking a bit dusty we found that the pinch roller had completely perished and fell apart when touched So I need to find either a replacement pinch wheel, or someone with a 1/2 inch recorder to effect the transfer. Google has not been a great help. Anyone got any good ideas? I would really like to get these tracks onto the computer & mixed after all these years.
  23. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='169565' date='Apr 4 2008, 12:46 AM']So long as they're not slapping for 3 hours and getting on everyone's tits, that is.[/quote] What do you mean
  24. [quote name='E_MaN' post='168797' date='Apr 2 2008, 11:40 PM']Get your hands of a copy of 'How to be Idle' by Tom Hodgkingson. As a person who suffers from moods this book is a shining light of excellent liturature. It has taught me to live life totally differently, and I have never had a proper 'mood' since me first reading it and I've read it 6, 7 times now. At the tender age of 19, I'm glad I found this book so early in my life. Cannot rate it highly enough.[/quote] Cheers, I shall have to have a look for that. Reading it again I should just add that my "why do I bother" comment was more playing/gigging rather than life in general.
  25. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='168243' date='Apr 2 2008, 11:07 AM']I’ve been feeling really gloomy lately about the band and the future of live music in general . You know the stuff - dwindling audiences and fewer gigs etc.,[/quote] ...and I mean this as nicely as possible, but I'm glad its not just me Boy I've had some black moods recently (though Sunday was a small shining light even if I did get nothing in the raffle!!) Never thought I'd say it but I find myself wondering quite why I bother sometimes, and I [i]NEVER [/i]thought I would ever be saying that. Perhaps I too need to find something new???
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