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Everything posted by Ghost_Bass

  1. Bought a pedal from Jon. The deal was smooth and with no problems. Good communication. I recommend
  2. Hi Oscar, how was it moddified? From your description i got the feeling that you're interrupting the signal going from the power amp to the speaker and sending it to a DI... this isn't healthy to your amp! Another way to take the signal safely from the amp and retaining the amps EQ is to take it out of the headphones socket (some mod is needed to work out the problem of muting the speaker when conncting the jack to the socket) and probably add a boost pedal to this exit if needed... Good luck with the amp, i have a Boxer15 in my room (my first amp) and i won't sell it, it sounds great for such a little thing!
  3. [quote name='Ed_S' post='1283341' date='Jun 26 2011, 08:47 PM']Heh, aye! I rang up to ask what they'd charge for a USA Fender Precision when I was buying mine, and the guy quoted me about £400 too much. I asked why it was so expensive compared to anyone else, and he told me that he had a contact at Fender in the US who would go to the warehouse, unbox a few, pick me the best one, set it up and ship it over. I said that was impressive service... considering their warehouse is in the Netherlands! He put the phone down on me [/quote]
  4. I had a BX1200 and i liked it's sound. Never failed me. If you're thinking in moving the amp from church to church i must warn you that it is small but heavy! Whats your plafond? I think you might find a lighter solution in the FS section.
  5. Hi Mike My friend has just bought a head. Have you sold your cab? If not can you PM me a price with shipping to Portugal? I don't know the zip code but it's in Lisbon. Cheers
  6. I have this one laying around unused: It's a great overdrive pedal and doesn't loose low-end. Works fine on bass and the casing is very resistant (metal) with true-bypass switch. I could be interested in the bassballs. Cheers Edit: the picture doesn't show but taking that adaptor from the transformer you get a UK plug! I bought the pedal from over there
  7. I'm very happy with my 9.0 and i can confirm it too has the 230/110V switch in the back pannel. Cheers
  8. If the deal goes off and you're willing to ship to Portugal i have a friend who will take both head and cab together Cheers
  9. Take a look at this page: [url="http://www.jerzydrozdbasses.com/akcndfr54jdhrei567/Ultimate_Guide_ver100.pdf"]http://www.jerzydrozdbasses.com/akcndfr54j...uide_ver100.pdf[/url] ...this is the best one i've found on the web.
  10. I ran mine with 9V and never noticed a huge diference for 18V!
  11. [quote name='chris_b' post='1230190' date='May 13 2011, 05:35 PM']That should be telling you something!![/quote] I've read that the amps had some reliability issues but haven't heard any negatives regarding the cabs... They're Eminnence loaded so they should sound fine even if they haven´t gone all the way with the design... Have got some info on it? I would like to know because i've been thinking about getting one for the rare ocasion where i'll need an extension cab... Cheers
  12. [quote name='MattB' post='1230041' date='May 13 2011, 03:26 PM']I think I did say this earlier (I might be wrong!) but i wanted to keep it under £500 for a 3-piece and occasional 4-piece playing big old Essex pubs and clubs. The 150 Line 6 is just about ok - but everything is on 10 and it's not how I like to run, while the GP12SMX is just way too powerful. Lugging it around it like carrying two humans and i have it on 2 volume so know i need something in between that I can carry around more easily and isn't simply over the top. The guitarist has a bastard-loud Peavey amp that just drowns everything, so i need to push through. Hope that helps. Matt[/quote] Check this out: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/hartke_lh500.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/hartke_lh500.htm[/url] plus: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_rumble_112.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_rumble_112.htm[/url] £60 over your budget but worth considering. Maybe you could find a nice and cheap 12" cab in the FS section over here Cheers
  13. Trace Elliot Boxer15 definetly! Would make you doubt your ears with it's great tone and low-end (and even sound volume) coming from such a small and light box. Try to find an old one (covered with the green carpet), you can get a used one for £50(ish).
  14. I don't know if you already answerd this but what is your budget? What's the formation and music style of your band? Is your drummer a loud one? I could tell you like a Trace'ish sound, is that correct? People are telling you their personal favourits but it would be helpfull for you if we could sugest something apropriate to your needs. Cheers
  15. Hi I've got one of these: Boss AB-2 It's passive, only takes 2 battreries inside to keep the LED's working. You can link in either way ( 1 input 2 outputs / 2 inputs 1 output ). [greedy mode] I can sell you mine for £35 posted to UK. Shoot me a PM if you're interested. Some pics: [url="http://picasaweb.google.com/106572846091439162015/BossAB2#slideshow/5509234752076119714"]http://picasaweb.google.com/10657284609143...234752076119714[/url] The pedal is as new condition (no dents or scratches) and the box got a little damaged some time after i took the pics but it's still functional. [/greedy mode] Edit: of course you can allways buy a new unit for only a couple quid more over there Cheers
  16. i use my fx between my bass and amp so i can get my DI signal pre-EQ without loosing the fx.
  17. In your case (if you like the Trace tone) i would go for a Markbass CMD121P. Big sound with lots of punch in a compact and light unit.
  18. IMO heavy cabs have more mass leading to more ressonance (like heavy-mass bass bridges). This effect adds that perception of a bassier sound but IME it result in muddy lows that fill the room without adding volume. For me, a well designed lightweigh cab can go just as low and as loud as an old heavy cab but with more definition and clarity in the sound - some may call this "thin". I prefer to hear every note i'm playing than to see all the bottles on the bar's shelf shaking
  19. Stop it! I just keep imaging my STL9.0 on top of this beauty:
  20. You just keep fueling my GAS for a S12T with this topics... and i don't need it!... but i definetly want one!!!
  21. Both ways of linking are completely fine. The only dowside of linking one cab to the other IMO is if the lead connecting the head to the first cab brakes down you loose sound from both cabs. Xlr is better than 1/4 Jack because it has a better fix in the socket.
  22. The TRB, doesn't have sentimental value but worths more (financialy and soundwise) than all my other basses put together!
  23. I would also say Promethean but why not just a simple amplified lightweight floor monitor? You have the pre in the Tonehammer! If you like a deep sound i think a 12" is the minimum, see if something pops up in the FS section (that RS112 would be great if it is a good deal). The cheapest neo 12" cab with quality i've seen for sale new is the Fender Rumble 12" cab, give it a look. You can use it with the TC os the GB at low volume, i use my STL9.0+STL12T at low settings without loosing tone. It's great playing at low volumes! I'm on a funky band with a female vocals, guitar and drums and sometimes i need to ask the guitard to raise his volume a bit! The drumer wasn't very quiet but me and the guitard are taking care of him! If we play with PA support what's the point of playing at deafning volume levels on stage? Cheers
  24. Wrong section!
  25. Also try plugging your power supply in diferent sockets around your house. Could be as simple as a electric device ( like a refrigerator, PC, washing machine, etc.) is sharing the same take from the electric board (i realy don't know if i'm using the corect terms...) and is causing that humm. A friend of mine had a similar issue but with a amp, i told him to do this and he found it was the hall's light bolb causing the humm!
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