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Everything posted by Ghost_Bass

  1. [quote name='RickIronWitch' post='1113927' date='Feb 3 2011, 02:41 PM']how cheap is dirt cheap? the red one in good condition went for £88 the other week. if dirt cheap is cheap enough for my empty wallet i'd take it of you.[/quote] With P&P to UK it would be a little more than that I was thinking in dirty cheap as around 125€ (£100ish) for the finished project considering i'll have to buy some parts and materials but the final price will be made in the end taking everything into acount and this is presuming i'll be willing to part with it after all the work i have ahead! cheers
  2. Didn't Roger Waters recently bought a Sue Ryder P-Bass?
  3. Yes it's realy an Eko. When i removed the paint i kept the pieces that were on the headstock (big chunks) with the brand on it. before the weekend is over i'll get those pics. Thanks for the replys
  4. This is my temporary board. [attachment=70978:pb.jpg] It lacks a Fulltone clone i'm having made by a DIYer friend, smaller and only with one channel to replace the one i currently have and probably a Pickle Pie B just to use the spare power plug Ater i have all the pedals i'll build a new board, cutted to size and without those plastic braces, just velcro! The signal chain is the one in my signature.
  5. Hi, i've recently re-discovered one of this guys hidding in my attic for almost eleven years. It was a battered beyond recognition bass i've got from a friend and at that time i didn't even bother to find out more about it and started a restoration. He's all stripped out with some putty aplied on the body to correct the imperfections. It didn't come with pickguard, one tuner, one knob, the two pickup covers (?!! is that the correct english name?) and the bridge cover. He's the same model as the one on this link, on the right - the brown one: [url="http://www.fetishguitars.com/html/eko/seventies/indybass.html"]http://www.fetishguitars.com/html/eko/seve...s/indybass.html[/url] I'm asking for your opinions to see if it's worth spending a lot of money in the restoration. What is the price for one of these nowadays? Is it worth pending money trying to track down the original parts (almost an impossible task) and maybe even have the original hardware re-chromed or do i just stick some parts from a Epiphone EB-0 and sell it dirty cheap? I don't know anything about these bases, in fact i only found it's model name today! It's a very dificult task to bring it up to the original condition, apart from the missing parts it had arived with some cracked bits of wood. Back then (when i was young and fool) i fixed it with some wood glue and screws and lots of putty... so a translucent finish is out of the table I'm thinking in painting it black or SG-style red. I had covered the pickup and switch holes with veneer and... can you guess???... more putty!... so the pickguard isn't necessary anymore but it still need the pickup coverrr...thingies! Don´t have pics at the moment but as soon as i bring it downstairs i'll take some for you to see the disaster... You may start the hostilities! cheers edit: spelling. I forgot to mention it has the original electronics and pickups! Worth getting a used EB and pimp it up?
  6. I use the Fulltone Bass Drive Mosfet for that same result. It will definitely be a more bass-friendly pedal...
  7. I have used the Fender Black Nylons (9120 if i'm not mistaken) in my Acoustic bass. They're great, nice feel and nice warm sound. Not very EUB but it's a fretted bass with very harsh highs and mids - it's a Ibanez AEB10 - but i like the sound. They're dirty cheap too Edit: The rotosound strings seem very nice to use in a old 5'er i'm thinking on defretting. The last time i've checked Fender only did 4-string sets... And another thing i didn't mentioned, the tension on the fender is OK! The strings aren't loose, in fact i had to lower the action a bit on that bass due to the tension and it had phosphor bronzes before i shifted
  8. I know Fernando and he's a great guy. Buy with absolute confidence. He lives not far from me and thanks to him i've tried basses that i would never come across again in my life. His collection is wonderfull. I sincerely hope someone here gives him a Smith (or two) for trade so i can persuade him to sell me one of his oldies dirty cheap (Boa sorte Fernando)
  9. Stick an overdrive pedal before the GR with a mild setting ant it comes alive! The pedal can be a bit polite and that's why i love it so much. A fuzz inside the loop it's just amazing! Almost makes me want to buy a second Big Muff just to use it there An experiment to all you GR lovers: in a reharsal put your bass trough some heavy fuzz or octave and link it to the return on the GR, then take a mic from the kick drum and link it to the input and ask your drumer to play along with you. Awesome!
  10. Nice!!! Don't need... but want!
  11. I felt the video doesn't make justice to the GR... i can get mine to sound a lot better! (at least to my ears mind) The Proton seems a simpler version and a tad more agressive on the wah, i think i'll stay with the GR... ok, maybe a GR2 in the future
  12. I'm in a mix... only one of the basses i own was played by me and brought home. Two of them i tried a similar model over here and order it from UK. Another four were bought blindfolded but i can say i love the sound of all my basses, each has his unique timbre and must be played in a singular way. I only sold one bass, it was a RBX375 that i loved but with the arival of the TRB it stopped being played!
  13. How much can you spend on the entire amp (head+cab or combo)? It will give us a better perspective on what kind of gear we can recomend.
