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Everything posted by skej21

  1. Jay-Z and Beyonce - Bonnie and Clyde '03 What a brilliant bass line!
  2. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='938978' date='Aug 28 2010, 07:14 PM']Ah, yeah. I'd forgotten about them. I remember looking in when I was trying to find venues to gig in a few years back. I think their policy was "no drums, no distortion, no feedback"... not much good for the stoner-doom stuff I was playing at the time. Might have more luck this time![/quote] Last time I played there the set-up did not include drums, but we had a big PA rig and every member of the band was either mic'd, playing with a pick-up or DI'd from an amp in it, so they are pretty reasonable. REALLY nice venue to play too, good atmosphere and good space (maybe a bit small, but you want intimate gigs for acoustic stuff )
  3. The Bridge Hotel also like their Acoustic acts! (Or at least they did a few years ago when I used to gig on that scene!) Try there
  4. Damn you! This is giving me MASSIVE Overwater G.A.S... Bump for a gorgeous bass!
  5. [quote name='The Goatreich' post='938118' date='Aug 27 2010, 02:28 PM']The main struggle at the moment is playing along to the metronome, maybe it is time to point him towards someone that can help him out long term.[/quote] Don't get fooled into thinking that a student's failings are due to the standard of your tuition. The chances are, it is partly your fault (for allowing him to have free lessons based entirely on his terms - learning songs he likes and teaching him techniques that he requested, such as slap) but the main cause of this problem probably lies with him. Because he has learnt on his own terms, he is obviously going to resist when you ask him to do something tedious and easy yet VERY time consuming (as progress will only come through a lot of practice.) Unfortunately, students will do ANYTHING to learn the cool stuff and avoid the hard work and as the tutor/experienced musician, you have to find a fun way to engage them so that they will do both. Good Luck!
  6. This is a classic. And the added bonus of Pino playing the live version. Quality! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYRmQRtS3cw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYRmQRtS3cw[/url]
  7. [quote name='risingson' post='934925' date='Aug 24 2010, 04:01 PM']Touring is a good laugh, although you need to be prepared for hanging around a lot of the time which can be such a pain. I love seeing new places on the continent though, that's what's great about it... being places you're unlikely to have seen had you not embarked on a tour in the first place.[/quote] +1. The hanging around bit makes me crave a useless sound engineer so I can at least spend some of the time doing something. Then you actually get a bad sound engineer and the extra work/poor night's sleep/sugar and caffiene rush combination just makes you more angry than you've ever been! But I bloody love it!
  8. I once played in a band and went off on tour and the singer, who was a MASSIVE tool, started to really annoy us all. He also used to insist on wearing a scarf/pashmina thing for shows. This led to the guitarist suggesting that we all dry-wipe our arses on his scarf before he puts it on for the show. We did and the keyboard player even managed to squeeze a fart on it. The worst thing was, he never noticed so we proceeded to do it for a full 8 days before he noticed and threw it away. *hangs head in shame*
  9. [b]QUOTE (CHRISDABASS @ Nov 8 2009, 03:48 PM) * Thanks smile.gif I'd never dream of selling that bass! ever!! im gonna teach my kids to play it one day! lol[/b] Mate! Thought you were never going to sell your engagement bass!
  10. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='648822' date='Nov 8 2009, 03:48 PM']Thanks I'd never dream of selling that bass! ever!! im gonna teach my kids to play it one day! lol [/quote] It's now up for sale/trade! What are you thinking?!!
  11. [quote name='MB1' post='934886' date='Aug 24 2010, 03:24 PM']MB1. ...Calling Elvis!...No Price?...It Wont be here Long! [/quote] I'll take it if it's going for free!
