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Posts posted by Ghost_Bass

  1. I think it's fair to give one last show to this beauty before i part him him tomorow. Wonderful bass but at the moment the TRB has the sound i'm looking for...


    more pics:

    I know i'll regret selling him for the rest of my life but it breaks my heart seeing it left aside day after day... hope the new owner will take good care of him!

  2. Not very cheap!


    With a little more i've bought my STL9.0 with twice the power and half the weight... can´t comment on the sound till i try the Taurus...

  3. My first bass was this:

    Early 90's Maison P-copy
    I still have it and will keep it because i'm a sentimental fool! I've spent more than it's worth modding it but it sonds amazing (modded pics soon)!

    I sarted playing bass because there were too many guitar players betwen me and my friends and somebody had to go to the bass in my first band. Never looked back since! I love playing bass and will be doing it as long as i can!

  4. [quote name='silddx' post='1147323' date='Mar 2 2011, 04:34 PM']Whoever is making the offer is lying about the Fender or a bloody idiot :)[/quote]

    Why do you say that?

    I saw pictures of 74 J's on the web, it should look like this one:

    ...but without the ashtray and with a neck PU cover!

    I'll be getting pics of it latter so i can see how it is - jus to GAS a little - but i've pretty much closed the deal with the cash+rack guy! I just want to see more pics and show you so i can have all my options covered and chose the best without any doubt!


  5. [quote name='silddx' post='1147200' date='Mar 2 2011, 03:00 PM']How is it possible to tell from a pic?

    The old Thumbs, like that one, are reasonably sought after but you can't tell from a picture mate. It might be f***ed, who knows. I personally hate those open grain wenge fingerboards but some people love them. Even the old ones don't command high prices. I've seen them in the Bass Gallery for about £1100 last year.

    Forget the Thumb man. You are looking for a good deal and a few bob on speculation, but it's not going to work out for you in this case. Go for the other deal which is way better in terms of value.[/quote]

    Sorry i expressed myself wrong! What i meant was if it looked like the model i was told it was, i mean, an old (pre 98) original Warwick Thumb. Sorry for the confusion.
    I'm getting more inclined to close the deal with the rack. I'm valuing it at 400€ (350ish pounds) for the whole set. I think it's a fair price and if i sell it at that price i'll be getting the money i've been originaly asking for the Stingray sale - basses are way more expensive over here!

    Thanks for the reply

  6. [quote name='w_joe' post='1147179' date='Mar 2 2011, 02:48 PM']Do you have the s/n already?
    In that pic I can see the regular headstock, vintage trussrod cover, J-A-N I (brass nut) and 2 piece bridge.
    Why dont you post it as a Feeler at the warwick forum to see how it goes?


    I'm not a member and don't want to post something i still don't own. If anybody asks me a question i wouldn't know how to answer! Serial nr only this evening. This was a photo the guy had in his office computer. He told me he was going to send more pics and info this evening.

    From the photo does it look ok to you?

  7. I had a 305 in my hand and it was a great bass. Not very different in tone from my Stingray5! And they were the same colour also! :)
    I just don´t like the headstock... something in the lines of their acoustic basses would look better!

  8. Hi

    In the folowing of my gear clearout i've been offered this deal. I haven't recieved any pics yet but i asked the guy to send me some pics and the serial number this evening.
    What happens is that i hate all Warwick gear (yes, all! I don't even like their bags/strings/cables... am i weird?) and have absolutely no knowledge on this model. I know it is a very sought after bass and has some market value. My question is how much do you think it's worth? It's an old model, original and with Barts.

    I have another deal going on where i've been offered 1000€ (850ish pouds) plus a rack with a GK 400RB IV and a behringer tuner. Is this deal better than the Warwick?

    Please enlighten me!


    edit: spelling... again...

  9. My signal path is very close to yours (see mine on my sig). I use the Multicomp has a limiter preventing signal peaks but handling them like a compressor and not as a limiter - hope you understand what i'm saying - and my MC is set to active. I don't feel any signal loss in my setup but my pedals are all true-bypass... the Boss tend to eat some signal.

    A easy solution: use a true-bypass looper! Do it like this:


    This way you can bypass the signal eaters when you're not using them.

    Other solution could be to get a booster pedal and stick it after the bass, in the chain, and use it to boost the signel when needed.

    Hope this helps!

    edit: drawing edited!

  10. [quote name='Hot Tub' post='1144467' date='Feb 28 2011, 01:53 PM']This is correct. The Korg Pitchblack as a power output on the back of the pedal. You just need a little "jumper" lead with two plugs - one in the Korg, the other in your other pedal. :)[/quote]

    Dependin on how much Amps (not confuse with that thing we use to power speakers :) ) your PSU has you can power much more than one pedal by using a daisy-chain. The limit is the number of plugs available on your daisy-chain or the mA available from the PSU.

    I never use bateries in my pedals and all of them are true-bypass. If the PSU fails i just need to turn them all off and keep giging without having to disconect any leads.

  11. [quote name='tomb' post='1143412' date='Feb 27 2011, 03:28 PM']i play with a single finger and in a single string, i do believe i need more practice then theory, but yes, theory is very important i believe

    i only there was anyone in this island willing to at least guide me, i dont go as far as teach cause that is time consuming but at least set me in the right path...

    living in an island just sucks at times...[/quote]

    Boas, inscreve-te no www.forumusica.com e no www.baixistas.com . Não há problema nenhum em estares numa ilha, quando eu comecei não havia internet nem toda esta informação disponivel à distância de um clique e não foi por isso que desisti. O importante é continuar a tentar até conseguir!

    Translation: just some motivational words in his mother language. The links are for two music/bass foruns from my (and his) home country, hope there's nothing wrong in posting them here!

  12. On a second look the pu's seam straight (paralel to each other)! I get the feeling that the neck pu is longer than the bridge pu and that gives the ilusion of being misplaced, probably a choice from the customer in this specific pu's resulted in that!
    Also another thing that seems to decieve our eyes is the slight inclination of the pu's, not as big as the original W's but still a fair a bit.

    Don't think the bass was amistake from Jon, probably a result of very poor choices from the customer when ordering...

    edit: i was trying to do some spelling check but there are so many mistakes i ended giving up! I think you all understand what i'm writting...

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