  14. Pearl IMO! Beautiful bass.
  15. I have the microsynth for less than a week so i still haven't a final opinion about it but it has been lots of fun playing around with it. It has great sounds but it takes a bit of tweeking. Don't know the Markbass so i won't coment on it.
  16. [quote name='leroybasslines' post='1109760' date='Jan 31 2011, 05:45 PM']I think that may be a concession too far! I hate those computer generated multi pedal things...mainly because I get confused and then nearly fall over when using them! Thanks for the pedal tips though - you like the MXR stuff? That's what's drawing me, but I'm struggling to find a dealer in Bristol that carries the bass stuff so that I can have a fiddle...[/quote] I realy like the MXR Octave. Yes it's a bit expensive but it has a very natural and organic sound and the blend knob is very helpfull. You should try your best to find some place to try it even if it means walking into a big store For wah i love the 3Leaf but never tried the EMMA or the new'ish MXR so don't know what would be the best. A Boss ME50B or a smaller one would able you to try different kinds of fx at home and find out wich ones you could use live. There's no need to rush it to a gig before you feel comfortable with it. When you decide you only like and use 2 or 3 fx then you can safely buy good pedals for those sounds and won't risk disliking them and selling in the same week. Over the sales section you can get a ME50B for around £100 and after you're through with it you can sell it without much value loss. Cheers
  17. I've tried lots of pedals and currently own what i think is the best for every effect (IMO). Just read my signature Edit: Why don't you get a multifx unit like Boss and try almost every fx available and see if you can get any use out of them. Then start buying dedicated pedal for each fx.
  18. All of mine are B-G but i get the feeling that what you realy need is a 6 string so you have both B and C strings...
  19. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='1106667' date='Jan 28 2011, 08:10 PM']I think that from the user perspective is a useful idea. I am not sure from the business viability though. Different pedals may require different wiring and customer support can be a total nightmare.[/quote] Yeah! You're right. I'm asuming everybody getting one of these knows what they are doing but the reality isn't like that! Maybe some day, if i get around with modding that pedal, i'll give you a call
  20. [quote name='jeid' post='1106331' date='Jan 28 2011, 03:46 PM'][SNIP!] I'll not be playing it for hours on end I imagine. [SNIP][/quote] Many others thought the same before you... ...now they're all bass players! Once you've start you just can't let go!
  21. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='1105981' date='Jan 28 2011, 10:41 AM']I guess it depends what you mean by "small"? The problem with blenders is that they require 4 jack sockets + the power supply socket. I never tried but it [i]might [/i]be possible build one in a micro-enclosure.[/quote] What about adding to SFX products some kind of micro-blender you could apply inside a pedal? Are you interested in taking on that market niche? It could be something like the guts of a normal blender without jacks or switches, just conectors so we could desolder the wires from the jacks and connect them into the blender and pick the atached wires and solder them on the right places... of course there will be some kind of schematic to teach you how to do this and maitain the footswitch working! I just don't know enough about 3PDT switching to complete my thoughts... I'm saying this because i have a Behringer VT911 (valve dist) guitar pedal that i like to add a blend but buying a blender is more expensive than the pedal itself... and i would end with lots of spare parts from the blender... and there are lots of other cool guitar or bass pedals that could benefit from a clean blend to acomodate bass. I know taht in this case the mod would be easy to do because the pedal has lots of free space inside and that would be a pain for more crowdy stompboxes but if anyone would be willing to do a rehousing than virtualy avery pedal would be blendable... What do you think? Is my idea too crazy? Cheers
  22. Love mine to bits! Exelent... no... brilliant sounding box!!! If i had no better places to spend my money i would have the GR2 and the Proton also! It's very musical and organic sounding and i suspect there is no setting who will sound bad no mather how much you fiddle with it - at least i'm yet to find one... Had the Digitech BSW, tried the EBS IQ and WahOne and the Dunlop Crybaby. The GR is just miles away from them! The only serious competition i belive it has is the MXR but the GR2 or the Proton should take care of it
  23. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='1106100' date='Jan 28 2011, 12:40 PM']...after a drunken gig you could be tempted to ride the cab down a road [/quote] ...or you can pass out on top of it and get your mates to weel you down to the car! I'd just made a complete fool out of me laughing alone in the office to your post!
  24. [quote name='setekh' post='1106062' date='Jan 28 2011, 12:02 PM']Yeah, been there. That sucks. (mas se quiseres mesmo um, eu não me importo de o receber aqui e enviar depois para as tuas bandas)[/quote] It's so weird start reading in english and ending in portuguese... lol... i only noticed it on the second read! Something sounded familiar but couldn'te realy find out what I've PM'd you, i think i'll keep waiting for a J, i already have a pimped up low-budget P! Abraço (respondi em inglês por respeito ao resto da malta )
  25. [quote name='blind pilot' post='1106128' date='Jan 28 2011, 12:59 PM']Too rich for me, I'm out lol![/quote] AHA! As always, another high bid for yet another piece of kit that will be getting close to no use at all... ...the story of my life! But i still want a whammy
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