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Everything posted by skej21

  1. Actually, I now need two! 😂
  2. I've been waiting a while for a Jaguar or Mustang style configurator... this could be dangerous!
  3. How we all feel when the guitarist gets his amp set up first in a rehearsal/sound check... https://www.instagram.com/p/B5n3yuyHNNX/?utm_source=ig_web_options_share_sheet

  4. Thanks (i think?! based on your usual post style! 😂)
  5. Here's mine!
  6. Thanks Teebs!
  7. ...and then the end result. I'm pretty happy with it. Definitely could have more finesse (but i'm no DIYer!) but looks far better in the room disguised as a bass cab, hides away all the bass stuff i have lying around and didn't cost too much! Hopefully a useful little idea to spark some inspiration for anyone looking for a neat storage idea that looks the part too!
  8. I decided to take challenge myself and make this as cheaply as possible, so used some old pallet wood from a new bath we had delivered, half a tin of hammerite black satin i'd had lying around to use up and some chipboard from another project. I paid £6 for some grille cloth off ebay, £8 for a replacement Ampeg logo from Amazon, £1.20 on a set of hinges and £10 on facebook marketplace for some locking castors (optional in my opinion but i was looking to complete 'the look'). In total, spend was £25.20 to create the front panel pictured, matching the size of the front of the Kallax storage unit.
  9. So, after spending hours carefully crafting my music room, the IKEA kallax storage unit (to some may look tidy!) was in my eyes, a problem that required a solution. With this in mind, I decided to find something that would make a good storage unit but also be more visually fitting in the space.
  10. As I asked the question, i’d obviously be interested!
  11. Probably the cheapest of the lot but I like that Limelight LPB the best! This only begs the question, why is there no ACTUAL north east bass bash where is fellow northerners could’ve contributed! 🙂
  12. Or these guys too https://restauracja-gitar.pl/basy/ - nitro refinished and/or reliced MIJ/CIJ Fender Reissues for the price of a Mex. In most cases a little cheaper than Limelight but possibly a little less flexible. However, all genuine Fenders just refinished, so keeps the “why does it have a Fender decal?” crew quiet.
  13. Underwhelming, even by Fender’s standards...
  14. I have numerous friends from my days in York who work there. They all know each other from outside of work. The majority of the positions are filled by people's mates. The low wages, lack of career progression and low job satisfaction is why the service is mostly dreadful, as they are not interested in experience they just want to work with mates they can have a laugh with throughout the day.
  15. Tiny desk is incredible generally. Jordan Smith, Tank and the bangas, Anderson Paak, Tower of Power, Nao, Mac Miller with Thundercat and recently Jacob Collier... endless rabbit hole of quality musicianship (and also a masterclass in recording life music. The quality of the recordings always surprises me!)
  16. Next you’ll be telling me Fodera have moved to Runcorn and we can all buy them cheaper than a Maruszczyk.
  17. On all the standard stuff I’ve seen, the headstock decal has never included the origin like this does and the serial number on the neck heel always has the origin in black and serial numbers in silver (again, not like this). Interesting!
  18. The decal on the headstock and also the back of the neck heel look like they’ve been added (badly) to a cheaper neck. Particularly the serial number decal, which on every Japanese (mij or cij) I’ve ever seen have had black text for the origin and silver for the actual serial digits.
  19. Totally agree (and maple fingerboards on mustangs are also wrong!)
  20. Does anybody know where you can buy replacement logos for speaker cabinets (I have an Aguilar cab that got knocked and snapped the logo)? Tried searching and not having much luck.

    1. Lozz196


      Try contacting Aguilar direct, [email protected]

    2. skej21


      Thanks Lozz. I’ve tried already but just hoping for an alternative if it’s not successful!

  21. Totally agree. OP missed the important point. In the Ronaldo story, he has made a decision to challenge himself. At the point this decision has been made, his technique would already be at an advanced stage, his diet would have been designed specifically with a team of chefs and nutritionists etc, his knowledge of the risk of injury would be coupled with the advice of some of the best trainers/doctors at an established sporting business. He is an athlete but not through his own hard work. It is the combination of his desire to push himself and the support of a vast knowledge base of trained professionals. Throwing a cheap bass at an inexperienced bassist is not really the same. It'd be comparable to placing weights on the ankles of a toddler who is just learning to walk and expecting them to get the same benefit as Ronaldo.
  22. I guess that answers the questions... From the product description on the website; “We are unfortunately unable to ship this guitar internationally at this time due to CITES restrictions on rosewood. Please consider shopping at our EU store or find a dealer who may be able to ship to your location”
  23. If they produced a Valyrian Steel resonator that i could melt down, make in to a weapon and protect myself from an army of undead, i'd still think $25,000 was over-priced!
  24. Mine is 2016 and got the pickguard from WD Music!
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