  12. [quote name='bubinga5' post='925220' date='Aug 14 2010, 10:02 PM']i dont think i have ever seen a guy play the bass like this guy can...hes a magician...IMO there is nothing that is not good about Sharay's playing...solid sh*t with fills that just take ur breath away...the more i hear this guy play the more i think he is the best in the pocket player in the world... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff2CCSzjeHg&playnext=1&videos=aahhFS6QsOA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff2CCSzjeHg...eos=aahhFS6QsOA[/url] I know Pino is good but this guy has got it locked.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JBPFYjY01I&playnext=1&videos=q38ziwbZSKY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JBPFYjY01I...eos=q38ziwbZSKY[/url][/quote] That guy is good, but Pino and Steve Jordan are a pretty difficult rhythm section to top! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TesSAq6uY34"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TesSAq6uY34[/url]
  13. [quote name='Shonks' post='929369' date='Aug 19 2010, 09:00 AM']blimey - hung drawn and flippin quartered. ok, ok ok, twas me - I was having a larf - soooo anal ---- lighten up - its only 4 strings and a plank of wood.... ,....oh...now I'm gonna rip everyone off...... bann me and Marcus then............UP YOURS![/quote] Sorry dude, i didn't mean it like that! PERSONALLY, i don't see what the problem is because you were only having a laugh but my point is that if admin want to over-react so badly, and feel that you committed such an HORRID crime, then why not punish you in a manner that fits the over-reaction? Maybe because they feel guilty for over-reacting and spoiling the fun? P.s. (The deep underlying sarcasm in my previous post was clearly lost in translation :S sorry!)
  14. [quote name='Machines' post='929343' date='Aug 19 2010, 08:15 AM']Shonks explanation was deemed to be a flat out lie, something we have since proven (via the 2nd email address) and he has not felt the need to dispute. [/quote] I fail to see how the admin can justify this decision. If that is the case and we have a liar amongst our ranks, why let Shonks continue with ANY form of account on here? Surely both accounts should be suspended/removed because if this person thinks they can lie and fool admin, they aren't going to think twice about lying to us (and possibly ripping people off via sales etc.) Should you not be removing the individual rather than the additional account, to protect honest users in this forum? and as this is not the case, why has Basschat failed to enforce a fair and equal punishment to both account users?
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' post='923702' date='Aug 13 2010, 12:16 PM']These are great basses, I have a honey-blonde one, and soundwise/playability it is not far off from my MIA Standard Precisions. Amazing quality. Great price too. Someone should snap this up - you won`t be dissapointed.[/quote] Couldn't agree more. I have one of these and they play better than 99% of MIA Precision's and the sound you can pull out of them can be simply THUNDEROUS at times! Stick some flats on it and you'll be ripping through the chest of every person in the audience. A BARGAIN price too!
  16. The Roots - The Next Movement [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm7Xt2Qsjcg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm7Xt2Qsjcg[/url]
  17. [quote name='BIG.J' post='927532' date='Aug 17 2010, 01:35 PM']Sold! Pending the usual!![/quote]
  18. [quote name='BIG.J' post='925994' date='Aug 15 2010, 11:33 PM']Hi, Up for sale - 1 x Korg DTR 1000 rack tuner. [url="http://korg.co.uk/products/tuners/dtr1000/tu_dtr1000.asp"]http://korg.co.uk/products/tuners/dtr1000/tu_dtr1000.asp[/url] Great condition, you know the crack with these, they're awesome pieces of kit! Only reason i'm getting rid of it is because my GT6B has a tuner on it, meaning i don't use this although the lights look pretty Lol! I don't have the box or manual but will be well packed and i will include a kettle lead! How does £70 + £5 postage sound?? Bank Transfer / Cheque or Paypal +4% Cheers![/quote] PM'd (2nd in line behind PaulE)
  19. [quote name='Beedster' post='924446' date='Aug 13 2010, 10:21 PM']Well I tried to stay positive by pointing out the good playing in the clip but +10000 to you mate, his initials are BS, says it all really [/quote] I'm just being honest. I'm just really not a fan (I also think it's disgraceful to play a Stanley Clarke gig and show NO respect. BS just acted as if it was another BS worship opportunity and showed no sensitivity, personally or musically to the ACTUAL gig he was supposed to be playing. That, to me, is just the sign of a poor musician.)
