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Everything posted by deepbass5

  1. Just like to add. Pride in what you do which means the following. Being prepared musically and for every eventuality gear wise. Being punctual, Courteous to other band members and the public. Putting in the work and being the best you can regardless of who you are playing for or what you are getting paid. Also appearance conducive to the band leaders wishes as well as your conduct off stage to others.
  2. Nice bit of Van will go down well on Button Moon.
  3. Just wondered if anybody down south has a Shuker artist, any opinions welcome please but was hoping to try. Has anyone got first hand comparison to a Turner or Rob Allen, etc.
  4. Just keeps being amazed when learning other people’s lines, we are all wired differently and so other guys approach chords differently to what I might. So I am pleased to have to learn numbers I would not choose to learn and continue to get light bulb moments from old has-beens recording stars who deserve more credit.
  5. [url="http://www.tech-soundsystems.de/eng/12er/412.html"]http://www.tech-soun...g/12er/412.html[/url] Sorry GUYs now Sold
  6. I think we could all understand the design if it was £1500 and had an all valve preAmp and was aimed at the studio recording market. With the bonus of a small class D amp big enough for small gigs and rehearsals. Bet it would have flown off the shelves. But the 1000Watts does not add up as anyone needing that power is looking for roadie proof armour plating.
  7. Looks like my Markbass LMK re housed in a 1970's B&O cassette player, but twice as awkward to take about. Can't believe they are serious about marketing it like that. a lot of new wave bass heads do lack good slew rates that is importand to deliver the goods in a nano second, but we are all buying them and I bet they don't publish theirs either. Also I can change channel on my Markbass from Motown to Funk mid flight via a foot pedal, everything on here you need your hands
  8. You are having a clear out. Just to say I am using two M-lines in a similar flexible rig and cant see me changing and I also owned an iAmp these are disigned to do the job that is bass, not down to a price. You will not find a more flexible amp to get the sound you need and want. Grab a bargain.
  9. I am happy having done it, reference my fav strings now fit my bass, so for me was good. also wanted to add i did fit a badass to my 77 P when i had it and felt it made a noticable difference.
  10. Vivaldi's four seasons You should see the state of the front of my car, blood n guts, bollards, shrubs bits of bike. when i hit the garage door i know i'm home
  11. I visited GAK last year, having persuaded the wife it would be a good idea to look round Brighton. Paid a fortune to park up the road. Only to find the Bass department locked and told I would have to wait until a member of staff became free. A very long wait, whilst the local students tried every axe they couldn't afford in the guitar dept. So I'm pleased that you should ask customers for their opinions but please man the bass department big or small, preferably with a bass player.
  12. I did this with my rather expensive Schack, in fact both my schacks. Just the low B and E. I was interested in the sound advantages but it was also to give me greater string choice, as I hate how all manufacturers seem to have a generically fender size in mind so some custom basses loose out. basically i found that either the silk wrap was over the nut or bridge or the string didn't taper in time for the B string post. you see it on here all the time photos of peoples headstock with the core trying to be wound on the tuner. So that was my main aim and sound was 2nd. I would say the Badass would make more of a difference.
  13. Just wondered how much you individually or as a band spend each year advertising. Web site domain registration Web design and up keep Web site advertising e.g. wedding sites or band promo sites Local papers and mag adverts Cards Then there is the other costs. public liability, PAT testing, instrument insurance. I am starting to feel like a charitable organisation just here to keep the other band members in Gigs. But you're dead in the water these days without advertising.
  14. Higgie gets the gig for me, has his sh*t together, I'd buy a coffee and a Danish from the guy with the Sanberg but wouldn't give him the gig. As for DK very nice but far too smug. I'd need to have woken up next to Pippa Middleton to look like that in the morning. But there would be more mistakes.
  15. Your gonna have to offer the wife or the 69P as a trade soon Chris. with a price of course forum rules !!
  16. If cash is tight go and see Gary at the music box cowley rd. he should have something in there that will do the business and not break the bank. unlike the new stuff up the road.
  17. Just to clarify - we are a four piece with three vocals. so PA and monitors are vocal only. Drums are not mic'd guitar and bass back line only. yes i meant Aux sends. IEM are not for us you need someone you trust with the rest of your playing career. Key point if you can live without monitors but for the main singers diction, you will be better off, no point in playing at rock bands for the sake of it.
  18. I did run a passive system for years had 4 x old Ohm wedges with single 10" and bullet but everyone got the same mix and if any one jack got bent or a short and you lose the lot. so i now have three ALTO active monitors I have one mix on the front line for singer and guitarist and a seperate mix for the drummer who sings. Beauty is you can carry on adding as many as you need. check out the Alto range the are good and double as small PA for practise. I paid alot for mine when they came out, nearly £350 each for the 10 " these have now been re launched and you can get the 12" model for about £250 they are 350 watts each. most mixers have two slave outs to run monitors from you can often select pre or post EQ. most mixers will actually have three slaves but one is normally for effects send. http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=ALTSXM112A&browsemode=manufacturer
  19. Ok So I'm not gonna get my hands on the 69. How much for the wife, have to start somewhere.
  20. Thought I would share the joy I have experienced getting down to learn three shadows numbers over Christmas. I didn't know who Mark Griffiths was until my YouTube searches. You may know him from the production of the Sue Ryder Bass as that was his project. I know most of you do appreciate a good Jobbing musician who plays what is needed, solid and reliable. Although these bass lines are not new to our ears and in most part not his own, he does make them fresh and has a great tone and I love how they always seem to have the bass forward in the mix. Over 15 years in the Shads must be doing something right So I'll leave you with my current favourite which I have now learned note for note and every little skip as well. Enjoy A true pro What Bass is he playing now, I'm sure i have seen him with a red Nordy, is it a Ryder or has fender found him one ? [media]http://youtu.be/iQkoR46gpy8[/media]
  21. I'm gunna treat myself to one of these this year. but never seen one [url="https://www.bearstraps.com"]https://www.bearstraps.com[/url] but can recomend a Neotech bass strap, not leather but more support than a comfort strap [b] [url="http://www.google.co.uk/aclk?sa=l&ai=CWLd6TFXoUOvkFoW6-QbdpYD4DMiXgbMCyIjpozWuzKnLCRACIIS0uAsoBVDtzbbO-P____8BYLu-roPQCqABkL-l7gPIAQGpAgaHlnpv87o-qgQhT9AwJ_EI64KgztrL9uFdZbnMCfpUg84bWPD63O3MkhAOgAfYwNoR&num=2&sig=AOD64_0M8Ma6CGFJHq1PNENBI1lz-I3l2w&adurl=http://tracking.searchmarketing.com/click.asp%3FAID%3D1309211578%26CAPCID%3D14210387944&ei=TFXoUJ6qEM6o4wbs4IGAAw&ved=0CB8Q0Qw"][b]Neotech 8301052[/b][/url][/b] https://www.alangregory.co.uk/[b]Neotech[/b] [b]Neotech Mega Bass[/b] Guitar [b]Strap[/b]
  22. First heard whiskey in the jar in a pub in Witney in 73 a lunch time session. I was taken to another place. Lizzy became my band from that day on. 7 years before picking up a bass. He didn't draw me to the bass but he was just a great charismatic front man who oozed personality, a poet who moved people, a loveable rouge who loved life, one of the lads. The Rocker is still my favourite
  23. So in which order would you part with your basses
  24. Use an LMK through my Techamp 4 x 12 or one or two EA m-lines, They are great amps so as you see above they will sound great though any quality cab
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