[quote name='Beedster' post='823021' date='Apr 29 2010, 01:55 PM']Build quality doesn't define a good bass. I've played plenty that were well built, but which either played or sounded crap. I've owned a couple that were not well built (e.g., poorly fitting heel/pocket, neck or bridge off line or wrongly positioned), and they've been good basses where it counts, how they played and how they sounded.
In most respects however I agree with your answer though, that is, I think with upgrades Squiers can be as good, but that means that without those upgrades, they're not. A Squier might play brilliantly off the shelf, but may not stay in tune as well as a bass equipped with decent tuners, or may not have the out and out tone a bass equipped with decent PUPs. I guess the point I was making in my earlier post is that the cost of the required upgrades is rarely as much as the price difference between a new Squier and a new Fender.
Completely agree. The best thing I would think is buy a nice bass in the shop and then just turn it into Trigger's broom. Upgrade the parts you think need changing, then you've spent a similar amount of money as a more expensive bass would be off-the-shelf but got exactly what you want.