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='924424' date='Aug 13 2010, 09:46 PM']Terrible, really terrible, I'd rather watch the Pistols live in '77, at least there was energy and emotion.... OK, if I have to be objective, Flea's by far the best man on the stage. I took a lot of abuse on here (or BW) when I rated him as one of the bass great three years back, I stand by it, in that clip he does what he needs to, not showing off, just playing what works. BB's OK also in that he's at least musical as opposed to technical. Too much fat and money, and way way way too many basses on that stage for my liking C[/quote] I agree! I can't believe how BAD (not the good kind of bad either) Billy Sheenan really is. Why does he think that bass players (renowned for loving subtle, sensitive and groovesome lines) would enjoy watching him poorly emulate Steve Vai's egocentric masturbatory guitar style but with only 4 strings? The man is simply a disgrace, to Stanley Clarke, bass playing and general musicianship! He should be shunned by all!
  21. [quote name='bh2' post='924135' date='Aug 13 2010, 04:56 PM']I love sonic blue... lookie here... Not mine I'm afraid.[/quote] BEAUTIFUL! *Droooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool*
  22. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='924358' date='Aug 13 2010, 08:40 PM']He's calmed down over the years. He would be the first to say he overplayed on the earlier albums. Give the guy a break. [/quote] I agree. Flea is one of the most unique bassists I can think of, purely based on people's opinions of him. Beginners totally over-rate him and think his slap playing/technique is amazing. Then there are the more advanced bass players who (due to a short-sighted elitist attitude) under-estimate the quality of his more subtle, sensitive bass lines like 'Scar Tissue' or 'Under The Bridge'. I would regard him as more of a "hit-and-miss" bassist than an outright poor one. And in his defence, he learnt to play bass from a guitarist. He was doomed from the start and bound to crave the limelight sooner or later
  23. [quote name='risingson' post='924166' date='Aug 13 2010, 05:24 PM']Precisely. I also appreciate that Michael Manring and an E-Bow might float some people's boat, just not mine. I vaguely remember Cliff Richard getting interviewed a while ago talking about how the Beatles sounded sloppy on record. As far as I'm concerned, that's what makes music timeless. Perfection is uninteresting to listen to, but it's the smallest of idiosyncrasies that make music brilliant. Lennon couldn't play piano that well, Keith Moon might not have been the greatest drummer, and Bowie DEFINITELY cannot play a saxophone to save his life, but that is what is brilliant about their music![/quote] It's the ying and yang of music. Without loose styles like Punk, slick styles like Hip Hop would not seem as opposing. Without bad bassists, the virtuosic players would just be average. It's the balance and range of styles that come as a result of varying standards of musicianship that makes the music industry such fun to be a part of!
  24. [quote name='risingson' post='924143' date='Aug 13 2010, 05:03 PM']I don't think I've ever heard a really awful bass player who hasn't been right in a band situation. Sting springs to mind. Hugh Padgham who engineered a few of the Police's albums said that Sting was a really sloppy player (there was even a stage where he was recorded playing bass whilst jumping on a trampoline, much to the engineer's frustration). But still his bass lines were right for the stuff he played. Sloppy, yes. Awful? No way. And I know it's an age old argument, but I'd sooner listen to Sting playing whilst jumping up and down on a trampoline than listen to more than 10 seconds of Michael Manring and an E-Bow. Technical proficiency isn't synonymous with musicianship, so it's too hard for me to say if someone was truly awful or not.[/quote] +1 This is also true of Punk bassists. They (Punk acts) were employed and grouped together to enhance the D.I.Y, anyone-can-have-a-go mentality of Punk. This was a perfect way to rebel against the clean, technical, solo-orientated Rock that had come before Punk. Therefore, what some people may call "awful" playing (such as Sid Vicious' bass playing) is actually perfect in a certain context and can enhance the musicianship/quality of music within a specific genre. I would also prefer to listen to Sex Pistols or Buzzcocks or ANYTHING rather than listening to more than 10 seconds of Michael Manring and an E-Bow!
  25. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='923630' date='Aug 13 2010, 11:19 AM']If you're not worried about resale, sonic blue with matching headstock is a country mile more awesome than boring old sunburst. And you can alway see how lovely the headstock wood is from the back if you're all that bothered [/quote] +1 Also, sunburst finish just make your bass look like it came from Argos... Totally standard and VERY boring!
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